User Reviews (11)

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  • poolandrews3 April 2008
    Warning: Spoilers
    Blood Predator starts as a small plane full of people on holiday heads towards Yosemite National Park in California, however during bad whether the plane is forced to crash land in the wilderness miles from anywhere. There are seven survivors, married couples John (Bill Devlin) & Sandy (Merry Simkins) plus Tom (Mark Irvingsen) & Barb (Rayne Aspengren) along with snowboarder Zak (Jared Cohn) & his girlfriend Jennifer (Mary Dignan) & rounding things off is lesbian Caren (Jackie Freed). Deciding they need to get out of the freezing whether they come across a seemingly deserted house with a ski mobile, unfortunately it doesn't work so they then decide to stay at the house & wait for help. Little do they realise that alien creatures have invaded the house & have eaten the previous occupant's, the seven survivors soon end up on the menu...

    Written, produced & directed by Paul Gagné at the time of me writing this comment Blood Predator has no other 'User Comments' or 'External Reviews' on the IMDb although in the fullness of time as it becomes widely available that will undoubtedly change. It also only has five 'User Ratings' with three IMDb users giving a lowly 1 star (six now if you count me) & two insane users giving it an astonishing 10 stars out of 10, I'm sorry but the day when a piece of crap film such as Blood Predator is worthy of a flawless 10 out of 10 is the day civilisation as we know it collapses. There are so many things utterly awful & inept about Blood Predator it's hard to know where to begin or indeed stop for that matter. First the character's, there are two types of character's in Blood Predator. Annoying & very annoying. They are really awful clichés of the poorest sort, apart from a few random clichéd lines to flesh them out these people are just there to make up the numbers. The dialogue is awful & sometimes contradicts itself, for instance after shooting an alien one character triumphantly claims that 'it's dead' at which point someone replies 'are you sure' to which he says back 'it's impossible to tell'. Just think about that short dialogue exchange, it's a total contradiction within the space of five seconds isn't it? At first the guy is sure it's dead & then in virtually the same sentence claims it's impossible to know if it's dead. That's just one example of the badly written & thought out dialogue, trust me there are other's. Then there's the fact that Blood Predator is so slow & boring, for the first seventy minutes nothing happens. Why don't the aliens attack? What are they doing exactly? If they strip human beings to the bone (lots of bones found in the basement) & eat the flesh why didn't they eat Zak the snowboarder? They killed him & placed his body outside the front door so the other's would find it, why? Look I could go on all day about how bad Blood Predator is but there's a word limit & I really can't be bothered even thinking about it any more.

    Director Gagné obviously had no money & doesn't have much of anything else either. We are supposed to believe that these plane crash survivors are snowed in but if you look at the scene when they first find the house the ground is perfectly dry without a single snow flake anywhere to be seen, now you could accept this & say the snow cleared up but then why do they spend so much time trying to fix the snow mobile? They could just literally walk & if you look at the scene when they start the snow mobile & how slow it is it probably would have been quicker to walk! There's just no snow on the ground or lying on the branches of trees or any sign that they are snowed in. It's a huge continuity problem that is just laughable when seen on screen, it destroys the whole plot & it's impossible to take the film seriously. There's barely any gore, there's some blood splatter, an alien sticks it's tongue through a girls chest, there's a decapitated head & hand & that's it. The special effects are terrible, the CGI alien ant things don't look anything like the real life on set rubber puppet which is so static & lacks any sort of movement.

    According to the IMDb Blood Predator had a budget of about $250,000 which actually sounds quite a lot considering what ended up on screen. Quite literally noting happens for the first seventy minutes for God's sake. It seems to have been shot on a video camcorder with most of it being filmised although there are still shots which are clearly video. The acting is pretty bad.

    Blood Predator is a truly awful, awful film in every way both conceptually & technically. Seriously this is the kind of film that makes you want to stop watching films altogether, definitely one to avoid & don't believe the 10 out of 10 ratings as it was probably the director & his mum who voted. Think Return of the Aliens: The Deadly Spawn (1983) rip-off only much, much worse.
  • sjc_mm14 November 2008
    This film is so monumentally bad on every level it is honestly quite hard to believe :-) Everything you want to say about this film uses terms that have no place anywhere near this masterpiece - acting, special effects, plot, characters, take your pick .... none of them are here. It's worth watching for a benchmark to compare all other films by (although on zone horror it has some stiff competition as it's my new favourite place for truly bad films). Three things to watch out for in the film are

    1) The spectacularly poor special effects - truly, truly jaw droppingly bad - done by his mate for a pint and a curry I suspect

    2) The randomly changing and wildly fluctuating film quality

    3) The everlasting 6 shot pistol (I think it must be belt feed!)

