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  • MGM's Species franchise, like Wishmaster and The Crow, is a perfect example of the law of diminishing returns. Roger Donaldson's 1995 hit Species was a stylish, self-consciously trashy homage to B-movies. One that has had its scenario rehashed three times now.

    One would expect a low-budget sequel to revel in sleaze and gore, but since 2004, when the concept was resurrected, 6 years after the cinema release of the disastrous Species 2 (1998), for the direct-to-DVD market, there has been a surprising resistance to the gratuitous ingredients of sex and violence. Species 3 paid little more than lip service to the desires of the target audience and the same is true here.

    Deviating from the plot line established by the first three films, which featured Natasha Henstridge, The Awakening is a standalone feature that references and reimagines the ideas of the first film. It posits an alternative scenario; what if the scientist played by Sir Ben Kingsley in the original had not kept the young girl like a rat in cage? What if he'd raised her like his own?

    This could have made for an intriguing exploration of nature versus nurture. Had Henstridge's Sil been allowed to develop in a more normal way could her dangerous, alien side have been suppressed? Alas there is little such depth to this cheap cash-in.

    Kingsley's role is reinterpreted by fellow British thespian Ben Cross, while Swede Helena Mattsson (who looks a bit like Nicole Kidman) takes over where Henstridge and Sunny Mabrey left off. With only four key cast members and no sign of even Michael Madsen, The Awakening is the weakest of exploitation films. Only the audience is being exploited.

    A studio like MGM isn't short of cash, so the explanation for the cheapness of this film is clear; they knew they can get away with it and turn an easy profit. Studios like The Asylum have their desperately limited resources to explain their crass and dissatisfactory efforts, but there's simply no excuse for a Species film to be as unspectacular as this.

    Feeling more like a cross between a vampire movie and a retelling of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein than a sexy sci-fi movie, Nick Lyon's film merely coasts on tenuous links to its predecessors. There are the HR Giger-inspired creature costumes and the promise of flesh is vaguely satisfied but there's not much effort or imagination. Were it not for a few gratuitous moments and aggressive curse words this could have been made for mainstream TV.

    Lyons does well to pay homage to the original film and its subtext but seems to have forgotten how tongue-in-cheek it all was. Species 4 should have taken things to a cartoonish extreme. Instead what could have been knowingly amusing is just po-faced and embarrassing. From Dominic Keating's terrible Aussie accent to the fact that the alien hybrids use their tongues as weapons, at one point they shoot icicle-like spears from their mouths in bullet-time, the experience is one of contradiction.

    The original Species really went for it. Utterly shameless titillation. The sequel went further, but in a misjudged, sleazy and misogynistic direction. Perhaps this is why the following two instalments have been so tame. The Awakening, as evidenced by its 15 rating, delivers the bare minimum that one could expect from a film with the Species title. Cautiously exploitative.

    Like its heroine, The Awakening is in denial, trying its best not to give in to its primitive instincts. There's the potential for a wild ride in its concept and its plot, but Lyons takes it so seriously that the only laughs come unintentionally. This is a film in which a back alley scientist creates sex-crazed human/alien hybrids that run around Mexico! One of them dresses as demonic nun and leaps between rooftops, lassoing potential prey with its tongue; this is potentially hilarious stuff! But it's stripped bare, like its heroine in the final act, devoid of emotion. This is a film of wasted opportunities.
  • I didn't mind the original Species movie, I loved Gigers influence and it had a cast that enabled it to really stand out from other similar sci-fi movies at the time.

    The second was passable affair and followed on nicely, but it already felt a bit like it was treading water.

    The third starred the excellent Robert Knepper and though just about watchable really come across as a cash grab.

    Alas with the fourth here the "Feel" of cash grab isn't a feeling anymore, it's very blatant. Straight to DVD nonsense with enough of a budget (Ish) to pull off the sfx but delivers very little else.

    Starring veteran actor Ben Cross it's another erotic sci-fi outing that sadly brings little to the Species lore, delivers a rather underwhelming and rather rushed story and is decidedly average at its best.

    Maybe Species should have stopped at the first movie, some films just don't need to become a franchise and this is a great example.

    Should Species be rebooted? Absolutely not as the first movie delivered, want your Species fix go watch that.

