User Reviews (15)

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  • ryanmo-3517818 October 2020
    Better than expected. Really amazed that the real volleyball players are involved.
  • China women national team always be my first watch team when I'm a teenage, being watching vb for 30 years make me irresistible to watch this movie in theater for sure.

    The storyline is focus on Jenny Lang Ping and Chen Zhonghe for the past 40 years. The first hour is amazing lead by 2 non actors, one is Lang Ping real daughter, Lydia Bai, and another is a volleyball player Chen Zhan. On some level their acting is very natural and very moving for how the team got the first championship in history. In terms of the real-ness including the training environment and method of the coach, even the scene of tournament, it's close enough to the reality. For the first hour of story, I rate indeed an 8.

    When time move to 2008, story turns to Chen Zhonghe head coach era. The disappointment then begins. It totally describes wrongly and act differently in the movie about Chen. The character is totally different from the real person. Chen is nothing like that and I believe all vb fans agreed on this. Even the real Chen complained on this that "dirty-ify" his image, I agree no more.

    The post 2013 era becomes the players focus. It's little dramatic and that part also act by many non actors but real vb players. I would say it's hard to fit but can see players acting is something rare to see. I won't expect much but only enjoy watching real vb players act.

    Overall speaking, the wrong description on Chen is the biggest failure on this movie. That part I only rate 4. Thus I give a 6 at the end. Some details may not be accurate but many are good enough especially the match scene and many well known retired players were seen, this part already priceless.
  • This was a wonderful sports movie for anybody who appreciates volleyball or appreciate sports in general. This was quite an excellent film, granted it was sponsored by the CCP and it was very obvious that it was a patriotic film about the greatness of China, but from a purely objective point of view who can argue with what China has achieved in the past 30 years? Toxic government or not.

    As an non partisan American I can stand back and appreciate what they've done and for me this movie was more about characters and strategy and individuals, than it was about the state. This film was very good, it packed a lot of emotion and the magnificent Gong Li was her amazing self. What a presence she is.

    The entire cast was great, I recommend this film. Uplifting for sure.
  • My favourite part of the movie is where Lang Ping was choosing the new players from the pools of players in the regional teams, other sports, etc. All talented people need a Bo Le, which is a Chinese saying to mean someone who recognises one's talent. The film abundantly shows the skill and strategy of Lang Ping as a coach, not to mention her dominating spirit both as a player and a coach. Kudos to Gong Li and to the director for capturing the raw emotions of the non-professional actors (real volleyball players!)

    (additional words to make the word count required to submit a review asdfjlgskjfa;lfj)
  • The movie obviously plays into the patriotic sentiment of the chinese people. For me personally, it was especially beautiful when it showed the difference in thinking of 2 generations of Chinese volleyball players. One was all about patriotic emotion backed hard training, limited resources and technology, the other one was about love for volleyball, personal pursuit and reaching dreams. Both teams were winners. The transformation in 30 years echoes with the changing lifestyle and thinking's of the chinese people. Well done!
  • im-650963 December 2020
    As usual, it's not for humanity but for a nationalism pride.

    It'd be a normal movie if it's about a school team, a special group, or any leagues. However, it's a state-supported exertion without considering budget, any pains, sacrifice of families, and/or personal traumas afterwards.

    Different from other China pride genus, though, this movie subtly used a lot of tricks to hide its real purposes instead of directly speaking loud of the patriotism, by copying some know-hows from western counterparts seeing from similar ones like "The Way Back", etc.
  • xiaohei-8011231 October 2020
    The volleyball player is real in film without any acting experience. Peter Ho-sun Chan Director really a genius in catching each character real emotion on screen. Great tempo keep u awake till the end of film. Great edit between colour present and grey past time.Great performance by Gongli to portray the coach by following the real Lang Ping for weeks to observe and copy her every emotion and gesture..
  • Deserve higher rating and perfectly directed and portrayed by talented actors and professional athletes. Highly recommended for all to watch. But for a Chinese, it's simply a must as it presents an era and national spirit!
  • Kingofzombie12 October 2020
    It took a lot of research to re-enact the 1980's training ground.

    The games, Bai Lang's acting, the volleyball players ex and current all acted well.

    But perhaps it is difficult to portrait coach Lang Ping. Even without her professional ball skills and built, her charisma and focus is hard to duplicate.

    Gong can only try stare hard but well attempts. Her hair styling is also a joke.

    If Chen Kexin is willing to cast wife Wu Junru as lead. I am sure Wu will study Lang Ping's character well.

    Next to nothing, Gong Li is the only middle age known actress in China. Just wondering if Wu or Michelle Yeoh could have done a better job.

    Or if coach Lang Ping could act as her older self.

