User Reviews (18)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    I give this movie a 5/10. For most people who intend to watch this movie there maybe somethings you'd like to know in order to decide whether to go ahead and rent it. So I'll provide the ups and downs.

    Downs : Heather Graham doesn't do a very bad job at portraying the character she plays, the movie's characters are just a little weak. For a character (girl) who is trying/wanting to get pregnant in the movie, almost every scene has alcohol in it. And in this age or say generation where communication is much more prevalent than the middle ages, its not so hard to get in touch with your half broken up boyfriend for 4-5 days. The movie is supposed to have some jokes I heard. I didn't really succumb to any of them.

    After having said all that some Ups : Despite have weak characters play the movie, the storyline wasn't so bad. Every move was intended to be a little suspenseful and Heather of course looks terrific in the movie.
  • This was a poor movie. Heather Graham did a very poor role. During the movie, i didn't even once feel her character. She acted like a psycho from the start to the very end. The soundtrack of the movie was plain and boring. The other actors were quite good and convincing. Mia Kirshner did a very good job as a supporting actress. Tom Ellis appeared seldom during the movie and his character was not properly developed. I also had the feel that there were some scenes cut from the movie. I believe that Heather Graham ruined the movie with her role. The movie is a comedy, but the only time when I laugh was when they did a scene with a cake(inspired from American Pie). Yes, I paid more on the popcorn than I did on the ticket. Comparing the value of the popcorn with the value of the movie, all I can say is that the popcorn worth every penny.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It takes a sexy American actress posing as British to make this film watchable? No. The only possible audience for this film is the women who are close to menopause and want children. Men, stay away!

    If you thought that this is a romantic movie, think again. It is all about the babies. This girl learns that she really has only one chance left to have a child, lest she turns barren. Her boyfriend is not the baby loving type, so she quickly dumps him (with the whining reason that having a baby is the most important thing for her) and proceeds on planning to lure a man to make her pregnant.

    The only positive thing going for her is that she tries to get in touch with her former boyfriend only to be blocked by the new girlfriend wanna-be.

    What follows are pathetic attempts to make men sleep with her (I mean, how hard can it be?!) and then a silly happy ending, since the guy really loved her, even with all the deception and self-centricity.

    Bottom line: if a guy listens to what his body is telling him and shags lots of women, he is a bad bad boy. If a woman listens to her body and tries to fornicate with as many men as possible in order to have a child, she is a sensible victim of premature menopause. Gah!
  • speedforce13127 July 2009
    I've been on a string of romantic comedies this month and I've never stopped a movie or fast forwarded to the end like this movie. Miss Conception tells the story of Georgina, a 34 year old woman who is entering an early menopause and only has 4 days left to conceive. Unluckily for her, she gets into a fight with her boyfriend and he leaves for work.

    As the title suggests, her main goal is to conceive a baby. During a 4 day period, she goes from zany encounter to encounter. This is where the film ultimately fails. The story would like us to believe that it's just that hard for her to get laid and in reality it's really not, especially a woman as beautiful as Heather Graham.

    Like all romantic comedies, the resolution is predictable. It's not that it's a bad thing, but the way that the events turned out, it makes you want to skip right to the end. It's pointless because there's nothing there to makes you want to keep watching. Even for fans of romantic comedies, I highly recommend against watching this film.
  • OK so let's get this over with..... Heather gets ONE point for the accent

    We've all done this before ;

    Watched a movie with the fast forward button ?, Sometimes it's just the first three minutes of the movie that we realise that we have been cheated once more by life ?, No mater that you checked the review, No mater that there was the front picture of a scantily babe ( or guy depending on the day ? ) No, No NO you scream ?!, My only hope can be that None of my hard earned money from a Lottery Scratch Card has gone on this utter waste of time ? for far to long lottery cash has gone on holding up this type of movie/Star time and time again...

    This is NO Richard Curtis film, Lacking Heart, Interest and Humor

    You might as well save your money and buy a Lottery Scratch Card instead at least you'd know that you weren't wasting your money............Oh wait ?!

  • njtomiami9 March 2008
    It was difficult to laugh at the supposed jokes, delivery and timing was really off. The only scene that caused me to laugh out loud was similar to a scene from "What about Mary" when Mary mistakenly uses a certain body fluid as hair gel.

    Why is the movie advertised as country of Orgin "Germany". It takes place in the UK with British and American actors. Nothing German here.

    Too many details are so unauthentic it was distracting, for example, our pretty petite lead character owns a construction company (more realistic if she was the secretary), the film production assistant has a Valley Girl accent (British accent would be more appropriate), The lead character is going though menopause at the age of 34 (at least make her 40 yrs old?).

