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  • Warning: Spoilers
    ~~ Potential spoiler ahead~~ GREAT ACTING, GREAT STORY!

    Well actually great everything, this series could be on Sci-Fi and it would probably compete with any prime time drama. This show has everything, suspense, drama, death, life, love, heartache, regret, cool costumes and weapons, I mean I can't tell you how many times an episode ends and I'm like WHAT NO NO NO WHAT's NEXT?! It's almost as if a four hour movie could be made out of their story arcs.

    The last episode I've seen is Task 20 where they receive their sixth member, BoukenSilver (ala homage to Power Rangers Green Ranger) and now they're putting out the first movie. The entire first season revolved around building the team, overcoming their distrust of each other and finding out who they are. What is your mission? Why are you doing this? What is the purpose of being a Power Ranger really? At the same time I can't tell you the love triangles and dark histories this show has! So exciting!

    Each character is intricately woven into the stories and for once their archetypes shine through, you feel how each one would react and respond to various situations, you feel connected to the show! And the actors must be excited that each one of them is equally featured, each one has had a major subplot and episode devoted to them.

    But still Boukenger is silly and fun, it's an adventure! Their arrogance makes them really human. They have cute and witty banter, nothing cheesy like we've seen. And YES these are real people who get hurt, PEOPLE GET HURT all the time on this show, half the episodes they end up in a hospital bed after getting zapped by a monster. People bleed on this show. When someone fires a energy pulse into your stomach, that ranger suit isn't going to completely protect you.

    Plus ahem, shot in digital HDTV widescreen format with excellent camera work and rumbling powerful music score. Mystic Force seems overly obsessed with the fact it has to do Matrix like special effects when now the Sentai series has realized to make special effects second to the character development and story.

    Boukenger is the highest quality show produced of this series (probably in league with Sci-Fi original dramas) and with the bar set high, Operation Overdrive will not hold a candle to it.