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  • I didn't know Kristoff had written another movie since Matando Cabos, let alone he had made the leap to the director's chair, I guess he didn't promoted this movie a lot... and I can see why.

    Without a doubt he needs Tony Dalton's help in order to writte a good screenplay, cause this one is not even mediocre, it's cringy-bad, everything he has been saying he hates for years is here: bad performances, poor plot, clichés, amateur direction, not interesting shots.

    Having a low budget is not an excuse to make a bad movie, amazing ideas has been born with less than this.

    I watched it for free online but I still want my money back.
  • patoardill28 July 2019
    This film has good things, for example humor, it is not the same as the other Mexican comedies, which has to reach the vulgar to give "grace", yet it has many areas of opportunity, but hey, being an independent film does not It's bad, it also has a good soundtrack