User Reviews (108)

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  • This movie in no way fits all of the positive reviews on here. People said it was intelligent, unpredictable, thrilling. It is none of those things. The characters are so ridiculous that it's impossible to take them seriously or be scared by the villains. Not to mention it's about a half hour longer than it needs to be. Even the good cinematography can't make up for the horrible storyline and pretentiously written dialogue. This movie does nothing new, we've seen it all a million times. I wanted to turn this movie off 15 mins in, but I paid for it and wanted to get my money's worth so I suffered through the whole thing. I am begging you not to watch this movie.
  • A good third of this no so good movie is talk talk talk around a dinner table. Not a good way to movie a story along.

    Of course, the story is thin.

    And in the first minute of the film, you know which way it's gonna go.

    It's a really slow film that brings down the energy.
  • shannonlong63610 August 2020
    I'm not impressed with this one. I generally love horror movies where you know something is off but you can't quite put your finger on it. I like movies where the tension builds slowly until it reaches some unforeseen end. Unfortunately, the subtlety required to pull off that kind of movie was missing entirely in this one because the characters were over the top. They were caricatures rather than characters. It is so obvious that something strange is going on that you're not surprised when everything goes to hell. And the ending is cheesy. It's too bad. It's an interesting story and it could have been a good film had it been done right.
  • Foutainoflife31 July 2020
    This film is about a playwright and his wife attending a posh dinner that is not what they were expecting.

    First let's start with how S-L-O-W this was. I can handle a slow film if there is something interesting happening. However, a group of eccentric jerks sitting around a dinner table being snarky and passively aggressive with each other got real old, real fast.

    Next let's talk about the story. Um... yeah. I'm not sure I can say that I know exactly what the plot was. Cannibalism, necrophilia and rituals are all presented to us here but I'm not sure I understood why any of it was happening.

    The only things that this has going for it was the exterior of the house and they made a weak attempt to produce some gore.

    I won't be watching it again and I'm not going to be recommending it.
  • I am usually one to enjoy a bad horror movie, but this film has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

    Doleac strolls around with an East London/South African accent that waivers in and out, making him one of the most annoying characters within the piece.

    The rest are insipid and tiresome, and frankly it's more of a sweet relief when they start getting picked off.

    It was nice to see that they didn't waste budget on high tech filming, or high end music, favouring perhaps one of the actor's children who is currently studying film and learning how to play a synthesiser.

    This "borrows" plot lines at will, and clumsily clumps them together, in a fairly poor and semi cohesive manner.

    At some points, the film tries to be edgy, but again, fails miserably, leaving the audience wishing that they had never started watching.

    So... all in all, even if you like bad horror movies this is one to avoid.
  • How this ever got the green light to be filmed is beyond me. And I can only think that the people giving it 9 or 10 are either cast or crew, or get off on the naked woman. I mean they spend 10 minutes playing cards to establish character, which we've already deduced from the dialogue and characterisation, it doesn't need such a crude reassurance - audiences are not stupid. They also spend 15 minutes talking about the plot of operas to set up subplots. I am open to watching all kinds of films, but this is dreadful. In fact, I'd go so far as to say, it's the worse film I've ever seen.
  • I am not slating the movie, it is by far not the worst I have seen. I am sure many will enjoy but not for me.

    Not a bad story line, have seen the whole dinner party massacre thing before. But this movie does it with a twist. starts off quite slow alot of diologue and opra, some scenes feel classic horror with the score and filming methods, which is intentional but works. Most of the gore is off screen and implied. Few scences of female nudity and a lot of profanity. For me it's not my favorite sub genre in horror, and I found the film a little strange and not massivly engaging. But the movie is done in the style of classic horrors films and not your modern slasher, monster movies. Overall not really my thing, but would suit fans of the satanic old school style horror.
  • Leofwine_draca22 September 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    Another example of indie trash that has no right to be as prominantly advertised as it is, THE DINNER PARTY offers yet another tired spin on the old meal-from-hell scenario as a couple of innocent interlopers find themselves hooking up with a bunch of eccentric neighbours for one fateful night. As with many indies, the acting veers between wooden and OTT and there's no suspense or tension at all, just lame dialogue and a randomly overlong running time.
  • This film starts slow and exposition heavy. Horror is my main man genre and I am pretty accustomed to the opening of indie horror being tedious and poorly acted, as if the main actors are just waiting for the action to kick in and the blood to start spilling. This one suffers a bit from that, as well as the overindulgence in the characters saying each other's names constantly. That aside, the main party is solid, each character has their own fun, wicked personalities, even if some of it comes off as cliche. Even though you know what's coming, the gore is fun and the comedy solid. Strange though, Jeremy London is first billed, but he's not in this movie.
  • Is this movie for real? Horrible acting, pretentious dialogue, and weak story! The movie is stupidly long, and cutting 40 minutes still couldn't save it. A total waste of my time and super awkward in every sense.
  • There's many bad reviews of this film, however I don't understand why.

