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  • This is truly an absolutely wonderful show! I cannot wait for the next season to begin
  • This show is if you haven't watched the first should try to and not miss out on it!!!!!
  • Learn some thing about how medical college life goes on day to day...this web series is crap
  • Medically Yours has bits of life lessons for viewers to learn every so often. Many episodes breaks your hearts, making you feel tempted to even yell or shout at the television screen!
  • If you aren't watching, you are making a HUGE mistake. you definitely do not want to miss out on this!!!!
  • 10 episodes? is that all? are you serious????? Give us more!!!! This show is like the food for the soul!!! I have enjoyed every bit of this show and want more of it!
  • I hope the show stays interesting and funny and if you're looking for reality, don't watch TV.
  • There are some episodes that are more action packed than others but for those looking for action, this is probably not the film for you. Totally enjoyed every bit of it!!!
  • So far, I'm enjoying this show. I consider it a more serious version of stuff!!!
  • They have captured the life of medical students with the utmost accuracy!!! I have been through this and know the pain of being a medical student!
  • The direction and editing in this show has been put to amazing use and its as if you are a part of this journey with the characters yourself, it's like you are reading a book and going through each chapter, constantly wanting to read the next.
  • All my co-workers love the show too and we watch it and look forward to discussing all the parts the next day at work!
  • SitaAhuja629 May 2019
    I am hooked!! There is a perfect mix of medical practice as well as relationships. I hope this show doesn't end for years!!
  • Some people think it's not realistic and I agree with them, but what TV show is? And if it WAS realistic, I don't think I would watch it. Totally worth the time spent!!!
  • Hands down, the best show currently on the web. The writing is absolutely brilliant, the actors can have you laughing, then crying in a matter of seconds, and the ensemble itself is phenomenal.
  • You believe every scene is as important as the last one and it's good to play close attention to the amount of detail that has been put in to each and every shot
  • I've seen every (and I do mean every) episode at least 3 times. It's a little sad lol but I'm a medical freak.
  • To be honest, I started watching it because of the fun times at the beginning of every medical college that they show at the beginning of the first episode.
  • Great work by the artists. Story is amazing and the story narrative holded me tight. The bold scenes where apt and not to exaggereted. Story is also not extended too much and last but not the least shantanu maheshwari was amazing
  • When my friend told me about this show, I wasn't sure about it . especially during the first few episodes. After continuing to watch it, It is now the perfect show, and only show, that truly brightens up my evening.
  • The writing on this show is perfect and when it really hits the high - it stays there, we as a viewer are taken on an emotional roller coaster from start to finish.
  • 1st time saw all the episodes of a webseries in one go .. it kept me hooked .. many relatable factors & twists .. all have performed very well and even though the main lead Abir Basu , is not an ideal character , we sympathize and understand his sentiments .. overall it was a fun experience
  • GitaRai6729 May 2019
    I love this show and I hope that they will do more seasons, like another 5 -6 more 🤗😀
  • isakrojkov29 May 2019
    I fell in love with the cast and up to this point I enjoyed every minute of Medically Yours
  • Nothing gets better than this. Leaving work early every Saturday to see what's up with altbalaji and their new series medically yours is one hell of a fun ride!
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