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  • Did appreciate that 'My One and Only' tried to do something different to usual, though different doesn't always mean that it is immediately good. Pascale Hutton has always been a likeable performer and while Sam Page is not as consistent he's given charming performances too. Was very intrigued as to whether they would gel well together. Was mostly not particularly impressed by the 2019 Summer Nights films, with 'Love and Sunshine' being by far the best.

    'My One and Only' is worth watching and it's charming enough, though it is uneven. With good things but also some things that didn't come off too great. Really appreciated what it tried to do and that it tried to not be too formulaic, but the differences don't always succeed. While it is a long way from being 'Love and Sunshine', it is much better than the previous Summer Nights film 'All Summer Long', which had a different setting but had too many typical elements not executed well.

    There is a lot that is good here. It looks good, especially the scenery which is lovely. Other Hallmark films fare a lot worse when it comes to having ill fitting and intrusive music, neither of which were an issue really with me here. While the script is not Oscar worthy material, it at least has a natural flow and doesn't come over as too cheesy, schmaltzy or waffly.

    Generally the story has a warm centre, is light-hearted and doesn't feel dull. The supporting cast all do solid work, especially for the mother courtesy of Susan Hogan. Hutton is the best thing about the film, she is so graceful and confident, while never coming over as arrogant or too perfect. Page is naturally easy going, though his character is not as interesting. Really liked the very relatable themes of facing and overcoming challenges, as someone who faces all that daily that resonated with me. The characters don't bore or irritate.

    It is a long way from perfect. There are still familiar tropes that are not much done with that is new. The mystery date element comes over as very silly and forced, and any twist attempts come over as clumsy.

    Really do have to agree with those that have panned the abrupt and incomplete feeling ending. Would have liked more chemistry between the leads, which seemed too cautious. Maybe it was an intentional choice for relationship development sake but it was so cautious and careful it came over as too distant.

    Overall, uneven but decent. 6/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Hallmark movies are an escape from the real world. I tend to enjoy almost all of them, including this one. I love both Pascale and Sam so I was looking forward to this. It was a bit disappointing

    First, I'm not a big fan of the "dating reality show". As far as I know there aren't any in my country and the few episodes I've seen didn't feel realistic. If we talk about the movie, the plot was something different, and specially useful in terms of moving it and kind of fun. The ranch/scenery was beautiful and it made me miss summer.

    Second, I didn't have any problems with the actors, but something felt off, I don't know if the chemistry, or maybe it was Pascale that wasn't playing the same type of character she always plays (the cheerful one) Also, can Sam Page do all his Hallmark movies with the stubble? Please, and thank you.

    The ending? They were both so commited to their jobs? Neither gave it up, which was good and surprising, but how are the gonna that relationship work? Long distance? If Hallmark offers me a sequel to this, I will gladly watch it to see what happened to the characters.
  • Firstly, I think pretty Pascale Hutton is one of a handful of Hallmark's great actresses. She played the part of Stephanie skillfully and believably. I also like that she 's got curves and that she wasn't playing a girl just barely out of college. As for the male lead, his part was so enjoyable and well-played! Regarding his look -I'm not sure the people criticizing go outside much but beards (from five o'clock shadows to five weeks worth of growth or more) are it nowadays and Sam Page worked it! There was great chemistry between him and Pascale. The fact that there were no advertising agencies or royal highnesses in sight made this a movie I will surely watch again. Go, Hallmark!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    These two were so amazing and adorable together in this movie these two should do more movies together I really loved how they played together in this movie 🎥
  • "You might just have to do it scared."

    Stephanie, played by Pascale Hutton, gets roped into participating as a contestant on a reality show called The One, where they hope individuals find their "one". For this season, they have paired Stephanie with a fellow LA city slicker named Oliver for two weeks at a Wyoming ranch called Aurora Ranch.

    Unfortunately, while Oliver is nice and he and Stephanie get along well...she seems to have more chemistry with the Aurora rancher Alex. When they meet, assumptions are made involving some catchy slogan and a hashtag. When it came down to it they actually have a lot in common.

    I loved Pascale's wardrobe and the ranch setting was lovely. It was fun to see them work in a reality show into a hallmark romance.

    Sweet and easy going, I think romantics will love this sunny offering.
  • MickyG33319 February 2023
    7.4 stars.

    I don't know if it's the lead actress or the role she happens to be playing in "My One & Only", but at times it was bothersome. Take a woman who constantly hesitates to answer questions, inserts extremely long pauses between sentences, over emphasizes specific expressions...that was my feeling for the first half. As the movie progresses some of the monotony dissipates, but we must wade through a most exhausting reality tv plot. She redeems herself and transforms into a likable and very engaging character, so I was glad for that.

