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  • If you followed the headlines about this terrible tragedy you will recognise a lot of the story incorporated into this Lifetime movie. The happy social media of the young mother is contrasted with an affair the hubby had going on.

    The actor looks like the murderer and the actress Ashley Williams with her big smile from Hallmark movies looks like the unfortunate woman.

    The killing which is even more heinous than the Scott Peterson is recreated not too gruesomely but frustratingly there's no much insight into how he could kill his daughters even if he was in love with another woman.
  • This Lifetime film serves one purpose only and that is to illustrate how one man who was a husband, a father and an adulterer committed four (4) heinous murders. If the actual four (4) murders was not enough Chris Watts disposed of his entire families bodies as if they were garbage by burying them where he believed they never would be found. But like most adulterers and criminals, their cumulative lies to the people and family that surround them, the truth is rather easy to put the puzzle together for any good detectives.

    I understand why most people would not consider this Lifetime film to be "entertaining" as any father who would commit such heinous acts should automatically be put to death, no "Ifs", "Ands", or "Buts". This film rather satisfies the urge to understand how "any man" could murder his entire family and curiosity how he did it and in his mind the one question that needs to be answered is "WHY?"

    I will let the medical professionals and forensic criminal investigators provide us with that answer another day, but for now, I was satisfied to know the families bodies (what was left of them) were recovered a few days after their reported disappearance. Chris watts admitted to burying his pregnant wife and daughters at the place of his employment at Anadarko Petroleum, on August 16. He was fired on August 15, the day of his arrest. The girls' bodies were found hidden in oil tanks. Shanann and the unborn Nico were buried in a shallow grave nearby.

    As this is only a ninety (90) minute movie we really should not expect to glean too much factual information into the head of the murderer Chris Watts, but I would have preferred if the producers would have depicted this devil of a man as being soulless without a conscience, and instead the film almost normalizes these murders as just another entertaining made for TV film.

    I give it an IMDB rating of 6 out of 10 as it did answer some basic questions that were lingering about the Watts family murders.
  • tiffanyhankinson11 May 2023
    Awful representation of an innocent woman, awful hints at excuses for watts' behaviour. Awful depiction of watts as some kind of character it almost seems like they want us to like. Because they sure didnt want us to like his poor, innocent wife!! Awful timing. Completely disrespectful. Her poor family must be so upset. There have been far better films produced about killers where the psychology is thoroughly explored and the victims more honorably portrayed. This just reeked of a rush to make money as fast as possible. Almost just a copy of the police bodycam footage and stuff with nothing new added. Awful.
  • tolsdorfw26 April 2020
    Not quite sure who this movie is for. If you've followed the case closely, you will know far more than anything they showed in this movie. It doesn't add anything and pretty much reenacts information that you could get from countless documentaries and real life footage to which no movie could ever compare or plainly recreates them. What is the point of recreating an actual footage? You literally can go and watch the real thing.

    If it was for people who didn't know anything about the case, you're thrown into the end of the case and there is no mystery and no backstory. I'm sure that the only reason I cared about the characters was because I watched and read so much about this case. You know from the first seconds that there is a dead family and the husband is the perpetrator so you won't get sucked into the story. I guess I only watched it because I was curious how did they recreated the actual murder but again, if you have strong nerves, there is police interrogation tapes in which Chris is recalling every single gruesome detail which will send chills down your spine.

    As for production and actors, I really have no opinion. They did a good job for what they were hired to do. The main lead looks and acts like the person he portrays, same can be said about the actress that plays Shan'aan.

    Overall my main complain is that the movie is completely pointless as there is so much actual footage that the movie adds absolutely nothing to the story. It doesn't explore psychology of the characters at all. Just recreates things we already know and even that they screwed up in some parts.. I'll give it 2/10 because the actors were actually good.
  • FLCutie8127 January 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    Not just the fact that you started to make this not even a year after the murders, but how rushed it was! If you had waited and looked into the case more as a lot of us have done online. Including YouTube, discovery, questioning and Nichol K speaking with police that were released by the court/police, etc., you would have made a much better film with a lot of questions that a lot still have on this case. This was too rushed. There was much more to this one you had to crush into 1 hour and not everythign was told. This film did not make a point of domestic violence and what to look out for. Chris Watts did not show any signs that he was going to slaughter his wife and children! It came out of nowhere. You made Nichol seem so naive and innocent. Well if you watch her with police, see discovery on what she did with her phone and computer, you'd probably wonder if she really was. She wanted to compare herself to Amber Frey and she is 110% wrong!!! Amber WAS naive and had no clue what was going on with Scott Peterson and his family. Nichol stalked on Facebook and knew exactly about Shan'ann and Chris's lives as Shan'ann posted EVERYTHING on there!

