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  • Commercial and big box-office Spanish film upon a pair of women leave their small town and dud sweethearts behind for fun in Madrid . Juani (Verónica Echegui) comes from a very poor background , having grown up in a poor suburban village of Spain from little town outskirts . She has problems at home and argues incessantly with her boyfriend (Diego Martin) who cheats her and with whom she has been since she was 15 . Soon his infidelity with the abusive relationship she has with her boyfriend and overall uselessness , as well as the limitations of her poor and small town, become unbearable for Juani and she along with her best friend (Laya Martí) decide to go the big city , Madrid . At first the big city, a complete opposite of their hometown, couldn't seem to be a better place for their teenager expectations of life . In a visit home Juani almost decides she will not return to Madrid , and will instead come back to old relationships and live again in her parents' house . She expresses these sentiments to her mother who tells her that she loves Juani's father (Jose Chaves) , but always asks herself what her life would have been like had she left , like Juani . After speaking to her mother (Mercedes Hoyos) Juani realizes that she can not give up though she has less Naïve expectations , hoping to escape her ex-sweetheart and the future she would have were she to stay in her town . But she goes on her dream because ¨La Juani is the best¨ , in spite of her way is full of flops and disillusionments.

    Entertaining and modern picture about a young girl called Juani who along with her best friend leave for Madrid in search of a better life . First part of Bigas Luna's Trilogy about ambition followed by ¨Di Di Hollywood¨ with Elsa Pataky in a similar role . This stirring as well as erotic story is a passionate retelling and moving tale about wishes , lies and disappointments , but including strong sex scenes with loads of nudism . This is a moving tale about ambition , luxury , desire in which a mean young attempts to build her ambitious future : to be a Hollywood actress . The storyline relies heavily on the continued ambition of the starring , including a lot of sexual scenes , almost soft-core , but it doesn't make boring , however the film is fun . As usual in Bigas Luna films , ¨Yo Soy La Juani¨ explores the darkest depths of eroticism and stereotypical Spanish machismo represented on the character played by Diego Martin . The moral of the story becomes clear : never forget what you set out to get, despite the struggles that come your way, and never give up on your dreams . Nice acting by Verónica Echegui as an obstinate young whose naïve dreams are soon shattered by the ruthlessness of their dream city , Madrid , where she has been having a hard time . She won Sant Jordi Awards Best Spanish Actress ; Spanish Actors Union Newcomer Award Female ; and Nominated Goya Awards Best New Actress . Furthermore, the movie packs a colorful cinematography by Albert Pascual, shot in Tarragona , Reus , Torredembarra and Madrid . Atmospheric musical score filled with rap and several songs from Mala Rodríguez , Facto Delage , Placebo , Haze , Hanna and many others .

    The motion picture was decently directed by Bigas Luna , following his particular style. He often uses in his films twisted events , erotic scenes and surrealist images. . He was a Bon Vivant who along with his wife, produced wine, ham, and organic products ; they are well shown in his films . In 1990 the producer Andrés Vicente Gómez persuaded him to return to cinema and entrusted to him the direction of Las Edades De Lulú (The Ages of Lulu), an erotic drama about a young woman exploring extreme sexual practices , this was a commercial success . Without abandoning his dedication to painting and photography, reflected in numerous exhibitions, he began the well-known "Iberian Trilogy" with Jamón Jamón ("Ham, Ham", 1992), Huevos de Oro ("Golden Balls", 1993) and La Teta y La Luna ("The Tit and the Moon", 1994). Jamón Jamón, which launched the careers of both Javier Bardem and the 16-year-old Penélope Cruz was a major international success and won the Silver Lion at Venice in 1992. Cruz returned in Volavérunt (1999), a film about the relationship between Francisco Goya and the Duchess of Alba . This film ¨Yo Soy La Juani¨ is stylishly photographed and smartly designed and here Bigas Luna delivers his ordinary and erotic goods in cool sense of style .
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Let me begin stating that this film is no masterpiece. Don't expect a great storyline, directing or much entertainment.

    Having made that clear, I can now say that this film contains some deep emotions that other films simply lack. Don't be fooled by the plot summary. The two friends that it mentions do not go to Madrid to have fun; in fact they go there in the search of a better life, in contrast with the one they had been living till then. In the search of a better lifestyle and maybe happiness, they find that the big city is rather ruthless towards them and that their dreams become shattered. Here's where the moral to the film comes: If you really want something, go for it and never give up.

    As I said, not a great film, but a moving moral.

    PS. There's some pretty good acting in this film!
  • I like the accuracy of this film, the plot is not completely fresh or inventive but the portrayal of life in 2006 as a Spanish youth is. Some films transcend time, sometimes time transcends a film. "Yo Soy La Juani" reminds me of "Valley of the Dolls," I have no idea what it was like to be alive in 1968 but after "Valley of the Dolls" I was able to peer at life then through the voice of the film and the fashion/aesthetics of the set. Though the rawness and honesty in this film are not very shocking in 2010, this film is reminiscent of the 1995 film "Kids." You get to see what young kids do and the issues they are forced to deal with. If you're looking for a life changing experience this movie is not for you, however, if you want a glimpse into what it's like to be in your early twenties in this part of the world, this movie is great.
  • claudix-15 November 2006
    This film is actually quite bad. Perhaps the only thing I would save it's the OST.. and also I have to say that some things are not easy to understand if u don't know a bit of the ambient where it was actually filmed. I mean, being Spanish helps for that, and of course I guess there is no translation but for the subtitles but.. To sum up, do not waiste your time or money guys. The story is nothing new, this girl discovers the boyfriend cheating on her so she decides to move with her best friend to the big city, where, I have to say, things are not always like they pretend in the film. Actually nothing really happens in there, I mean, there is no exciting story at all . Regarding the actors, the guy is well known in Spain as he is leading a pop band extremely popular with teenagers, and she is a complete unknown-
  • Warning: Spoilers