    The question I was asking myself: will Hallmark get a reality tv story to be remotely plausible? The final answer for "My One & Only is: nope. Although we know what is transpiring, the obvious flirtation amongst other members... unfortunately the director attempts misdirection and the fallout from a lame attempt at subterfuge is a what I can only describe as a fragmented ending. At least the leads have good chemistry.
  • Ironic that many reviews about the very best thing about this film: it's not your typical Hallmark formula! The ending isnt some nonsensical sudden change in the characters' values, but rather a (relatively) realistic stalemate of --but being willing to "do it scared."

    Somehow none of the reviews mentioned the central theme: facing challenges even when it's scary or disheartening. It reminded me of the famous Gretsky quote "you miss 100% of the hits you don't take."

    If you want a film with a meaningful message, a less predictable plotline, and genuine chemistry among ALL the characters, even the families friends and the "friendzoned couple" as my spouse called the set-up duo, then check this one out. My spouse often gets grumpy at Hallmarks but he was loving it and thought the reality show couple did an excellent job at acting "friends not lovers." I was very pleasantly surprised with this film after we have endured a couple "meh" Hallmarks--this one finally brought a new context (a reality show) with an assertive woman (we often get impatient with the clumsy/pushover woman leads of many Hallmarks--definitely not the case with this one!)

    I did notice people complained about Sam's unkempt look, but that's clearly contrasted with the other male lead who is the clean-cut city boy. I found Sam's scruff hot.

    Also, I want to figure out who played Sam's mother because she was spot-on! She stole every scene she was in!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie, despite having the charming Pascale Hutton on board, is a hot mess. It's impossible to get wrapped up in this story when the suspension of disbelief is shakier than a broken swingset.

    The premise of the movie is that main character Stephanie has been selected for a reality dating show, which is the crux from which most of this movie's problems stem. I'm not convinced that the writers of this script have ever actually seen a reality dating show, because what this movie has created here looks slapdash, boring, and just downright messy. Even though it's a very popular show, the production team only consists of a total of four (!) people, and is filming in a remote ranch in Wyoming that is, at the time of filming, teeming with other guests (who frequently interrupt the show's scheduled "dates" to no consequence). Even weirder, the entire show focuses on only two people: Stephanie, and her intended love interest, Oliver. On real TV, most of these reality shows include a variety of contestants competing for the love and attention of the lucky bachelor/bachelorette, and while this may not be the sort of wholesome, monogamous content Hallmark is known for, a show that is literally just watching one-on-one dates between awkward strangers is just downright absurd. And as expected, the "dates" filmed between Stephanie and Oliver are nothing short of awkward, and certainly doesn't make for riveting television. More frustratingly is that the entire existence of this reality show is unnecessary; Oliver could've easily just been a man Stephanie was set up with by her friend while on vacation, which would've created the same obligation to spend time with him as the reality show does, but in a much more organic fashion.

    However, it's the end of this movie that truly takes it from bad to ridiculous. Stephanie and her true love interest, Alex, come together after both accepting dream jobs that put them in different cities, to which Stephanie flippantly says "we'll figure it out," and that's that. This is the messiest way I have ever seen Hallmark try to tie up a loose end, seeing as it ties up nothing at all. Even worse is that the movie actually drops hints and lays groundwork along the way that seem to foreshadow that Stephanie will wind up full-time at the ranch with Alex (her grandparents running a similar ranch and the way she takes to the nature and the rural activities at the ranch to name a few instances), but by the end, it's an irrelevant side character who decides to leave her business and work at the ranch, and Stephanie is set to head back to LA to accept a fought-for promotion as VP at her company. Is this really supposed to be a satisfying ending for the happy couple, knowing that their future is doomed to be long-distance?

    Also, this is small potatoes compared to the above complaints, but the trope of the love interests meeting in an antagonistic fashion is getting super old. It's hard enough to get two strangers to convincingly fall in love in the timespan of a Hallmark movie, but to then add in the extra hurdle of starting off on the wrong foot only makes this feat harder. While I believe Hallmark uses this storytelling device as a bit of a moral adage to remind the audience never to judge a book by its cover, it's much nicer to watch people hit it off than it is to watch them snipe and snap at each other for the first quarter (if not more) of a movie.
  • jewhitmer2516 July 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    First of all I love Susan Hogan, she is very talented a joy to watch.

    Sam Page and Pascale Hutton are great together, they did a great job.

    The supporting cast was good.

    The scenery was gorgeous.

    Good script, witty dialogue, well paced, just enough humor.

