User Reviews (23)

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  • RolandCPhillips14 October 2006
    I saw Peter & the Wolf at its world premier in the Royal Albert Hall, accompanied by the Philharmonia orchestra. That's an electric experience that will be hard to duplicate… But it certainly won't detract from watching the film in future. Is it a re-imagining of P&TW, a reinterpretation, or a modernisation? Actually, it's all three. Peter's stamping ground is visualised in a depressed, cold and windswept forest somewhere in Eastern Europe; it's hard to tell if it's pre or post Soviet economic bloc. It could be any time, and that is the first great achievement of the film. Peter is a wan, pale and sullen young boy, garbed in hoody and dirty trousers, a stroppy kid, the type who lives down the road – yet his surroundings are timeless. It raises the themes of conflict between rural and urban, youth and age and cruelty and compassion with great dexterity. It's an adaptation that speaks both to the past and the present, which is no mean feat.

    The plot is well-known and well-worn: the down-trodden Peter escapes the confines of grim homestead and taciturn, unsentimental grand-pappy with his pet duck and a bird with a broken wing (supported by a balloon, in a very nice touch) to go playing in the unbounded, frosty woods. Until the wolf creeps in. After suffering a great loss at the wolf's paws, Peter must rise to the occasion and capture the beast, who is much stronger and more ferocious than Peter is, but less clever… A rites of passage tale and an introduction to the orchestra for children, this version is actually quite gruelling in some respects. Impoverished and inhospitable, Peter's home life is plausibly miserable, and also easy to relate to: his run-ins with better clothed-and-fed peers and ugly hunters convey beautifully the threat of bullies and ignorant adults. Sharp and clever, but morose, Peter is a compelling hero, and the coda with him standing triumphant and grown, will provoke cheering and a quickened heartbeat.

    The stop-motion animation is far less slick than that seen in Wallace and Gromit, but extends a naturalistic, un-burnished and at times almost ghoulish appeal. The slightly jerky movements, warped faces and grimy sets combine to create a world at once familiar yet also deformed, blighted by neglect and insensitivity. The animation also works amazingly well with the music, the movements of people and animals alike assuming the beats, leaps and whirls of the instruments. I guess you could call this a true musical, because while the characters may not leap into spontaneous song and dance, the music actually speaks for them. I'm not much of a music critic, nor do I know Sergei Prokofiev's piece (or any of his music, for that matter) at all well, but I still loved the soundtrack. It did sound modern, and had obviously adapted and moulded to fit the film with small nuances and flourishes, but I'm sure Prokofiev would have approved.

    Considering the applause the film got, I'm certain no one else minded either.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    For a young boy, unhappiness can be a natural state. Peter and his aged grandfather live in a scrabbly old farmhouse on the edge of a forbidding Russian forest. The grandfather has built a wooden fence around the dirt yard and forbids Peter to go into the forest, where dangerous things lurk, like wolves. Peter hates this. All Peter has for a friend is a scruffy, long-necked duck. When he goes into town two hunters bully him. Still, Peter is a good kid. He helps a bird with an injured wing fly again with the help of a balloon. He sneaks out and plays on the iced pond, skittering and sliding and joined by the duck. He accepts his grandfather's fat, fat cat as a creature perhaps not to like, but not to hurt. Peter even manages to catch the dangerous, hungry and mangy wolf in his net. Peter stops his grandfather from shooting the wolf. When he and his grandfather take it to town, Peter is a hero. But it's not to last. Those hunters show up to taunt and bully the wolf. Peter stops them with his net. Then, Peter...and at this point you need to see this stop-action animation short film.

    The director, Suzie Templeton, changes some of Sergei Prokofiev's storyline, as well as ditching all the narrative. There's no dialogue, just the music and silence. She gives a conclusion that is unexpected, brave and touching. This is particularly so when we figure out that there are lessons to be learned, especially since there are bullies in this world, and good friends can die. Cats eat birds, wolves eat ducks, bullies hurt any they want who are weaker than they.

