User Reviews (9)

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  • Yeah, it has it's flaws, like Geralt's katana, cheap monsters, but it follows the books story quite nice, so yeah give it a chance ;) Actors are matched perfectly, especailly if you look at that Netflix's Yennefer or dead stare Ciri xD Here we can feel genuine bond between Geralt and Ciri, they don't swell from one point to another repeating "it's destiny bro, trust me".

    Hmm watch out for the dragon in E4 :P

    And admire the locations, it's all filmed in Poland, and when they travel the fields and forrests, I feel like home, the climate is mesmerizing ;) I don't know how they translated Jaskier's songs but in Polish they're beautiful and complex about Geralt's life, not just One liners about tossing coins ;)
  • Wiedzmin is a series based on a series of books of the same name written by Andrzej Sapkowski, who became known years later by the series of games The Witcher, that including The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is my favorite game, Wiedzmin was very critical , because it has many changes in relation to the books, and it really has some senseless changes, like for example the Vesemir that is one of the oldest wizards in the books, in this series he is a druid, and they put an Old Witcher, I did not understand the change, the series has 13 episodes and each episode is based on a short story, has for example an episode based on the great tale The Ice Fragment that shows enough the love between Geralt and Yennefer (Yennefer never betrayed the Geralt, in fact she betrayed the sorcerer), the cast is contestable, there are actors who are well, but you see clearly the limitation of the cast, the set up is very bad, the battles are very problematic, the special effects are weak (remember that in the rie released the trilogy The Lord of the Rings had left too, obviously that the Polish production has less resources, but still), the soundtrack is good, the photography is good too, it has several landscapes, the makeup is more or less, Wiedzmin is not a crap, they say, there are a lot of problems, but for those who are fans of The Witcher books and games universe, they are likely to like it a little, and the end of the series is cool. Note 64
  • W3rss12 October 2019
    Is it good, no it's not. Is it bad, yes but not that bad. If you are fan of the franchise (books, games) then you should check it. Is it driven from the books?! Not really. Don't judge it too harshly if you read the books. It's nowhwre near the quality your imagination from the books. It's not like a games, it's far worse. BUT, they are tried at least but not that hard, if you need your Geralt or Yennefer fix, watch it. At least try to watch it, it make me a smile at least.
  • Kirpianuscus20 August 2017
    a witchman. and his ways. adventure. mysteries. and Michal Zebrowski in a dark, complex, almost strange role. sure, almost nothing new or surprising, a lot of clichés, tricks of fake Medieval stories, mix between predictable characters/ situations and the flavor of old form of adventure. but one of series with a precious status. to remind the shadows and words and examples of bravery so charming for the early, memories, magic and a dark character.
  • If you watch the polish series today as I did, without any nostalgia most fans seem to have, you'll notice a lot of issues. Given the small budged and time when it came out, I'd fully excuse the funny practical effects, and perhaps even the weird choice to have the witcher carry around an eastern katana-like sword. Back then it was probably cool, so OK.

    The Series, as the Netflix Adaptation, is best when it sticks to the source material as close as possible. The stories about the first encounter with Yen, the Striga or the Devil are all good. My issues are with the themes the series decided to introduce. You can pretty much skip the first two episodes and you'd be better of doing so. For some reason Kaer Morhen is depicted to be a quarry, even though there are loads of castles they could have used in Poland (and in fact, they feature castles in later episodes). More over, there are a lot of Witchers and for some reason, they claim not to have any feelings while Geralt is wrong for having them (although every witcher gets visibly emotional multiple times in the episode) and for some reason, they don't know what a woman is? The depiction of Kaer Morhen, Vesemir and the new themes introduced by the series are nonsensical and should have been left on the cutting floor. The Polish Series however manages to stick to the books more often than not, and as such is superior to the Netflix series. Dandelion/Jaskier is painfully miscast, but Zebrowski does a very good job as Geralt. All in all, this isn't an essential series every fantasy fan needs to see, but to a Witcher fan I'd say it is a pretty inoffensive fun adaptation. You'd still be better off spending your time listening to the audiobooks instead though.
  • I liked this series better than the Netflix version (2019). Made cheaply, rubber monsters and bad graphics. But made with love and watch interesting. Dandelion is shown to be truly a friend, not an annoying fly. 5.7 undeserved rating and should be higher.
  • agentslash13 January 2021
    I think this series is the best film adaptation of the witcher, and Michal Zebrowski is the best witcher.
  • michalf-412295 November 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    This TV series is very interesting. Maybe it doesn't have such great special effects as tv series these days, but story based on first two books of A. Sapkowski is very good. Geralt is different from other witchers - he doesn't want to kill all creatures, which he see on his way, he wants the same rules for everyone, what makes sometimes troubles, because humans don't want to coexist with monsters. In some cases he is ready even to protect creatures because they wants only to survive. He have normal emotions and different look at the world (he is the first prototype of new generation of witchers as was told by the master) that is why even elves are thinking that he is one of them or at least half-elf. His friend - Jaskier - is the musician who is ready to help him and sometimes makes funny situations with women. Part of story focused on searching Ciri also gives positive effects. During watching this version of Witcher you will start thinking differently about that who is the real monster and who is not.
  • golden-boo30 January 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    I remember I watch it many times before there were games or Netflix adaption. First time I watched this series probably in 2003 and I keep coming bact to it each year since then. Thanks to this series I found out the books..