User Reviews (90)

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  • First of all, if you're looking for a horror movie then this isn't the one you're searching for. I have absolutely no clue why it is categorized in this genre. That said if you're looking for a good drama about a problem that reoccurs every year and not only in America like some other reviewers seem to think, then Rushed might be right up your alley. It's about fraternities and their dumb macho behavior seeking to humiliate freshmen. To be honest I always had a problem with that, certainly with some bullies that think they are better than anyone else. Those big mouths always feel powerful in front of a group, but alone, when it's man to man they are the biggest wussies you can imagine. I can speak from experience, as I tamed more than one of those losers. That said the movie is entertaining to follow, with a great Siobhan Fallon Hogan as the main character. It could have been much better though, with a better ending, but it's still satisfying, just not satisfying enough for me. It could have been a horror in the end, but for that the ending should have been more graphic and brutal, now it felt a bit soft.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The acting is outstanding, as is the story up until the ambiguous ending. Nothing is really resolved.

    Some things felt contrived. At the party, when it was clear Jimmy needed medical help, his friend Virgil asked for his phone back with an increasing sense of urgency. But it was only the pledges who had their phones taken away. He could have easily borrowed a phone from one of the girls at the party or he could have ran next door and called an ambulance. There were options. It's not until the film is almost over that Virgil tells Jimmy's father what actually happened at the party. When Jimmy's mother kidnaps Jake to get the truth out of him, we don't know what he tells her. Does he admit to spiking Jimmy's beer and tying him up? Who knows? Did Virgil tell the police what happened at the party? Did they even bother to ask him? Again, we don't know. The only thing we learn about the police investigation is from the letter where the college denies responsibility. Did they know Jimmy had been tied up and had shots involuntarily poured down his throat? Everyone saw it, so if the police didn't know does that mean the investigation was sloppy or that everyone at the party lied? Did they have the photos that Virgil showed Jimmy's dad? Did they know that Jake tried to stop anyone from calling an ambulance? There are simply too many unanswered questions about what the police knew.

    Siobhan Fallon Hogan's performance was Academy Award-winning level. She was very convincing as a distraught, mourning, devoutly Catholic mother. Robert Patrick was great in his smaller role as well. Aside from the fantastic acting, the other thing that really stood out was the brilliant score. I recommend this film, but be prepared for an unsatisfying ending. I would have preferred that mom murdered or kneecapped Jake, or that the kidnapping convinced the police to take another look at Jimmy's death and conclude there was criminal culpability, resulting in Jake's arrest.
  • zorroaca28 August 2021
    The movie was long enough but if they had taken out the dead space and hooked on a decent ending... it would have been much better. The acting and directing is outstanding... it's the script that falls somewhat short.
  • toxicity-7905428 August 2021
    Well worth a watch. And the woman playing the mother is absolutely fantastic!
  • Lead actress did a fantastic job! The whole cast was terrific. The film falls apart closer to the end which is purely on the writers and director. More stories like this need to be told that's a must!! This film keeps you hooked then leaves you unsatisfied. There's no closure, no justice which is what this films lacks. I do believe had they done this film with a better ending or better revenge part there would be Oscar buzz but it falls flat at the end. So still a great eye opening for the horrors of hazing, I would still recommend other to see it for the acting and what this story is about.
  • A technically well made film with An exiting build-up, thatt, helas, ends up as an unsatisfactory TV movie level opportunities missed production.. In spite of especially the mother's good acting performance. The way too smoothly finale leaves us behind with all sorts of major unanswered script storyline questions as, has anything ever been done with all of the collected interviews video material of all of the other grieving mothers ? Was the frat leader ever sentenced ? Was the senator ever exposed ? Even if only a fictional individual case, still with so many loose ends that it brings down what could have easily been a film of real depth into large scale current issues contents value to the level of little more than a simple sentimental family drama, a pulp fiction tale of not even a decently elaborate revenge. The family members themselves and their interactions are so overly romantized that even while under alledged extreme pressure no-one ever looses control of their emotions.

    And while the siblings of the victim just keep on smiling, the dad, who is presumed to be some kind of former hardman, does is nothing at all, he just continues to go to work and takes absolutely no action whatsoever.. With, as a result, that I personally, with the exception of them mom, couldn't identify to any of the other family members as real world people at all. And last but not least, I do think the director of this movie does show talent and promise indeed, but that a lot of professionalism could definitely be gained by learning how to make ends meet. Because in the end, the fact that no justice has been served, no promises to any of the other victims have been kept, and absolutely nothing has changed for the better, did leave me personally behind with the sensation of having enjoyed a wonderful appetizer while the main course never came.. And since all we are left with is the picture of the fairy content remains of our (never arguing with eachother about anything) modern day Waltons family, going back to business as usual as like almost nothing had happened at all, I suppose it would probably be best if we viewers would simply do exactly the same.
  • And the deaths that unfortunately happens due to heavy intoxications and other having fun methods while being squeezed into the holy lodges of american student stupidity.

    Ive had many a black out in my college years, but never done invoulanterilly, and im still alive to be able to tell my stories about it. But those dead students that has died in real life doesnt have a tale to tell anymore. Therefore its good that some brave souls tries to tell their stories, much like in this film called ''rushed''.

    Its a love and hope died story, a gritty and dark storytelling, and with a revenge in the end that were much less indespicable than mine would have been if i was the parent of a dead student.

    Its well acted, the plot couldve been better with some holes due to enrushment by the production team. It may be some law and order thing or simply a budget issue, but the last third of the movie stands out as very inconclusive.

