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  • This documentary is the longest special feature on the DVD of Sahara, with a running time of 19 and a half minutes sans credits(and 20 with). It consists of interviews(mostly with crew, thankfully, and everyone has something to say, it's more informational than promotional), behind-the-scenes footage, clips of the movie and footage of pre-vis and artwork. It focuses on the look, in its entirety, going into costumes, shooting(briefly, and we're talking chosen aspect ratio and filter, not much about cinematography or the like), designs and FX(practical as well as CGI). As it details the climax and the like, this does spoil the picture, and I would suggest watching that first. Perhaps the most interesting part is the one that focuses on creating the ironclad battleship, making it sail(!), building it outside of a set, etc. You really get a sense of all the hard work that went into it, and I have a newfound respect for the flick(it's still not "good", but it clearly had effort put into it). This is paced well, and flies by, never lingering on anything, just giving you a solid idea of an element of its subject before moving on to the next. I recommend this to anyone who wants to know more about the visuals of the film. 7/10