    This new look at Prokofiev's symphony for children runs less than 30 minutes. Over the years, the narrative, in my opinion, had become a boring old aunt who stays too long when she visits. There doesn't seem to have been a celebrity who hasn't wanted to prove his or her love for the kiddies, score some publicity and make a few bucks by doing the narrative. We're talking everyone from Arthur Godfrey to John Gielgud, Boris Karloff to Paul Hogan, Sean Connery to Mia Farrow, George Raft to William Buckley. That's just starters. Without the narrative, and with Templeton's visual style, we wind up concentrating on the story. That means we wind up concentrating on this kid who starts out unhappy and who winds up teaching us all a thing or two.

    The extras are worth watching, including the discussion of the development of the film by the director and how the stop-action animation stuff was worked. And, of course, you'll learn which musical instruments go with which characters. This Peter and the Wolf won the 2008 Academy Award for Animated Short Film. It's a thoughtful, delightful film.
  • In interviews on the DVD, Templeton says that hers is a darker Peter & The Wolf than others. Compared to Templeton's other work (the brilliantly crafted, deeply moving, but thoroughly distressing "Dog" and the creepy "Stanley", for instance), and considering the way she ends her "Peter", I'm not sure it's as dark as she thinks it is.

    This Peter and the Wolf is clearly not for little kids (when the wolf eats Duck, Peter's best friend, there's no hint that she — swallowed whole in a single gulp in Prokofiev's tale, but taken in several gore-free bites here — is alive and quacking in the end), but for anyone old enough to appreciate the scope of this mini masterpiece, a rewarding discovery awaits.

    The sense of connection between Peter and the Wolf is palpable. Two starving beasts get a taste of what they crave: The Wolf, a scrawny duck, and Peter, escape from his grandfather's stern, austere care. If you crave stop-animation with depth, substance, and beauty, you will find this brief film a 30-minute treat, too.
  • Peter lives in the countryside with his oppressive and restrictive grandfather. He is unwelcome in the town and his only friend appears to be his duck. Playing outside on the ice one day, Peter's grandfather takes and locks him in the house – leaving the duck unprotected when a wolf comes. Witnessing the death of his friend in the jaws of the wolf, Peter sets out to get instant revenge with a deadly and dangerous plan.

    In this updating of the famous story, we find ourselves in a modern (yet also ancient) setting that feels like it is Eastern Europe. The story is well delivered and is a good mix of issues regarding the young boy Peter and the variety of emotions he goes through across the film. Although it is short it is engaging and interesting and I found all of it to be easy to watch and enjoyable. The plot is easy to follow but will provide food for thought for older pre-teens. Animation wise the film looks great. Some viewers will bemoan the washed out and depressed look of the film but for me this was a strength as it allows the touching moments of happiness to stand out more but more importantly gives the whole thing a nice edge that I thought worked and drew me in.

    It also suits the character of Peter as here he is dead eyed and worn down but yet with sparks still in him. It is an interesting character and one that the silent "script" brings out well. Of course this is more to do with the skill of the animators as they bring out so much with the stop motion figures. It does lack the smoothness that modern child audiences will be used to but it is better for it, suiting the rough, bleak feel of the film and, despite what I said about not being "smooth", it looks great throughout. The music is good as well, matching the mood of any individual scene and shifting well when required – as another reviewer commented, it is a good way of getting children into this type of music.

    Overall then an engaging and enjoyable animated take on a famous story. It has a great bleak atmosphere and a strong story and central character. Shown over Christmas 2006, it proved to be a welcome break from mass produced cartoons with simple cloying messages and is worth seeing if you get the chance.
  • I saw this film almost by accident, and I am very grateful. Everything to the last detail is meticulously cared for. The puppets are incredibly detailed, the animation perfectly done, the lighting excellent and the acting superb. But most of all, the story... this story has a little but very meaningful twist at the end and still manages to be true to the original. Disney's Peter and the Wolf may be cute and charming, but lacks the depth of this masterpiece. Tempelton's Peter has some strong personality and penetrating eyes. Some people might find it slow, but only if they want to watch everything move at the pace of Fairly Odd Parents. I'm glad I lived to see this work and I hope many people has the opportunity and disposition to watch this.
  • dbborroughs21 January 2008
    Warning: Spoilers
    Updated retelling of Sergei Prokofiev's Peter and the Wolf is a masterpiece of stop motion animation. Set in modern Russia it pretty much follows the story of young Peter going out into world despite his Grandfathers warning and encountering a wolf.

