User Reviews (35)

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  • Well, Tbh I was really hyped when they first teased all-in and somewhere secretly wished that it would be really great if some how I got to see so many talented wrestlers under one platform

    This is exactly what happened when after 8 months or so Cody n Bucks revelaled "AEW promotion".

    It's been real pleasure to see likes of Jericho n company to watch wrestle, cut promos and seeing involved in the matches that actually have some significance on the storylines.

    Long Live AEW - hardcore fan, yes I am😃
  • Make no mistake, this show is a 10. But it has room to be even better. There are clear signs that it learned of the mistakes of the old dogs and would rather be standing on the shoulders of giants, but had to settle for the corpses instead. Things to improve are mostly back end stuff like editing and adjustments to pacing in the scripts. Yes smarty pants we all know it's scripted, unscripted wrestling is called MMA/Boxing/Fighting. Note the scripts are fine apart from minor tweaks that can be made to timing and pacing. I'm not really sure how I would improve the behind-the-scenes stuff like production and editing. But right now, I'd rate that a tad lower than everything else. Overall a VERY solid 9/10 easily made into a 10 with time.
  • Since I have heard of the new company AEW All Elite Wrestling my curiosity got the better of me and so when I heard the news that they signed a deal with TNT for a new wrestling program to be called Dynamite I had to turn in and see.

    This is the first time in nearly 20 years that wrestling appears on TNT since the closing of WCW so you can tell it was getting really exited for fans of wrestling.

    What I can tell you about AEW is that they are teaching us that wrestling is spelled W-R-E-S-T-L-I-N-G.

    Each match is like watching a pay per view match and yes one or two matches might not be okay matches but that's what to expect from wrestling.

    AEW Dynamite is the show we need as wrestling fans and I haven't missed a single episode the rise of AEW is like the rise of a Phoenix a wrestling program we need right now and if you love wrestling then you'll have to watch AEW Dynamite because you never know what will happen next as AEW is All Elite
  • maxelliothall4 November 2019
    God bless the Khan family and Cody Rhodes and all who made me fall back in love with pro wrestling. WWE has bored me to death. I crave something new, and I found it.
  • AEW Dynamite,is the best wrestling show I've seen on years great job by AEW
  • Great Show! with storylines, fast paced wrestling and promising devolpmental characters. The show is not perfect but every week they try to correct the problem and pay close attention to what fans want. Great alternative for wrestling on a television scale, with room for growth.
  • Proper character building Intriguing story arcs Insane move set Cleaver spots

    Hope this doesn't become like WWE
  • After a couple decades of poor boring predictable wrestling many fans started turning to less than mainstream companies to get what they want for their fascination of pro wrestling, and from that a number of wrestlers made it without the big corporation behind them only to join with a wealthy intelligent wrestling fan to bring their idea of pro wrestling to the mainstream going full circle. One could say this show started from the youtube channel Being The Elite, but really there is so many true stories as well as wrestling stories that eventually made this company come together. Many of these guys I've been following for a few years now, but even more there's so many fresh new faces I prob would of never found. IMO this company gets it right. At the very least they have turned the pro wrestling world upside down with most companies big and small having to make changes due to AEW hitting the mainstream. This 2 hours of wrestling to me goes by so quick it's the easiest and best wrestling content I've watched since I was a kid. TY Elite, TY AEW
  • criisw4 May 2020
    Big stars, legends of yesterday big names of today and names being made this show has everything and it is not boring.. Chris Jericho, Lance Archer managers like Jake "The Snake" Roberts This show is great. It even has Billionaire Mr Brodie Lee. Who remembers tag team wrestling ? This show gives new meaning to everything professional wrestling. And wins matter !! Definitely worth watching weekly.
  • AEW Dynamite is amazing! This show has it all. I urge you to watch this show.
  • AEW has done what I've been waiting for since 2003 or so. I watched pro wrestling since the mid-80's at 4 years old. I watched every single show, every PPV, read every magazine and eventually every website article I could find. I was an active member on forums and chats about the industry. Then after attending Wrestlemania in 2002 I quickly started losing interest and within a year I had totally stopped being invested in it whatsoever. I thought I had outgrown in, until there were a couple glimmers of hope, few and far between that made me realize it just wasn't that good anymore. AEW has come along and I am hooked on every match and storyline. I absolutely love this company & the matches are so exciting. The talent is incredible. Thank you for saving Pro Wrestling and reigniting my longtime fandom.
  • ThunderKing612 September 2020
    It's probably because I'm older and sober. I Like AEW. I think its a great show with potential. However, for the most part I find it corny. It's not a shoot on AEW. Its just pro wrestling is whack as a grown man. Therefore, my review will sound bashful.

    The promos: They are ok. Brodi Lee is the only guy with a gimmick and promos that can keep me watching AEW on youtube.

    The run in helps: Look cheesy and dumb. 1 guy jumping into attack +5 men is whack and outdated. They do this all the time.

    Championships: Moxley has been champ for too long, it's become boring. Cody always needs to be champ of some sort. His wife couldn't act out of a police ticket. She's horrible actress.

