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  • The title, "Love Phobia", completely defines the whole theme of this movie. Its a beautiful and charming story of two kids caught in the web of love in their early childhood and as the time progresses the strings of the web strengthens. If you look closely you will observe that these kids never grow up as they never seem to lose the innocence of their sentiments throughout the movie. Basically, the story is divided into three phases, childhood, teenage and then the youth. It shows the subtle differences that creeps into their character at different phases. It also signifies that once you are trapped in love its near to impossible to be free and also, you will trust your true love blindly. You will find yourself enchanted by the rush of emotions as the movie advances with its never changing tempo. Don't watch this movie with a practical mindset but try a philosophical one. I am sure you won't be disappointed at the end.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Love Phobia has all of the ingredients that can drive Westerners away from Korean movies - a gimmicky, unbelievable plot about a girl named Ari, who pretends to be an alien from outer space, and her boyfriend, Jo Kang, who either pretends to or actually does believe her. Naturally their love is so strong that by the end of the movie this nonsense turns out to be true, conclusively demonstrating that Koreans must live in some alternate universe unknown to you and me.

    Luckily, what Love Phobia also has is a beautifully told love story that makes it possible to suspend disbelief and let the story lead the audience wherever it wants. All of the seemingly silly talk about aliens and ghosts turns out to be deep conversations between two kindred souls who have found a way to share their deepest hopes and fears. Ari believes in these things because she needs to believe in something that's better than what the world has to offer her. Jo Kang understands Ari, so he willingly follows into her fantasy.

    There is a tearjerker ending that I won't describe. By the time it rolls around, Love Phobia has made a convincing case that these two people belong together. The fact that they might not be together for long is a tragedy, but far less tragic than if they had allowed their phobia to keep them apart. It's not a particularly earth-shaking discovery for a romantic movie, but it's one that this particular romantic movie makes extraordinarily well.
  • jsnx19 October 2006
    Let me start off by stating that this movie is not for everybody. By this i mean that this is not your typical love story.

    Cho Seung Woo (Marathon) and Gang Hye Jung (Welcome To Dongmakgol) are the stars of this movie. Cha Jo Kang one day meets a girl wearing a yellow raincoat by the name of Ari. Ari says to be not from earth and claims to be cursed, which scares off all of her classmates except for Jo Kang, who befriends her and ends up hitting it off with Ari. After Jo Kang becomes sick, Ari blames herself and withdraws from school, disappearing from Jo Kang's life.

    Years pass and Jo Kang (now a high school student played by Cho Seung Woo) gets word from Ari (played by Kang Hye Jung) to meet up and study together. Reguardless of the fact they have not seen each other in a couple years, they end up hitting it off all over again. Ari, though she has grown into a beautiful woman, still stands strong on her talk of aliens and curses. Just as soon as Jo Kang starts to fall for her all over again, Ari disappears once again. Heartbroken, Jo Kang decides to find out once and for all the reason for Ari's sudden disappearances.

    As i've started before, this movie really isn't your typical love story, which is maybe why i was so taken in by it. The strange, unexpected twists left me wanting more even after the movie was over. It's a funny, cute and slightly odd movie you can watch with by yourself or with a girlfriend. Either way, Domabaem (lovephobia) is an interesting twist on love
  • Love Phobia is standard formula stuff: it's cute and funny for an hour and then makes you cry for another hour without dashing your hopes for a happy ending. It's executed extremely well with quirky bits throughout. If you like this kind of movie this is a grand slam home run. It's an interesting allegory as well but I don't want to give away too much.

    Love Phobia is about a girl, Ari, who claims she has a curse and that bad things will happen to anyone who touches her. She also claims to be an alien. The film starts off with her as an elementary school kid who befriends a young boy, Jo-Kang. After he touches her one day he comes down with the measles. Ari mysteriously disappears the next day. Ten years later she reappears just as mysteriously in Jo-Kang's life, and then disappears again. Ten years later, or so, she returns to Jo-Kang again and her true story unfolds.

