User Reviews (24)

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  • I expected more from a post crisis episode. More The Flash. Less Iris. But it is not bad episode. Maybe it doesn't generate as much expectation as the start of something new. Things happen here, there are situations in this episode, but it seems that a great villain is missing. Anyway, I give the series the opportunity to move forward and see if it is a good thing.
  • asalimi11 February 2020
    Boring, basic, bad!

    One of those episodes that you wish you would have never wasted your time on it.
  • After the crossover ended I wondered what was going to happen to the flash and this episode,but as it turns out,they managed to make a nice episode with Iris as the main character. Also they address the fact that everything is different now in a nice non confusing way so I respect them for that Good episode overall
  • TimonsyJ5 February 2020
    I see a lot of people complaining about iris being the focus of this episode. I get it, the show is called the flash and we want to see barry more. But cmon, we haven't got an iris centered episode in a long time. She wasn't annoying and in my opinion they handled her very well this episode, it served to introduce the black hole organisation and i don't see any other character serving the purpose that Iris served this episode. Also, from what i've heard probably they are adapting the story that iris come from the future, but it's just a theory. the first half of this season didn't focus too much on Iris and as long they doesn't get too much focus like in yesterday's episode and focus more on barry, i don't really mind this episode.

    pretty great episode, i really liked diggle and barry and their moments, it was pretty emotional and it teased barry's new powers. It's been a while since we've seen barry learning to use new powers so this can be interesting. This episode really gave some season 1 vibes, it doesn't hesitate to have more light-hearted and genuinely (in my opinion) funny moments but they still doesn't loose focus on the characters and it isn't afraid to change the tone to more serious moments.

    Cisco regretting taking the meta cure was one of the highlights of this episode. I didn't like the fact cisco decided to get rid of his powers, i get why the writers decided to do that, Carlos Vales wasn't meant to be in season 6 and they wanted to take his character out of the show without killing him (that would've been worse in my opinion).

    I'm really intrigued what will happen to Nash, but episode 6x15 if i'm not mistaken is called "the exorcism of Nash Wells" and due to the recent events, that doesn't sound good.

    At first i wasn't too sure about this black hole secret organisation plot line. but i'm more and more invested in that story and since we'll probably get godspeed back, i'm really looking forward to this.

    Yet, the episode still was boring at times and some plot hole, but for the most part it was a really fun way to be back after a long break

  • Warning: Spoilers
    Since Iris is the leading lady I totally get that she deserves episodes with more screentime. We haven't really had episodes like this one before, so I liked the change, but I have to admit that it felt like anything but a The Flash episode.

    If I'm correct Grant was still filming the crossover at the time 6x10 was filming, hence his absence for the biggest part of the episode. I liked Barry's little investigation with Diggle but it didn't really led to anything to move forward with this second half of season 6.

    I liked the scenes between Frost (and Caitlin), Cisco and Nash about Earth-Prime and the changes to the timeline. I was really sad to hear Jesse and Harry didn't make it and seeing Cisco leave made it even worse. I hope he comes back soon.

    I personally think a mid season premiere should set up certain (big) storylines and although Iris obviously has something huge going on, I was left with a lot of questions about what Barry's will be doing this season. I hope we'll get answers to that very soon.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I love John Diggle. That's all I have to say. Iris stuff was eh but Dig. Flipping Dig.
  • A strong mid-season premeire. Great shots. Great scenes. Great acting.

    You can't still hate iris coz he has "longer" screentime than a main protagonist. This is a iris's centric episode and i thoroughly enjoy and this is saying from the person who hates s4 iris.
  • The flash should be called the Iris show not the flash. The screen time of iris is more then Barry again. THis show is not what it use to be, it was actually good back in the day. I still don't understand why there is still so many people watching the flash because its just not good anymore.
  • Great episode! Good acting, good cinematography, and I'm super excited about to see the Blackhole Organization as the villains for the back half of this season! Season 6 is quickly becoming one of my favorite seasons. Also, that new intro is SIIICK!
  • Anonnamus10 February 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    The Flash is back after Crisis! Back to a world where aliens coexist with metahumans. Barry is back to being his adorable hero self, Cisco is struggling to accept Earth Prime, Frost is still boring, and Iris is still annoying. CC Jitters has reopened and is immediately robbed by the bumbling idiot that had appeared a couple times previously. As usual, I'm confused about everything since right before Crisis happened. My random thoughts throughout the episode that again have nothing to do with an actual review.

