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  • When I first got my Playstation 3 one of the first game demos I try was Heavenly Sword. After a friend of mine suggest it I begin to get curious about the game and had to play the full game.

    Now that I have played the game I have to give my review of Heavenly Sword.

    You play Nariko the woman who uses the Heavenly Sword. Legend has it the weapon was made by the Gods themselves.

    The game play in the game feels like God Of War where you have to put a button on screen on command to ensure damage. Also you get to unlock new combos and attacks as you play as well. Along with puzzle solving to make the game a challenge and it is without a doubt that.

    The game's story is very interesting from the start as we see our hero struggle to protect those she cares for and how she deals with her father.

    The Graphics in the game are some of the most beautiful ever in a game, the level designs are so amazing from the waterfall to the mountains. The character designs are very good as well and Nariko the protagonist is so beautiful.

    The voice acting is very well done with a talented cast for each character.

    The controls in the game are a good feel for how the game makers wanted the game to be.

    The game does have some issues some of the enemies are tough to defeat also most puzzles can test your patience. But the game does reward you for it.

    Over all the game despite some challenges is a beautiful looking game and with creative game play to go along with it.

    Heavenly Sword gets a 8 out of 10
  • I would have given this game 10/10 if there had been just a bit more adventure to it (less linear). With the capabilities of the PS3 (the system I played it on) there is enough room and power to have this game more exploratory; like Assassin's Creed or any of the Grand Theft Auto games (and others I'm sure). This game was linear and had no interaction or random people to talk to or areas to explore. Nor were there other things you could do, other than just slash slash slash. Perhaps I should have judged it 8/10.

    However, I put 9 out of 10 because of how well I enjoyed this game and the cinematic scenes in between battles. The story was quite nice and the cinematics were just like watching a movie with great motion and voice acting. I fully enjoyed this game for what it was and not what it could be. So that's why the 9 score.

    If you liked Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time; you should also enjoy this game. Nariko is beautiful and Kai is cute and funny. I loved loved LOVED the 'after-touch' use in this game as well. It really added to the game to make up for any areas where it might have lacked.

    I recommend this game and hope all enjoy it as much as I did. Again, though, if they make a sequel to this game, or whatever. I say to make villages and streets and characters that aren't necessarily essential to the driving of the game to its end. Otherwise, I loved this game.
  • Amazing Games and amazing actors, the gameplay is interesting but the best part of this masterpiece is the story. The cutscenes has some of the most impressive facial animations i have seen so far, even the game being a little older now...And I knew that ithe main villain was someone that I have seen before, and the guy is just the master of this type of things...The little girl kai was amazing and the protagonist too... in short, the voice acting was perfect.

    Ah, and the game works perfectly in the RPCS3 emulator. I finished it in a single day with no problems.

    So I recommend this game to anyone that likes a good story.
  • This is the story of an evil ruler, Bohan who is on a quest to collect mystical weapons as trophies. He will slaughter all who stand in his way. This quest leads him to the clan of Nariko and her people. They have been guardians of the Heavenly Sword, once wielded by a deity and known to claim the life of any mortal that uses it. Nariko is the daughter of the leader Shen and tasked with protecting the sword. When given the choice between handing the sword over to Bohan or surrendering her father's life, Nariko decides to use the sword instead. She is helped along the way by Kai, a catlike woman that is an expert with a bow that is a lot like a mini gun. When Nariko ultimately loses the sword she must fight to not only regain it but also save the lives of the rest of her clan.

    This game is perfect in every aspect. It is a wonderful and layered story. As such, even though you know the ending you will want to revisit it often. The animation, especially on the PS3 is phenomenal and I can honestly say that in the cut scenes I have not seen the equal, even to this day. Ninja Theory designed the crap out of this and the best feature they came up with is the after touch. This allows you to slow down projectile weapons and by tilting the controller direct them where you want them to go. This comes in quite handy with the catapult and the bow.