    Performance matches: Most matches are too fast and too many high spots. I liked wcw matches because it was brawling, technical and wrestling mixed in 1. WCW cruiserweights were perfect that division told a story during their matches. AEW matches is just a circus. Everyone is a high-flyer it seems. The Matches don't intrigue me. I tend to skip to the end of matches when i watch on YouTube. It's just wrestling in general. It's not real. The fighters don't really hurt each other. You might as well watch bits of beginning then skip to the end results.

    AEW like every other product these days, is aimed for an sjw-liberal audience. I can only watch AEW like 3 times a year for 20 min at least on youtube sometimes I cringe.

    You'd think these young play fighters would have been inspired by legends like undertaker, Bret or even Rey mysterious. It doesn't look like it. It's more ego, liberalism than passion.

    Verdict: It has a WCW feel. Best to watch it from time to time and not watch it on a weekly basis. It's better than WWE because the matches aren't in a predictable formulation.
  • bigman_85866 June 2021
    Horrible "wrestling" show. Bad booking, bad to no storytelling, wrestling sloppy and horrible. Matches made up for no reason and meaning behind it.
  • AEW is the best wrestling on television. Makes WWE look like a comedy. The wrestling and storylines are what was needed to give the fans something of quality as compared to what WWE considers it's flagship shows RAW and SMACKDOWN. Cody Rhodes and owner Tony Khan please keep up the quality and excellent work.
  • Finally something that actually has wrestling. That is different every week. Is so much more interesting to watch because it gets better and you don't know what's going to happen. I'm so thankful for this.
  • AEW dynamite is the best wrestling show in the world right now. I am a wrestling fan since 2015 and I have never enjoyed wrestling this much . since dynamite has debuted almost every show Is amazing. you can definitely tell that AEW is one year Old company and that sometimes Comes out in some Botches but out of that AEW is producing amazingly quality wrestling.
  • Thank You Cody for being a visionary and Saving Pro Wrestling.
  • sahasayansaha15 September 2020
    We have been in a delight to watch some old stars but I am overjoyed to see how they created some new mega stars like Mjf, Sammy, Darby and Orange making them fight with the experienced superstars and also now we get to know why tag team wrestling is the beat form of wrestling.
  • Wrestling is back with crowds and better than ever. Fantastic show with plenty of long term storylines, a variety of match types and a fantastic roster. There's something for every type of wrestling fan. AEW plays well with others such as Impact, NJPW, AAA, NWA, and that's just the beginning. The future is bright and full of endless possiblities.
  • I'm a wrestling fan of 30 years. My favorite years of wrestling are Wwf 89-92, 96-98. I can now add Aew 19-20 on this list. Their ppvs are consistently great, and the story lines make you want to tune in every week. The product can have sloppy in ring moments at times, but the highs out weigh any of this. The roster is very reminiscent of Wcw 95. You can tell a lot of pieces are being put in place to really make this "the" wrestling show of the next 5 years. It's untouchable to its peers at the moment.
  • rehman_warraich29 November 2019
    Loved every bit of it...its an excellent effort by the real PRO wrestlers
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I don't get how a show can have so much blood but also be so goofy also a lot of injuries.
  • yyo-483225 June 2021
    This is better than the pg era wwe and In general you get more entertaining matches and storylines.
  • After growing completely bored of WWE's product over a span of few years, I am now thoroughly enjoying Dynamite's ability to innovate and create exciting characters and moments. Ever since they've been able to host crowds again, AEW has been on fire and does not plan on stopping. Their roster is stacked and it is always giving new things to be excited about. No repeated match ups in the same storyline, no random shock booking, no pointless championship reigns. Everything feels so well done and thought out. My family who wasn't into wrestling anymore suddenly now enjoy this weekly with me because they enjoy it's ability to exceed expectations. Thank you Tony Khan and the rest of the creators, you guys have genuinely made one fan the happiest he can about your show. I have bought every PPV in 2021 so far and it seems like it's going to stay that way for a while with their stacked af roster.
  • This show has enjoyable wrestling and enjoyable storylines. These facts are helped by the fact that they allow the wrestlers to create their own characters and to allow craft their own unscripted promo's to cut. I also like the fact that Tony Khan knows how to properly use his talent and is willing to take former WWE superstars and let them show off their true talents as professional wrestling; guys like John Moxley, Miro, and Pac are way better used in AEW than they ever were in WWE. I also like the fact that Tony Khan brings aboard big talents who have never been in WWE like Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks. Finally, it's awesome to see Tony Khan giving his talent a chance to sink or swim which have lead to the creation of some AEW original talents like Jungle Boy, MJF, and Orange Cassidy.

    However, I had to give AEW a 8 out of 10 because like all companies they aren't perfect and do have some thing they need to work on. One of the things AEW needs to work on is improving the production of the show to stop botches from being more visible. Another thing AEW needs to work on is their commentary team because some of their commentators make lots of noticable botches or seen uninterested in the product when they are announcing it. Finally, AEW needs to get better at the entrance music their using because even though the liscensed music Tony Khan has purchased for superstars sounds good, a lot of the original music can sound very generic; this could easily be fixed by bringing in a talented composer like Jim Johnston to make the entrance music for AEW.
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