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  • I like Tom and Jerry Tales very much. Of course it isn't as good as the original show, which still is one of my all time favourites. It does keep true to the spirit of the original show, and enormously entertaining. The animation is very colourful and fluid, and the theme tune is great.

    The antics of Tom and Jerry are hilarious, and the two completely wonderful characters still have their likability. The situations they get in are enough to make you howl with laughter, some of it is wickedly funny. If I had any complaints, it would be the inclusion of other characters, like Droopy. Like the other reviewer said, they just seemed unnecessary. Other than that, while not as good as the wonderful classic show, it is still hugely enjoyable, well worth watching and one of the better Tom and Jerry shows out there. 8/10 Bethany Cox
  • elshikh428 August 2008
    I love this revival of the legendary (Tom & Jerry). After years of their older TV show, which was so unbearable sequel (Tom & Jerry-alleged-sons!), here the eternal chase continues, but wonderfully.

    The secret this time is in the return to the original form of the 2 leads, their house, and even their reactions. The makers of these tales tried cleverly to capture the motion, the beat, and the sense of MGM's old shorts. This distinct aestheticism is here again somehow as so effective and nostalgic. Just watch (Jerry)'s classic burrow, the case of no visible human faces, and the musical opening credits, that's what I call a beautiful devotion. It assures how the original is purely pristine and mighty, and how it's a tough mission to remake it too.

    Although it could be the perfect way to bring back the icons, but that old feeling is absent, and that unique spirit surely is not the same. For minor example, (Scott Bradley) isn't here to embody the visual extravaganza because it's not the 1940s, and the image is not that explosive too. I became so annoyed by the appearances of other characters such as (Droopy), not because he doesn't belong to the world of (Tom & Jerry) which I love, but simply because he is ridiculous. The episodes lack the crazy vivacity that made the glory; therefore, the adventures aren't that fervent or cinematic as the ambition was making TV episodes. So watch out for the word "teleplay" at the opening credits, it's a warning more than usual information.

    It could be a little bit lower in comparison, but real good entertainment in itself, and still is a better remake or the best yet, with all the fresh colors, the loyalty to the real (Tom & Jerry), and that so lucid love for their old movies as the great cartoon.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    When You See The Episode On Cartoon Network You Think There's Inflation In It And Heck Yes Your Correct It Was Ok For Some But Many Say It's Excellent SOOOOOO 6/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    . . . "Nicole," and this show lines up with the time frame of "The Comedy Styling-s of Tom and Jerry," aka "The Golden Styling-s of Tom and Jerry." A product of the highly confused Groaning Fat Cat, these inconsistent titles are merely the tip of the iceberg lettuce when it comes to the deficiencies inherent in this five and a half minute episode. It identifies its Nicole as a Parker, which is doubtless one of its many errors. Ike B. Is listed as another "co-star," along with a Jerry Beck and a Mark K., but this site's spell-checker refutes the existence of the B. And K. Surnames. Anyway, Nicole Whoever says that Jerry is saddling Tom with "20,000" dropping plates, when a clip shows that there are 18 plates at the most. Frankly, this particular Tom and Jerry Tale merits a rating of five at best--and that's being pretty generous.
  • While I like the Tom and Jerry shows art style and jokes this one is more clever on location and story. The jokes are fine but the music isn't really that good.
  • I just found out about these and I love them! Of course they're not as great as the classics but you can feel that they try really hard to capture the classic feel and I love that!
  • Tho i wont say its perfect its actually good, it lacks the slapstick and clever humor.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I've been making a Tom and Jerry marathon,and this series took part of it.

    Animation:First season animation is great,smooth,the designs are pretty good,but at second seasons their faces are horribly hiperrealistic.7,5/10 Music:I love the OST,it's got its own style and sometimes I go back to episodes just to hear it again.8/10 Plot: Ive seen people complaining that Jerry always wins,and I'll ask to them:Have you ever seen the original series? That's part of the fun,the little prey beats big bad predator. And there's a whole episode(Little Big Mouse)that makes Jerry takes Tom's role to fight an ant. There are some episodes that are reboots of ancient shorts,like Octo Suave,where Tom dresses like a mermaid and an octopus gets in love with him(reboot of flirty birdy) or Fraidy Cat Scat,where Jerry uses a skull to scare Tom(reboot of Fraidy Cat)This series modernizes everything that made the original series great,with a softer humour,and it's pretty well executed. 9/10.

    Voice acting: This is the best thing of the series. Don Brown and Sam Vincent have (in my opinion) two of the best voices in the entire franchise. My only complain is that sometimes the sounds they make are unneccesary(specially Jerry). 10/10 Conclussion: This is,by now,the best Tom and Jerry reboot.
  • The first time that I watched Tom and Jerry Tales was when it came out in 2006, and this show really is a childhood favorite of mine.

    The part of this show that's entertaining and amusing is that it's clever, and it stays traditional and true to the good, old-fashioned, New York city-boy humor, just like the original show did along with many other cartoons of the same nature and time.

