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  • Let just get this out of the way. I am not Chinese and I am not a student of Chinese history. While watching I can understand that it will invoke a lot of emotions to people who have lived through these events but for outsiders it will have less of an impact. This is unavoidable so bear that in mind when you go to watch it.

    Now that being said, I rather enjoyed it. It is very well made with a lot of attention to detail. I've been told that the representation of the people and the way things were back then (clothes, TVs etc) are very accurate. So while we can get the nostalgia of it we can see more about China's history.

    I am a bit confused as it mixes history with stories so it's hard to know how accurate it is. (for example the first story is about a real person while the second may or may not have happened)

    Also as its seven stories in does feel a bit too rushed in character development. It is understable but for me makes it feel more forced than I would have liked.

    Overall, I'd say watch it for the history and maybe it will make you interested enough to dig further yourself into China's history.

    Things of note, I finally found a Chinese child actor I thought as great They have a story similar to capt marvel but done better
  • The relatively best of the seven is Ning Hao's "Hello Beijing" and Guan Hu's "Eve". The two directors have extensive commercial film experience. Their stability is precisely because they have adopted the most classic and traditional dramas. mode. Ning Hao chose the character-driven arc to show the dramatic tension. Although the plot development is strongly predictable and outdated, it has to be said to be the most complete. Only the taxi driver played by Ge You in the seven departments is The most humanized and closest to the lives of citizens, the unique sense of market humor in Ning Hao's movies minimizes stereotypes here, so "Hello Beijing" can even be said to have author characteristics.

    Play "Little people in big events" or "little people meet big events" are not only about methodology but also about values.

    Audiovisual Close-ups, slow motion, and music rendering are overused, like TV specials.

    theme In addition to "national power", should we also show "people's wealth"?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The film takes the form of several short stories, all based around the theme of serving their nation of the PRC.

    Certain stories are excellent and potary a positive message, specifically the flag rasing story and the taxi driver story. The taxi driver story was a standout section, as it provided both quality humor and the positive message of charity.

    Some sections where simply not coherent or meaningful, such as the space story and the final story about the pilot. No real message and by this point in its very long run time I was bored.

    The remaining two stories both contained the frankly disturing message that loyalty to country is more important than the love between people. The scientist story was incoherent and distrubing, however the ping pong child story, although entertaining, also contained this disturing message of choosing patriotism above all else.

    The hongkong section was ok but the "british" delegates where acted by non brits, with one sounding austrailian and another had a german accent, which sticks out like a sore thumb to any english speakers watching.

    In all the movie was entertaining if not a little long, well made and well acted. The message of the movie changed rapidly from charming to dystopian.
  • To sacrifice your love, family and everything, just to make the government LOOK GOOD even it's dirty and rotten inside? And this is something to be proud of and cry for? I honestly don't see the point here, but at least we can see how far someone can go after getting brainwashed. Probably nowadays only people from China and Northern Koreans will feel for this film.
  • Good, however not great. This film is sort of Chinese communism propaganda. It told the story of the Chinese people, but just some stories.
  • dzy-4552830 September 2019
    I think it is a fantastic work ,all the people who lived in China knows that it is not easy during these years.Chinese people have a lighting future, come on ,go ahead.
  • wendyjiang-952944 October 2019
    If I'm not Chinese I would probably give it a one-star. Every plot is made to force people to feel emotional, even when the story is so undeveloped. There's tooooo much politics in this film. I get it, this is a big thing, we are a great country. But at the same time, this theme is so repetitive, I can literally write a commentary essay on this without watching the film.

    It's really ironic how if you comment negatively about this movie on a Chinese website, and people go like "OMG are you even Chinese" "Well, this whole point is for us to remember the history, and know our own country well."

    If so, why is the film so BADLY made??? Why is the theme so overused, I could guess the ending before the film actually ends.

    A good intention, but a trash film.
  • szonyi136 October 2019
    First off all I'm not Chinese, but I did enjoyed this movie very much. I should give 9 star for it, but the extra star is for the Chinese people. All the stories was very moving, except the last one. China has a great history and of course, they are proud for them country. It is not a propaganda movie, just make they citizens love China more and nothing wrong with that. If you looking for political propaganda, you should look in the mirror! This move made $300 million dollars in six days, but here , just shows $2 million profit "world wide?!". Why the Chinese gross isn't including the World? What is it, if not political propaganda against China. Also nobody mentioned, all the actors and directors made it for free. All the proceeds goes to the poor people and it is true, not BS! Think about, how great the people's are in China, how much they achieved in 70 years, started almost from nothing!
  • Obviously, This movie is the political brainwashing of the Chinese Communist Party for people.
  • m-867301 October 2019
    Good movie. I was deeply moved. The third story made me cry.

    An improvement too.
  • The crying shame here is that China has so many achievements, it doesn't need to resort to brainwashing propaganda style of movies decades ago. For example, the directors could have portrayed historic events in engaging fashion like the Crown or Chernobyl. I watched "A bite of China" before and loved it. It reflected the culture, the diversity, the way of life and how history shaped their cuisine. This is the direction forward, not this rubbish emotional propaganda they're trying to brainwash people with. China has more than enough to be proud of and how they overcame huge obstacles through reforms - and are today one of the world's largest economies and their population enjoying technological advancement and prosperity. The directors need to go back to the drawing board.
  • A well done film with a distinct slice of life, unsung heroes theme. Each piece is more of a glimpse into people who lived throughout various momentous periods in Chinese history, rather than especially focused around plot development. A little bit heavy handed with the patriotism theme, but that's to be expected considering the movie's purpose. Although in my opinion there were two standout stories, all seven pieces were interesting and distinct enough that time didn't drag on.
  • To preface my review: I don't believe in going easy on a film while reviewing it just because I may not be a member of its intended audience from a national or racial perspective. A film director, or in the case of this specific film, directors, should always anticipate that their audience might be diversified, regardless of intentions or agendas. This is especially the case if the movie is being played in my local theater and my girlfriend (who is from a country that rhymes with Bo-Bina) is taking me to see it.

