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  • The movie is OK - more at the end - but it is an incredible mistake, about 10 minutes from the end, which made me register with IMDb just so I could let others know.

    Near the end, there is a body floating upside down in a swimming pool. I won't give more details, so this does not become a spoiler.

    When you get to this scene, watch the body. The person moves around, lifts the head up breathing... Amazing this made it through the final editing.

    The movie itself is typical for TV movies - OK to watch when you want to kill a couple of hours, but nothing you'll remember for long. The story line is predictable - (is there anyone who would not predict the incident with the cell phone in the hotel room...) My family enjoyed watching it, and laughed for hours about the pool body scene.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    ***SPOILERS**** Black widow like movie with the scheming and conniving as well as murderous Olivia Whitfield aka Grace Miller who's played by the hot to trot blond bombshell Elizabeth Berkly. Olivia is on a tear in the movie by her getting rich love sick and impressionable young men to marry her and then end up offing them. This is all accomplished in them getting into a staged accident with the help of her boyfriend and accomplice the pointy nosed Ed Bixler, David Ury.

    Opening up a phony free Woman's health clinic in L.A Olivia becomes the talk of the town in helping the underprivileged women in the area who need medical attention but don't have any health insurance. It turns out that Olivia's fee clinic is actually a money laundering operation that uses the funds it gets for itself, or Olivia and Ed Bixler, and no one else. It's when Olivia starts to work on the really naive and a bit muddled brained Danny Keegan, Randall Batinkoff, that his on the ball girlfriend photo journalist Melanie "Mel" Dempsey, Alicia Coppola, starts to see through her scam. First what can Olivia see in the schmucky and birdbrained Danny other then his bank account which is about the only thing that can impress the money hunger hussy anyway!

    Starting to check up on Olivia's background Mel gets help from her assistant at the L.A Post the plucky Finn Driver, Adriana DeMeo, and her computer geek boyfriend Henry, Jeremy Howard. It's soon discovered that Olivia has been running this free clinic racket for some three years with her having been married twice to rich and not too bright husbands who ended up dead in mysterious accident with her ending up getting all their money! Meanwhile Danny has been completely put under Olivia's spell to the point where he's about to throw his life and money away by falling into the trap she set for him! That's unless Mel can get him to see the truth before the trap's sprung!

    ***SPOILERS*** Worth watching only for the totally off the wall ending where Olivia gets it, and gets it good, just as her plan was about to succeed. Danny who never for a second suspected what Olivia had in store for him finally saw the light at the end of the barrel of a gun that Olivia whipped out on him! Exposed as the black widow killer that she is and with Mel and the LAPD about to put her out of commission Olivia decides "Dirty Harry" style to shoot it out with the law! Holding Mel hostage and firing away Olivia is out-gunned and sent to the bottom,of Danny's swimming pool, by the onrushing squad of policemen before she can do any more damage!
  • wes-connors30 September 2014
    In Dallas Texas, a well-built man disrobes and takes a steamy shower for the cameras. He is joined by a seductive woman. After a nap, the man is shot dead. Three years later in Malibu, California, another muscular young millionaire meets alluring blonde Elizabeth Berkley (as Olivia Whitfield). Apparently, this woman makes a habit of marrying millionaires who get themselves killed off - leaving Ms. Berkley a wealthier and wealthier "Black Widow". This time, however, handsome victim Randall Batinkoff (as Daniel "Danny" Keegan) has a concerned female friend who decides to investigate the whirlwind courtship...

    The other woman is "LA Post" photojournalist Alicia Coppola (as Melanie "Mel" Dempsey). We suspect she has what Berkley calls "unresolved feelings" for Mr. Batinkoff. This gives Ms. Coppola the chance to show some of the best acting among the leads; her reaction shots improve the others' performances. The only other thing of note is Berkley's cleavage. Director Armand Mastroianni is unable to build any mystery or suspense, but he gets TV Movie-level skin in. Possibly, because the last dead body moved too much, "Black Widow" was reedited and re-released as "Dark Beauty". Wisely, they rejected "Black Beauty".

    **** Black Widow (2/21/08) Armand Mastroianni ~ Elizabeth Berkley, Alicia Coppola, Randall Batinkoff, Adriana DeMeo
  • refdan17 March 2009
    This is a classic example of mass produced television entertainment. Other than Elizabeth Berkley, these are all unknown actors and it shows.

    The plot involves a newspaper photographer who is in love with a millionaire bachelor who thinks she is just a friend.

    Along comes a knockout woman, apparently a rich donor who sweeps said bachelor off his feet. Photographer is jealous and begins to investigate the knockout and uncovers lot more than she ever expected.

    The plot is so predictable that I bet you can figure out what happens just from the little I have told you.

    I just can't understand why writers and producers think that this kind of pap is worth an hour and a half of anyone's time. Granted, we didn't have to pay for it, but shouldn't they at least try to be creative? Unless you like the spectacle of actors speaking cringe-worthy lines and struggling to keep from breaking down with laughter, then this is a must to avoid.

    However, if you like tried-but-true plot lines that you've seen a million times, then grab a beer and bag of popcorn and enjoy.
  • The story was somewhat unbelievable particularly as it was set more or less in present day, i.e. use of internet and cell phones. So the 'baddies' in my mind would have never have been as 'successful' as they were made out to be in this film.