    Touching movie, great scene setup, great movie angle n wonderful cast.
  • It is actually a movie depicting the life of our greatest Chinese volleyball heroin
  • Amazing movie that really showcases the grit and determination of a beloved national sports hero. It's Ana amazing story and an amazing movie made so because it's a true story. Definitely one to watch, you won't regret it.
  • It the best movie ever for us chinese.

    Nice job.

  • Great historical sports drama providing some interesting insights into Chinese society - as well as competitive sports in the International Community at large - exploring sensitive and delicate personal and national issues.

    As depicted in this pretty intense biographical sports drama, competitive sports in China - such as volleyball - is not entirely unpolitical; the film highlighting the terrific volleyball clash between China and Japan in 1980; and between China and the US at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. However, in my opinion, the human aspects - such as the trials and tribulations of human existence and the triumph of the human spirit - certainly outweigh the petty political rivalries between nations; which are often regrettably epitomised in competitive sports.

    As emphasized in this great historical film, winning should not be most important thing, but rather the love for the game - as well as the adventure, friendship and learning process when engaging in competition and friendly rivalry with another nation.
  • "Take great care of your knees and legs."

    This was a memorable piece of advice I read from a top ten list of most common advice from old people. This tip was constantly on my mind throughout Leap, a film about the Chinese Women's Volleyball team, where the female players continually jump, dive, and slam their joints on the gym floor in its unrelentingly grueling training sequences.

    Director Peter Chan, who is a master of telling intimate stories using the little details, captures the generational spirit of the Chinese Women's Volleyball starting from Deng Xiaoping's China going through economic reform in the 1980s onto the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

    Leap functions like a mosaic, using both the macro and the micro to show the 30-year history of the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team. This rule-bending approach was executed superbly as it retains both the epic and the intimate qualities of the narrative. A screenwriting teacher would teach that it's essential to have a clear protagonist and the film ticks that box loosely with Lang Ping and Chen Zhonghe, the current and former head coach of Women's Volleyball. Ultimately, the main character in Leap is the team itself.

    The stakes are high in these matches. The volleyball matches featured in Leap recreate the exact Olympic matches, with the help of the current Chinese Women's National Volleyball Team. The matches are thrilling and executed with a historic accuracy down to the very last detail, as if the film was a historical re-enactment itself.

    Along with all the best sports movies out there, Peter Chan lets the audience viscerally experience the infectious power of sports and how a victory really can bring up a nation's spirit, as we've seen in Dangal for India, or Invictus for South Africa or Rocky IV for the US.

    Gong Li plays Lang Ping in a straight non-showy way with a full awareness that she is just one small cog in a larger machine. She has the easier job actually. Lydia Bai, the actress who plays the young version of Lang Ping, actually does more of the physical heavy lifting in the first half establishing the Lang Ping character in her athletic years.

    When Huang Bo showed up as the head coach Cheng Zhonghe, I was a bit worried he may have been miscast because of his natural comic sensibilities. Any line that comes out of Huang Bo's mouth naturally transforms into a punchline. Thankfully, that didn't happen too often. Huang Bo adds warmth and tenderness that helps ground the movie. Whenever the story starts to be about the country for too long and starts forgetting about its characters, Huang Bo and Gong Li helped snap it back into place.

    Like a history teacher speeding through a lesson, Leap is busy-minded and rapidly edited. It helps to sit in the back row, which I didn't. Often, it's blink and you'll miss it. If you're watching at home, the pause button may be your friend.

    The pace of how subtitles and title cards live and die within a blink of an eye in Chinese films and I wish they were given more time to breathe. The general rule is you should be able to read the card twice.

    Leap is well done. It's ambitious and yet it hits its mark as both a thrilling sports film and also an inspiring historical biopic that captures an era.
  • I really liked a line from Gong Li in the movie. When a foreign reporter asked the Chinese women's volleyball team why they cared so much about winning or losing a single game, Gong Li replied, 'Because we aren't strong enough inside. We need victories to prove we're better than others. But once we become mentally strong, we can approach wins and losses with ease after putting in the effort.' This statement resonates with me. It's not that the Asian education system is bad, it's just that in Western countries, there's more emphasis on pursuing interests as a driving force for hard work. In contrast, Asian education can feel more like finding a way out, where only a few paths are considered, and competition is used to determine success. Interests provide a sense of inclusivity, where differences can coexist, while competition often revolves around comparisons in the same field. Just like the first 20 minutes of this movie, it depicts the idea that intense training is to defeat opponents, and every scene is filled with tears, pain, and frustration. Perhaps this film also aims to make modern viewers realize and compare. Gong Li's inner dialogues with her teammates later in the movie encourage unity and finding the right points to shine. I highly recommend this film to both adults and teenagers for some deeper reflection.