User Reviews (8)

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  • The second episode of 30 Rock is a little better than the first and a tad funnier. There are better gags and the one with Alec Baldwin spitting off names in the photos "Heidi Klum", etc is just plain comedy! Tracy Morgan is better in this episode and is way less annoying. Of course, Baldwin is on top of his game.

    "Aftermath" is about how the cast is skeptical about Tracy joining the show so Liz and Tracy decide to throw a party on a yacht to impress the crew.

    Overall, this is a good episode thanks to some funny gags. The acting is really good and it improves off the first episode. I rate this episode 8/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    After an amusing, but not great, pilot, 30 Rock gets started with a solid second episode exploring the making of a show dramatically altered by the addition of a new star, Tracy. The first funny bit comes when Tracy tries to act out a commercial: he'd clearly not be an easy actor to work with. While Liz is trying to relax the old star, Liz embarrasses herself by bad mouthing everyone and everyone can hear her; later, Tracy takes everyone on a yacht but Liz realizes it won't be smooth sailing.

    The Aftermath is a good start for the series, with some of the characters being established and some of the style forming. Setting the end on a yacht is reminiscent of the beginning of Arrested Development, a show 30 Rock comes close to.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    While a bit funnier than the pilot, "The Aftermath" is still uneven in spots. Liz Lemon introduces Tracy Jordan to her writing staff. We find out that The Girlie Show is now called TGS with Tracy Jordan. Tracy shoots some promos with Jenna Maloney where he keeps getting her name wrong. Liz and Jenna accidentally keep their mics on when they talk trash about Tracy. When Liz talks to Tracy and does the same about her staff she is seen on television monitors. Tracy then offers to get everyone together on his yacht. As Liz tries to find the bathroom, she finds from a maid hiding in the closet that the yacht is stolen so she tells everybody to jump ship. The next day, Jack Donaghy congratulates Lemon on the staff unity and manages to keep Jordan's yacht scandal out of the papers...except for a drunk pose on the front page of one of Jenna! Liz is insulted when Donaghy thinks Maloney will like it, then Maloney comes and tells how excited she is about the free publicity as Liz puts a deadpan look on her face. What is a bit uneven is the Maloney character wanting respect one minute and then glad of being on the tabloid cover next. Also, Rachel Dratch was originally supposed to play the role now taken over by Jane Krakowski. To still get some airtime, Fey has her Second City partner doing various roles in each episode but they are cameos that short-shrift Dratch's talents. The food being thrown at Liz by her staff after she insulted them on the monitors is also a bit much. However, both Alec Baldwin and Tracy Morgan are doing fine in their roles and hopefully we'll see more of the writing staff and producer as the series moves on. I just hope NBC gives the series a chance after the show's less-than-spectacular ratings of the first two weeks!
  • MaxBorg8924 September 2008
    After one hell of a pilot, 30 Rock continues to offer great gag after great gag, once again largely thanks to the combined efforts of Tina Fey, Alec Baldwin and Tracy Morgan.

    The problem at the center of the episode is Tracy's addition to the cast of The Girlie Show. Jenna is particularly upset when the insane movie star keeps mispronouncing her name while filming a commercial, and things get worse when the name of the show is officially changed to "TGS with Tracy Jordan". Liz's attempts to calm everyone down don't fare much better, as she repeatedly badmouths everyone without meaning it. At this point, the only reasonable thing Tracy can do is throw a party on his yacht and invite the whole staff.

    As any sitcom fan knows, boats, and yachts especially, are rarely a good place to be (see the pilot of Arrested Development or the Season 5 finale of Will & Grace) but always the ideal setting for smart laughs. The Aftermath is no exception to that rule, and aside from Morgan being the usual whack-job ("He bit Dakota Fanning on the face!"), the yacht section offers Jane Krakwoski a splendid opportunity to showcase her talents as a physical comedienne. As for the verbal comedy gold, look no further than Jack Donaghy staring at pictures of various people in order to memorize their names ("Heidi Klum. Guy sleeping with Heidi Klum." etc) or Liz trying to get Tracy to say Jenna's name right ("Maroney. Rhymes with baloney."). A work of pure genius.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    In this second episode we continue with the introduction to the team and them getting used to Tracy Morgan being on the show.

    In this 20 minutes we get a few hilarious moments that contribute to the plot. One would be Liz trying to make Jenna feel better by saying insulting things about others while having a working mic nearby and then do the same thing with Tracy while being broad casted on TV screen. Hilarious acting and great lines.

    It is also wrapped up very well. The whole team gets together while partying on a boat and gets along better. Of course it adds in a funny way when we find out that it is not Tracy's boat and Jenna being all happy about embarrassing pictures of her passed out in the morning.

    The more we get to know characters the funnier they become. Jenna seems awesome. So does Tracy, who apparently also bit Dakota Fanning's face in his past. Also hope to see more of the writing team who seem to be a great combination of special characters
  • nebohr22 February 2022
    The Aftermath (Yawn)

    My wife and I. We both have theatre background. And we're not about to launch into a boring six paragraph dissertation on any TV show or movie. We would like to think that our light-hearted, semi-non sequitur reviews based upon the silly MST3K model might be enjoyable for some. WE get a kick out of it ; ).

    8-stars. All our reviews start at 8-stars.

    Usually we can tick off our reasons for an episode either gaining or losing stars. But this steaming pile of crap goes straight to:

  • Prismark1024 April 2021
    The second episode creates a three way tension.

    Now not only Liz and Jack vie over the direction of The Girlie Show.

    With Tracy added to the show, Liz finds that the show is heading on a different direction.

    The episode was still uneven. The bit where the fanfare goes off for Tracy each time someone walked into the studio got a bit too much.

    People seem to remember the yacht segment. I thought it was obvious that it would not be Tracy's yacht.
  • Sorry, but 'Studio 60' got axed because of this show??

    This episode wasn't that great, with the Tracy Morgan character feeling like a ruder version of the one played by Eddie Murphy in 'Bowfinger'.