    What makes this film so special is that the film has so many small touches that add life and magic to the oft told tale. Look at all of the facial expressions. These are not inanimate objects these are real people and real characters. Look at all of the eyes how alive they seem. Director Suzie Templeton has added a much needed element, danger, to the proceedings. In all the years and all of the countless times I've heard the piece I never really feared for Peter or his friends, here at last I do. Its an edgy retelling that is more emotive since Peter is in very real danger of getting hurt or killed. There is an edge and a weight to the proceedings that I've never experienced before.

    Its not fair to compare this to the Disney version since they are two very different takes on the same story. Both valid, both excellent, but not rightly compared.

    Make an effort to see this film, it quite possibly a classic.
  • jboothmillard19 February 2009
    Warning: Spoilers
    I heard about this film on the news, from director Suzie Templeton, from Hedge End, Southampton, Hampshire, England (which I know very well) won the Oscar for Best Short Animated Film, and deservedly so. It is a film based on the piece of music by Sergei Prokofiev, so like Fantasia, a story is added with the music to guide. Basically Peter is the young boy locked out the woods by his protective grandfather, and his only friend is a duck, he is bullied in town. Peter manages to steal the gate keys from his sleeping grandfather and enters the woods with the duck, and an ill-flying bird. They have a little fun on the frozen lake, with the grandfather's cat joining them. Soon though they encounter a wolf, and when it eats the duck, Peter wants to get revenge and capture the wolf with a near netting. He succeeds, and his grandfather sees it too, but in the end, when taking the caged animal into town, Peter can't let the wolf be either put in a stage show, or killed by hunters, he just lets it go. The stop-motion animation, particularly for the ginger cat and wolf, is extraordinary. Templeton apparently spent a year making this half hour film, and she deservedly won the Oscar for Best Short Animated Film (also nominated the BAFTA), a great triumph. Very good!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I have to disagree with LDB Movies from Culver City. If they cannot sit through 29 minutes of this beautiful work of art, then how do they feel about sitting through a 2 hour movie that is a masterpiece? To watch "Peter and the Wolf" you first off have to have an imagination. It is a thought provoking story with morals. I actually wanted the story to go on and was sad that it was only 29 minutes long. Between the sets, the music and the time that was put into the project is mind blowing. Watch it again if you have to - to appreciate it for what it is. We first see Peter as this shy boy who is afraid of his own shadow. But thanks to his animal friends and even the Wolf who at a point thinks of him as a meal, we see Peter mature and gain confidence in a short amount of time. Every time I watch this short movie I pick up a new lesson that maybe others to not see. That is why I suggest you watch it over again.
  • Peter and the Wolf is a UK and Poland production. It reportedly cost over $2 million to make; a lot of money for a 30 minute animated film.

    The film is based on the music of Prokofiev. The animation style reminds me of The Brothers Quay and Jan Svankmajer. I understand why some people might find it creepy. It has a realistic look to it using fabrics and fur textures on the animals. The animation is the film's biggest strength. It looks stunning.

    Despite being produced for UK TV station Channel 4. It hasn't been broadcast for a few years now. It was a mainstay of their Christmas schedule for a few years. A DVD is available.

    The film might be unsuitable for very young children due to some violence and scary scenes. I will praise the art style all day long, but I find myself getting bored half way through. That said it is a darker winter themed animation that deserves to be seen at least once.
  • This film earned the Oscar it got. Some very excellent traditional stop motion animation, combined with modern editing techniques.