    Pros about the movie: I enjoyed the character who played the macho construction guy. The best part about the movie is how gay friendly it was.
  • Recently I have seen a slew of low budget independent films with Heather Graham staring. I'm not sure if she can just not find work in the Hollywood main stream or if maybe she is trying to hone her craft in the independent scene. Well, I'm going to have to go with Hollywood rejecting her, because her choices in films have not been great. In my opinion she is a beautiful woman who has done some pretty good work before but to me it's beginning to feel like just another Heather Graham movie, like this film here. OK, to be fair she does have an accent (no matter how bad it is) in this film so that is something to separate it. My point being she always delivers the same performance, exactly what the her character is and adding nothing new or unique, just a simple cookie cutter character for each film. Here is no exception, the premise could have been unique but is not, it could have brought about some very genuinely funny moments but does not in fact like Heather Graham this film does nothing more then it's simple story requires. In fact what is scary is that in most romantic comedies I feel it's the pointless supporting cast the can kill a film a take screen times away from your leads. Well in this case believe it or not the supporting cast is actually better an d more of them would have made for a better film instead we have same old Heather Graham and her on again off again boyfriend who is a jerk every time they are on screen together but then some how is the nice relatable guy when they are separate hmmm. Well, I have already drug this review on more then the film deserves, it's a waste of a good idea and just all to typical.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This was an extremely uncomfortable movie. First of all, it's a movie about a girl who wants to have a baby so badly. She looks to be in her late 20's early 30's, and she wants to have a baby with her current boyfriend. When he clearly isn't ready…she storms off, and leaves him. She goes to the doctor, because she is afraid that she is too old to have kids. When the doctor says she's got one last shot at having a child...she tries to get ahold of her boyfriend...but she can't get ahold of him because his new assistant wants her boyfriend and sabatages her calls. So, thinking that her boyfriend left her for good...she tries to find three different handsome strangers...and...well, just use your imagination. It was uncomfortable...but in the end, her boyfriend realizes that his co-worker is rejecting his girlfriends calls, and runs back to her...but not in time. Still, it has a happy ending. It was OK...just uncomfortable to watch...not a date night movie.

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  • Apparently, Georgina Salt's biological clock has been ticking a great deal faster than she ever could have imagined. For upon visiting a fertility clinic, the attractive young woman (Heather Graham) learns that she has only two weeks to go before her ovaries dry up, rendering her forever unable to have a baby. The problem is that her longtime boyfriend (Tom Ellis) has no desire to be a daddy, so Georgina is forced to look elsewhere for sperm-donor options. Her search leads her to employ all sorts of desperate measures, including advertising for a "lodger," picking off mourners at a funeral, hooking up with a muscle-bound exotic dancer, succumbing to the advances of a horny employee, pressuring her gay best friend to perform the service and, when all else fails, even turning to a semen-filled turkey baster to get the job done.

    Directed by Eric Styles, "Miss Conception" is a modestly amusing little British comedy filled with pleasant moments and droll performances, though, frankly, nothing in it is quite as teasy or clever as its punny title. On a sociopolitical level, the movie squares things with the feminists in the audience by counterbalancing Georgina's obsession with having a baby with the fact that she runs her own construction company. The one-note premise does lead to some contrivance and repetitiousness in the plotting, but the performances and consistently upbeat tone offset some of the movie's weaknesses.
  • This film is about a woman who is told by the doctor that she has only four days left to become pregnant.

    "Miss Conception" is obviously aimed at women who really want children. So, despite it being a romantic comedy, people who fall into any other demographic groups would find it contrived. I think Heather Graham is miscast, because she is too beautiful and attractive to have trouble to find the guy to make her pregnant. This is such a major plot hole which makes the story implausible. Other than that, the plot is light hearted, fun and comedic. It is a little slow, but it is still an enjoyable watch.
  • pkpera19 February 2023
    OMG. This is so primitively predictable, so stoopid. I can't believe that anyone spent celluloid on such dumb script. I like Heather G. OK, never saw her in some first grade movie, but she looks really nice, and is solid actress. And usual talk: no actress can saw movie with so poor script as this , well, here I mean it is not about 'saving' movie, it is about saving viewers from some 90 minutes of lame story. Ahh, sorry, for that 'celluloid' but recording media matters not in 21st C.

    People is what matters. Or maybe someone's ego.