    It was a well produced film.

    I do have a few complaints.

    1. When they reconnect at the ranch when he splashes her with his truck while driving down a dirt road. A responsible driver would slow down on a road with pedestrians walking beside it. He was driving way to fast for the conditions. There were no obstructions that would make it difficullt for him to see her walking so why didn't he slow down?

    2. At one point Sam Page is referred to as a mountain man. Now Sam Page is handsome and hunky, but certainly not a mountain man. In fact I have never seen a Hallmark actor that I would describe as a mountain man type.

    3. They go berry picking. They are wandering through brush and trees going from clump to clump of strawberries picking cultivated strawberries. Strawberries are not planted that way, If they are trying to make us think they are picking wild strawberries, wild strawberries are smaller than the cultivated ones and nobody would confuse the two.

    4. The mystery date - why would the reality show pick a hot air balloon ride for the date, when they knew Stephanie was terrified of heights, that was setting them up for failure.

    5. The ending - they hint at the possibility of a connection, but neither actually says they love each other . He lives Wyoming and she lives in L. A. How can we make this work, oh well we'll figure it out. That's not a solution. What of they can't figure it out. But it least Hallmark didn't wait until the end of the movie for the first kiss.

    I enjoyed the movie in spite of the nit-picky things I mentioned. They don't add to the movie but they don't detract from it either.

    My advice: Watch the film, you will enjoy it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is my personal opinion ... I have never liked Sam Page. He always looks too young to be the romantic lead and should maybe be the son of the romantic lead but ... in this show, he seems to have grown up a bit, with the help of facial hair.

    Actually I like Stephen Huszar and would have preferred he be the lead instead but that is a very personal view. Also, in the show, there was no chemistry between him and Pascale's character and that may have been intentional given he wasn't the lead.

    Pascale is beautiful but I think the smiling was over the top. I felt my cheeks hurt watching her smile non stop through the entire show.

    The show is absurd from the first premise to the last premise. The first premise being that people can fall eternally in love in 2 weeks (though I know that such reality shows really exist) and in the end that the 2 lead characters want to be together with him taking over the ranch and her needing to go back to her promotion halfway across the country.

    Seems like writer wasn't fully awake when he or she wrote this storyline or just lost the plot.

    For example, how does someone become a character on a reality show or any show without their permission? How is it a decent thing to do to be kissing another man on the filming of a reality show about her dating another man? I may have missed it but I did not hear Sam Page's character Alex apologising to Stephanie for making all kinds of assumptions about her near the end.

    My recommendation is watch this only if you have nothing better to watch.
  • soonasblog27 September 2019
    A really feelgood movie with a beautiful story and characters.
  • Start with an experienced talented cast, add the perfect location, then add a brilliant but different story. Now you have the possibility of a ten star movie. This one does not deserve ten stars because of some missing ingredients. First is chemistry between the lead characters. It was almost absent partly because the makeup department failed in their job. No woman wants to spend time getting her makeup perfect then go kiss a porcupine. Sam did not have a beard, he had a dirty face with 3 days of stubble on it, so no kissing until a mandatory kiss at the end. The most important missing element was Love. She cared more about her job than she did him, and he loved his ranch more than her. That is not Love and therefore not a ten star movie.
  • AMAZING! AMAZING! AMAZING! Loved every minute of this movie and the Air Balloon scene was perfection! 😍
  • Jackbv1231 September 2019
    The leads in this are experienced Hallmark veterans with a history of good performances so I expected more. In fairness it wasn't the actors except maybe the one playing Oliver.

    The premise is a bit unusual. The script did not really follow the typical format for the type of reality show it was supposed to be copying and so that contributed to the awkwardness that resulted. The story uses a couple of overused minor tropes like a formula and that only makes it worse. And much of the climax is predictable despite some clumsy red herrings.

    The mystery date is just one more stupidity which I can't explain without giving away too much.
  • jennyelaine-036852 September 2019
    I love Hallmark movies, but I'll admit that some of them can be a little too "cheesy" or "sappy". I didn't feel that way about this one. Pascale is one of my favorite Hallmark actresses, and she really outdid herself on this one! I thought that she and the main guy had great chemistry, the storyline was a lot of fun and held my interest, the setting was GORGEOUS, and the ending was very satisfying. All in all a 10 out of 10 for me!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Spoiler alert --- the ending is ludicrous.

    My wife and I routinely watch these Hallmark movies as they are relaxing escapism from the world around us. But... please, people at Hallmark, recognize that your audience is not stupid.

    This movie has a good, if not routine, foundation but like so many of your movies the dumb things the producers do take us mentally out of the movie. When this is done, the enjoyment of the movie declines substantially.

