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  • First thing i did after watching this movie was go on the internet to see if it actually was the pilot to Midnight the series i'd been watching. Unfortunately this wasn't the case which has left me with a very unsatisfied feeling. You do get a good introduction into the world of Midnight, but when you feel the story is just about to take off the ending credits start playing. I just hope the makers of this movie see the actual potential of the story and decide that they have made a pilot after all and not a film that has to carry its own weight.

    The acting actually wasn't too bad and the sceneries combined with the computer generated settings gave the movie an authentic feel.
  • The costumes are great and the overall setting well crafted. Except for the the cheap below TV quality recording the look of the movie is really good. The acting is very mixed, some characters are played well, but most actors are as uninspired as the pace of the movie which drags on and on.

    I agree with the other comments about this movie, there are some good ideas in the story but they aren't played out. For a hundred minutes you wait for something to happen that's being hinted on and then the movie is through after a short and totally meaningless "climax" that makes you think: Was the whole movie just a character introduction?

    The high rating of this movie on IMDb comes as a big surprise. I only gave it 3/10 as a thank you for the costumes and scenery and because I am in a very good mood while typing this. I think the other voters are the actors of the movie who received a bonus to come here and give it a good rating ;).
  • Yesterday I tried to watch "Midnight Chronicles" along three hours. This film is so boring that I slept and was able to see less than forty minutes.

    The pretentious story begins with a narrative, telling that the Dark God Izrador was cast out from heaven to Earth, raising a realm of shadows in the north. After the third war, Izrador defeats the people of south and begins his kingdom of darkness using legates and the beasts named orcs to control the populations.

    Unfortunately the promising beginning of this low-budget film goes to nowhere and the awful screenplay does not develop characters and situations that are thrown in the screen.

    Today I have finally finished watching "Midnight Chronicles" and this flick is lame. There is no action, there are ham actors and actresses, and the camera uses closes of the faces of actors and actress like in soap operas.

    I have surprisingly found that there are good reviews in IMDb, but they are fake and if the reader pays attention, he or she will see that the foregoing reviews belong to authors with only one review published in IMDb to promote this film and lure the readers. My vote is two.

    Title (Brazil): "Crônicas da Meia-Noite" ("Midnight Chronicles")
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I saw this on the the TV 'on demand' from Virgin-Media. I only watched from seeing the high votes on here (silly me). The VFX, sets, and most costumes were really good! They shined away as the background to terrible dialogue, bored actors, and some very dodgy camera work. It was also very boring, it tried to keep you interested by promising a move in the plot, but no. Even the so called witty/funny guy struggles through fun-less lines. They all just read it like they were in some soulless place, and embarrassing soulless place. Every time something builds up to a thickened plot possibility, it skips to another thread, and even introduces pointless new characters all along the way. ...Until right at the end, when nothing happens and it just stops! Daily TV soaps are better written than this. Too many writers with too few good ideas perhaps?

    I gave it 2/10 (which means to me 10/10 for FX guys, and 0 for everything else)...Sorry, but I'll have my money back thanks.

    Funny bit in film: There's an Elf-man type that sits about a lot in a cave frowning, being completely useless, and at one point there's a drunk that's shouting and giving the posse away to the towns people, and the Elf just stands there watching, then someone asks to borrow his bow, and the Elf just hands it over without much persuading then runs away, why the guy doesn't follow them, I don't know. Then guy falls down a well with a great splashing sound, where we see him at the bottom of the DRY well, with no water around at all!
  • I gave this such a high score because I could not believe it only had a 3.5 rating and I want to see a sequel. Most low budget films are barely worth watching; bad dialog, bad CG, etc. Those who think this is bad; either have never seen a truly bad movie or have a very short attention span. I admit there is some bad dialog and some badly delivered dialog in this movie. If you want lots of action and bad CG effects, then this movie is not for you. That being said, this is a great movie for people who enjoy fantasy. Hell, take out the Orks and Elves and you still have a good movie. Don't expect a lot of action just good entertainment. My only regret is that it ended; I want to see more.
  • Siamois14 January 2010
    Picture a world very similar to that of Tolkien's Middle Earth. You've got orcs, elves, a dark bad guy much like Sauron and everything but with one significant twist: 100 years ago, the bad guy won. This is the world of Midnight Chronicles.

