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  • Absalons Hemmelighed, is what we in Denmark refer to as a "Julekalender". Directly translated it means Christmas calender.

    It is a series in 24 episodes that is sent every day at the same time from December 1th to December 24th. Where the mystery or plot is revealed.

    Absalons Hemmelighed is about a teenage girl and her little sister who is very sick from a decease that can't be cured. In the 24 episodes the girl... (forgot her name, sorry =)) goes looking for the secret of Absalon, which is the name of the Christmas series.

    I thought it was a bit boring in the beginning, but when I watched 13 or more episodes right after each other on the 26th it all came clear to me. It actually was a great plot, one that you don't figure out until the last couple of shows.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Absalons Hemmlighed 'Absalons Secret' is a danish Christmas calender for the family. Made in 2006.

    The story: Cecilie is a young girl, age 12. She has a sister, who have a sick heart. The doctors can not help her. Cecilie hear about Absalons secret and together with a new friend Hubert they try to find the secret. Can Absalons secret safe her sister Ida?

    Cecilie is played by Sarah Juel Werner, a danish young actress known from 'Ulvepigen Tinke'. Sarah do a good job, but she never in my opinion became her character. Hubert is played by a newcomer and Ida too. They both good a good job.

    I like this Chrismas calender. Very good story, and it truly a movie for the whole family.