    The Good:

    SFX are good for a straight to DVD sequel

    The Bad:

    "Alien" cutaways are a tad pointless

    Brings nothing to the franchise

    Feels rushed
  • Being a fan of the "Species" films, especially loving Species II, I watched this with open arms. I did not think it worked. Partly because the storyline seemed so short-lived. The trailer did look a tad on the positive side though but that, is how trailers are designed. But this is nothing at all like the previous ones, except for the Alien DNA etc etc.

    This has awful acting, one hell of a bad bad accent and an OK blond playing the Alien femme fatal, but not worth the 90 or so minutes that it ended up as. If the species films are ever going to work and be believable they need to be serious, with serious (good, well-known) actors. That alone would help the publicity! But no, they go for the opposite.

    I even wished afterwards that I had been a director doing this film. Oh my god would I have made some CHANGES! Should have mixed the DNA with sense instead of aliens LOL

    big no no no no no, cannot emphasize that enough.
  • bernie-1228 October 2007
    I was expecting it to be a bit cheesy and low-budget-looking, but I wasn't expecting to be insulted.

    This "film" has similar production values and acting caliber as you will find in an average daytime soap.

    It's as if the crew of "Days of Our Lives" borrowed the studio's gear for a weekend and went and shot a "Sci-Fi/Thriller" because those are popular these days, so we should be able to make some cash with it.

    It wasn't scary, wasn't thrilling, wasn't even sci-fi-y, just boring and predictable. No plot, bad lighting, laughable critters, wooden acting, no reason at all to force yourself to sit through a turd like this one.

    The rave reviews here have to be from people associated with the production, or else who haven't actually seen the "film".

    Avoid at all cost.
  • it was a pity that IMDb didn't have the ability to rate movies as 0 because that is exactly what i would have given it. however, i have had to give it 1 out of 10, but i mean 0......

    plot was very poor, movie was too confusing and the poor plot didn't make me feel a connection, like or dislike anyone in the movie.

    seemed like random things happening with no explanation or leading up to any event in particular.

    acting was a bit wooden, and the accent from Dominic Keating was probably the most entertaining of any of the script.

    please avoid this movie, as you can never get the 90 minutes of your life back that you waste on this.
  • One day, college professor(yeah, right... she's about as convincing as a dummy) Miranda falls ill. She is then told by her "uncle"(who now admits that he is not related to her) that she was a science experiment of his, of combining alien and human DNA. Yes, like in the original. Only no cocooning, seemingly no sped-up growth, and she had no idea until she suddenly transformed... apparently because she was dying. Which makes it kinda strange that she's still powerful. This takes several good ideas, including that of someone's memories being a lie repeated until they accepted it and themes straight out of the story of Dr. Frankenstein and utterly *wastes* all this potential. The acting and production values are the level of a soap opera, as another reviewer notes. Locations are dull, lighting is poor, and the camera is constantly trying to fake tension(of which there is none to be found in the entirety of this) by shaking/excessively moving and using close-ups(something that only renders these horrendous performances even less tolerable). The dialog is just plain bad, and flat like the great plains. We get additional instances of "learning without opening the book", something that was idiotic when it was introduced in the third(that this does not, by the way, follow up on the sequel-baiting ending of). There are countless questions raised by the cheese(Swiss, by the way) that is the plot, and none of them are attempted answered. As if all of that wasn't enough, the creatures in this pose. They attack with no reason, and usually with their tongue(what a lack of creativity). One of them initially appears dressed as a nun. I'll let that sink in. We see them too much, for long periods of time, and the guy who's making them in this isn't worried about them in the least(so why should we be?). Oh, and he earns a living cloning dead pets(and apparently people, as well? And combining them with the extra-terrestrial genetic material, in spite of the fact that that's probably tougher to do than simply making a direct copy), so surely no one will be suspicious of him when bodies are found murdered under strange circumstances(and this seems to be a common occurrence, based on what takes place during the events of this). The characters are bland, stereotypical, and/or completely uninteresting. I couldn't care about anyone in this, at all. Hollander is inconsistently written. FX are cheap. There is slow-motion during a fight sequence. In a monster flick! There's hardly any nudity(granted, the chicks are hot... still, when they strip, it tends to be covered or they shoot around it), sex, bloody, gory violence or strong language. This is the stupidest and worst of the Species series, and it is also the only that doesn't lend itself easily to being followed by another entry, so perhaps it can end here. Let's be honest, only the '95 one was worth the time. I recommend this solely to those who won't heed the warning. 2/10
  • Just saw the entire Species collection over two days, and i was very disappointed over the fourth in the line.