    Some context: this world first appear as a "Campaign setting" for the Dungeons and Dragons roleplaying game. A campaign setting, for the non-initiated simply being a world backdrop for your game adventures.

    Christian T. Petersen is primarily known as the president of Fantasy Flight Games, a company that excels at making various board games, roleplaying games and also imports and translates several amazing board games from Europe. This is his first foray as a director and although I've seen worse, there really is a sense that he did not have the technical knowledge to pull this extremely ambitious project.

    There are a few positives, though. Charles Hubbell is pretty good in the role of the main character, Mag Kiln. The character has a little bit of Shades of grey but essentially, is an envoy of "the bad guy". As such, it is fascinating because usually, protagonists in epic fantasy are clearly "good guys". The only other actor who is decent is Sam L. Landman who plays Kruce. He is Mag Kiln's sidekick and definitely has the best lines in the movie and injects a bit of wit in what is otherwise an overly dramatic affair. The rest of the cast ranges from decent to really bad. The writing doesn't help either. Many of the characters are bland stereotypes, while others do seem to have depth which is ruined by a confusing plot.

    And this is what basically kills any hope this movie has: the story overfeeds us with awkward plot exposition. There are several characters to keep track of but few are given enough attention for us to care. It has been said Midnight Chronicles was to act as a calling card, a pilot for a potential TV series and this shows. After all these characters are presented and a plot that moves very slowly, the movie ends abruptly on a less than thrilling sequence. As if you had to put "DVD2" in your player.

    It's a little heartbreaking for me to review this labor of love. The attempt at making a darker fantasy is laudable. And although the whole movie looks amateurish, it must have cost the producers (8 of them, including Petersen) an arm and a leg. The introduction sequence alone features tons of extras on a road. There are horse scene, several sets were build and the 3D is amateurish but still pretty.

    It all comes down to writing, acting and direction. I can feel the love in this independent project but the skills are lacking. Here's hoping it's still picked for a TV series as there is much potential if additional writers tighten this up.
  • I'll keep this short since I've wasted enough time watching this movie. I had to register just to inform those fortunate enough to have not seen this movie yet to stay away. To put it kindly, this movie made both Dungeons and Dragons movies blockbuster hits. But that is even an insult as I somewhat enjoyed the first D&D movie. Hell, even Wing Commander movie was 100 times better than this.

    Drawn out, shoved down your throat, story. Action sequences (3 that I remember) were less than a minute or two long. Acting no better than watching a high school skit. The makeup and special effects is where the most money used to make this film went into.
  • I agree that most of the set designs were pretty good for a low budget fantasy movie. Some of the actors were good but there were some notably terrible ones as well. The writing was horrific. Worst of all was the number of times they referred to "the Legate" or "legates" OMFG it should have stuck out like a sore thumb during the editing process at the very least and should have been caught after the first draft of the screenplay. My friends and I were cackling and wincing every time they said the word. If it were a drinking contest we would have died of alcohol poisoning.

    Aside from that, almost NOTHING HAPPENS for the first 70 minutes of the film. The opening slate has a poorly written quotation that is subsequently negated by an overly long and rambling voice over that fails to explain much or move the story forward.

    I've played plenty of RPG's and love fantasy fiction but could not love this dog. Avoid it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Maybe a contender for worst of this genre anyhow. At least the "The Room" is kind of funny.

    At one point it appears to be a bad "Lord of the Rings" rip off. Although some of the costumes, the makeup jobs, and creatures are cool. Appears to be shot with a "handycam" or similar small remote camera with quality slightly below the typical made for TV movie.

