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  • ClaytonDavis11 October 2009
    I had the esteemed pleasure of attending the New York Premiere of first-time director James Mottern's film Trucker starring Michelle Monaghan. To make even more pleasurable was sitting next to James' father and having him tell me how he paid for his ticket to support his son. I share this for a realization of what James' family conveyed and how closely related it is to his film; a working class family never forgetting where they came from.

    Trucker tells the story of Diane Ford (Monaghan), a young female, independent truck driver living life effortlessly and freely. All seems going to plan or lack there of until her estranged son (Jimmy Bennett) is dropped off on her doorstep due to his father's recent diagnosis of cancer. It is this time where we find Diane's world is turned upside down. Responsibility and the maternal instinct, two important things that have laid dormant in Diane's mind for sometime are swiftly reactivated. Along with this new found purpose, all the other elements that have inhabited her life for ten years are rattled; her awkward relationship with her friend Runner (Nathan Fillion), her ailing ex Leonard (Benjamin Bratt), and his new love in his life Jenny (Joey Lauren Adams).

    What Mottern succeeds in his narrative his a brave and sensible character study of a woman who has withdrew herself from "real" human emotion. Not as profound as Darren Aronofsky's The Wrestler from 2008, but perhaps a simpler tale, one that doesn't require too much of the viewer. For a good chunk of the picture the young Jimmy Bennett does some marvelous work, perhaps the best child performance of the year thus far. Unfortunately Mottern's writing of the young Peter is often stale and unnatural, giving him far too much credit for an eleven year old boy. Though I can admire the work considerably, what I loved about it, I ultimately turned on somewhere within the 90 minute running time.

    Michelle Monaghan on the other hand gives her most personal and powerful performance of her career. Her dedication to Diane is some of the finest work displayed on screen this year and is surely to be in serious consideration for an Oscar nomination. Monaghan devotes her mind and heart into one of the most unlikable characters and demands our respect and attention, something not easily attained by an actor. Her screen chemistry with Jimmy Bennett is some of the most natural and beautiful scenes seen in quite sometime, despite it being filled anger and acrimony.

    Despite Monaghan being the best chances of the film to garner awards consideration this season, the unsung hero is Nathan Fillion who gives the most tender and heart warming supporting turn of the year thus far. As I'm sure I might be in the minority for the praise of this actor, I feel inclined to give a superb performance its proper due. I admire it greatly.

    Other strong aspects of the picture lie in the cinematography of Lawrence Sher is should find himself with an Independent Spirit Award mention this year as well.

    The film is definitely worth a watch and as it may not fit well with everyone, you have to admire the attempt nonetheless. Michelle Monaghan and Nathan Fillion give some of the best works of the year and it's always great to see the birth of a writer/director like James Mottern and where he could go in his career. Trucker is definitely worth the watch.

  • jotix10029 April 2010
    Warning: Spoilers
    Diane Ford is a tough cookie! She is an independent spirit that decided she wanted to be a truck driver; after ten years on the road, she has even paid her vehicle. Life on the road is another story. Diane is seen in a motel room with a stranger with whom she just had sex. Whatever happened between them is now a thing of the past. She must get on the road to her next destination. Unfortunately, Diane is not prepared when she gets a visit from her former husband's companion, Jenny. It has been a while since Diane walked out on that situation. She even left her son with his father and has not seen him ever since. Jenny has come to ask Diane about taking the son back while Len is being treated for colon cancer. Jenny has to attend her father's funeral and there is not a place to leave Peter.

    While Diane feels this will be only a temporary arrangement. When Peter arrives at her small suburban home, she is not prepared for a stranger she hardly knows. The boy resents the abandonment. He is rebellious, and wants to leave. However much Diane tries to do the mother thing, her son would rather be in another place.

    "Trucker", written and directed by James Mottern was a surprise. We have seen other films in which a mother that abandoned a child is reunited with the neglected boy. In most cases, the result is a syrupy mess. That seems not to be the case with this indie film that has two excellent performances. We were surprised by the strength of Michelle Monaghan's take on this tough woman that gave it all up in order to pursue her dream, and her independence. Jimmy Bennett, who plays Peter, brings the right amount of hatred with him, but secretly, meeting his mother, gives him a different outlook on the situation he has experienced. Others in the film include Nathan Fillion, Benjamin Bratt and Joey Lauren Adams.