    My People, My Country is a movie about people and a country (big surprise there huh?), during the aftermath of a specific political shift of a very beautiful and culturally and historically rich nation. It comprises of seven short films made through the charitable efforts of seven separate directors. It's largely historical, with some events being fictitious purely for characterization.

    MPMC is literally "Flag Waving: The Movie". After the halfway mark your eyes will be coated in red lenses and you'll be seeing yellow stars while you sleep. Did you know that raising a flag in complete sync with a national anthem is apparently life or death important? This movie really wants you to know that by having two of its seven short films centering completely around that. Movies should be entertaining, and if you're lucky, enlightening. They are not supposed to be two plus hour long authoritarian glory ads.

    On a technical level MPMC is all over the place. Any computer generated effects looked about two decades old, and the sound mixing was off with people talking over one another, or sounding closer or farther away than they actually were. Subtitles were mostly good with only a handful of grammatical errors in some lines. There were also instances of what sounded like German or Eastern European actors doing very poor jobs of English accents while portraying the British personnel during the 1997 Hong Kong Exit portion of the film. I've noticed unrelated Chinese made shows and movies do this before and it's as hilarious as it is irritating to witness.

    I really don't have much positive to say about this film other than the story of the taxi driver in Beijing in 2008 was very charming and well done. Kudos to the director of that short, and to the main actor who was a ray of sunshine in an otherwise dreary slog of patriotic fluff. Those efforts comprise of my two points out of a ten for "My People, My Country"
  • yaffatest-268272 October 2019
    I love this movie. I would give it a 9 star. 8 for the movie itself and 1 for my personal experience. This movie is nothing as I expected. I thought it would focus more on country but it is not. Just as the name says, MY PEOPLE MY COUNTRY. People comes before Country. I like how the film describes each story from an individual person's perspective and how those milestone occurred in China's growing process affect her people. You don't have to be an soldier or a scientist to contribute. There are lots you can do as an ordinary person. This film shows love between friends, families, partners and all different types of love build up to the love of the land, the country and the people.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Sadly, every Asian person in the screening I was in applauded at the end of the movie so the brainwashing is long-lasting.

    I wonder if the directors were coerced into making these short films by the "party" with the threat of re-education camp.

    It was just utterly unrealistic to portray Chinese people as ecstatic when the communist took over the country. I'd guess at most they had no ideas what was going on. How they show all the people in Hong Kong tearing up when it was returned to China was just such a blatant lie considering what's going on in HK right now (10/2019).
  • It is just a great movie for Chinese audiences. People held typical stereotype against communist party or Chinese people would never understand it. The first two stories are inspiring and touching. Stories in Beijing and Shanghai are also fun to watch. Ge You delivered high quality performance as usual with so much fun. Hong Kong piece is hard to act but not bad. I would rather give it a 9 score for this movie but Kaige Chen showed his father love to his son Feiyu Chen which made some scenes and performance awkward.
  • I was deeply disappointed.

    This is another propaganda movie like "Amazing China".

    The only difference is that they hired a very good film director.

    Chinese Communist Party may have invested more money, but they still try to promote authoritarian Dictatorship with Chinese Characteristics the Chinese way.
  • In the past, the same kind movie in China was just boring. Nowadays, it's a good movie beyond politics elements. Worth watching! I enjoy the whole procedures. The movie dig the details of big events of PRC, focus on the ordinary people of the long history land. I feel the breathe of people truly lived, truly work hard to build a new fantasy world. Obviously Chinese dream is different from American dream, but more attractive, more hopeful.
  • The movie is a total trash because the plots are just bad(best of all is Hello, Beijing and The Eve, others are...) The plots don't seem to link to one another(maybe due to the bad cutscene?), a real flaw appears in many Chinese movies.

    Are Chinese directors and writers so bad at logic?
  • This is a movie made by and made for Chinese people. If you are not, but you are curious about what happened to China and the Chinese people during the past 70 years, I highly recommend you to watch it. But still, this is made for Chiese and if you don't feel anything speicla about it, that's because you don't understand, so please don't make yourself sound stupid by simply saying that this is not a good movie. Besides, i can understand why this movie may make somebody feel uncomfortable, as you don't want to acknowledge what China has devloped into during the past 70 years. You may still want to sit in the belcony at your own bedrrom and imigine how great your life is, but if you want to open your eyes, and discover the truth of China and of the world, go watch the movie.
  • It's a bad movie cause the stories are not well developed and the actors are so so.
  • o-000964 October 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    Motherland birthday Eve of the urgent, and his girlfriend met the moment, to see that the day meteor, escort responsibility. Are telling stories about themselves and their country. The film's seven stories, seven directors, many actors can be said to be very good groups. Seventy years of history condensed in a film, several ordinary people witnessed the motherland!
  • It's very surprised China has a such amazing quality film now, the screen scenes are very beautiful, and 2 of the stories are quite touching. However, still too much political elements in the film, I believe celebration stories could have more than one theme.
  • This is a great movie ever!! It's the first time I heard people applaud two times after the movie and don't want to leave until eveything has finished. Such a great movie.
  • This movie is full of China government's propaganda, I strongly recommend that you don't wasting time in such rubbish movie.
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