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  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is a pretty interesting movie for those who wish to study the subject of religion or just for those who want to learn and hear about the History of God. Now here comes the spoiler bits,because this is a movie that tries to explain how God came to be and how he evolved and change over time. They cover things like how at first when the idea of mono theism began it actually started with Abraham and his God whom he sees almost as an equal. Then it moves to things like how the idea that God is an only God came to be after a few Jewish Patriarchs but before the coming of Jesus. Afterwards we learn about the history of Christianity and the beliefs and preachings of Jesus and how during that time not only was the religion Christianity born but it was also then in which Christianity began spreading across the land and even into Rome. The ruler of the Judaic land at the time. We learn that during that time the existence of Jesus and his teachings caused many conflicts amongst Churches across the land leading to Roman Emperor Constantine to legitimize Jesus as divine and Christianity as a religion. This is followed by how God reaches out to the Arabs and causes the creation of the Islamic religion. By watching this I feel like I've learned more about God in the sense that as time changes, so does God. Because looking at the different examples presented it is clear that God changes how he acts and how he is portrayed as time passes on. Finally to end this I would like to present a criticism of this film. That criticism being the fact that this isn't really an examination of God's history and it was more of a retelling of various bible and Qu'ran stories. This film doesn't do enough comparisons between similarities shared in different religions and doesn't really explain some of it's points very well. Another thing is that there are some parts of this which aren't really all that historical and sometimes they tend to divulge from the point that we're looking at the history of God, not facts about God. However aside from those I would say this is a pretty decent movie and not the worse nor the best I've ever seen but it's still acceptable. 7/10 - Pak Ho