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  • Please watch it with the original, Japanese audio and not the dubbed verison. The story was truly amazing, realistic and captivating. Not a single scene felt rushed or slow, pacing was perfect. The story really captures Japan in the 80s and the porn industry of that era. The story is basically a fight for the market share of the industry despite the government restrictions on uncensored pornography. I don't know how much of this is true and how much is fictitious but one thing that I do know is that this series is extremely entertaining and informative. It is definitely worth a watch.
  • !!!! Delicious Sapporo Bento !!!! Oscar Worthy series !!!
  • The acting, the soundtrack, the Japanese backdrop, and the time period all make for a great show.

    It makes me wish I had a time machine to 80s Japan. Intricate story lines keep me engaged.

    Check it out.
  • After Henry Ford with his Ford T in the automotive sector, after Ray Kroc for the MacDo franchises in the fast food sector, here is the story of Toru Muranishi who developed porn business across the Japanese archipelago. Or how a poor lover and a pathetic door-to-door salesman became an emotion-less businessman in the Japanese porn, thanks to the bini-bon, the ura-bon and then the video. He was an innovative entrepreneur and the well-known director of a Japanese company massively producing adult videos. He was even nicknamed « the dirtiest of the industry's dirty old men ».

    As a synthesis, this series is really enjoyable.

    PS: the recurrent extracts of the song 'The passenger' from Iggy Pop and interpreted by Siouxsie and the Banshees are in perfect adequacy with this series: « I am the passenger, And I ride and I ride, I ride through the city's backside. »
  • Nativesonn29 June 2021
    This is my first Japanese TV series I've ever watched and it certainly wont be my last. I gotta say the whole show until the end was captivating and heart breaking at the same time lol. A must watch for anyone who wants to see a great true story told in 80s Japan. Also I'd recommend watching it in English subtitle as their original voice adds to the awesomeness of the show. Cheers!
  • jessew-5803430 August 2019
    Very funny. The atmosphere is totally Japan's 80s . The actors did a great job, especially Yamada Takayuki. Couldn't stop watching it.
  • I had always thought Japanese series was mostly about action but this really changed my mind, it's a truly unique story with great characters and I basically watched all episodes in a row and felt sad when it was the end of episode 8. That alone says a lot about the story. I really hope there's a second season planned.
  • The naked director is pure entertainment and surprisingly with heart! This show has its own taste unlike the other shows out there on other streaming services! Takayuki is a damn good actor and this time he has proved that he can do any role! Naked director is Too entertaining but yes its hard R bcuz of the sexy scenes! But i m also sure that if u start watching u will love to go on till the end bcuz of its awsome story telling n performances from the actors! Definite watch!
  • ks-6050028 August 2019
    As it's based on the true story of a controversial AV director in japan, I would say it's good to reveal the history and his story via this drama. Yamada is one of the most handsome Japanese actor nowadays. But this movie he's totally another person. His previous casts were always handsome and act as a romantic charming man. But this time is totally different from before. Yamada is such a versatile actor! The only regret is not the original language the version I watched, the background sound is diminished a lot and lines are altered. Strongly suggest to watch Japanese language with subtitle.
  • mark_joel14 August 2019
    If you loved the rise of Heisenberg's meth empire, you'll definitely enjoy every minute of The Naked Director's antihero, Toru Muranishi. His roller coaster rise to build a name for himself is both inspiring and amazing.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It's base on real person story

    but after ep.5 i think just normal story line

    the Noise from the R-15 scene and about how the japanese make the adult entertain market

    but after that, just normal

    its good,but not shock
  • I want to start off by saying that that single 1 star review someone gave 'The Naked Director' is completely unfounded, and frankly kind of ignorant. I was so irritated by the false claims that user made that I felt it necessary to create an IMBD just to set the record straight about this award-worthy series.

    First of all, they claimed that the series glamorizes misogyny and that the sexual revolution in 1980s Japan set the tone for a cultural misstep that saw women descend to the status of 2nd class citizens, and so their problem is with Japan's culture regarding sex rather than 'The Naked Director.'

    Obviously this person didn't do the historical diving I and others did into the IRL Kaoru Kuroki, or they would've discovered that her work in AV films and rise to popularity as shown in 'The Naked Director' largely inspired the feminist movement in Japan, and she herself saw sexual liberation for women through AV to be a stepping stone to full equality. Kuroki had a hand in the growth of S&M and influenced BDSM as we know and understand it today; her ideologies are *why* BDSM stresses consent, safety and inclusivity to the degree it does.

    So, no. The 'Naked Director' is more of a feminist & sexual liberation historical biography than it is one that "glamorizes misogyny" regardless of the fact the subject matter is porn; an industry and media that isn't typically feminist. The contrast in that fact is a part of the appeal and interest in 'The Naked Director' forsure, and as a woman I came away with a strong desire to sexually liberate my own country's porn industry the way Kuroki did. Some serious mental gymnastics would be required to come away with an entirely polar take than that.

    When that user referenced "Male Geisha Houses" I only imagine they were really trying to say "Male Host Clubs" which are immensely popular in Japan, and are not at all 'geisha' houses. Obviously, that user has basically zero knowledge about Japan culturally or otherwise, to not even be able to name host clubs properly but to have decided they are misogynist and problematic without the slightest idea of what they encompass.