    The story is placed in a more modern world and given some new twists. A modern but deteriorating Russia set against an almost primal wilderness. The main character, Peter, has lost his Disney-like cuteness. And that's a good thing! He's a more streetwise but daydreaming Peter. Tough but lonely. The animation on the characters is simply superb. They even animated the fur of the wolf and cat!

    Go see this animation as well as Dog, another one of Suzie Templeton's great little shorts.
  • This is the day before the Oscars are announced for 2008 and I just got back from a special screening by our local film society of all five films nominated in the category of Best Animated Short Film. This film was among the five and while a very good film, it just seemed in a different league compared to the two best nominees, Petrov's "Moya lyubov" and "Même les pigeons vont au paradis"--as these two films were great and clearly deserve the statuette (too bad they can't give two).

    "Peter and the wolf" is a retelling of the Prokofiev's classic musical tale. Unlike other versions, this one is not set in the 19th century but more recent times, as there are cars and other modern things in the film. Also, unlike many of the previous versions, this one does not use traditional animation but stop-motion animation--producing a very pretty film.

    As for me, although this is a lovely film and tooks years to make, this is a wonderful case of "been there, done that" because I have seen this story before and frankly don't want to see yet another version of this classic tale. While the animation is nice, the creators of this short film did not need to spend much time writing--just adapting a story. Because of that, I just can't see it winning the Oscar. Pretty good, but probably not in the running for the award.

    2/24/08--Apparently I am terrible at guessing Oscars as this film DID win the Oscar for Best Animated Short. It was a lovely film--its winning just surprised me.
  • I recently caught the PBS showing of this Oscar winning short and was engrossed by the terrific stop motion puppet animation. It is among the finest animation I've seen and shows animators are still using many of the old techniques (non computerized) to good use.

    Not only was the animation first rate, but I felt it offered a perfect accompaniment to Sergei Prokofiev's composition. I have fond memories listening to Peter and the Wolf as a child on my parent's record player. This adaptation provides a wonderful visual for the story that I only could imagine as a youth.

    I also found the additional filmmaker's comments on how this project came together insightful. I have very minor qualms with this production as I have tried to reconcile my imagination of how the story should look with the creative vision of the directors of this film. Overall, it is a fine piece of work and was well deserving of its acclaim.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Suzie Templeton's very soviet-looking "Peter & the Wolf" is one of the short films that won the Oscar for Best Animated Short Film with the longest running time. It goes on for slightly over 30 minutes and features the tale and music from Sergei Prokofiev famous 1936 composition. Apart from the music, the one thing I really liked about it was the way the snowy landscapes and animals were animated. The fat feisty cat was interesting to watch throughout and the wolf, who does not appear until halfway in, was depicted perfectly as a wild beast, just the way he should be. What I did not like at all was the way Peter, the central character, was animated. He basically spotted the whole annoyed face expression for half an hour and even the animals had more movement in their face expressions depending on the situation. It was pity of course as he was in every scene and the most crucial character of all. This is what lowered the film from "pretty good" to "merely okay" for me.

    The story is pretty okay and makes for a good watch, but it is also clearly elevated by the ending. I recommend this one, especially to animation lovers, mainly because of the interactions between all the animals involved. I certainly also makes a good watch for children as it's pretty much puppet theater put on screen.
  • I remember the fun, animated version Walt Disney made many years ago, and the recording with Cyril Ritchard as narrator. (He was Captain Hook to Mary Martin's Peter Pan on Broadway and TV in the late 50s). This is totally different and nothing that the composer would have recognized. No music for the first 5-10 minutes, no narration, a grim modern city in present day Russia, where Peter gets thrown into a dumpster by a group of young thugs. The figures are scary for the under six crowd. I bought it for my 4 and 2 year old grandnieces, but won't give it to them. It would give them nightmares. I was not really entertained by it either. Even the animal friends of Peter are presented in a threatening form. Vastly disappointed.
  • This one might be controversial. In a time when animation studios like Pixar or DreamWorks create tons of successful high-budget animation films with lots of action and tension in it, one might wonder if there's still a place for films like these. Well, in my opinion, those are two very different animals. If you want action and suspense and you don't care about anything else, then go see "Toy Story 3" or "The Incredibles" and forget about this one.