    We've just seen the movie and OK we bought a copy one 2,5 € and really it doesn't worth much more. At the end we had to check on the internet the duration of the movie because we were sure a part were missing... but actually not,

    ;-) So to summarize, here we go, a sexy girl from a town want to be an actress, and once her boyfriend cheat on her, she and her best friend go to Madrid and spend all their money, buying clothes, making new tits... then she is sad because she can't be an actress so go to her boy friend, and once the figure out that he is still seeing the girl he cheat on her with she go back to Madrid crying, that's more o less the whole movie.

    I'm just so glad for not having paid a cinema ticket... I gave it a 3/10

    Sorry if my English isn't that good, I'm french ;-)
  • 'Yo Soy La Juani' presents a pretty common story about two working-class girls from a Spanish provincial town, trying to make their careers in Spain's capital Madrid. The story realistically focuses on the temptations & difficulties a big city has to offer, all newly experienced by these girls.

    In the end we also get a moral message: make clear choices in life and persevere by them.


    The visuals truly make this film's strength. Its uncomplicated, direct shooting fully connects with the girl's lifestyle. All their joys, excitements, shocks, disappointments, annoyances, boredom and hardships are smoothly transferred to you. All set in a Spanish adolescent-scene of our times. It allows you to identify completely.
  • I agree with some of the comments here: the narrative structure doesn't develop La Juani's character completely, there is not a character arch, Juani doesn't change that much, the movie ends too soon, the plot line is not great, there are no really big events on Juani's life,... but I think all this light plotting was done on purpose, to grasp Juanis reality better. In one's real life there are not that many events.

    Anyway, the acting is amazing, and la Juani is alive, full of truth and emotion... the movie has impressed me a lot.

    It's been a long time without finding myself moved by a movie. But with all it's mistakes La Juani has done it. You can tell how some people's life really is, for example, all those young Hispanic girls coming from Southamerica to leave in Spain working in houses taking care of kids. It could have been better in some aspects... but still its good.
  • It seems that the writers of the previous comments are missing the point. This is a European movie: it means that you should not expect action karate , no chemical attack on the white house and no drug dealers shooting helicopters with smuggled missiles from Kazakhstan.

    This movie is all about feelings. Since the very first minute you are plunged in the world of Juani, a young and determined Spanish adolescent from the suburbs of a southern city in Spain, looking for a better future. The story shows the reality of youths expectations and disillusions.

    The powerful soundtrack, mixing Hispanic hip-hop with traditional flamenco songs, will transport you in the world of "La Juani".

  • trancenational5 August 2020
    Did I just watch the movie too stoned or was I the only one here who noticed the brilliance of Luna's collage narration excitingly wrapped around the "typical plot"? But the stereotypes and the plot cliches that bother you are so real and brought to us intensely, with the fullness of youth energy, and soundtrack that follows it. For example, I really like the crazy transitions from one scene to another (dance floor - guys chasing them on the street, for example), and the pop-techno quality of dream/imagination sequences. It's like...the perfect pop!
  • CUDIU1 November 2006
    Warning: Spoilers
    Many may expect from this movie a story totally focused on the way of life of young people in Spanish suburbs. At least, the movie has been advertised accordingly. But "Yo soy la Juani" is like this for just about the first 40 minutes. The core of the story is set far from the suburbs, as Juani and her friend Vane leave for Madrid to make their way to happiness.

    Juani is attracted to acting, i.e. "serious entertainment", more than, say, reality shows and such stuff (which sounds a little strange). In Madrid, while she pursues her dream of becoming an actress, Vane attains her personal, and humbler, objective: having a breast implant. The Madrid segment is a bit confused above all because it contains too many subplots (castings, parties, football players, surgery...). It is effective though in that it conveys a general feeling of tremendous distance between capital and suburb. Overall, it works because of the strong presence of Echegui.

    This actress is amazing, very effective, perfect as the determined, almost ruthless Juani, a girl with a high opinion of herself and a gigantic personality (the ringing tone of her cell phone is a recording of her own voice saying "Viva la Juani"). Plus, Echegui is gorgeous... Am I wrong or she bears a striking resemblance to Natalie Portman?

    "On-screen" SMS writing and video game sequences are edited in the movie, which may sound like old and cheap tricks to someone, but instead I think they are used in a good way. Cell phones and VGs are in because they are somehow important to these poor suburbanites, but at the same time they are used as funny cinematic tricks. The risk of representing cell phones, SMS writing and video games is high and in proportion to the age of the director/screenwriter, but Luna avoids the trap by placing those paraphernalia in the right context, without describing them in an overenthusiastic or moralistic way.

    I felt that something was missing in the description of the world of car tuning and "nengs". Why these people live for their cars is never said. The topic of drugs is absent and should have been mentioned somehow (even if Laya Martí can be seen rubbing her nose at the VIP party in Madrid). But I think the story is about La Juani, a very strong and fascinating character, and not, thanks heaven, a sociological treatise on suburban Spanish youngsters.