    After watching the first 15 minutes i sat the player to double time, and i sure didn't regret it. This movie doesn't have anything to offer, beside nude chicks and brainless "horror". Compared to the three other species movies, this is fare worst. If you have seen the movie "From Dusk Till Dawn" you sure don't need to see this one.

    Lets all hope the line will end here.

    blah. blah.

  • Warning: Spoilers
    I liked the first one. The second one was pretty much just an excuse to show as many boobs as possible. The third one definitely exceeded both the second film and my expectations. Honestly they should have left the story where it was at the end of species three.

    This movie had almost nothing to do with the first three. None of the same characters and it doesn't explain how the scientists got there hands on the alien DNA. The idea's not bad, but after the first chase scene in the streets of Mexico the movie shifts to a series of dimly-lit night sequences which make it hard to even understand what's going on.

    And let's be honest here: a large focal point/selling factor for this series is the sexuality that goes along with these reproducing aliens. The nude scenes were pretty pointless in this film. There was enough shown to attempt some arousal but the lighting was so bad that it's hard to make out what's even happening. If they wanted an excuse for nudity they should have lit the stages better. If they wanted to just convey the sexual point in the story they shouldn't have filmed full body sex.

    Basically if you were happy with how they ended number 3, don't waste your emotions getting involved with these unrelated characters. If you just wanted to see boobs, pick a different movie.

    Either way steer clear because you'll be disappointed no later than halfway through the film.
  • skarlso77730 September 2007
    This movie su**ed. I did wanted to see it because i saw the other tow, but sadly i should have known that it will not be better then the second part. The plot was terrible and the happenings were so flat that i almost felt asleep. It was like they wanted to put something together but they only had $100. The acting wasn't that good and i was the one how felt ashamed of how terrible the events were. The first two parts had more too say. The first part was really the one which had it in it and think they though that people will see this one because of it. I really really hope that it will not be so. If you value your life, please don't waste it on this one. I truly have nothing else to say about it. It was just awful.
  • I watched a screener of this film and have to say I was positively surprised. I was expecting a really bad movie, which it wasn't. I thoroughly enjoyed it and think that Helena Mattsson will be a new star after people see her in this. As a Enterprise fan, I also have to admit that I have a soft spot for Dominic Keating. He is so entertaining. I don't know much of Ben Cross's work, but he seems very good and I want to see him in more Sci-fi movies. The plot wasn't bad either, but it was at times a bit underdeveloped. But as a woman, I thought this would be a big booby fest but it wasn't. It was a good movie. I give it a thumbs up and hope that more films come out like it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Whenever a movie franchise reaches it's fourth entry, it is commonly seen as a red flag. This is especially true for the horror or sci-fi genres. When looking at the history of Species, it becomes very apparent as to why this is the norm. The sleeper hit that was the first one was followed by a horrendous excuse for a movie in part 2 and a ho hum, boring part 3. I am happy to report that "The Awakening" is easily the best sequel of the three.

    The movie takes a completely different direction than it's predecessors while still focusing on the alien DNA message received from space. We first learn that college professor Miranda Hollander, while appearing to be a very beautiful woman, is in fact a hybrid that was created by her "uncle" Tom and his former student Forbes. Miranda had lived a normal human life until she is found one morning lying naked in the woods. She is taken to a hospital, where she soon transforms and slaughters the staff. Tom finds her unconscious and rushes her to Mexico to find Forbes, who may be able to cure her illness. They find Forbes in a small town and discover that he has been creating more hybrids that, like Miranda, appear completely normal (and are also sterile). Forbes, along with his alien play-toy Azura, inform Tom that Miranda is at the end of her life cycle and will die without a stem cell transfusion. Tom initially balks at the idea, as it will kill the cell "donor" but finally agrees when Miranda's condition worsens. The procedure appears to work, until Miranda awakens as a more sultry, vulgar version of herself. The procedure also undid her sterility and she begins looking for a mate. Tom knows he must stop her, but is torn due to feeling that she is almost his daughter. She succeeds in mating with Forbes, killing him after. But Tom again finds her unconscious shortly after, with the the baby already kicking inside her. Tom takes her back to the lab to discover that her human side is dying as the baby grows. Azura returns with the intent to kill Tom, only to end up fighting Miranda in alien form. She stabs Miranda twice through the stomach, killing her and the baby but Tom is able to kill Azura with a hydrochloric acid-laced shotgun shell. Tom watches Miranda pass away before turning on all the gas in the building and lighting a fire. He walks out as the entire building erupts into flames.