    This story is from a time when nothing of the above-mentioned existed and people weren't dreaming of flying superheroes. This is a down-to- earth picture which deals with philosophical issues, without being pretentious and without demanding to much of its viewers.

    This particular realisation of that powerful and touching story is perfect in every way. Wonderful figures, a great attention to detail and an adequate rendition of Prokofiev's Suite altogether create a very genuine "Russian atmosphere". It is a true masterpiece and definitely deserves a wider audience.
  • I loved this, watched with my 8 year old daughter. It has laughs and suspense and sadness and happiness.

    The animation is incredible, especially the cat, and the characters are so endearing.

    I enjoy having films for my daughter that aren't filled with inane dialogue and cute little witticisms, as there are really so few nowadays that are really funny for kids. She enjoyed just watching and listening to the music, as she was able to comment on what was happening, or what she thought of the characters, without being afraid of missing a line.

    We recommend it to all.
  • This was an excellent short film and will have quality for all audiences to admire. In a mere 30 minutes, and without a single whisper of dialog the film, succeeds and encompasses a broad range of emotions, from laughing out loud to almost getting teary eyed. This is a movie that all audiences can enjoy. Kids will like it because the characters and their mannerisms are endearing and adults will like it because it will remind them of when they first heard the story. One of the best parts is that it is shorter than a full length feature so you or your children will not get ants in their pants from sitting still for so long. The visuals compliment the music rather well, the animation of faces convey emotions well and the drabness of the backgrounds and surroundings capture the harshness of Eastern Europe's brutal Winters. Sit back and enjoy this wonderful romp through one of the best pieces of classical music out there.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I must say I still consider "Dog" to be the best short directed by Suzie Templeton, despite its heavy subject: This is not to say this is without merit, of course; I'm glad that Peter and the Wolf winning the academy award for best animated short film back then in the year 2007 allowed Templeton to finally receive the recognition she and her crew deserved. I do find its tone to a bit odd, however.

    There is sharp contrast between the beginning of the movie, displaying the naturalistic depiction of everyday life (Also present in "Dog") with an almost bleak tone. However, as soon the raven enters in scene, the short changes, featuring some cutesy animal banter.

    There is a clever idea behind that, of course: As soon Peter enter in the forest and the music starts playing, its almost like one of those stories about children transported to magical fantasy lands, hence the semi-anthropomorphized behavior from the animals (At least until the wolf enters in scene) The raven with the ballon plays here a role similar to the white rabbit in Wonderland; he is the one inviting the children to the adventure, to the "other world", filled with bright and joy, opposed to the gray everyday life. The fairytale irrupts in reality, but it also has its share of danger, personified in the figure of the Big Bad Wolf, which Peter has to defeat as part of a rite of passage, after losing his peloved pet friend.

    I do appreciate the fact that, despite being a movie aimed at children, it does not talk down to their audience, refusing to talk about the sad and bitter aspects of life, but without having its share of optimism. Maybe some people expect something far more serious will be kinda disappointed, while others expecting a full-cutesy tale like the Disney short will find a bit too somber at moments.