    So take a break from yor daily routine and sit down and talk with your upcoming stud teenager entering the fraternity system, it might save you and yours from a lot of trouble, and gaff them to a chair and show'em this film if they dont wanna talk. The grumpy old man wish there were much more revenge to it, but still a recommend.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie is one of those types that makes your blood boil, just to have it cooled by innocents retaliating in the best way due to a corrupt university/college and the town it sits in. But, that is only 1/4 of the film. And it seems to completely cut off and go to credits. Leaving the viewer with no closure and no satisfaction. Thus my score of 5 (would have been a 6 based on your typical IMDB ratings you see for this type of film, which is near solid/great).
  • zkewute30 August 2021
    All about the love of a mother refusing to believe her son's death was an accident.
  • Pretty forgettable drama, incorrectly listed as horror/mystery as it contains neither. Not that it is a particularly bad film, just not a particularly good one either. You would not regret missing it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The movie as a whole has a fun indie quality to it - like the actors were having fun making it. One person who wasn't having fun though was a certain fraternity brother left stuck inside a basement with an aggrieved mother whose knack for vengeance brings to mind Liam Neeson's character in Taken.
  • jeroduptown6 September 2021
    Siobahn is great as the annoying mom of a college boy. But when he loses his life due to frat hazing, she starts out across the country to make change - but ends up in a more dire situation.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Irritating comedic, hail Mary, swearing, alcoholic wife and bored husband lose a child during a hazing incident. The rest of the movie is a mixed jumble of social commentary and fantasy revenge porn.

    Utterly devoid of real world reality.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The movie starts off well enough. The hazing and "initiation" scenes are quite believable, and how everyone just goes along with them has always fascinated me. Why is it so important to join a "fraternity" anyway, it's all very cultish. It must be said that these practices even occurred at high school until they were banned years ago.

    The acting was good, in particular, I thought Robert Patrick's stoic silent suffering said it all.

    I also did not really buy into the ending. My reading is that she just wanted the ring leader to suffer, the same as her son, but not anything more than that, as she never wanted his Mother to go through what she went through. I could be wrong though. In the event she ended up in court, and her family suffered again.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    What in the world did y'all see in this movie that makes y'all give it anything above 3? Apart from the beginning, the rest of the movie was below average. The lead actress was seriously annoying and she made the whole issue seem unimportant. And how silly was it for the director to make us watch her journey to several mothers etc only to trash all that, go kidnap a student in broad daylight, make him confess to a crime and then that's it?! What about getting justice for the other mothers? What happened to fixing the frat? So it was all about her son? Then why make us watch all that part about helping the mothers etc? Silly, annoying and very bad movie. I gave it a 1 because I loved the husband!
  • Rushed is a film that is the rough draft of what could have possibly been, had this film had competent professionals who could recognize this is not a finished product - just a half-baked lasagna that needs more time.

    Siobhan Fallon Hogan, who has proven to be a master in her class as an accomplished actress, seems to have not much industry support for this project that she wrote and produced(with the assistance of her family and Robert Patrick).

    I would really like the Hogan family and their Emerald Caz Productions to take Rushed and flesh it out into a Lifetime series, or go more adult and darker with other streaming sources, and turn this project into a platform that truly exposes the subject matter. A Rushed series would allow Siobhan Fallon Hogan to expound much more deeply her writing and allow the Hogans(and Robert Patrick) more opportunity to fine tune their production skills, so that other Emerald Caz Productions project can feel more polished and defined.
  • j_hilyard2 September 2021
    This movie was truly amazing and I'll edit this review after IMBd, the cover art, and the genres of this film are changed.

    Drama: Yes Horror: NOT AT ALL Mystery: WHAT MYSTERY?

    Thriller: kinda

    The cover art has that spooky BS.
  • djcmnv19 November 2021
    The message could have been delivered if the production was worthy of the topic. Very bad movie... You can't drag out the first half hour of a movie and expect people to stick around.. Very poorly written and really bad acting...
  • Movie started was very perfect, then it's become waste of time, End was very useless, PLEASE Dont waste your time like me!!!
  • We watched only 10 mins, in FF, trying to get the main character off the screen, before we realized she was the main character and would be there for most of the movie. She talks relentlessly to the point of being so annoying we couldn't watch any more of what looked like it might be a decent movie.

    We've seen lots of movies with characters we "love to hate" or quirky personalities or they are somewhat annoying, forms a part of the movie. This was just downright totally annoying. The main character goes from scene to scene, nattering and nattering - to the point where you just can't take any more of it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The movie started off good. Getting to know the crazy but functional family. The mother is a stay-at-home mother who feels like her life is always in a rush. But she loves her family. Once she loses her eldest child to school hazing, she became depress. And after a few weeks, she tried what she could by seeking justice in the law-abiding way, but the school and government didn't want to help. So once again, in the end, the devil walked free.

    Would've loved a different ending where the abusers are punished for their choices and not the mother who loss her son. Justice is a sham, a joke as it is told in this movie.
  • From the first scene I was riveted. The hazing scenes gutted me. Siobhan Fallon Hogan, as the lead character, is completely convincing, as is the entire cast. This is an important film based on something we all know occurs on college campuses; a powerful story which takes a surprising turn.. There are so many gems in this film. See it.
  • After sitting through an hour and 41 minutes of a good story line, fairly good acting, you never get to see the ending! It just leaves you hanging and wondering, how any Director thinks this is an artistic way of finishing a film leaves me staggered. Dont waste your time, there are so many better films out there than this crap.
  • The message of hazing is a very important story to tell and I am so glad Siobhan Fallon Hogan did. Heartfelt yet capturing storyline. Very worth the watch!!!!
  • adreageniton4 September 2021
    Incredible acting. The comical twist slipped into such a frightening storyline is unique, keeping you on the edge of your seat but slipping out a guilty giggle with her unexpected humor.

    Excellent film. Room for a sequel. Must see!
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