    I don't know which is worse, the actual acting, or perhaps it was the director(s) who couldn't guide the performances. I could not sit through more then ten minutes of it.

    Do your self a a favor and skip this one..
  • Coming into this film, I had no pretensions. I am only somewhat familiar with the Midnight RPG that this is based on, and I must admit, the setting is one of the best parts about this deathly slow film. At an hour and forty minutes, it certainly feels its length.

    Set in a kingdom held under the weight of a near eternal darkness, the bulk of the story follows a 'Legate', a sort of warrior/mage that are the inquisitors of the world, doing the bidding of the godlike 'Darkness'. There is a lot of mythology in the story, way to much for its ambitions. I found the setting to be tantalizing and evocative. The filmmakers used most of their budget on moody VFX shots of cityscapes filled with towers and castles, but left little for the costumes and actors. I swear, most of the actors in the film were culled from the nearest community theater where the film was shot. With the exception of the darkly intriguing Charles Hubbel as the Legate Mag Kiln, none of the actors are interesting in the least.

    In the end, the film really does try to tell an intrigue laden story, but it is constantly sabotaged by its own ambitions. This story and world may have worked in the hands of a better director, better actors and a more coherent, less busy script. If you're interested, check it out, otherwise skip it.
  • This is a bad movie. The dialogue is stilted and unbelievable. The acting uniformly drab and uninspired. This film has all the warmth of a sub-arctic glacier. Never have pixies, elves, dwarfs and trolls been less appealing. The producers came up with the novel idea of substituting seemingly endless monologues for any kind of real action. The writers must have done most of their work in their parent's basements. Save your time and your money and watch some Beverly Hill Billies reruns. Watching Surf Ningas will be a life reaffirming experience in comparison to the excruciating exercise of watching this film to its dreary ending If you have never played a role playing game this movie will convince you not to.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Let's start this off with a disclaimer: I am not a professional movie critic. I do not have a degree in fine or preforming arts, and I am in no way involved with the motion picture industry. What I am is a fan of fantasy and science fiction.

    After watching the latest travesties put forth by the SciFi (sorry the SyFy) Channel, I find this film refreshing.

    The costuming and cinematography were quite good. The feel of the movie was vaguely creepy and medieval. The intentional under-use of fantasy race main characters was also greatly appreciated.

    The acting was surprisingly good considering. In looking at the closing credits it looks like they hit up every community theater, ren-fest and college theater department in WI and MN. There was plenty of decent acting in this movie. Academy award no, good, yes.

    There were even decent special effects. Cut people bleed; monsters sounded creepy; magic was understated but you could tell it was in use. For a film that was not of a 'Hollywood' budget it came together quite well.

    Now for the only 2 things that I had a problem with. The title and the script.

    The script manged to keep me involved without being heavy handed on the morals, and it did manage to portray other races as being different and definitely not human without being campy. The feel that most of the characters didn't know what was going on was at first a little trying, but then it helped me identify with the characters. However, the dialog could have been a bit more polished. For example, a dwarven tunnel reference did nothing to help the story and took away from the feel of the movie. Also, the hero's back story was a little weak (but then again there wasn't really time).

    The title? 'Midnight Chronicles' is a good title but 'Midnight Chronicles – And so it Begins' would have been better.

    This brings me back to the opening night of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. I was sitting in front of a group of stoned rednecks and as the credits rolled one exclaimed: "Tha's it?!?! Whur's da res' of it?!?!" I can now understand his confusion. While just about anyone who can read knows that The Lord of the Rings is a trilogy of books, there is no such well known fact about the Midnight Chronicles. However as an hour into the movie there was still back story emerging, I can't say I was totally surprised by the huge number of plot lines that were still open at the end.

    Overall, this movie is better than most fantasy movies made in the Hollywood and SyFy machines. Perhaps they could learn from this film. If you like fantasy movies you will like/love this one. If you are expecting explosions, sex, or a conanesque slaughter fest give it a pass.

