User Reviews (11)

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  • Dog Town is really overrated animation I've ever seen. I don't know why some people are saying this animation is good or why they are giving a lot of high rates. As for me, this one is completely a disaster. It doesn't deserve to get overall 4.7 rating (when I was writing this review). In fact, it doesn't even deserve one star. Believe me, I tried to watch it very patiently, but after a few minutes, I couldn't bear it anymore. So, I stopped watching.

    What makes this animation bad? First, the way the story begins. There's no introduction at the very beginning of the animation. It's like jumping into the middle. For instance, it's like a song that doesn't have any intro music, as soon as the song is started, the lyrics comes. That is indeed a really bad presentation.

    Second, a lot of talking. I mean I get that every animation does have a lot of dialogues, but the way they talk in this animation is so dull and thus, it's so boring.

    Third, the animation is terrible. The characters are so ugly and poorly animated. They should have done a better job. Now, it seems like very amateur and also very low budget animation.

    Finally, the voice artists. The performances of the voice artists are very important for an animation. In this one, their performances are totally unbearable.

    As for summary, this animation really seems like a fine animation outside. That, I must admit. But inside? It's terrible. When I saw this one, the reason I've decided to watch was because of the poster. The poster really seems good. But the animation is so bad. So bad and/or terrible that I couldn't bear. The presentation is so dull and boring. Hence, I'd recommend not to watch this one if you value your precious time and money. (To producers, I'm very sorry to say this.)
  • twiggy-1301527 July 2019
    Oh my gosh. Painful to watch. Horrible animation. No action within the first half hour, so we turned it off. Worst $6 I ever spent.
  • Dog Town (2019) is a new movie about a clan of dogs that live in a town. There are other dogs that live in the same town too. The story and themes are perfect because everybody loves dogs and what if there was a town with ONLY dogs haha.

    There are brief references to a 'Cat Town', so they might be setting up a sequel.
  • A group of high-school students could do better than this with their home computer.

    It is actually unwatchable.

    The writing is completely ridiculous, and also seems it was done by a group of uninterested school students for some sort of a school assignment.

    I guess all that would be slightly forgiven if small children found it enjoyable.

    But they don't.

    My 3 year old and my 6 year old both found it completely mind numbing and left the room.
  • jward-5313325 July 2019
    I loved the part where the dogs live in the town dogs town dog town
  • yomaam2 July 2019
    This is a movie about dog and a town they live in though
  • All 4 of them... And one that seems legit. I believe this is a hard pass.
  • jacqueederer25 July 2019
    The dogs in this film make me laugh because they are funny hehe...
  • As the title alludes there does end up being a town full of dogs in this film and it's every bit as wonderful as one might imagine. Two thumbs up for this Oscar contender.
  • twxmhqg14 March 2024
    Best movie I've ever watched in my spare time. Wish it was longer so I could enjoy more of these amazing animations. Before I witnessed this absolute masterpiece my family was going though hard times. After Dogtown these problems resolved quickly my wife has been putting out since, my kids respect me. Dogtown has sincerely changed my life and I hope the director finds great success. I'm planning on getting my family together to watch Dogtown 2 it should be a thriller. All in all, I've been moved by Dogtown, the poetry permeated through my soul. I'm praying for a Dogtown 3 and a possible Dogtown prequel.
  • weaklandcarter23 January 2022
    Murl Mutt's performance definitely carried in this production. Amazing to see how it is connected to Zoo Town, crossover of the century. Truly a masterpiece.