    Really liked it. It's an original premise, no famous actors, yet the acting is decent & different. It's not Hollywood-finished etc, yet it doesn't need to be, it's good enough as it is & I'm grateful it is what it is. Particularly the actress who portrays Hailey. Hope to see much more of her. They were all okay.

    Worth the watch.

    Not going to give anything away.
  • An artfully crafted, contained horror film that fuses high society and shocking gore. Of particular note is the performance by Sawandi Wilson and the film's musical score. Rather than slum the depths of the horror genre, Doleac chooses to transcend with The Dinner Party instead. For those who prefer a touch of class with their scares.
  • Started of a little slow but it really built into something suspenseful. Loved the dialogue and the build up. Editing has to be right for films like this as this is as good as it gets in terms of being a suspenseful, plot twisting movie to watch.
  • 1 2 and 3 star reviews are honest 5 Is being kind and anything above is a fake review . The story is thin at best the dialogue is tedious and some of the acting in painful to watch . I only watched because the IMDb score wasn't bad for a horror but really wish I'd not wasted my time
  • englulua28 July 2020
    At first it was going well, but then.. ?!! Guess its been voted by family members
  • I just can't believe there are so many 9 and 10 star ratings? Terrible acting, awful plot, horific music. boring! First hour could be cut completely. Time in my life I can't get back!
  • schlik-254967 July 2020
    Very very boring. So slow could bearly make it through
  • Vile. All these 9 and 10 star reviews are 100% fake. Made by the staff and crew. Anyway, eccentric weirdos you have to listen to, but don't want to. A bunch pseudo intellectual db's you kind of want to punch after listening to their arrogant nonsense babble after 2 mins. I shut out off after 30 mins bc I couldn't take it anymore. I'm sure the characters are 100% intentionally created but their bs is absolutely intolerable.
  • If you run out of your prescription sleeping pills, I rate this film highly as an alternative.
  • And what a dinner party that was! You go to a dinner party as a guy thinking you'll make a good impression but more as the featured entree for a set of elite, cultured anthropophagist nudists. Of course they follow a ritual but it's not stereotypically to Satan, and you'd never guess who it's to which is related to who the hostess is, whose ultimate identity is very surprising but also unguessable. The only nagging downside to this was the casting of Alli Hart as the lead, "Haley". She comes off as a conversion from the porn industry, which is fine, but it shouldn't be so obvious, needs acting lessons.
  • myloveeva11 July 2020
    Do not waste your time one of the worst horror films i ever seen give me back 2 hours of my life
  • It's pretty obvious this is a Low Budget Movie but there was enough attention to detail to grab your attention, 1st off the movie has a color grading of a higher budget movie, nothing puts me off more when I start to see a movie than the obvious Low Budget Color look of a movie, you know what I'm talking about, that dark gloomy almost Camcorder look to it, color and look of a movie is are important at least at the beginning, This Movie has a seemingly simple premise at 1st but becomes a whole lot more as it progresses, it kind of reminded me of Ready or Not in that the Climax of the Movie was a curve ball out of nowhere, this movie has and equally surprising ending, there are only a few set pieces but they made great use of them, A Couple arrive at a huge luxurious Mansion for a Diner Party consisting of Elites and obviously things go from weird to deadly in no time, the acting was great for the most part and like I mentioned the final reveal is well worth the price of admission, let me leave you with this without spoiling anything, there has never ever been a movie that I know of which this unique ending/reveal I absolutely recommend this movie and give it a 9 out of 10 because they made something way more interesting than the initial premise would lead you to think, alway love surprises
  • I do wish producers/directors and so on would not artificially inflate their production's rating with fake reviews. There is far too much of it going on here.

    Anyway, this is quite a good film provided you have the attention span.

    At first I thought this was going to be yet another hard to watch poor production, but the story develops nicely with good acting throughout.
  • This forgettable piece of "art" is almost 2 hours long, I will never have those 2 hours back, but I will also forget this movie by tomorrow. It's horrible, the story is a joke, the characters make no sense and the most important of all: this is no terror!

    This movie is comedy, pretty bad at that as well. Thanks for trying.
  • There can be no way the reviews are real, unless you want to be bored to death for about a hour with them sat round a table talking about opera. Then when the horror part kicks in it starts ok before the story takes such a stupid and unnecessary turn
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