    I look forward to the sequel!
  • For a low budget film I thought this was actually quite well done. It was 10x the film the Dungeon and Dragon movies were, and makes all the Uwe Boll films look pathetic in comparison *cough*Bloodrayne*cough*.

    What I particularly liked was they didn't waste a red cent on horribly mediocre stunt work, and pointless fight scenes with silly explosions. They stuck to the story, and clearly knew their limitations. I'd put this film slightly above the much larger budgeted Eragon, and it left me wanting more, not wishing I had the last 2 hours of my life back.

    I look forward to a sequel to this fanfilm'esquire first attempt, or at least get more substantial directorial work for Christian Petersen.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The film gives you a quick background into the good vs. evil aspect then thrusts you into a story where it takes you a while to figure out the good guys from the bad guys. It copies some of the LOTR aspects in that it includes orcs (bad), elves (good) and humans on both sides. Priests who serve the Shadow are called "legates" with Charles Hubbell playing the lead role of questioning loyalty.

    There is a prophecy which The Shadow fears, that is where a group of diverse characters lead by one man on a quest will overthrow him and rule Middle Earth er uh.. Baldur's Gate, no wait the world of Aryth. The one legate side kick had a sense of humor and was the only worthwhile character in the group.

    The dialouge was otherwise dull and dry: "He has help me hide what must remain hidden." Or "In the shadow of the shadow he shall dance with the beast..." There is one scene with the side kick and Chuzara where we get to see the microphone overhead. The elves use bows (how did they come up with that?) and speak with bad poetic syntax. We never got to see the "little people."

    Very little fighting. This appears to be just the first part. A real disappointment of a film. The acting was sad too.

    No swear words, sex, or nudity.
  • This movie was apparently supposed to be a television series based on a pretty good fantasy role playing game that I am vaguely familiar with. Considering that White Wolf had their short lived, but popular Vampire series, I suppose this wasn't a vain hope.

    Midnight Chronicles does violate one huge tenant of all good fantasy literature: make one of the characters unfamiliar with the world, so it can be explained to the audience slowly and clearly. If Midnight Chronicles had a Richard Cypher from the non-magical country next door, or a hobbit from the shire, or a Harry Potter who grew up with Muggles or a Gen who comes from a small village on a remote island, or a Paul Atreides who must attend his lessons, or a Buck Rogers from the 20th century, etc. If there was one character who was as lost as me going into it, then it would be fixed.

    It only got a 6 because it is a B grade fantasy adventure movie in the grand tradition of Hawk The Hunter, but Midnight Chronicles is better than most of the stuff that get's on TV. Sets and costumes and makeup were decent. Acting was kind of goth and pretentious for film, but better than a lot of TV shows. Even the orc masks were pretty good. Other than violating the "one character must be ignorant" rule, I can see no reason this wasn't picked up for a series. So I wish the best to everyone still pulling for this project.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I thought this looked good initially. The setting is a mythical world, not unlike the Tolkien Lord of the Rings trilogy, complete with Orcs. Boy, was I mistaken! After wasting about an hour and a half on this mess, I must relegate it to that select group of bombs which leaves the viewer saying to himself "I just lost 90 minutes of my life which I can never regain." While the sets and costumes are OK, the plot and the acting are as aimless and gruesome as a zombie. I just wish the script writer had shared with the audience what the underlying story was, so we could get a better idea of the origin, purpose, and destination of this tale. At the end of the movie, the viewer has a disappointing realization that the whole film is some sort of prequel, but it sure would have been nice to know this up front. Please, avoid this turkey!
  • Leofwine_draca30 September 2015
    MIDNIGHT CHRONICLES is a Cosplay fan's version of THE LORD OF THE RINGS, complete with elves, orcs, and dark lords, and not an ounce of sense to go with it. This is an amateur night production with very little to recommend it, mired as it is in a sea of poor writing, even worse acting, and a general lack of cohesion that makes it a real chore to sit through.