    General culture portrays the big city as a place for the sounds of smooth, cool big bands and blues, a mob group snapping in dark alleys, fine dining, wide open cosmopolitan scenery, and the sound of a humorous and sinister Italian-American accent from Brooklyn. Those are just some of the cultural characteristics that this show has stayed traditional with, comparing it to how we always knew the culture from humor in a New York perspective.

    Tom and Jerry and their setting of where they've always lived is usually recognized as New York, because you see alley cats eating from the trash cans, you hear big bands and swing, and Tom and Jerry chase each other through downtown areas many times.

    What's clever about this show is that the portrayal of every character has its own special humor, even the side characters, and it's a culture all on its own that stays class-bound to its way of personality.

    As any cartoon or animated film would do, it's typical for the characters to act clever as a way to allure you, and Tom and Jerry Tales sure has its humor.
  • Why, you might ask me? Well, because the writers took two classic characters, and created an excuse for animation. Tom & Jerry were placed in absolutely stupid settings and the episodes were filled with the most generic and mediocre humor you can find anywhere.

    But not only humor is generic and mediocre, some of the episodes are directly ripped of the classic ones. Don't want to spoil anything, but, let's just say, one involves an octopus and takes place under water. Yes, the Tom & Jerry scene from Dangerous When Wet.

    You thought Chuck Jones' Tom & Jerry ruined the characters??? Just wait till you see this abomination!
  • I just re-watched Tom & Jerry Tales when it was coming on TV, and oh my God it was so horrible! I can't see how anyone could have approved that atrocity. It seems as though they only wanted to sell off their ideas under a big label so that kids can watch them.

    This show has completely massacred Tom & Jerry in many ways.

    1. The background music is underwhelming, and does not add to its comedy the way it used to do. It's also very repetitive.

    2. Jerry's voice is annoying. He sounds like a child. And he makes unnecessary sounds like "Ahhhhh", "Hmmmm", "Heeheehee" etc.

    3. The jokes are either absent or unfunny. The idea behind Tom & Jerry's sense of humour was how random stuff used to happen, like turning into a table on being hit by an anvil, or how Jerry would dance like a tribal while cooking Tom. This one either does not do any such thing, or even if it does it's so much diluted it doesn't even seem funny. It's like they could have done this with any other cartoon and that would have been acceptable.

    4. It's only for kids. That ruins the whole point of Tom & Jerry. This is Tom & Jerry not Mickey Mouse. It's meant to entertain people of all age groups. Sure you may say it's a kids show to attract kids to Tom & Jerry, but that's wasn't needed in the first place. If a show is entertaining for all the age groups obviously kids will be attracted to it. This is one place the current Tom & Jerry show has nailed it. It's for all age groups.

    5. Jerry. Always. Wins. Period. Because of course, he's small and cute so he has to be the good guy. Unlike the actual Tom & Jerry where Tom was just messing with Jerry, here Tom has been shown as a bad guy. Of course there's that one episode where Jerry is outdone by an ant, but that's what they're showing - the smaller guy is always the good guy.

    After watching this my respect for the ongoing Tom and Jerry Show has increased even more. It stayed true to its core and continues to carry a unique sense of humour forward.

    Edit: So the latest review (2 above mine) says this: " Ive seen people complaining that Jerry always wins,and I'll ask to them:Have you ever seen the original series? That's part of the fun,the little prey beats big bad predator. And there's a whole episode(Little Big Mouse)that makes Jerry takes Tom's role to fight an ant."

    Let me answer each sentence - Yes I have seen the original series. In the original series, Jerry beats Tom, Tom beats Jerry, Tom beats Butch, Butch beats Tom, Tom beats Spike, Spike beats Tom, both Tom and Jerry win, both Tom and Jerry lose. Every probability is taken into account. However, now I will ask you - can you name a single episode in this series where Tom won and Jerry lost, or where both lost and Spike won? No, right? Now you get my point.

    The fun in Jerry beating Tom is NOT of the little prey beating the big bad predator. Both Tom and Jerry just play pranks at each other and mock each other playfully. Both torment each other, both laugh at each other, and both get their comeuppance. Neither is the good guy or the bad guy.

    And finally about the Little Big Ant episode - I literally wrote that in my review. What part of "Of course there's that one episode where Jerry is outdone by an ant, but that's what they're showing - the smaller guy is always the good guy." do you not understand? But of course you will probably never see this reply, and the bots will keep tanking my review (yeah you thought I didn't notice the bots, how else are there so many helpful/unhelpful markings on so less number of reviews?), so I'm probably just talking to the walls.
  • The old Tom and Jerry was good. It was classic. This one is none of that. I get bored watching this. But the new Tom and Jerry show airing in 2019 on CN Pakistan is so better than this. I admit it's not as good as the original and there are some bad and terrible episodes I had to sit through but it gets the job done with some laughs with it's wacky adventures which is a miss in Tom and Jerry tales.