    Even when "My Love" by Aleksandr Petrov was my favorite of the nominees from that year, I still consider this a pretty solid work, and.
  • TheLittleSongbird21 September 2013
    Peter and the Wolf is one of Prokoviev's best and most accessible works, one of my first introductions to classical music as well. This animated short film is just outstanding(even better than Disney's version and the excellent ballet production with if memory serves correct Anthony Dowell as the grandfather), highly acclaimed and wholly deserving of it. The animation is great, very professional and detailed if not quite as refined as other animations seen. The atmosphere it evokes too is naturalistic, charming, sinister(but not too scary) and very Russian. The characters are modelled very well, standouts being the cat and the wolf. Prokoviev's music is fantastic as expected, the orchestra perform it beautifully and bring out the different personalities of their characters through the different instruments very successfully. The strings and horns are particularly good. The story has been tinkered a little, but the spirit is there as are the basic details, and it's still engaging and touching. The characters are very well-defined, Peter's a likable hero and the wolf is a very scary nemesis. In conclusion, an outstanding short film. 10/10 Bethany Cox
  • In a time of endless 3D superhero films from the likes of Dreamworks and Disney/Pixar (to mention but two), this piece from the Academy Award- winning Suzie Templeton offers a somewhat unique experience.

    Templeton presents an animated adaption of Prokofiev's children's story "Peter and the Wolf". Set to the score written by Prokofiev in 1936, giving the film a somewhat operatic feel. Much like the Snowman (Dir. Dianne Jackson), Peter and the Wolf contains no dialogue- the score instead providing its own narrative.

    This simple, heart-warming, down-to-Earth masterpiece shows animation at its finest- a million miles away from the superficiality of today's high- budget, Digitized animated films churned out by companies such as Dreamworks and Disney/Pixar. Fantastic animation, a traditional story, and a beautiful score- this work deserves a much bigger audience.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This short deservedly won the Academy Award for Animated Short. There will be mild spoilers ahead:

    I could talk about the story or the music, which are quite well known to most people and which are quite effectively done here. But I want to talk about the animation (it is an animated short, after all).

    The animation is is simply breathtaking. The detail is magnificent. Particularly watch the scenes with the cat. The cat sleeping on the grandfather's chest, the cat stalking the bird and in turn being stalked by the wolf. The duck on the ice. It's just a beautifully done short. Moya Lyubov (My Love) is as impressive among the other nominees and Madame Tutli Putli comes close. But Peter and the Wolf is a hair or two better.

    This short is available on DVD and is most definitely worth tracking down, as it's a most remarkable short film. Most highly recommended.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I saw this film for the first time this evening when it was shown at my university just before my animation course leader interviewed Suzie Templeton, director of this masterpiece. It's hard to determine if this is the first or second adaptation of 'Peter and the Wolf' I have ever seen - I probably saw the Disney Mini Classics version when I was a child or just its trailer.

    Further to this version, the characters are well-crafted and their poses and facial expressions, particularly on the humans, the wolf and the cat, are natural but their movements are quite jerky and sometimes slow, whereas the animation on the bird trying to steal Peter's balloon is well-done since attempting to animate a bird flying in stop- motion is believed to be difficult to master. The backgrounds on the other hand are detailed and realistic. Although there is no spoken dialogue, there are still human vocal sounds like grunts, growls, gasps and laughter and the facial animation is expressive enough to communicate the characters' feelings. The music is sparse to begin with but I like the main composition because it is cheerful, memorable and is played in different arrangements. The music is variable with different instruments representing each character and changing its mood. It does a sound job with driving the narrative while The sound effects are plentiful and also realistic. There are few humorous moments such as the bird pooing on the cat if this is crude. There are also poignant and tense moments. Water is used well, especially when the cat falls through the frozen pond and tears form in Peter's eyes before he sees the wolf for the first time. The ending was tense but quite abrupt.

    Overall, this is an intricately detailed if slightly unevenly-animated stop-motion piece with its music being the strongest point. 9/10.
  • A careful crafted version of Prokofiev composition, in which the wolf, the grandfather, the goose, the crow, the hunters , the names of shops and the crow are pieces of a clever crafted story about courage, determination, wisfome, curiosity and empathy.

    Being an animation by Suzie Templar, the real surprises are far to can be many.

    But, like The dog, the traits of Peter are just admirable, reflecting his states, condition and energy of age in beautiful manner.

    A nice portrait of friendship and bravery and precise defined attitute about life.

    Delightful can sound too much but, served by music of sergey Prokofiev, the film is just beautiful in profound sense, for each detail and nuance.