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  • Hank, Hank, Hank: always looking for trouble, whether he's invited or not. But can you blame him? He's reasonably good-looking and he's got charisma. Plus, he's played by David Duchovny. That's gotta matter in some way.

    The fourth episode of Season 1 shows a partial expansion of the subplot introduced in the previous half hour, namely Charlie's discovery of his secretary's S & M tendencies. Hank tries to help him deal with the awkward situation, while also coping with a difficulty of his own: Meredith, sick of just spending the day in bed, has convinced him to go with her to a fund-raiser. Things get interesting (read: embarrassing) when Hank meets Bill and Karen at the event, and even more so when he runs into the married guy Meredith is sleeping with when not seeing him.

    The show's classic recipe of bizarre social comedy combined with explicit sexual humor is sued in yet another inventive fashion when both aspects combine in the last section of the episode, with a particularly hilarious bit involving Duchovny, McElhone and a fairly outrageous use of the C-word. Still doesn't beat Larry David's take on it in Curb Your Enthusiasm, though...