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  • ramosjuanraymundo17 July 2023
    "Baldy for the Blind", directed by Drea Castro, captures the essence of human resilience, showcasing how these elder participants, despite their disabilities, relentlessly pursue their dreams with courage. As they navigate through multiple training sessions and hikes, and overcome formidable obstacles, you cannot help but be drawn into their world, empathizing with their journey on a profound level.

    One of the film's greatest strengths lies in its ability to evoke a sense of unity and companionship between the individuals in the movie. The bond formed between the blind hikers and their supportive guides is portrayed with genuine warmth, exemplifying the power of solidarity in overcoming these challenges.

    This documentary is much more than just a film, but it is also an emotional journey that offers an invaluable perspective on resilience, determination, and the strength that resides within the human spirit. "Baldy for the Blind" is a cinematic gem that is a must-see all over the world.
  • Baldy for the Blind is a film I caught at one of my favorite fests, Dances With Films. It played to a sold out house of over 450 people and I was so proud to be one of them. It tells the story of about 12 blind or visually impaired humans of all shapes and sizes brought together with one gigantic challenge. Try to climb the massively demanding Mount Baldy outside of Los Angeles. Daunting for hikers with real experience, not to mention the ability to see and focus clearly. The director did not just show us people overcoming incredible challenges, but also their hearts and by doing so, expanded my own. The film, as well as what these super human people with disabilities, is truly a remarkable achievement.
  • "Baldy For The Blind" reminded me of what courage and gratitude looks like. This film shows us a group of hikers conquering mountains despite their inability to see. Their acts of courage and resilience exposed my own hurdles that I have made up for myself through excuses. Their stories moved me in a way that surfaced my own unrecognized inhibiting mindsets. One of the hikers said something along the lines of "choosing to be hindered by their blindness, or choosing to be happy" and that they chose happiness. It was such a powerful showcase of how you can choose to not be victimized by something as real as visual impairment. There is so much that I have learned from this film. Thank you Drea Castro. Thank you blind hikers and guides for your display of character that inspires me to become better myself.
  • angelinadisco20 July 2023
    What an incredible assemble of inspirational stories. I stepped into the theatre to see this film with little expectations, yet left wiping away many happy tears. Between each individuals intertwining story that follows along with the preparations to climbing Mount Baldy, you will experience feelings of positivity, empowerment and awe. While it is remarkable watching any group work hard towards reaching their goals, watching a group of people go against expectations is something entirely different. Each of these individuals decided prove to themselves if they can do anything that they said their minds to.

    Do yourself a favor, and watch this movie. Your heart will thank you later.
  • This documentary really puts things into perspective. It's wonderfully, and compassionately shot. Clearly the director/camera crew climbed Mt. Baldy several times themselves. I was so humbled by this piece. Such beautiful humanity captured in the interviews, in the challenge itself. I sobbed through the whole thing; the things we forget to appreciate in life, that others dream of doing. I loved getting to know each of the sight challenged climbers and how their lives were affected by this amazing feat. This documentary is a well rounded and heart opening telling of reaching peaks we can't even see. I loved, and appreciate this documentary so much.
  • I had to opportunity to catch "Baldy for the Blind" at this years Dances with Films, and this documentary really stood out. This film highlights the experiences of a group of blind hikers who dare to face their fears and climb the tallest mountain in Los Angeles. To an average sighted individual, the experience is physically challenging - an opportunity to get some exercise in, bond with friends. But filmmaker, Drea Castro, really took us into the minds of these unsighted hikers to understand what facing their own fears looks and feels like. We saw some of what their daily lives look like, what many of us may assume is a world of darkness and struggle, but saw so much past that, and how much light there actually is in their lives. What was particularly special about this film was the level of intimacy the director, Drea, was able to capture with her subjects, and the trust she created shined through in the filmmaking. The community the blind hikers they formed within each other, to accomplish this physically and mentally challenging obstacle was nothing short of inspiring. We are living in a time where so much of the world feels chaotic and uncertain, it was such a gift to be able to enjoy a film that brought some peace, joy and inspiration to the world, all while showcasing a group of people who are often unseen. If you get a chance to watch this film, you may find yourself experiencing your own peaks and valleys of emotions. I highly recommend it.
  • Baldy for the Blind" is a compelling docu that beautifully illustrates the indomitable spirit of humanity, proving that we are far more capable than we may initially perceive. Throughout the movie, the inner drive of individuals to push themselves beyond their limits is showcased with exceptional pace.

    One of the most memorable moments for me is with its ability to immerse viewers in the hikers' journey, allowing us to deeply connect with their triumphs and challenges. As we witness their highs and lows, we can't help but become emotionally invested, cheering for them as they strive to conquer the challenge presented Infront of them.

