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  • wingchuntai22 November 2021
    Not for Joe Rogan fans. Ramy is very chill, maybe a bit too chill, but his nuanced takes on things more than make up for it. For one so young, Ramy has funny, deep insights.

    3 stars off for the horrendous camera direction. The slow, constantly moving camera that moves 180 degrees, then snaps back and starts all over again literally made me dizzy and nauseous.
  • If you go into this show with a open mind and some patience you will find a lot of good jokes and funny twists. Comics spin everything, so perhaps take his segment about islam with a grain of salt. I personally didnt like the parts where he said he kept saying he researched it, which he clearly had not. More like a quick google search, which was unfortunate.
  • This is the first one.. from 2019. He talks about the jusse smollett event, where smollett allegedly made up a violent attack on himself. Lots of talk about michael jackson, and that crazy time. Labron james. Why men are pigs. Some gay jokes. Protected versus unprotected sex. Lots of religion, politics. He's funny, but may not be for everyone. It's a LOT of discussion about his (and others' ) religion, which I was taught gets people riled up pretty fast. And is probably still true today. Some funny stuff... as long as you keep an open mind. Which i guess is true of most comedians. Directed by christopher storer, who also directed the "more feelings" standup in 2024.
  • superamro28 October 2019
    He's definitely not your typical comedian. He delivers well thought out comedy. Tackling racism, societal constructs and other topics, Ramy will make you think and laugh at the same time. He did cross the line once or twice, but if you think about it, you'll understand where he's coming from. I enjoyed it immensely.
  • Having taken a Philip Roth-style look at the Muslim community in "Ramy", Ramy Youssef now has a special on HBO in which he expounds on his experiences. Great guy and he has some funny stuff in store. I recommend it.
  • If Fluffy is your favorite comedian, skip it. If you appreciate good premises & unique takes, check it out.
  • jamesdrury19 July 2019
    Not funny. His last statement was maybe 9/11 worked because it made Islam stronger and the USA weaker based on how things are now. Very classless.
  • legyman24 August 2019
    If you like Gotham comedy, Sebastian Maniscalco, Bill Burr like me - than this is just someone talking and talking...
  • carlclements79 July 2019
    Typical unfunny leftist garbage. White man bad. Orange man bad. America bad. And so on and so on and so on.
  • This guy is such an arrogant and typical millennial. A selfish and self indulgent narcissist. Starting off with I don't believe in institutions and I don't believe in police...well too bad you need them to survive. People like this that offer nothing but complaints are only part of the problem and his propaganda and his ridiculousness as a person is hard to watch.
  • 9/11 comment is tasteless and horrible Why does he think this is an appropriate comment. This is actually very disappointing