    Go on - it's 2 hours of your life you won't get back, but you will remember it.
  • This simply has to be the worst film ever made. Why? No plot, no script, no direction, no acting, the worst CGI monsters you are ever likely to see – wouldn't convince a four year old that they were real, let alone an adult. Move over "Plan 9 from Outer Space", your title as worst ever move has just been hijacked! You have to ask the question, why did they bother? At least Plan 9 was bad enough to achieve some kind of cult status, and had a "star" in Bela Lugosi. This film had nothing. And… all these comments are based on the bits of the film I could bear to watch! It was way too excruciating to view every minute! If this one comes round on cable, go out, make a coffee, clean your navel out with a screwdriver – anything has to be better that watching this!
  • pj30422 July 2010
    Watched this movie on zone horror one night during a bout of insomnia. I can honestly say that it is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Basically, 7 survivors of a plane crash set up camp in deserted hut during a snowstorm but soon find themselves picked off one by one by a flesh eating alien. I thought it sounded like it could be pretty good - I couldn't have been more wrong.

    The directing, editing, lighting, acting, special effects - in fact, pretty much EVERYTHING about the movie - are absolutely terrible. The plot is basically non-existent. The movie is peppered with various scenes in which the actors are quite clearly standing in front of a blue screen. It really has to be seen to be believed, its THAT bad. Oh and there's also a random lesbian sex scene thrown on for good measure.

    An embarrassment to all involved.
  • vic_lamb9 April 2008
    Saw this on Zone Horror the other night, couldn't believe my eyes at how bad this movie really is!!! Most of the 'Action' *cough* takes place in this hut thats supposed to be snowbound but there's no sign of snow outside.

    The main alien looks like one of those rubber pencil top wobblers you used to be able to buy in the 70's.

    The acting,(ha-ha) was more wooden than Queen Victorias teeth, and near the end when they are trying to dig themselves out of the hut the snow they are digging resembles polystyrene packing material.

    Shocking bloody shocking.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A handful of people wind up stranded in a snowy mountain area in the wake of an airplane crash. They seek refuge in an old abandoned cabin. Moreover, the group find themselves being terrorized by a lethal predatory extraterrestrial beast residing in the basement of said cabin. Boy, does writer/director Paul Gagne strike out something rotten in every possible way with this mind-numbingly awful stinker: Slack (non)direction, sluggish pacing, terrible acting from a lame no-name cast (Merry Simkins cops the grand booby prize for her insufferably shrill portrayal of hateful whiny shrew Sandy), murky washed-out cinematography, zero tension or spooky atmosphere, tin-eared dialogue ("I'm scared, baby"), tacky gore, shoddy (far from) special effects, uniformly obnoxious and unlikable characters, an overly talky and meandering script, a generic hum'n'shiver score, and a pitifully hokey and unconvincing rubbery monster. Only a surprisingly hot lesbian love scene and some tasty gratuitous female nudity manage to make a favorable impression. A total clunker.
  • Incredibly poor and dismal POS! I admit, I bought this movie in a group dvd just so I cud watch El Chupacabra VS the Alamo, with Emilio Estevez, thinking innocently that clearly THAT had to be the cheesiest stinker on the whole disc - boy was I wrong! If it weren't for the random boobage that crops up from time to time this would be MST3K fodder, or at least grist for the Rifftrax mill. Shockingly bad in every possible way, and a total hoot! :=8D
  • Warning: Spoilers
    OK, it's a crummy movie, at least according to the usual standards of film, but it is not that hard to watch. In fact, it's really pretty fun. (I don't mean that it's so bad that it's good; I mean that it's fairly interesting and it doesn't grind your soul down as you wait for it to end.) The story keeps moving and actually has some suspenseful moments. (You may actually be mildly surprised at who survives and why.) There are several lengthy topless scenes, including some lesbian action. The acting is wildly over the top and the characters do the dumbest things. But it plunges forward relentlessly and cheerfully.

    The alien(s) is a combination of puppetry and some of the hokiest animation possible. "Cheesey" doesn't begin to describe it. But that's also part of the fun. Plus, you just have to catch the airplane FX at the beginning of the movie.