    I have played through this game more times than I can remember and it is the only reason I still have a PS3. Everyone that I told about this game and let borrow my copy ended up buying their own. Yeah it is that good. If you have a PS3 still and have not yet played this, then do it. If you do not have a 3, go get one along with this game.
  • Heavenly Sword was one of the first installments for the Play-Station 3. It was, hands down, one of the best opening adjustments for the fairly new console.

    The plot was...well, I'll put it this way, it's not possible to assume what happens next. This game's story was very outstanding and almost unbelievable. Not predictable in the slightest. I'll leave it to the player to unravel the game for themselves, but I can assure you that this game is definitely full of plot-twists.

    I might add that this game has excellent, superb graphics. Almost every scene looks real. Everything from real sweat running down Nariko's cheek to stunning hand-to-hand combat that just can't be beaten. This installment has got the icing on the cake, so you don't need to worry about the game play.

    However, this game, in general, was also very, very short. I would say it took maybe 7 hours to beat. I don't know, maybe I wouldn't have been so disappointed had I not spent 60 bucks for it.

    All in all, to sum it all up, this game is surely worth the buy, as long as you can find it for about 30 bucks. Yeah, any higher price and I'd say it wouldn't be worth the time or money. But you should check your local stores and see if this game's in stock, you'll probably want this one in your collection!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Heavenly Sword- 2007 The tale of Nariko is one of tragedy at the beginning of this story where you see our heroine defeated by the evil sword but empowered to a goddess level where she can defeat thousands of evil goons, so you start very overpowered at the beginning, kind of like Final Fantasy 13 where is so easy you start to wonder why you are playing the game. These games are why you must give them a chance beyond the beginning; it starts from mind numbingly easy to excruciatingly difficult! I admit is not a good strategy, since most people judge the game at a first impression, but I can also see why they do this. By giving the person some power at first, it makes the player comfortable with the character and by letting loose the reigns, all chaos ensues with some really challenging boss fights. It also makes sense in the overall story, at first the player has to sense that Nariko has extraordinary powers from the Heavenly Sword when she is fighting a horde of minions and even at the end of the game from which this scene is re-played since it starts like Memento, in the end, they are extremely easy since they are minions. The bosses are fun to play against, teaching you countering moves, albeit not necessary to beat them, but essential to practice on. The final boss, however, is ridiculously hard, but in a good way. The game assumes that you practiced the necessary dodging and countering techniques with the previous bosses so it is essential that you know these to defeat the final boss. Think Ocarina of Time Ganondorf with the countering but stricter, meaning you miss the timing by a millisecond and you are hit, you have to time it right when your character is hit by the beam blast, it is the best boss battle ever in my opinion, in video game history, so far. Challenging and frustrating but in a good way, in a way that when you beat him, you feel proud, not like Shao-Khan, which when you beat him in MK9, you think, "FINALLY!!" after spamming him in some way for being cheap. In terms of story, it's nothing special, the whole point is that this sword is killing Nariko but providing her with extraordinary power, some evil bad guy, who is hilariously portrayed by Andy Serkis and steals the show, wants the sword to rule the world (he's the final boss by the way) and her father has a secret that will backfire on him regarding Nariko.. the plot was your basic good vs evil storyline with a mystical artifact but the gameplay was very excellent and the over the top acting from Serkis is hilarious. I would say to buy the game to experience the best boss battle ever, really good use of the SIXAXIS controller when controlling Nariko's friend (she shoots arrows and the arrows are controlled with the SIXAXIS), and a great cast of villains especially King Bohan who is Serkis.
  • When Heavenly Sword first came out, I remember seeing the ads for it on TV. The ads emphasized only the action and hack n slash gameplay which didn't catch my attention. Not being much of an action fan, I didn't bother to play it. It was about a year after it came out when I got the chance to try it. It took me by complete surprise when I found out that there was an actual good story. The background takes you into the game's story and you feel for the characters. Hardly, any games will do this. The graphics, dialogues, and motion acting are great as well as the gameplay itself. This is one the titles you must play for PS3. These types of games are very rare and are not appreciated much today. Easily a 10 out of 10.