    "Trucker" although not a great film, is worth a look by serious fans.
  • Q1: Is Michelle Monaghan the ultimate woman? (Only men need answer, or try to). The question is asked seriously, and, you will shortly learn, lies at the heart of this venture, in its DNA, if you will. Monaghan's roles usually lean in that direction. In Mission Impossible, she was Tom Cruise' only vulnerability, and to rescue/avenge her he was willing to risk a world war. In Source Code, Jake Gyllenhaal was willing to bend the very fabric of Space and Time just to be with her; in Made of Honor Patrick Dempsey not only was willing to let go of his swinging bachelor life but almost invaded Scotland to win her; and in Shane Black's KISS KISS BANG BANG she was the ultimate prize, the lost love from your childhood that Robert Downey was granted one final chance at. Against this backdrop, we start to see where this film came from. Either Monaghan or her agent (pick one) was getting concerned over this trend and decided to put her in a "real" part, cast against type, to show that she can play more than one role.

    Q2: Does the film work? Yes and no. Yes Michelle can act, and all the players do a fine job of playing parts so gritty you can practically smell the perspiration. Nathan Fillion strays outside his comfort zone – which is TV – and does a nice job. Benjamin Bratt, a generally under-deployed resource, steals every scene he is in. Which is not too hard, because the script and director keep everything on a low boil for pretty much the entire time.

    Q3. Does Monaghan's character have Aspbergers? This was not an issue when the film was made, but with the benefit of hindsight, this would explain a lot. If you think so, tell your friends on the Aspie boards.

    Q4. Do we really care if Monaghan's body of work will be remembered as skewing to the same role over and over? The real secret of TRUCKER, a fine little film in its own right, is that Monaghan was (and arguably still is) brilliant at playing the "coveted heroine" role and, if it ain't broke, you probably shouldn't try to fix it. In this context, TRUCKER becomes less an indie drama and more a guilty pleasure for Monaghan's legion of fans. Male fans,we should add. But you already guessed that.
  • Diane Ford (Michelle Monaghan), a vivacious and successful independent truck driver, leads a carefree life of long-haul trucking, one night stands and all-night drinking with Runner (Nathan Fillion) until the evening her estranged 11-year-old son, Peter (Jimmy Bennett) is unexpectedly dropped at her door due to his father's recent diagnosis of cancer. Peter hasn't seen his mother since he was a baby and wants to live with Diane as little as she wants him, but they are stuck with each other - at least for now, while his father Len (Benjamin Bratt) is in the hospital. Burdened with this new responsibility and seeing the life of freedom she's fought for now jeopardized, Diane steps reluctantly into her past and looks sidelong at an uncharted future that is not as simple or straightforward as she had once believed possible... Trucker is essentially a character study of this woman, Diane, who's a bit of lone wolf but is forced to change her life and behavior in order to be something she doesn't quite know how to be, a parental figure, a mother. Despite her initial struggle, Diane's maternal instincts do kick in at some point as she gets closer to her son, and she also comes to certain realizations regarding her love life and general lifestyle. Trucker's cinematography is great and the soundtrack (composed mainly by country music) is very fitting. Michelle Monaghan was great as Diane and this was probably the most challenging role of her career so far. With no make up and stripped of most of her femininity, Monaghan really did personified this tough woman, alienated from society who's life has taken a toll from being constantly on the road with no real connection, no real relationships. Nathan Fillion did a good job too, giving a tender and genuine performance. Jimmy Bennett, the kid, was pretty good as well. Overall I enjoyed Trucker but I do think the film lacks a little something, I'm not sure if it's development, or if the film is too predictable but there's something missing here. Obviously, films about small town life are usually not very eventful and that's why Trucker relies so much on the acting and on its cinematography but I think the film needed something more. Having said that, Trucker is a pleasant surprise and a very promising debut by director James Mottern.

  • Great acting all around in this gritty indie drama, but especially from Michelle Monaghan who does a fantastic job as Diane Ford, a self-reliant trucker who is forced to give up her carefree lifestyle (of drunken one night stands) and take on the responsibility of caring for her 11-year-old son when his father ends up in the hospital.

