User Reviews (3)

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  • I was on the Method Fest last week and this short among other 46 stood out at first glance.

    A tale about three women, a baby, a girl and an older woman who cross paths in a hotel room. The young woman, a modern gypsy parked on a cargo van outside a big hotel, sneaks at night in the hotel to steal the food left on the trays outside the rooms. The older woman, a beautiful blond ready to give up her baby girl who runs naked over clothes, make up and glasses of wine; opens the door at the right moment to convince the scared gypsy to stay with the baby while she goes out on a date.

    The camera portraits beautifully the lack of a mother in the story of this trio of women directed with intense risk by Sian Heder.

    Hopefully this will be the future of the new filmmakers in the United States who cries for quality instead of quantity.
  • runamokprods28 October 2012
    Quite touching, sometimes darkly funny 15 minute short.

    A completely messed up, alcoholic hottie mom with money (picture Paris Hilton as mother) is living in a swanky hotel. She finds a homeless girl dressed as a maid stealing left-over food from trays outside doors.

    Completely oblivious, she hires the girl as a babysitter for the night while she goes chasing a man. The ending is both strong and sad and made me want more. The acting is excellent.

    It's impressive when a film-maker can raise powerful moral quandaries in just 15 minutes, and be entertaining at the same time.
  • I truly enjoyed this film.

    As I started to watch it I had some uncertainty about it, but it quickly engaged and I was hooked in. The film raises some very interesting question about morality and the concept of right and wrong.

    The excellent performance by Ashleigh Sumner as Lu, draws you in and keeps you close, as Lu deals with the hand fate has dealt her. She speaks in volumes, despite the small amount of actual dialog afforded to her character.

    Writer/Director Sian Heder, really does a good job of keeping the film tight and showing us the story, as opposed to telling.

    I would highly recommend this film if you get the opportunity to see it.