    Otherwise, the actors themselves did well with what they were given. I still cannot see why they would want to be in soemthing like this, though, as they have been in bigger, well known shows/series/etc. As well as how this story involved killing a wife and THREE children! You just give fame/attention to MURDERERS like they want!
  • I rather liked the movie tried to get the facts and re-enactments close to what happened I think but of course it's so sad about what happened to this beautiful family may they rest in peace
  • Chris is a total disgusting monster, but if you really look into this case you know Nichol was in on it for sure and this movie made her out to be another victim, no way.

    She lied dozens of times and changed her story several times No alibi Phone pinged near his house at time of the murders Deleted tons of evidence off her phone Told Chris to delete stuff off his phone and pawn her wedding ring Helped plan the attempted miscarriage w/ oxy Knew about the entire Watts family before Chris even met her, and before she even started working for Chris's company.

    Lied about not knowing he was married or that she was pregnant.

    Had tons of very damning google searches from what they did recover from her phone.

    Those are just a few things, I highly encourage people to look into her. This movie disgraces the victims by making her seem like a saint.

    RIP Shanann, Bella, Celeste, and Nico.
  • Citygal922 October 2020
    I've been a visitor of IMDB for 13 years, and have never found a reason to join/comment as others have said what needs to be said...But this.. two years after a disgusting massacre occurs, so does this documentary. No reason, purpose, dignity or integrity. I do not recommend this to anyone, what is the point?? As someone who studies serial/heinous cases, this shouldn't have been made. The agenda behind this is to normalize it, when this happens daily. Think about it. Sending whoever reads this light and big love.
  • The entire setup is from a man's perspective. Leading us to suspect the vitamins he was taking, this poor husband who's wife doted on him, doing everything to make him look like a good father, adequate husband and all round normal guy, were responsible for his actions. This guy killed his wife and children. There are women lining up to be his new wife. Does anyone see anything wrong with this? It's like a serial killer taking out a want add for body needed. Stop feeding this narcissistic, child killer's ego and have some respect for her family and friends. I marked this as no spoilers, saying it's not worth the money...isn't technically "spoiling" anything, is it?
  • hnsharp23 February 2020
    Trash! No respect for the family or the community where this happened.
  • Some reviewers have missed the point of this film. It isn't entertainment so much as an historical document following the actual timeline closely and without gratuitous violence. If one serious criticism can be made of it, it is that it was produced with indecent haste, but this is hardly the first time American cinema/TV has done something like this. The TV film "Amanda Knox" was released less than four years after that infamous murder in Perugia and while legal proceeding were ongoing. As Watts confessed and there is no suggestion of either another suspect or a belated claim of insanity, the legal proceedings are at an end in this case.

    "I'm not a monster" he says in the police interrogation room. You strangled your heavily pregnant wife then murdered your two beautiful young daughters, then blamed their murders on the first victim, then instead of doing the decent thing and ending your own life, you disposed of their bodies like pieces of rubbish. If you aren't a monster, who is?
  • This movie is rated with a 6.1... is this a joke or what!?!?! Worst movie I've seen in a long long time. I couldn't finished it. You can't even take this movie serious... Pure garbage.
  • bowedeclan31 January 2020
    What is wrong with lifetime channel dat they can't make decent shows? There is no excuse they have the budget, actors etc and still turn out tharsh everytime, it's a sinful waste of a budget,
  • What truthseeker4life said Amen .......... .............. .. .. . . .
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The film is based on a true story and is not a "who dun it" as the title informs us that the pill popping cheater is the killer. So the real story is how they figured it out. All the crafty CSI work, right? He failed a lie detector test. Ho-Hum. Okay the graphic murder scenes as he hack up his kids with a chainsaw and blood splatters all over the camera lens. Hope a quick strangle of the wife and we don't see the kids get killed. It needed some Hollywood drama.