    Hye-jeong Kang plays Ari as a teenager and as a young woman. She is not only cute beyond words, she's one of Korea's best young actresses. This is something that sets Korean melodramas apart, they use real actors and actresses instead of flavor of the month idols. From "The Butterfly" and "Oldboy" to this, with a half dozen well-received films in between, including the controversial and complicated "Rules of Dating" ... Hye-jeong Kang, at just twenty-six, is on a roll. Seung-woo Cho is also very good as Jo-Kang. Both are convincing as teenagers and as young adults, a testament to the Korean epidermis, perhaps, as much as thespian prowess.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is one movie I can call "beautiful". I know that that word is itself vague, too general and overused, but the movie has that something that makes me classify it as beautiful..simplicity. The dialogues in the story doesn't involve poetic lines, but you can feel the strong emotions surrounding these lines. I mean hearing this line from someone you love, "I'm afraid I'll hurt you", isn't that meaningful? Ugh. I was pulling my hair. The guy's child-like approach to the girl's heart, their disagreeing over small things, their being assertive and frank and vocal to the other..all these are qualities of natural persons. They don't just exist in the movies. That's why I like the film, it doesn't involve too much drama you could sometimes choke and figure you're really just watching a movie. This one, you can feel like you're watching a real-life couple. The sweetness and the chemistry was there..not too many conflicts in the story involved, but there goes the beauty in it:its ability to depict a touching story. Simple everyday stuff we do, a cute friendship that blooms into a timeless love. The story is not far-fetched(the only thing that's a bit far-fetched for me is Jo-kang not having a serious relationship after all these years—but yes, true love and all that-- I know I know, its just me and my practical self talking again). And don't even start me with the aliens thing being unrealistic or I'll give you a major kicking.

    And with simplicity comes cuteness. And yes, that includes the cast themselves. I know everyone will agree with me that the young Ari and Jo-kang looked really cute..and when they got older, they still maintained that cuteness, the innocence, that naiveness in them..physically and emotionally. Good choice of cast, actually. Especially Cho Seong-woo who doesn't just look physically appealing but the way he acted in this movie, you can't spot his effort of acting cute. Because he is just naturally cute. He could pull off that naive, goofy, child-like role without sweat. Alongside his small eyes, he still looks young. Of course, let's not forget Kang Hye-jung who also just doesn't physically look cute, but she can also play that naive, innocent yet matured, part well. Both of them are natural charmers. Also, notice the setting of the film. It involves nature. Here's where the cuteness also comes in. It utilizes natural elements such as rain, a lizard, a grass field. The soundtracks were there to add to the cuteness too. Especially in the end scene, I have to say that the scene was steeled because of the soundtrack. The scene itself was very emotional but with the addition of an orchestra in the background makes it a hall of famer.

    This is like a series incorporated into a movie, I found myself believing they were really in love. I usually complain about how movies fail to portray the eventuality and transition of falling in love, you know, that abrupt one-day-I-woke-up-loving-him feeling and seeing them as just mere actors acting out because there's a movie. That "wall" I call, the reason why I'm indifferent to romance movies. In this one, it felt real. The story felt real. And the way they acted felt real. It was very believable.

    I have to give an hour of standing ovation for the ending, though. It was just so full of emotions and symbolism, I swear there'll be a river of tears from the viewers. It was so beautifully shot(with the leads crying in a field, the camera revolving around the girl, some "spotlight" to symbolize her going to heaven perhaps?, with a sad background instrumental music and did I mention a very emotion-filled crying from the leads?). Picture this: Jo-kang saying Saranghae(I love you) not ordinarily, mind you, but it was so filled of emotions. The way he said this line exudes that mixture of longing, the pain, the hate and questioning why must it be this way, the sadness, all rolled into one scene. And Ari responding I'm Sorry. I died.

    Now I know why many people cried on this one: Cho Seung-woo crying effectively communicates that lowest feeling of wanting to fight till the end but being left with no choice but just to give in. I felt the pain. And Kang hye-jung's child-like face, her soft voice that displays innocence is enough to tear hearts. And with that orchestra in the background, the ending was epic. They were like kids crying..their faces get really sour and they don't mind the tears falling into their mouths. Not conscious how they look. Like kids. And you know how kids cry..they're so full of expressions.

    And when Ari said Goodbye. How can one-liners be that painful? I have to give it to their acting though. They were just so effective in capturing hearts. She was also left with no choice!! Screw that. Why can't they just be together till the end, why still separate? Ugh. It boggles the mind.

    The movie has the right amount of cast. And I honestly didn't spot any irrelevant scene on this. No character was wasted. The director/writer did very well in utilizing the story and focused only on the main characters. Everything was in order. 10/10.
  • This is the best movie of my life.As a Bangladeshi we like Hollywood and Bollywood movies.But it is my strong believe that if we watch this Korean movie we would prefer Korean movie rather than Bollywood or Hollywood.

    The music,scenery and the most important the story of this movie is really wonderful.Both the actor and the actress of this movie have done a great job.And their acting ability is just awesome.

    If you have heart you can't finish this movie without using tissues to wipe your tears.Truly it is a movie that you will LOVE to watch...........