    Occasionally - and only occasionally - the film offers up some not-bad visuals that would have been at home in the Jackson trilogy, but for most of the time it's embarrassingly inept. The orcs in particular are silly-looking, full-grown guys wearing what looks like Halloween masks. The narrative is slow moving, lack in incident and spectacle, and there's nary any action to get excited about either. Yeah, it's a waste of time on the part of the viewer and effort on the part of the film-makers.
  • jeffreyroywillis27 August 2009
    I'm glad to hear that most of the issues were people wanting to see more, not less. *Grin*

    This was originally the first 2 episodes of a series, and last I heard they're still wanting to pursue the series if they can get funding. I'm hoping they will as there's so much still to develop, (and on the selfish side, my character's development scenes got pushed back for later episodes...)

    Here's hoping. :) And to those that liked what they saw, Thanks so much for the kind words! :) And to those that didn't, I hope that knowing it's a TV series and wasn't originally intended to be a stand-alone movie, helps.

    Thanks again,

    Jeffrey AKA Doucan

    Also, note that, While I was in this film, and am obviously biased, I don't get any kind of recompense if anyone buys the film. :) No Union contract for me :) hehe...
  • This fantasy movie is set in a world where the bad guys won. Consequently, most of the running time is describing what the bad guys are doing. Good guys also appear, but they are not the main characters. This whole set-up is a refreshing break from the whole lot of other genre movies clinging to the hero all the time. It's a shame that apparently many reviews are rather negative because many people wouldn't want a picture outside the frame of the usual clichés. The effects and acting have the quality of a TV series, not a zillion dollar blockbuster, but since we all watch TV series, too, I don't think that should be much of a problem. I enjoyed the movie - except the sudden ending, without a sequel for me to see. The makers of such movies deserve more praise, I'd say.
  • jsr_200218 June 2011
    I wasn't sure about this movie when I initially rented it. I hadn't heard any reviews, but I am a big fan of Fantasy movies in general so I thought I would check it out. This movie surprised me. Although I figured it for a low-budget film, since I hadn't heard of it, it didn't have the problems of many other low-budget films. Some other low-budget films fail to capture your attention, either from bad acting or bad sets. This movie had none of those, as it had very good acting (although I didn't recognize any of them) and the story was compelling to me. One other thing low-budget films usually suffer from is convincing the viewer that there is an entire world that exists, rather than a few dozen people running around trying to make the pretense of a larger world. This film succeeded in burying me in the illusion of the world they created and the story that they were telling.

    I really hope that they make a sequel, so I can see the rest of the story. It would be a shame if they stop making movies like this, just because a few people don't get what they are trying to make.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    What if Sauron had won in Lord of the Rings? That seems to be the central—if unofficial—premise behind Midnight Chronicles, a low-budget fantasy film which is apparently based on a role-playing game of the same name. I don't know anything about the game, but fans of fantasy films and literature will have no problem identifying a familiar genre setting with all the expected features—elves, orcs, evil sorcerers and brave rebels, horrible monsters, etc.

    The difference is that this time around, our main protagonist is one of the bad guys. Mag Kiln (Charles Hubbell) is an evil priest of Izrador, a fallen god cast out of heaven for his crimes. (Just keep thinking Sauron and you'll get it.) Mag is sent to a backwater village to finish building Izrador's temple. But the village turns out to be a hub of rebel activity and, possibly worse, even haunted by supernatural beings Mag knows nothing about.

    Anyone thinking of renting this flick needs to know certain things going in. First off, it's extremely low-budget. The action scenes are not very well staged and there aren't many of them anyway. Most of the plot is carried forward by dialogue, so if you're expecting a lot of bloody sword fights you'll be disappointed. And the climax—if you can call it that—is a serious letdown. Presumably this is the first in a series of films, which isn't mentioned anywhere on the DVD cover, and so the ending leaves the viewer with more questions than answers.