    I can't wait for more people to catch this!
  • In a sea of action-packed blockbusters and flashy effects, "Baldy for the Blind" stands out as a breath of fresh air, captivating audiences with its simplicity and touching narrative. Directed by Drea Castro, this heartwarming gem challenges perceptions and celebrates the strength of the human spirit.

    The film follows 11 blind hikers on their brave journey up Mount Baldy, embracing a world of darkness and silence. Instead of letting their disability define them, they become an inspiration, radiating optimism and resilience that touches the heart.

    The bond between the hikers transcends human limitations, illustrating the power of profound connections. Drea's masterful direction immerses viewers in their world, fostering empathy and understanding.

    "Tender moments of camaraderie, laughter, and love" create a genuine tapestry of emotions, portraying the triumph of human will over adversity.

    This emotional voyage challenges preconceived notions about disabilities, reminding us that our greatest limitations are often self-imposed. "Baldy for the Blind" is a life-affirming masterpiece that leaves a lasting impact.

    "Baldy for the Blind" will make you appreciate life and the resilience of those who face challenges with grace. A must-see film for all audiences.
  • This is such an incredible film of overcoming obstacles and setting out to do something beyond one's set limitations. Even the film maker herself has overcome so much in making this film. Each character brings so much light and depth to this film that is both tragic and inspiring. After watching "Baldy for the Blind" I am left to consider so much about my own life and what my mountain is. I can sense that there is a way to see the world from a whole new perspective.

    So often blind people are depicted in the fullness of their humanity and this film does a great job sharing the different lives of all these hikers and their individual stories moving through a world they can't always access. There is so much value in supporting the efforts to make the world accessible to everyone and how absolutely life changing it can be too do so. This film left me inspired to do more and maybe take on bigger risks than I would dare to before. Highly recommend giving it a watch!!
  • "Baldy For the Blind" is a documentary film experience that stands out uniquely and pulls you into the world and lives of its ensemble cast, all of whom are blind or almost entirely blind all of whom come together with a single goal and personal challenge before them: to train and eventually scale the tallest mountain in Los Angels County with a peak of 10,064ft.

    Their shared journey up several successively difficult mountains leading up to Baldy is our main point of struggle-- difficult even for normally sighted hikers and even more so for these brave and determined folks from all walks of life-- but that is only half the story as throughout the film we learn more and more about their personal lives as they navigate the world minus one of our senses that most of us take for granted every day and how either growing up blind or suddenly being affected with blindness later in life both changed their world profoundly and yet also gave them a totally new perspective and determination to embrace this as a new way to open themselves up to new experiences that they had never considered before.

    The director Drea Castro employs a range of techniques expertly to keep us right on the edge of our anticipation for what will happen with each successive stage the hikers endure.

    Soaring shots show us the sheer beauty of these natural land formations... and also their danger to any and all who wish to scale them.

    Through it all these brave people all band together (along with their hiking sight guides) to form a close knit family like group who are all there for each other pushing, helping and striving to meet their goal of achieving something that they never thought possible for themselves.

    The hiking leader is an experienced, kind and yet tough individual who truly wants his team to succeed but who also knows exactly when to keep the pressure and inspiration strong to help them push themselves and grow in their hiking abilities.

    Seeing this film theatrically with an audience around me we were all deeply moved to tears by their stories, resilience and determination to succeed. Seeing some of these same people after the film concluded at the Q&A after the showing just made my reaction even stronger.

    "Baldy For the Blind" involves scaling a mountain (well, several mountains actually) but its heart and soul is the scaling of one's own personal mountain and overcoming the challenge life has dealt by removing the ability to see and pushing far beyond fear and any myth of limits even despite this.

    As one of the hikers Jojo says early on in the film "If I hadn't been born blind I don't know if I would have tried to do all these crazy things that I have taken on!"

    And for me that is the biggest takeaway and lesson these folks show us in this film: that there *are no* limits. That we *can* achieve anything we truly want to if we are determined enough no matter what the circumstances or odds may be.