    Yeah, for most of outside British humor is quirky, but I'm sure, this was it to them too. Otherwise that country would have less citizens than Monte Negro :-)
  • A really sweet, funny, film that's a lighthearted take on the difficult subject of infertility. Heather Graham's wonderful - I know she's much maligned these days but she's such a charismatic and warm actress that you really feel for her character, Georgina, who's only got a few days left in which to get pregnant. I didn't know Mia Kirshner or Tom Ellis before but both were excellent, making the whole film really watchable. Both girls do well with their English accents, and the depiction of modern Britain (OK, I'm a Brit) was refreshing compared to the likes of Four Weddings, Love Actually etc., which are stodgy and stereotypical by comparison.
  • Mattias24 June 2008
    I thought it was pretty good. The plot centers around a 34-year old woman who is about to hit menopause early. I've always felt that Heather Graham is an undervalued actress who could go far with the right material, eg. "Broken" (2007) but I think that the plot would have been more credible with a slightly older looking actress, Graham still looks like 25. Perhaps the scenes with Zack's adventures in Ireland and his ditzy production assistant wasn't really essential to the plot. I never really understood why Georgina fancies Zack at all when the chemistry and emotional depth between Georgina and her friend Clem appears to be much deeper. The incident with the sperm sample and the birthday cake felt very contrived.

    I noticed the frequent use of "Darling" and "Sweetie" which at times made the movie sound like a P.G. Wodehouse novel or an episode of "Absolutely Fabulous". Kudos to first time screen writer Camilla Leslie for making a new twist on the romantic comedy formula.
  • TrTm31627 December 2021
    It's a dud. It shouldn't have been, because the basic elements were in place for a decent romcom.

    I watched this because I know Heather Graham and Tom Ellis can act, sometimes well and sometimes brilliantly. And although the premise, needing to have a child either now or never, isn't original, it's serviceable in the right hands, as "Not Suitable For Work" showed with Ryan Kwanten as the lead. All the technical elements are fine.

    But the screenplay is horrible. Events aren't just predictable, every single step of the way is consistently telegraphed, so loudly you can't possibly miss it. And the plot depends on two stratagems that just drive me up the wall. One is a failure to communicate, facilitated by awkwardly contrived situations. And not just once, but repeatedly, and not just between the two main characters. Just get the darn words out! And Georgina, Graham's character, continually displays incompetence at a level that seems almost terminal. Georgina shouldn't be trusted to cross a street safely, let alone run a construction company. Unbelievable.

    The writers failed. And somewhere up the chain of responsibility, so did others -- directors, producers, editors. Pass on this one.
  • djmattn2 December 2020
    Now I love everything about Heather Graham. She is a talented beauty. The dialogue, direction, script, and BS accent fail miserably. Sincerely shocked at such a mess of a movie.
  • While I'm not a big fan of romantic comedies, I did find this one to be quite cute. I thought that Tom Ellis and Heather Graham were a good match... especially at the end... and in spite of all the hectic bits. I found the running around by Heather's character, while trying to "find" the perfect donor so she could get pregnant and become a mommy, was funny and yet quite manic... all the while wanting Zak (Ellis) and finally admitting it to herself. Not everyone is going to enjoy this offering... but if you look past the frantic, manic bits... the underlying story is quite cute.

    I actually liked seeing Tom Ellis portray a slightly gawky, very shy character ~ who is just adorable when he's standing in front of his girlfriend as he lowers the bouquet of roses ~ and smiles softly and just waves hello.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Georgina (Heather Graham) is a mid-thirties British woman with a big problem. Pining to be a mother, she learns that she is going into pre-mature menopause and that she may have only weeks to conceive a child. Since she has been in love with a nice man, Zak (Tom Ellis) for six years, she has a father-to-be in waiting. But, horrors! At a gathering of relatives to celebrate the birth of Zak's sister's daughter, Georgina is appalled that Zak is less than enthusiastic about his new niece and that he blames a broken bit of sculpture on his preschooler nephew instead of confessing his own guilt. Once back in the car, they fight and Zak moves in with a friend. The next day, Georgina relents, knowing her desperation for pregnancy, and tries to contact Zak. But, alas, he is on assignment at some remote island, without cellphone reception and WITH a pretty co-worker. Now, Georgina has to find a "new" man fast, so her friends help her plot out some ideas. From heading toward the funeral of a young skydiver, placing an ad to sublet her apartment to a young male, or looking twice at the burly man at work, Georgina is racing against her biological clock. Can she succeed in getting what she wants? This is a fine view for romcom fans everywhere, for the plot is funny and clever. Just watching Georgina "hook up" with her handsome co-worker, only to find out at a critical moment that he has had the mumps and is now shooting blanks, is truly comical. But, that's not the only good mo, as the plot is one zany encounter after another. The cast is really nice, with Graham, Ellis, Mia Kirchner, and others doing a great job. What a treat to see Nicholas Le Prevost, as the infertility doctor, years after his nice turn in The Jewel in the Crown. Sets, costumes, direction, and productions niceties are also fine. So, if you love those funny tales of love, be assured that you will find this one to be a "hit" and not a "miss". Enjoy.
  • I loved this movie. It is all a Romantic Comedy should be. AND TOM ELLIS !! I simply cannot understand the low ratings and bad reviews. Did you people even watch this???