    Hallmark really, really, really needs a "reality check team" -- hey, here's an idea, hire my wife and I... we come cheap.

    Some things of note:
    • The lead guy lands in an airport way too small for the size of town then he leaves his plane in the middle of the small runway... no tie down, nothing. Just leaves it there. Really?

    • There is no way that the lead character would have flown a small Cessna from NY to Wyoming... highly unlikely for this character.

    • This really is not Wyoming and it is clear that the producers have never been anywhere around there. Yes, for budget purposes, you do some/much/most of your filming in Canada but, at least pick a fictional location which somewhat looks like where you are filming.

    • Why is it that nearly 100% of Hallmark movies, when taking place in a seemingly rural location, feel they have to have some sort of country carnival and country dance. Did Hallmark get a quantity buy on carnival equipment rental. Please, please, try to come up with something original.

    • SPOILER... this one is unbelievable... what the lead characters do in the end is totally stupid and left us laughing. What started out as a romance ended up as an unintended comedy. Fire your writers!

    And... you hire great acting talent -- let them actually do some acting instead of sleep walking through the movie.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Loved this movie but left me wanting more. I'm hoping they make a second movie to see what becomes of Alex and Stephanie. Does she stay on the ranch or go back for the VP job? I thought it was beautifully made and loved how the relationships developed.
  • What a refreshing film this is! It combines the modern day concept of TV show "dating"..the idea that someone can meet a perfect stranger and develop a relationship in a matter of weeks..and then it introduces a twist. The leading actress, Pascale Hutton, played with her usual maturity and grace, is presented as an intelligent, striving employee of her firm, hoping to be considered for a significant promotion. She is sensible, cautious, and mature...a woman that many viewers can relate to. While she is reluctant to enter the TV dating show, she moves forward with skepticism and wisdom. The man who is presented to her as her bachelor "match" could not be a more inappropriate a partner for her. They are as opposite as any two people could be, but they strive to make the show's premise work..clearly without much success. The "hero" of the film is Sam Page, always an appealing and attractive leading man, with flawless acting skills, and with his engaging smile. There is a slow and cautious relationship developed between the two leads, something neither of them anticipated, and something that is clearly much more real than the TV show's contrived match-up. As the ranch owner/guide who is assigned to help the two contestants get to know one another through various activities, it becomes clear that he has much more in common with our heroine than the match she is set up with.. One of the very touching and poignant connections he makes with the young woman is that while some of her fears keep her from trying new experiences, she should take her fears and just do the dreaded activity while she is afraid. This simple act of kindness and understanding endears the two to one another..and she is able to take some risks she had not dared to take before. It is a life lesson for any viewer who is hobbled by a fear they cannot surmount. Two very small drawbacks..As is typical in a Hallmark movie, there is a misunderstanding that causes a rift. It gets resolved, of course.,.Also, the ranch guide's mother, is played by the wonderful Susan Hogan. While she has the most expressive features, deep and haunting eyes.. she seems to have a problem with a hairdo that could be better managed and kept from flying in her face. A small criticism.. To Hallmark's credit..this movie allows out leading lady and hero kiss before the last 30 seconds..What a delightful treat!! Send us more of this!!
  • phd_travel6 September 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    On a reality love show set in Wyoming, a city girl falls for the ranch guy instead of the set up. Pretty obvious but it's nice to see their country activities. Sam Page is fairly convincing as a country guy. Pascale Hutton laughs too much. The end leaves things hanging. What are they going to to now? No ones moving to the country or city.
  • Sorry.... I truly believed that Hallmark had already Presented their Best Movie of the Summer with " A Summer Romance. ". But they truly surprised me with an Equally and Possibly even Superior Presentation with their Summer Season Finale ..... " My One and Only. " Once again they were spot on with their selection of not only Co-Stars with Chemistry, But an entire Cast with Great Chemistry. Kudos to Both the Writers and Casting Directors for Producing such an Outstanding Production. I simply can't Wait for the Sequel to this Outstanding Film. Hopefully Next Summer!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I loved this movie it had a great storyline, I would say some things were left a bit unclear and messy so a part two could fix it up or show up their situation and stuff.. Especially how Alex's plans for the ranch goes and him and Stephanie being together.
  • Kirpianuscus27 February 2022
    A lovely film about manner to define yourself in different connections with others. Relationships more than romance, a TV dating show, spring colors and nice dialogues are virtues of this charming film, using Hallmark recipes but in smart manner, proposing, in gentle way, nice pieces of bachelor status and need of love, fair choice and essence of happiness.