    • It's nice to see signs that they survived Crisis, but can someone tell me how everyone knows Crisis occurred and that Oliver Queen sacrificed himself if Crisis never actually happened because Oliver Queen sacrificed himself to stop Crisis?
    • Barry looks more like Barry as The Flash in that photo Iris posted than he probably does in his own driver's license picture. Why bother with the mask?
    • Yay for Iris, still bullying everyone into doing what she wants. Thanks for the sacrifice, Oliver.
    • I realize it has literally been ten minutes since I've seen Diggle (I just watched the series finale of Arrow), but I clapped my hands in glee when I saw him walk in. Maybe make him a series regular? They should have moved to Central City, not Metropolis.
    • Aww, Lian Yu! I will miss that place. I'm also still bitter Slade Wilson wasn't at Oliver's funeral.
    • That's some heavy-duty artillery. Let's hope the assassin doesn't miss.
    • "I don't miss twice." You're right. You missed like five times, lady. If this doesn't work out, maybe you can look into becoming a Stormtrooper.
    • Again. I love Joe, but can someone tell me if he knows how to actually use his gun?
    • FINALLY! Someone has done something smart! Dead man's switch! Way to go, Iris! That hurt me to type that, by the way.
    • I'm glad the assassin decided not to shoot in the five minutes she had from the time she said she was going to aim for the head and when she got the phone call cancelling the hit.
    • So Cisco no longer has his powers. Boo. Uh...what? He better not be going away going away. He's my favorite character on this show. He and Barry are the reasons I still watch this show. Well, and the Wellses. They're not going to get rid of one of my favorites. Not when they keep Iris around. They're not stupid...right? Right?
    • Nah, Cisco can't be leaving. He hasn't said goodbye to a single person other than Nash. So I'm good. He will obviously just have his own story arc that and we will still see him.
    • Okay. Did you REALLY need a mirror and pen and paper to see that AV3 would say Eva?
    • For a enormous tech conglomerate, it seems disturbingly easy to get into McCulloch after hours.
    • Ooh. A mirror that's alive. Maybe she will come out her opposite? Fingers crossed! As long as Mirror Master stays dead. I hated him the first time and didn't want to see him and The Top for that second time. Keep him dead, he's had his run. Oh, frak. That was the Mirror Master who grabbed her, maybe.

    After Crisis, this episode was a complete letdown. Barry hardly appears at all and the entire show focuses too much on Iris, and it doesn't look like that is about to change. Cisco is too likable a character to sideline and Caitlin needs to appear more than she is, because Frost really doesn't seem to have an identity when she isn't in action. I hope Harry and Jesse aren't truly dead and will show up again, especially since we know Earth-2 actually does exist. I'm glad he has the cube to remember Harry, but how did he get the cube to begin with? As far as the new timeline goes, only Earth Prime exists (as far as he knows), and breaching never happened, so how did he get the cube? And in this new timeline, was there ever really a multiverse? Forget it, I don't know why I'm asking questions like someone can answer them for me. Long story short, not my favorite episode but it did have some nice emotional moments with Barry trying to cope with losing Oliver. Two minutes of Barry, and forty minutes of Iris is what this episode amounted to. I get that Grant was probably filming Crisis when this episode was being made, but I am resentful that they decided to make it all about Iris yet again.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The season 6 mid season premiere titled "Marathon" felt like a epilogue to Crisis on Infinite Earths. It showcased the changes made when the universe was reborn. I loved every single moment of this episode. It is my favorite mid season premiere since season 3. From the suspenseful moments to the heart to heart talks, this episode ticked all the right boxes for me.

    The new intro of the Flash is awesome and excited me more for this episode. Hopefully, this intro wasn't just a one time thing. I loved how the intro showcased every main character of the show and their respective costumes.

    The appearance of Diggle was just a joy to watch. His reaction to Barry's speed never gets old. In this episode, Diggle gave Barry the original mask from Oliver which he wore way back in seasons 2 and 3. Barry still had not fully recovered from Oliver's heroic sacrifice and thought that the mask had a hidden message. Diggle's line "Life's a marathon, not a sprint" to Barry was sweet and incredibly true.

    This episode was heavily focused on Iris and her determination to find out more about Blackhole. I found her storyline incredibly intriguing and cannot wait for next week's episode. The ending alludes that a female version of Mirror Master will officially debut in episode 11.

    To conclude, this episode started on a high note and never slowed down. Cisco's awesome Superman shirt, Diggle's appearance, Iris being a badass and an amazing journalist, the new intro and the unofficial debut of Mirror Master are just a few of the various moments that I enjoyed. I am loving this new post Crisis world.
  • I don't watch the Flash except for the crossover episodes with Arrow. I wanted to watch this episode because I want to see what happened to Barry after the crisis which Oliver sacrificed himself for Barry. After I've read the reviews, I decided not to because of Iris. I really don't like her. During my rewatch of any crossover episodes, I would fast forward her parts.