    This film would have received a lower vote had it not been for the final goof at the end, at the pool scene, which made me reconsider and therefore upped it to a 3 for the sheer clumsiness of the cutting room editor. Or perhaps was this deliberately left in??

    How this scene got through the cutting room is beyond me? However, it made for a great laugh for what I would consider a predictable TV film.

    I am surprised by the overall rating of 5.5.
  • Super predictable and reminded me of a boring lifetime movie. Cheesy music is playing every seen. Unless you are in the mood for an hour long soap oprah, dont waste your time. Watch the original 80's version with Debra Winger. Its much better.
  • mothra-65 May 2015
    Warning: Spoilers
    A photographer for a local paper (LA Post) becomes suspicious of her best friend's new girlfriend, a leggy Ph.D that runs a free clinic in LA. Using the paper's considerable research resources and armed with a camera, she turns investigative reporter to discover the true identify of the philanthropist black widow.

    Elizabeth Berkley's one dimensional portrayal of the main character is simple and unsympathetic, a blonde-haired black widow whose plastic smile and ill-intentions are so obvious that it leaves the viewer in awe of the sheer stupidity possessed by those who believe her to be the beacon of philanthropic goodness. Alicia Coppola, the film's protagonist, does a better job, but is outshined by her merry duo of jr. journalist helpers that assist in solving this case. Perhaps the best part of this film are the wealthy drunk couple towards the end of the movie, who bring a little breathing space to this stuffy suspense.

    For a Lifetime film, this wasn't too bad. I was rooting for the protagonist, but was seriously hoping that she killed her best friend for being ridiculously gullible.

    I do believe that much of this film, production and supporting acting, comes from our friends in Canada.

    **SPOILER WITH QUESTION** At the film's end, when our protagonist takes a bullet to the arm and passes out, several people rush to her aid. One individual, who was a doctor that worked in the same free clinic as the black widow, simply leaned over her friend's body in concern while the best friend yelled for an ambulance. Was she really a doctor or just someone with exceptionally poor bedside manners?
  • Elizabeth Berkley actually does a half decent acting job in this, not like the trash job she did on Showgirls. And she looks different, like she's had plastic surgery or something. Definitely lost some weight.

    Apparently the original version was called Black Widow? The current version playing as of October 2011 is called Dark Beauty, and has clearly been cut at the end to remove MOST of the blooper where 'Olivia' is shot and falls into the pool. Apparently in the original version, she made a surprising resurrection after dying. That part was cut out in the updated and renamed version, but you can still see her left leg kick like she's swimming after she is killed and falls into the pool.

    I only got to see about the last half of this movie, I only watched it out of curiosity because Elizabeth Berkley was in it and I was channel surfing. What I saw of it was typically low-grade made-for-TV movie fare, made on the cheap. So this isn't a review of the whole movie, just a commentary on how disappointing was the half I saw. And I will register the bloopers I saw also.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The typical storyline of a woman faking her identity, marrying rich men then killing them for the money. Elizabeth Berkley is a terrible actress and the rest of the actors weren't much better. Could have used my time better.
  • carchero25 January 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    I just finished watching Black Widow (2008) after reading some of the reviews. I tend to read a few reviews first to get a general idea about a movie to see if it is worth the watch, but this time, I had watched about 10 minutes before searching it out. I thought it would be worse than what it was based on the reviews I read. It is def. A made-for-tv movie, but I kept watching out of curiosity. The acting did not get cheesy until the pool scene at the end. Man, was it fake! I do not know what the big furor is about Elizabeth Berkley. I thought she did a pretty good job although some of her 'hang time' scenes should have been edited out. Too many times she and the others seemed to be waiting for the director to yell, "Cut". Berkley is so beautiful! It is obvious she has lost weight and it looks good on her! BTW, I never saw the 'goof' at the end. I watched this on Tubi. They must have edited the end or something. It won't win awards, but it kept me watching till the end. That's all I needed!
  • kosmasp1 August 2010
    Everyone who criticized Verhoeven for Showgirls should more than reconsider. How he got a quite nice acting job out of Elizabeth Berkley should make any director proud. I don't want to sound to mean, especially if you consider the material at hand here, but judging from what you see here, you never would have guessed she has it in her to be any (even only by little) better than this.

    But it would be unfair to only judge her (even if she is one of the main roles in this, especially considering the title) and not the entire movie. It's just all over the place and predictable does not even start to describe it. And I have to admit that I didn't even notice the one big "blooper" (if you wanna call it that, it's more of a big mistake, which isn't the editors fault as much as the directors and the continuity people on set ... if there were any to begin with that is) that some of the other reviewers noticed, because I was longing for this to end. It's the pool scene towards the end. If you want more info about that, without having to watch the movie, read the other reviews, I won't spoil that.

    Black Widows are probably ashamed being associated with this movie ... that would be guess ;o)
  • btreakle16 March 2020
    This film only received 15% on Rotten Tomatoes but I thought it was worth a 9 out of 10 spot. I thought the acting was a very good cinematography was beautiful and I highly recommend this one