    While this is in no way a masterpiece, the movie has the most feeling of any of the four. You actually feel for Miranda as she slowly wilts away before she is reborn as a sexy vixen. Helena Mattsson does a mighty fine job in the role and brings a dimension to one of the alien creatures that was only glimpsed when Michelle Willaims played the young Sil in the first film. Ben Cross's Tom, on the other hand, is always teetering between being a bit too over the top and too distraught. Some of his scenes make you want to laugh at the cheese but he is serviceable. Forbes, played by Dominic Keating, is your atypical movie asshole scientist that doesn't care about the mess he makes, as long as he comes out on top. And Marlena Favela as Azura is .... well... she's very hot. That's about it. Her few lines were often delivered very over the top, which can be entertaining. But as a hot alien chick, she works.

    Some people have complained that a Species movie without Natasha Henstridge is just not right. However, this movie is easily better than the two previous installments. I would even go so far to say that it's in the same realm as the original, which is no small feat for a made-for-DVD sequel. And fortunately, they did not leave us with some stupid cliffhanger to set up a sequel. It was an open and shut case, which is probably what the first one should have been 12 years ago but I digress. While the budget for this movie was a fraction of 1 & 2, the settings are all very nice and the effects are pretty solid. The new look alien is quite welcome after the monstrosity that was Sarah's alien form in 3.

    All in all, one of the better direct-to-DVD movies I've ever seen. It breathed some air into a way past dead franchise and even though it didn't bring it back from the dead, it was a great entry to the Speices mythos. 6/10
  • And so we reach the fourth, and final part of a series that never deserved a first sequel, let alone three of them. The slim storyline was told in its entirely in the first movie, and the next three have just been poorly thought-out remakes, redos or continuations of the same situations. This one follows straight-to-video B-movie territory from beginning to end, bringing everything down to its lowest common denominator. There's a misguided but decent scientist hero – Ben Cross, looking embarrassed to be here, a pretty young and nubile actress, Helena Mattsson, whose acting skills are extremely limited, some monster suits and some very bad CGI effects.

    The storyline kind of meanders from place to place without ever progressing. There's some experimental stuff in a laboratory, more scenes of the alien women on the prowl searching for a mate, and other aliens besides who kill people with their long CGI tongues. The script is very poor and the performances poorer, and there's no decent action or gore to speak of. Just nudity, and even that gets boring after a while, so I really do hope this is the last we'll see of the Species films
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I think it was obvious that another straight-to-DVD sequel wasn't a wise decision, you even see the letters PU at the beginning, so it was obvious to stink, lol. Basically college professor Miranda Hollander (Helena Mattsson) lives her life like any other normal woman, before suffering a mysterious blackout, and without her knowledge, transforming into a hideous alien creature. Her "uncle" Tom Hollander (Chariots of Fire's Ben Cross) tells her the truth he has kept from her since birth, she is a half human, half alien creature, created from alien DNA to create a hybrid. She has been injected with human hormones to stop the alien inside her coming out since birth, but it is obvious they are not working as well as they used to. The only person who may be able to help her, and explain another creature chasing after Tom, is co-creator of Miranda, Forbes McGuire (Heroes' Dominic Keating). The only way to save her, from dying, is to find a live female to clone from, and Forbes finds a prostitute (of course). The new Miranda is created, with the same memories, but even more vicious, blood-thirsty and desperate to breed, thankfully she is blown up in the end, by Tom. Also starring Edy Arellano as Calderón and Marco Bacuzzi as Rinaldo. The special effects are limited and not convincing, the gore doesn't do anything, and the acting skills, lame Australian accent by Keating, and most dialogue, are just terrible. I can safely say that this was even worse than the previous sequel, and I wouldn't be too surprised if they were stupid enough to make another sequel, or even a prequel. Poor!
  • This title sums the movie up for me.