    So, I'd rather not watch this episode.. 😬😬
  • Kiiiraaa6 February 2020
    I absolutely loved this episode! I am really glad that they have stepped up the quality of episodes again since season 4. I wish I could understand the toxic negativity in this fandom and on this website. It is amazing that the show offers such an amazing role model as Iris. I am sure that it does make a difference for some young woc out there. However, we still don't know anything about the overarching plot of the rest of the season.
  • So much screen time for Iris it was annoying. We barely got to see Barry for most part of the episode. All these years I have wanted nothing more than for the show to give less importance to Iris but here we are. Get her off the screen dammit.
  • Grant was finishing filming Crisis when they filmed this, that's why it relied heavily on Iris.... yall can stop complaining now...
  • Honestly what am I watching man the flash or the iris Lmaoo this is getting out of hand man
  • crazyinthemall16 September 2020
    If any one show only focuses on one character on ever episode, it would be boring. The fact that Iris has been on the show since the beginning earns her screen time.
  • I am a very big fan of the Flash. My favorite is Barry / Flash so I had very high expectations regarding the episode "Marathon" unfortunately I was very disappointed because I had expected a lot more from this episode. I read some reviews and there was too much iris for me. That doesn't mean that I don't like her, because she's part of Team Flash, not as much as it used to be because of your newspaper, but that's ok. For me, however, as I said, I felt that it was too much about Iris and too little about Barry and the others. That really bothered me about this episode. What I really liked about the Flash series so far was the collaboration between the team. Now I have the feeling that two or three are always examining something together and frankly I don't like it at all. I hope there will be more teams and fewer individual actions in the upcoming episodes. It would be a shame to lose the feeling of family, which I have enjoyed so far.

    My conclusion of episode 10 is that there was too much from Iris and unfortunately too little from Diggle and Barry that was really good. Now I've read that it was probably because Grant was still shooting episodes for the Crisis. My opinion is just that the feeling of togetherness was very lacking for me. And that's why the episodes only get 8 stars. The other episodes always had 10 stars from me, but this time I was disappointed.

    I hope that there will be more team spirit in the upcoming episodes, because it would be a shame if it got lost. So that was just my opinion.
  • J0Adam7 February 2020
    Tbh i just watch the flash to see how bad this show can get , its extremely bad now , and yet u find a way to make it worse every episode. so many cut scenes , and so many unnecessary things , not only the writing is keeps getting worse , but the actors/acting too. And plz for the love of god can we stop with the cringe flashy moments , for example a some girls with no power , find something new and then iris says now its her team job to be the hero , its like watching a a commercial
  • clock_me17 February 2020
    I Stopped watching after mid through season 4 but came back for the crisis episode thinking it had gone back to its root but it hasn't and Iris oh how i hate her so much this episode has turned me away from the series once again they need to get rid of her or the show will fail
  • Why was this series named "The Flash"? Because it was about Barry Allen, the fastest man alive. I considered myself the hugest fan, and in my opinion, the first 3 seasons were amazing. After watching season 4 the second time, I told myself: "it's not that bad". But there was a huge drop after season 4.

    1) The show is not about Barry anymore, and we can't see the team that we used to in season 1, 2 or 3. Do you remember the Flash episode in season 4 called "Enter Flashtime"? It is currently rated 9.0. This episode (mainly) focuses on Barry and his struggles to stop the bomb from destroying the city, but we can see Jesse and Jay throughout the episode, supporting Barry, while helping him, and giving him some kind of "confidence" and "support" to prevent the explosion. Barry in focus? Check. His friends (team) helping him? Check. His friends emotionally supporting him? Check. Drama? Check. Action? Check. Amazing cinematography and music? Check.

    2. Drama. It is supposed to be a drama/action series, but in season 5, I felt that this part was completely missing. I couldn't enjoy watching the characters, because I felt that, for me, there is no "emotional attachment" to them.

    3. Character development: Y'all think that just because this series has 6 seasons, the main character can't be developed? Wrong! You might ask me: "Why are you criticising something if you have no idea how they could make it better?" It's not my job to come up with a story to explore each characters, mainly the most important one, Barry.

    And now, what do we see? A cringe feminist trio being the most important characters of the series. Many many people have already said that Barry is not the main character, and I am here to submit it. Iris is not a crime fighter, and Barry is not a "sidekick". It should be the reverse.

    If you want to save the series, the cringe *ss feminist group should disappear, the focus should be on Barry, more drama and emotions, more character development (I really liked H.R and Henry., but I hate Nash Wells), better action.

    The reason I gave 3 stars is because of the cinematography, costumes and the music. That's all the reason.

    I would be very happy if one of the creators read this review to save this show, as soon as possible, while they can.
  • Authoric12 October 2020
    This episode was good... I think Iris needs a bit of a change... still all-in-all a good episode, like any other. Iris (Candice Patton) has gotten a little annoying and this season is turning into hers, not Barry's (Grant Gustin). But yes, still worth a watch and don't judge the Flash based on one or two mediocre episodes. I still really enjoyed this one.
  • tomcode5 February 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    This episode was actually kinda of awesome. Iris was really great in this episode had some Intense moments. I wish the Diggle and Barry Storyline would lead somewhere but I enjoyed the Diggle and Barry moments. Don't listen to the 1/10 they toxic like this whole website.
  • OMG OMG OMG, What happened to her? 😱😱😱 I can't wait for the next week πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¦ I miss you ParπŸ˜”πŸ’œπŸ’œ