    But for all that, I enjoyed watching Midnight Chronicles. For one thing, it's clearly a real labor of love for Christian T. Petersen, who not only wrote the script but directs the picture as well. The story takes itself seriously, where many films of its kind succumb to campy self-parody, and the cast uniformly keeps a straight face. The film is also surprisingly well-written. The dialogue is exactly like reading a fantasy novel, and helps set just the right tone. Costumes and set design are also surprisingly good considering the obvious lack of funds, and the wicked orcs are especially well-rendered.

    The actors are mostly unknown, but for the most part they do well. Charles Hubbell is very good as the "evil" Mag, who may be on the verge of a crisis of faith (one would hope so!). Dawn Brodey is a lovely assistant to Mag named Chazura, and Sam Landman adds some color to the narrative as Mag's sarcastic sidekick, Kruce.

    Despite its weaknesses, I look forward to future installments in the Midnight Chronicles, assuming this film does well enough to generate a sequel. It's not for everyone, and can come across as a poor man's version of The Lord of the Rings, but fantasy fans looking for something different should check it out.
  • Not bad..I enjoyed it...don't get me wrong...I am a very picky person when it comes to movies. The best ones I've seen in the last couple of years, just to give you a taste of where I am coming from, are movies such as Sin Nombre, Children of Men, Let the right one in and Pan's Labyrinth just to name a few. I am starving for Fantasy movies such as this one. I don't know why for the life of me there has not been any good movies of this genre lately, I would think these type of movies would make a whole lot of money. Can we get a proper Ad&d movie at least?? PLEASE!!! LOTR was okay...but cmon..really? that's the best you can do with that kind of budget...This movie has a lot of potential...if it is the first part of a series but, If it's a stand alone then ughh Ill give it a 4 of 10...please please do not tell me this is a one parter....that's all i wanted to say...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This was less of a movie and more of a TV pilot for a series that wasn't picked up. With this in mind... It was a pretty good "movie".

    The idea was great, the acting was mixed, the scenery, costumes, and props were great.

    The close references to LOTR Tolkien, "free races, orcs," and Tolkien-like names of places were too ambitious. A B-movie should never associate itself with Tolkien because they will always be compared and always fall short. This movie could have stood better by itself because it was a pretty good "movie".

    The lead "Mag", the mayor, and few others were very good actors,the female lead lacked bimbo-appeal, while the elf seemed more like a Vulcan relative of Mr. Spock of Star Trek. His hesitation with the drunken soldier in the alley proved himself to be completely useless, but this Was an editing's issue.

    In the end, well the "movie" just ended. It gambled on the series being picked up. I'm disappointed that it wasn't. This was the first B-movie that wasn't a pain to watch. It was actually very good.
  • n-steph2 February 2015
    I loved the story of the film. They did a great job in turning a roleplaying game into a film and I think the acting was fantastic. I do not think it deserves the low score it had received. The cameras looked cheap however the film plot was brilliant and interesting. This is a must see film for any roleplaying fans (like myself) out there. It was one of the few films where I have been distracted. Loved every second of it and wished there was more of the fantastic story.

    The plot was solid and everything seemed to be explained brilliantly. This film is hard to flaw. The story can see to drag and it is not recommended for those who want an action film as you will not get this.
  • alex130112 December 2023
    I had to write a review as all others are in my opinion unfair. The budget of a movie isn't everything. Besides, high budget films at the cinema are not always great, even the opposite.

    Costumes and atmosphere: one of the reasons why I loved that movie is that the costumes, atmosphere and landscapes were great so you really feel immersed.

    Storyline: The story was really good and ambitious even if it was naturally difficult to show everything with a lower budget.

    Actors: The main actors were great like Mag and Chuzara. The actress who played the Oracle was also ABSOLUTELY amazing. Actually, in my opinion, they were better than some of the best paid actors in the world so...

    So to sum up, the fact that it was low budget did prevent the team from doing everything they wanted to do but everything was good otherwise and I really enjoyed this movie.