    This is singularly, by far the worst movie I have ever sat right through. Start with a handful of no-name actors who surprisingly can't act to save their lives. Then throw in a storyline that a primary school child could do better than, and weave some budget SFX through the mix for good measure.

    The stereotypical cowboy sounds like he comes from blazing saddles, and the "Australian" guy who can't work out if he's from Sydney or London all lend lack of credibility to this complete mess.

    Please, please don't waste the hour & a half.
  • They just totally ruined that amazing SIL design by H.R.Giger...I really expected that "Species" series could be at least as good as Alien series but the ruined it. After being disappointed by Species 3, I felt absolutely wreck with Species IV...I mean I am a big fan of 1st species, and the alien-creature in species IV was like a puppet rather than being realistic. SIL design and special effects were good for 1995 situations...But now for 2007 movie (I think its all about the budget I don't know) I didn't expect that...It was utterly, awful..I wish I could give "0"... If they gonna make any other 5th one and if its going to be like this one, please No..Its will be a waste of time...Remember the 1st one please...
  • i can't say this is an awful's just that it is so slow.until the last 15 minutes,nothing much happens.there is very little excitement,and i didn't find the storyline compelling.nor were there any great characters.there is some nudity,which doesn't really bother me.i am a guy,after all.and though there isn't a lot of profanity,what profanity there was,i felt was unnecessary and did not have any context in the movie.i don't mind profanity,but there should be a purpose or reason for it.but there is some good news.the special makeup and creature effects were pretty good overall.the acting was OK.and this movie is certainly better than the unfortunate Species 2.i don't think it's as good as the original Species,and it's certainly nowhere near as good as Species 3,which to me,is the best of the me,this movie is somewhere in the middle.i give Species:The Awakening 5/10
  • This picture results to be the fourth outing to ¨Species¨ series that began with a friendly galactic message packing a recipe on how to combine extraterrestrial DNA with human is sent to genetic scientifics on Earth. As scientists undergoing the weird experiment resulting in a sexy half alien, half human , she is called Sil . The tale begins with Miranda as a young woman, not a little girl like Sil in the first and second film, or Sara in the third film . In this entry Miranda Hollander (Helena Mattsson) is a beautiful and smart young woman. She is a college professor and lives with her "uncle", Tom Hollander (Ben Cross) who works in a museum; he adopted her after a car crash killed her parents. Miranda can read books just by touching them, without even needing to open them. Miranda believes that she has lived with her "uncle" ever since her parents were killed in an accident while she was a baby , but the protagonist doesn't know she is half alien . Tom tells Miranda that she is the result of an experiment that combined human and alien DNA, an experiment conducted with an old friend . Then Dr. Hollander, takes his niece, Miranda to Mexico, to meet another scientist , Forbes (Dominic Keating) , in an attempt to reverse the effects of the alien DNA he used to create her. But she becomes into Sil , a killing machine who escapes from the investigation laboratory while attempting to hunt down especially nubile prey to procreate her alien race . However , the treatment goes horribly wrong, and it sets Miranda on a killing spree as she sets out to find a mate. As she seduces young people into mating to produce a baby to expand her descendants on Earth .Irresistible beauty !. Unstoppable instincts !. Genetic perfection is no longer a dream ! . It's a nightmare !. Beauty is only skin deep . For three million years, the human race has been at the top of the evolutionary ladder . Nothing lasts forever . Men cannot resist her. Mankind may not survive her. Two decades ago scientists sent a message to space...This... is the reply. Our time is up. This December, the mating game turns deadly .If you build it , they will come .