    It appears that about half of the movie is blue-screen and this creates some truly surrealistic effects. During a confrontation in a room, for example, the shots of one character were clearly taken on location or on a soundstage (probably the former). The reverse shot of the other character is obviously blue-screen, but the background that has been inserted looks like Van Gogh painted it, with wild textures and colors. It's supposed to be the very same room, but you'd hardly know it.

    I also enjoyed the revolver that was used. Not only did it not require reloading (well...they DID reload it once, I guess) but it is clearly a toy with green paint on the muzzle so they could add CGI muzzle blasts when it was fired. It's fascinating.

    And be sure to pay attention to the clearly irrelevant snow cat subplot. And the styrofoam snow. And the fake "flame thrower" FX. And the "baby" aliens. It's like much to see.

    Anyway, I watched it all the way through and suffered absolutely no ill effects. Give it a IS what it aspires to be.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Seven highly obnoxious people are flying to a ski weekend in Colorado when the pilot is forced to crash-land in the mountains. They make their way to a remote cabin, where they find a broken-down Snow Cat vehicle that they try and fail to fix. As fate would have it, the cabin's basement is inhabited by flesh-eating extraterrestrials, who wait until a good 65 minutes into the film before they attack their human prey.

    BLOOD PREDATOR has two types of characters: annoying and loathsome. There's the blustery rich guy with a stereotyped dumb blonde girlfriend, an incompetent mechanic with a bitchy wife, a lesbian who just lost her lover to cancer, and a pot-smoking snowboarder with a girlfriend who's not even one-dimensional. It's never explained what happened to the pilot. I'll assume he died in the crash.

    The lion's share of the (in)action occurs in the supposedly snowbound cabin. I say "supposedly" because the ground is decidedly free of snow. That makes the ongoing efforts to fix the broken Snow Cat seem kind of pointless. And by "efforts," I mean repeatedly turning the key in the ignition. Also featured is a classic bad-film cliché: the six-shooter that never needs reloading.

    BLOOD PREDATOR's estimated budget was $250,000. Given the end result, that figure sounds excessive. What could they possibly have spent that money on? Licensing for the endless classical song that plays on a portable radio?

    ITEM: The film establishes that the aliens eat the flesh of their victims, whose bones they leave in the basement. And yet, when they kill one character, not only don't they eat the dude's flesh, they dump his body in the front yard.

    ITEM: I've seen hospital basements smaller than that cabin's. There's also a trapdoor in the basement's ceiling, but what could it lead to? The attic? Only if M.C. Escher designed it!

    ITEM: When the character named John climbs through the trapdoor, he describes what he sees. Imagine if they had budget to show it!

    ITEM: The film includes a gratuitous-and decidedly un-erotic-lesbian sex scene.

    ITEM: The dead aliens look nothing like when they were alive. They're also far and away the worst CGI monsters I've ever seen. And the "flamethrower" effect is even more pathetic!

    ITEM: The "snow" piled up outside the cabin's window looks a whole lot like packing peanuts.

    ITEM: There just happens to be a case of dynamite in the cabin. God knows how old or stable it is, but don't expect the script to take that into consideration. And how do our plucky survivors get the dynamite to ignite? With a bear trap also lying around the cabin! (Good thing nobody stepped in it.)

    ITEM: The film ends with two survivors, one of whom says, "Let's go home." But how? They're snowbound in the mountains! And having blown up the cabin, they're outside in the freezing cold in nothing heavier than sweaters. Sure, the aliens are all dead, but they could be next! Ever heard of hypothermia? Frostbite? Trench foot? An unsatisfying ending to a movie that should never have begun.
  • This movie was just so bad with everything from a script that was badly written to very poorly done special effects plus the acting was just horrendous for the most part. But the opening scene was really scary plus there was a hilarious sex scene along some nudity and there was good cinematography overall which are about the only redeeming things about this movie.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The film opens with a man stranded at a cabin getting killed by something that doesn't like the taste of cat. After the credits a computer Generated (CG) plane filled with bad actors reading from a bad script is forced to land near said cabin.

    Eventually they must combat alien rubber/CG critters who apparently can only die in a CG flame. All the characters are fairly shallow and unlikable. I was hoping they would all die.

    Next to the bad CG effects, the seasons were amiss. They landed in winter with snow everywhere, yet there were outside scenes that appeared to be midsummer with high dark green grass and broad leaf trees with full foliage. Another Ed Wood moment.

    Currently available on a movie 8 pack.

    Parental Guide: F-bomb, sex, nudity (Rayne Aspengren, Jackie Joyner)