    This is a truly beautiful and enormously inspiring documentary film. If have a chance to see it please do. It will change your life!
  • We attended the Los Angeles premiere of this movie, and the house was packed. There was not a dry eye around us. The director did a fantastic job drawing you in to the personal story of each of the Baldy climbers and their individual life struggles as visually impaired humans...struggles less so with being visually impaired and moreso with how they are perceived by society. Badly is a very challenging hike even for sighted people in good physical shape. If you haven't been there yourself you will appreciate the detail they go into about how arduous and danegerous it is. I was so impressed that the climbers pulled this off and they all had such distinct, interesting personalities. It was humbling and very moving to learn about people who suddenly lost their sight due to illness, and to watch them bravely persevere. Equally moving and inspiring were the guides who dedicated so much free time to help the climbers train. Overall a well-made and inspiring story that more people need to know about!
  • Baldy for the Blind is one of the most moving and important films I have ever seen. It absoltely has to be made available to world wide audiences. It has so much heart, superb story telling and even suspense. Truly inspirational and well crafted. We come to know and love the hikers and their stories as well the as the coach and guides! Brilliant work. I have told so many friends and colleagues (psychologists) about this, who are now eagerly awaiting streaming options. Congratulations and thanks to all who participated in making this happen. It is not just movie, it is an unforgettable experience!!!
  • "Baldy for the Blind" tells the story of 11 blind hikers who attempt to scale Mount Baldy, the highest peak in Los Angeles County. Mount Baldy is a very challenging climb for any hiker, which makes this attempt even more impressive. Director Drea Castro does a masterful job of weaving the "back" stories of the hikers and their unique journeys of visual impairment into the exciting and inspiring footage of the actual hiking. Each hiker has an incredibly powerful story, and each one has a special reason for wanting to scale Mount Baldy. The movie has very powerful messages about hope, determination and possibility, in the face of obstacles. We need more movies like this one...BRAVO!
  • Baldy For The Blind was an amazing documentary which followed 12 blind hikers to the summit of Mount Baldy, the highest peak in Los Angeles. I was so captivated by the courage of these blind hikers to even want to take on such a challenge. I was amazed that they chose Mount Baldy as hiking a mountain, especially Mount Baldy, is challenging for a sited person, never mind someone with a disability. The film really captured the hikers inner feelings and struggles along their journey, along with their joys of overcoming their fears. This film is for everyone because it show's how we as humans can overcome our greatest fears if we allow ourselves to at least try, starting with one step at a time!
  • "Baldy for the Blind" is a profoundly inspiring documentary, capturing visually impaired hikers conquering Mount Baldy with unwavering determination. Through breathtaking visuals and emotional storytelling, it challenges stereotypes and advocates for accessibility. This empowering journey showcases the strength of the human spirit and leaves an indelible impact. As barriers fall, a united message of inclusivity and resilience resonates deeply, urging us all to embrace life's challenges fearlessly. A must-watch film that encourages a more compassionate and open-minded perspective on the limitless potential within each individual.
  • The human spirit is truly remarkable in that it constantly rises above what is thought to be undoable or unnecessary. Blind people don't hike to 10,000 feet; I mean why hike at all if you can't see the view. You could actually call this film Baldy for the the spirit or Baldy for the indomitable. These people are blind and that isn't really the main story. The main story is that they hiked to a place that few folks can, including myself. In short what you take away from this gem of a film is the message that life is filled with obstacles and you got two choices. Lay down and fade or get up and push past the expectations. Bravo to the filmmakers and the hikers for showing that life is not about 5 senses or even 4 senses. It's about one sense, the sense of wonder. "nuff said.
  • My friends and I went to see this in a sold-out theatre in LA and it was one of the best and most intense viewing experiences we've had in a while! The whole audience was gripped - completely silent during the tense moments, cracking up at some of the funny characters, weeping and yelling at the screen during many of the sad and depressing moments - exactly what you want when going to the theatre!

    The film will also stay in your mind long after you leave the theatre - it raises such important, thoughtful, and challenging questions about our treatment of the differently abled! There's one part in the movie where the character of DJ talks about how invisible Blind people often feel, often "hid away" from society, and it really made me think!

    A lot happens in this film and I believe it's definitely worth a second viewing - I will try see it again! Go see it - it's amazing!
  • Baldy for the Blind puts things in a new perspective and takes you on a climb up an emotional mountain, figuratively and literally. I marveled at the courage of the blind hikers, and was profoundly inspired by their determination and spirit, but what it really brought home were the unique personal stories and backgrounds for each of these people. They deal with disabilities in their everyday lives, which is tough enough - but they decided to do something extraordinary in an effort to prove something to themselves. Not for any kind of glory or even for the film - but because "the mountain is there" for non-sighted people as well as for the rest of us. Thank you to the subjects, the filmmakers (and shout out to the sight guides, too!) for a tremendous story of effort, perseverance, ant triumph!
  • I recently watched the amazing documentary film, Baldy for the Blind. It is a great, thought-provoking story about how a hiking guide decided to commit to training a group of blind hikers to summit one of Southern California's tallest and most challenging mountains, Mt. Baldy.

    A challenging - and unfortunately deadly - trail even for highly experienced, sighted hikers, we follow along with the group as they hike ever-longer and tougher trails in preparation for the attempt at the summit of Mt. Baldy.