    Inferior Sci-fi movie with noisy action , stomach-churning thrills , chills, tension , intrigue , violence , state-of-art FX , strong sexual scenes , nudism and lots of gore and guts . Director Nick Lyon shows some ability to create a sense of dread and unease, using lighting, sound design, and camera angles to build suspense and keep audiences on the edge of their seats. It is an entertaining but ordinary thriller with no much sense , but it results to be a so-so story , following in the distinct wake of the Science Fiction movies of the Fifties . The prolific and recently deceased main and secondary actor Ben Cross gives an acceptable acting as the brilliant scientist who raised his beautiful niece , while Dominic Keating plays Forbes who now lives with his recent experiment named Azura : Marlene Favela , another human/alien DNA hybrid who also serves as his assistant and lover-she is sterile to prevent offspring. Along with the extremely gorgeous starring Helena Mattsson who gives some spicy bare scenes. Trio starring are passable , but with no appearance by Natasha Henstridge , who played Sil in the first film as well as Eve in the sequels . Decent special effects but inferior than previous entry made by great technicians and based on the famous creature created by artist-designer H. R. Giger , while the former movies heavily used 3D computer generator effects and animatronic puppets , the alien creatures are completely portrayed by actual stand-ins and all of them making fantastic and strange monsters .

    It contains a mysterious and thrilling musical score , as well as colorful but functional cinematography . This direct to video film was regularly directed by Nick Lyon . The film was commercially successful and helped to establish Lyon as a director to watch in the horror genre. Lyon's work is characterized by its intense, atmospheric style and emphasis on suspense and tension but in Species the Awakening resulting in a mediocre film . Following the uneven success of "Species: The Awakening", Lyon went on to direct several more horror and thriller films, including "Zombie Apocalypse", which premiered on the Syfy channel in 2011 starred by Ving Rhames and Taryn Manning, followed a group of survivors in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies. His most recent film "On Fire" which Nick wrote, directed and produced, starred by Peter Facinelli , Lance Henricksen and he continues to be a respected and influential figure in the world of horror, disaster and thriller filmmaking. This filmmaker is a fine craftsman usually working for Television , directing telefilms, B-movies and episodes from known TV series, such as : Z Nation , Bullet , La La Land, Bermuda-Dreieck Nordsee , They found hell, Hercules Reborn, Rise of the zombies, Bermuda Tentacles, among others.

    The quartet is formed by the original Species I followed by three inferior sequels : the first entry , ¨Species¨ 1995 , by Roger Donaldson with Natasha Hensridge ,Michael Madsen, Forest Whitaker , Alfred Molina, Michelle Williams , Ben Kinsley ,Marg Helgenberger , concerning a group of scientific carry out an unenviable and relentless task of catching Sil . ¨Species 2¨ with Justin Lazard, George Dzunza, Marg Helgenberg , James Cromwell, in which scientists create a clone from the monster of the original film. And ¨Species III¨, 2001 by Brad Turner with Robin Dunne, Robert Knepper and the gorgeous Sunny Mabrey.
  • It just didn't work.

    Alien nun? WTF? Alien taxi driver? And he tries to kill his passenger for what reason? They live in Mexico? Where where they the rest of the time? So why are they suddenly just killing people when Ben Cross and the Blonde chick come into town? Wasn't good...wasn't scary, wasn't science fiction...just wasn't workable.

    The writers could have come up with something more creative for the paycheck...and the locations could have been chosen better too.

    Basically, it all could have been better. far as sequels should be written by the same people - especially if the script was big enough to have a sequel.
  • I got this DVD and hoped it might entertain me on an average level and that my friends would love it. I think I realized from the start this was a sex monster plot and designed to attack the wankie teen audience. It is the male aged 10-15 I think must be the top raters of this rather sad attempt at cinema.

    What did I like? Well, the fight between the female Medusa aliens was cool. The sex and more sex scenes very low rated. Perhaps a 50 year old man has as his fantasy being raped by an aggressive female monster, but Somehow this just left me cold.

    The plot was cheese and full of holes. The acting was so bad, I could have thought I deserve an Academy now.

    But, I being a sci-fi buff of sorts, had to keep wondering, after the lab burns, how many more of those things are out there.

    Having some mercy on their audience, they didn't pan to a million other morphing monsters, just ready to breed.