    Please disregard the one 1 star review on 'The Naked Director' as that user doesn't know what they are talking about, at all. This is an incredible show and I was thoroughly impressed, even as (or especially as) a feminist woman.
  • Great series and casting Screenplay is very good Only a little slow in progressing the storyline.
  • The first season was an raucous romp from beginning to end. The second season is absolutely terrible. None of the characters are likeable anymore. I kept watching, thinking "Okay, this is the episode where things change", but that never happens. Things just go down, down, down... Season 1: 8/10 Season 2: 2/10 Overall: 5/10 Do yourself a favour and watch the first season, then forget that season two even exists.
  • Great show all around. Actors, plot, and accuracy. It's filled with comedy, drama and action. In this show you'll be rooting for the main character but later on you will begin to doubt him. Is he really as good as we think as he is even though it seems like he is doing the right things for the right reasons? Even the villains here have depth and the side characters also have a lot of depth to them it's really amazing for what someone would think was just a flick about porn.

    I really hope there is a second season where we see more of the effect that the yakuza and police will have on toru's business now that they've become stronger.
  • Tired 10 years of super heroes movie, finally come out this unique drama series that not just a Av. You will find tears, laughter, passion in this movie. The song, acting, pace is so perfectly excutes, that u want to watch 8 episode in one day.I feel that this movie is enjoyable if u watch it alone, will be awkward if watch with same or different gender even with your best friends. Mostly in base on true event on how the both director and actress change to whole Av industry in Japan.
  • The story blown me up. Such courageous life of the director . And of course acting is mesmerising. I got just hooked up and finish in one night.
  • calundanni9 August 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    4 episodes in and it's an enjoyable show! Acting is good and the story is well written. Only thing that's slightly annoying, is the main characters sudden transformation from a goofy salesman who can't sell anything to a stone cold business man with absolutly no emotions to show for. All of the other characters brings something to the story, quirky personalities and such, where he, the main guy, is just a bland person, which is a shame. But over-all, dispite of this, it's a great show that depicts another interesting time in the history of Japan.
  • l-43820-5950617 November 2019
    The story is obvisouly amazing But often A story related to porn is always intriguing This audio has lots of advantages such as aesthetic pictures wonderful soundtrack and gratifying acting The only thing I can't be satisfied with is a slightly incomplete theme The whole audio is more like a personal struggle by takayuki yamada but it neglects to portray a more real Japanese porn industry There are also some plots that are too hasty Hope the second season will be better
  • The Naked Director is raw, fun, entertainment. Wolf of Wallstreet, for the porn industry in Japan. With a mix of The Social Network, because it was a failed relationship that led our hero on his journey.

    First and foremost, watch with the original Japanese audio, English subtitles. The dubbing is horrendous and you will miss out on incredible tone and voice.

    Acting is top notch. Story is well constructed and evenly paced. Highly bingeable series. After episode 2, each one ends in a fashion that leaves you hungry for the next.

    This kind of entertainment wouldn't have the same reach, if it wasn't for Netflix. I love the risk their platform is willing to take and their ability to bring original, raw, content.

    In the era of franchises and sequels. In this new era where people are starting to self-censor and be sensitive to entertainment and Art, Netflix remains free-spirited and wild. I absolutely love it.
  • Everything about this web series is extraordinary. The acting of the lead actor is top notch.

    It's started more like a comedy flick but turned into a drama.

    I personally felt like the last 2 episodes were bit of disappointing . But it's still great.

    It's worth to give this a try
  • S1 is just brilliant and mostly how Muranishi tackles the law and enter the business. But S2 is more of greed, loss of business and simply boring to most of the extent.
  • Initially, I was expecting an ordinary story around a JAV movie.

    I was very surprised when I discovered that it was first and foremost a beautiful adventure that highlights the major difficulties that we entrepreneurs encounter in life when we have to launch a company: finding capital, creating jobs, motivating the troops, making the company live and survive, in short... And all of this in a joyful, sometimes melancholic, romantic and above all very touching atmosphere... Congratulations to Netflix, to the actors Muranisha and the sensual Kaoru of which I am a fan... Great job, top !
  • Season one was an exemplary.start to a topic benefitting from a lot of depth and true history - the revolutionary start to the Japanese video sexual industry. Going to Japan for the first time in 86 and staying the full summer, I could sense a new and more sexually free Japan (though obviously still quite conservative in many respects), likely by leaps and bounds vs. The pervious decade. Though there is some fiction interspersed with the larger true non-fiction story, the entire series gives a great picture of a period in time when Japan was undergoing a massive economic boom (the 80's with "Japan as number 1") together with a sexual boom. After my first entrance in 1986, over the following decades I spent a total of 20 years in Japan. I feel lucky to have entered in the boom 80's, suffice to say multiple boom 80's.
  • I was bored and this just came out. Started it last night and COULD. NOT. STOP. WATCHING! It's brilliant, funny, arty, accurately portrays human sexuality. What a breath of fresh air. I LOVED IT and cannot wait for another 10 seasons please. Well done. Great acting. Perfect writing. I loved everything about The Naked Director. Going to stalk the director now and watch everything they have ever made. Wow
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