    The story is well told, paced nicely, and we get to experience the hikes from the hikers' POV as they conquer each hike. With each hike, more is revealed about each blind hiker - their fears and dreams, and their individual motivations for undertaking such a challenging series of hikes!

    Thank you to the film makers for making this movie that spotlights these visually impaired hikers who clearly have a zest for life! Too often, folks with visual impairments are not given the recognition they deserve for the many daily accomplishments and adjustments they make in order to live their best lives.

    Baldy for the Blind shows that those with visual impairment can achieve amazing feats, those that would rival anything you can think of!
  • The premiere of "Baldy for the Blind" was an inspiring and heartwarming event!

    Not only did it showcase the incredible determination and resilience of these 11 remarkable hikers as they attempt tp summit Mt. Baldy with limited vision, but it also highlighted filmmaker Drea Castro's gift of storytelling.

    The audience in attendance at the sold-out TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood was moved to tears during the film, and their applause was truly impressive. I found myself laughing and crying and cheering all at once! This powerful documentary left no one in the theatre untouched with its important message about our capacity to overcome struggles, no matter what obstacles may stand in our way.

    "Baldy for the Blind" is sure to inspire anyone who sees it.

    Congratulations again Drea! I can't wait to see what magic is to come from you!!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Baldy for the Blind" is an extraordinarily, important film that I believe everyone needs to watch.

    This film inspires all of us to go for our dreams regardless of what people say we are capable of and what we are not. It's a beautiful testament to human strength, determination and an incredible piece of art.

    I fell in love with all the people apart of this film and found myself rooting for them as they were hiking in real time. It was incredibly moving while also being riveting and entertaining. This is why we make art in my opinion- so we can shed light on different perspectives, bring people together and give a voice to those that are not always heard.

    I'm also deeply connected to this film because I have a family member who is blind and found it refreshing to see her experience on screen. I could see so much of her in each of the visually impaired participants of the hike and for that I am grateful. Thank you for making this film. Thank you for giving visually impaired people a voice and sharing that they are extremely capable.
  • I was lucky enough to get a chance to watch Baldy for the Blind at the Los Angeles Dances With Films film festival in a standing room only, packed audience. It was an absolutely amazing experience to hear all of these incredible stories of vision impaired hikers, as they came together to conquer a series of mountains leading to Mount Baldy. A mountain, frankly, even people who aren't blind struggle to climb.

    The crowd reactions in the screening were palpable. Everyone around me, including myself, was in tears, multiple times, and the laughter and joy shared as these truly inspirational people made their way through each successive hike was extremely uplifting, no pun intended.

    Frankly, It should have won the festival, and I think partially due to the voting format closing within 10 minutes of the wrap of the movie paired with an equally inspiring Q&A with some of the hikers featured, and standing ovation kind of robbed them of the award. It deserves to be seen by all.

    That said, I could not recommend this movie more, especially to anyone who finds themselves in a situation that feels unsurmountable, because as they state time and time again you can do anything you put your mind to. Whether you can see the next step ahead of you or not, you just have to carry on.
  • I went into this movie not really knowing what to expect and I have to say there wasn't a dry eye in the theater! I often say there are tiny things in Life that we don't realize will change you're life but they do! This is that MOVIE I don't wanna spoil it for anyone but it makes you see life in a different light it makes you appreciate the "Disabled Community"and it will be a movie I will buy and watch often Truly one of the best movies I've watched ! I think EVERYONE should See this movie, It makes you truly grateful and realize how much we take for granted ! Definitely have to see this MOVIE !!!!
  • Maybe you're not a hiker or an outdoorsy human, but seeing this film will make you want to work for your dream, no matter how insurmountable it may seem. This documentary was told in the perspective of the blind hikers and their voices unadulterated to fit a bigger political campaign. I appreciated that. Their stories are their own and we held our breath until each of them crossed their proverbial threshold. I'm so in awe of the cast and I didn't know about the Braille institute prior to this but I'm thankful they exist to facilitate success and autonomy for the differently abled. This documentary is for everyone that feels their purpose or dream is out of reach... it's really within grasp, just one foot in front of the other ;)
  • halbastian10 August 2023
    "Baldly for the Blind" is a beautiful metaphor for the ups and downs (pun intended) of life for both the sighted and the blind. The brave participants in this film are compelling, vulnerable, strong and fearless. Everything resonated with me, especially that as a sighted person, I don't really have any challenges to speak of and my perspective on life has been changed for the better. Much better. There are stories within stories and I had empathy, compassion and respect for all the climbers. There are many moments of suspense, anticipation and hope. Wow, just wow. I was uplifted and you will be, too. Go, see it!
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