    We can rest assured they are dead, until the next grade D sci-fi- clone of Species is produced.
  • OK I was hoping that the fourth Species installment would be good, but I was truly surprised that it was this good. After seeing the second and third one, I thought I was convinced that they couldn't make another one that would match up to the original with Natasha Henstridge but I was wrong because this one came very close. The story is very entertaining and there are some good sequences of violence too unlike number 3. I was really entertained by this one because I watched it at like 3 in the morning and I watched it all. Overall I give it an 8 out of 10 because it was the best since the original and it is a great thriller. I would recommend it to all fans of the Species movies and of course to all the sci-fi fans out there like me.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A semi-solid, semi-liquid half-breed in the franchise with beautiful photography until the mind-numbing and mindless 20-25 minutes where the domino pieces fall one by one to leave us with nothingness.

    To start a production for ending it like that. Mindless.

    • Screenplay/story: 5.5
    • Development: 6
    • Realism: 5.5
    • Entertainment: 6.5
    • Acting: 6
    • Filming/cinematography: 7
    • Visual/special effects: 7
    • Music/score: 7
    • Depth: 5
    • Logic: 3
    • Flow: 6
    • Action/horror/Sci-Fi: 5.5
    • Ending/closure: 3.
  • Species: The Awakening (2007)

    * 1/2 (out of 4)

    The fourth and so far final film in the SPECIES series has college professor Miranda Hollander (Helena Mattsson) going on a killing spree, which is something she doesn't understand. Her "uncle" (Ben Cross) takes her to Mexico where he informs her that he, along with another man, created her in a lab using DNA from an alien and this is why she's starting to act out. The uncle wants to save her life so he visits his old friend who has been creating all sorts of half-woman, half-alien creatures. SPECIES: THE AWAKENING is pretty much what you'd expect out of a direct-to-DVD release and that's a film with a few good moments but not enough to make it worth your while. As you'd expect, all you really need to make a SPECIES sequel is a good looking blonde willing to take her clothes off and the producers were able to find another one in Mattsson. As with the previous women, she too turns in a good performance as I found her quite convincing early on as the college lady but she's also very believable when she turns into the sex pot looking for a mate. As needed, she's certainly got a great looking body and knows how to use her sexuality. Cross is also pretty good in his role but the screenplay does him very little in terms of good writing. Dominic Keating plays the other scientist and is pretty good as well. The unrated version of this film features quite a bit of violent footage with a lot of deaths by the creatures tongue including one rather good shot of it going through a woman's skull and coming out of her eye. The actual CGI effect isn't all that believable but at least the money shot is worth watching. There's other bloody footage throughout the film as most of the deaths are rather gory and we even get another cocoon sequence where the beautiful lady gets to be born (nude of course). The biggest problem with the film is that the pacing is just so slow and we've seen this same story so many times that it's really hard to care about what's going on or how it's all going to end. There's also a cheap feel that hangs over the movie so this here is clearly for die hard fans only.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A college professor has been raising an alien/human hybrid he created as his niece. She starts to turn alien and then the Professor must take her to Mexico to find an old colleague who can maybe save here life.

    From then on it's just boobs, sex, killer tongues, and more boobs with some pretty dull action scenes thrown in between. It didn't seem to have much of a story.

    Straight-to-video movies are never that good and this was no exception. The lighting was bad and it was primarily shot in Mexico I guess to save money. The action scenes were not exciting at all. I was really disappointed. Doubt I will ever watch this again.
  • The first Species movie was awesome, the second was a big disappointment, the third was surprisingly decent, but this is even worse than the second...somehow. Species: The Awakening left me checking how much was left of the it every five minutes or so. Though the plot was not that horrible, the movie is just not entertaining.

    After the first half hour, I must admit I thought this movie would actually be as good as the third. I was wrong, very wrong. As soon as the characters get to Mexico, this promising movie turns into a cheap, cheesy excuse for a horror movie. Why? There was no excitement. There is definitely not enough gore, almost all the sex scenes were unnecessary, and some stuff just didn't add up or made any sense whatsoever (the reason for Fisk's lies, the taxi-driver and the reason for Azura's actions when they arrive in Mexico - just to name a few).

    The reason for this getting a 3 and not a 1, is the first half hour of the movie, and the not-so-terrible acting. Apart from that, I'd suggest staying away from this movie, since it's by far the weakest Species movie so far, it makes Species II seem like a masterpiece. Even if this film wasn't a Species movie, it's still a movie to stay away from.
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