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  • Some of us remember when Dan Rather earned the nickname Gunga Dan for his exploits in Afghanistan in 1980. Now Norah O'Donnell deserves to be called Norah the Explorer because of some of her silly escapades-like her fawning visit with the pope and Vatican tour that aired on the CBS Evening News on April 24. As far as I can tell, there was no real news here, but the segments seemed to eat up the majority of the airtime. She made sure to promote 60 Minutes, where an expanded version of this drivel is doomed to appear soon. This follows on the heels of her annoying, uninformative field trip to an aircraft carrier. Enough already!
  • Not a fan of someone that treats her staff disrespectful. Too many articles how she expects the world. CBS pays these people way too much. They are not actors!
  • Norah presents herself as a professional. She is empathetic and shows compassion and joy as the news briefs call for. The team on cbs evening news all do a wonderful job. I also like the uplifting story at the end. Could use less commercials but that is every network.

    I personally look forward to watching this broadcast with the news team.

    I remember watching as a child. Norah has filled a prime time spot and done with grace.

    As far as other comments about pay well compare the three big networks.

    I personally like seeing a woman hold the evening roll and do it well. So many fine female broadcasters where let go for weight, age and so on. So hats off to Norah for holding the reins in a very tough buisness.
  • March 30th 2022. CBS starts to broach the topic about a laptop that only a minority of media had been reporting on for over 17 months. When you think about the decline of unbias investigative journalism, CBS should be at the top of your list.