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  • This comedy pilot likeable and engaging, and surprisingly touching in its tale of two mismatched workmates who garden for a living. Just like most pilots, it's still working out its kinks, but promisingly there are only a few and very easy to fix in future; but the show has one great strength, the excellent chemistry between the two leads, Velton Lishke and Pete Bennett, which carries the whole thing. Their awkward friendship has loads of potential to offer deeper, more touching moments alongside the comedy, that could give the show a warm heart similar to that of, say, BBC's wonderful Detectorists. This is a show that could definitely grow on you (pun intended).
  • d_langham19 February 2020
    This show is called Green Fingers. It is a pilot for a sitcom created by the team at V-Pac Productions. Never heard of them? Well you are missing out. They are the minds behind Lit Laughs which are short comedy sketches around the ridiculousness of life situations in the 21st Century. You can find them on Facebook and Youtube under Lit Laughs. Anyway back to Green Fingers. The episode is directed by and stars Velton Lishke alongside Pete Bennett, who people may recognise from his naughties stint in Big Brother. For me one of the most important aspects of a sitcom is characterisation. Every character has to be defined and exaggerated to an extent where you pick up their traits quickly. All good sitcoms do it. Only Fools, Fawlty Towers, Not Going Out, etc. Green Fingers gets this down to a tee. By the end of the episode you have a strong gauge of most of the characters and you want to see more. What you have to remember when going into this episode is that it is only a pilot. It isn't perfect. Is anything? It is rough around the edges and has early problems with pacing. There is also a scene involving the lead and his wife which was very strange and out of place for me however it may work for others. The chemistry between Velton Lishke and Pete Bennett as the leads is the heartbeat of the episode and it lays seeds for further progression if they decide to continue to create more episodes. They seem to play off each other naturally and genuinely seem to be enjoying performing together. Overall I would say give the show a chance. You will probably enjoy it and laugh a few times. Spot the potential there and give the creators the benefit of the doubt for anything you think doesn't work. Given its chance this could be a very good low budget sitcom in the future.
  • I genuinely can't believe the number of 'good' reviews for this comedy. This is seriously bad and I'm suspect of all the glowing reviews that were incidentally all submitted on the same date. Humour is very subjective but boy oh boy, this must have been written by a 13 year old.
  • bob-113531 January 2020
    This is supposed to be funny, I was caught up in a massive earthquake once and that was far more amusing. With no discernible story line it's about two so called gardeners who work with a weird woman with some form of facial disfigurement. I watched until the end to see if anything comical was going to happen but without luck.
  • I watched this, I'll be honest, because I love Pete. Ha, wasn't disappointed, it's silly fun, not supposed to be deep and meaningful. Made me laugh and I enjoyed the acting and sillliness. May not be to everone's taste, but that's the thing with comedy, you can't please everyone! If you enjoyed things like Bottom, Vic & Bob and similar slapstick humour, you will like this. The characters are believable (and let's face it, real people are annoying/daft and get on your nerves sometimes) so for me, this was true to life. Give it a go and make up your own mind!
  • julieblackhart-8210719 February 2020
    Honestly not sure what I've just watched... I did have a chuckle at the odd line... Plot is ridiculous.. Over acting simpleton ridiculous.. And exhausting to comprehend.. Posh bird....met many like her like that, believable.. she's possibly like it in real life... Sarcasm levels high.. But annoyingly high.... I tend to try and watch low budget English films/programmes and ive found some beauties before, sadly not this one though
  • jwalley-0769519 February 2020
    A new comedy which is fresh and different with characters who have the room to grow
  • userjn2 October 2020
    2 supposed to be gardeners, one is so dumb. Not a lot of gardening going on, a women who looks like she's had too much botox. A woman stalker who just as dumb. Totally boring, only good thing is the theme tune which is quite catchy
  • Good old British comedy at its best... great storyline for this episode great one liners and great acting from the two lead actors.

    Can't wait for more
  • nadiathomas320 January 2021
    I don't normally write reviews but I felt I must...absolute tripe. Acting is dreadful plot is dull. Time out of my life I will never get back
  • EyeS19715 July 2021
    A lame script, clunky acting and truly awful direction... for me this came across as having been thrown together in a day by well-meaning amateurs. Put it this way, I'd sooner watch Mrs Browns Boys. Really.
  • The humour is laugh out loud funny, reminiscent of the days of one foot in the grave and last of the summer wine.

    It presents a funny and witty take on British values that everyone can relate to.
  • Really enjoyed this, the two leads obviously have real chemistry, they must be mates in real life and it shows! The whole thing is ridiculous and had me chuckling all the way through, even hot a proper LOL out of me a couple of times! Definitely worth a watch.
  • the-bear-7519 February 2020
    This comedy is right out of the bottom , Reeve's and Mortimer draw.belly laughs aplenty , thoroughly enjoyed this slapstick delight.A well executed comedy and if you have a good comedy brain you will get this.its well worth a watch ,loved it !
  • anne_stephenson19 February 2020
    I really enjoyed this.Burst out laughing a couple of times.Good clean fun.
  • Definitely worth a watch brilliant actors hilarious comedy show can't wait to watch more well done guys keep up the great work
  • All just harmless fun as most situation comedies are, everyone gave great performances especially Velton and Pete who fed off each other brilliantly and you can tell it must have been a great laugh to film. Also Miss Compton was glorious in her role as the posh householder. Its not a big budget production but it amused me enough to give it a good rating. Well done to all.