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  • Pulling from old stock footage found circa WWII, and weaving it with new material that ties it all together, Military Intelligence pulls off an original feat. What's doubly unique, is that most "out of the box" ideas are half-baked, and the follow-up usually does it right. This filmmaker gets the idea right first time around. Not knowing what to expect going into the theatre, I became a little wary 5 minutes in when it seemed like the Narrator was going to be around for 80 minutes. Turns out, my fear was actualized. However, it wasn't valid. I came to love that Narrator, he became the main character, and the biting satire that brings all the pieces together was darn well written. I laughed harder during this movie than anything I've seen in two months, except Da Ali G Show. I was unsure how the filmmaker managed to craft a story from such a mish-mosh of footage. Must have been a daunting task. But the film is cohesive, entertaining, and even manages to take some original chomps at the current political situation using WWII ideologies as a foil. Brilliant!