    You really want her character to succeed here which helped move the story along because the plot wasn't all that original. However in saying that I've never seen the estranged child reuniting with wayward parent done in quite this way before either.

    All the characters here are damaged in one way or another and the story as a whole is somewhat heartbreaking. Nathan Fillion is always a treat to watch, he is just so likable and it was nice seeing him play a different sort of role. The boy who played the son was also kind of amazing. Benjamin Bratt was a surprise in a supporting role. Ultimately this made me want to hit the road. 03.13
  • What embodies the lonely, self-dependent person than the trucker? Hours upon hours of driving with nothing but some music and one's own thoughts. We've seen this protagonist before, just not in the form of the beautiful Diane (Michelle Monaghan) cussing and driving a truck. The opening scene with Diane getting a quick sexual fix, pulling out a cigarette and hitting the road without saying more than a word or two is not exactly original character development, but James Mottern's debut film hits a notably real chord in all its silence and familiarity.

    When Diane gets stuck with Peter, an 11-year-old boy who as it turns out is the son she abandoned an infancy, suddenly "Trucker" has the workings of an "unlikely pair go on a road trip comedy." Fortunately, that tired concept of two people who don't like each forming a bond pretty much ends after the first third of the film and everything becomes much more real. After all, Diane is watching Peter because his dad, her ex-husband, is dying of colon cancer -- not your typical circumstance. And rather than Diane and Peter slowly reconnecting as mother and son throughout, there are much more ups and downs.

    Occasionally "Trucker" will dip into cliché, namely in its handling of mother-son dialogue. Peter is a smart kid with real kid issues of wanting to be loved and showing it by provoking adults, but a couple times Mottern has him drift into the kid who says something intelligent and revealing about the older character who is frozen by the comment and considers it in a lingering camera shot at the end of the scene. Mottern keeps the film quiet and subtle for so much of it and these techniques put little cracks into his vision.

    But Mottern must be thankful for this strong core cast. Monaghan excels in her first dramatic starring role. Diane is not the most complicated of characters to solve, but Monaghan keeps her from ever becoming an open book. Her lone wolf speak-your-mind mentality is much more at odds with the small kernel of her that wants to make meaningful connections with the people who have suddenly become close to her. The young Jimmy Bennett also impresses as Peter, having a lot more scenes requiring self-awareness and meaningful discussion that most child actors. Nathan Fillion, who plays Diane's friend Runner also works his charms and Benjamin Bratt as the dying father earns our sympathy quickly despite his minimal screen time.

    "Trucker" could have done with half the number of driving in a truck to contemplative indie music transition sequences, but that's just the kind of film it is. It has that timeless, expected story line of two people who slowly forge a relationship they didn't think they wanted but both need, yet some unpredictable moments and solid performances throughout that keep its message fresh a create genuine sympathy for its characters.

    ~Steven C

    Visit my site at
  • I was able to see this film at the Austin Film Festival 2008. Saw it twice actually, since Natnan Fillion's number one fan wasn't able to go the night I had it on my calendar. Despite problems with the script (didn't always ring true) and definitely with the dialogue (again, problems with truth, and reality), Nathan, Michelle, and Jimmy give fine performances. Dialogue weakness, I would guess, would be a tough thing for an actor to overcome, but Nathan sails through it with flying colors. I would have liked to have asked the director why he chose sepia tones for some of the scenes - they simply didn't fit with the message/action on screen. I'd ask, but he'd probably not answer, like in the Q&A at the Sunday evening screening. (What, me bitter? No.) If I had to guess, I'd say that the director makes some rookie errors since this was his first narrative; and, it appears he was more interested in being an "artiste" rather than telling the audience a story. Overall though, I enjoyed the picture, particularly Nathan Fillion, Michelle Monaghan and Jimmy Bennett.
  • Diane Ford (Michelle Monaghan) is an independent long haul trucker. She lives alone and has one night stands. Runner (Nathan Fillion) is her married drinking buddy. Her ex-husband Len Bonner (Benjamin Bratt) is in the hospital with cancer. His girlfriend Jenny Bell drops off Diane's son Peter (Jimmy Bennett) for three weeks. Both are estranged from each other. With schedules to keep, Diane has to take Peter on the road.

    It's a small indie with Monaghan doing her some of her best acting. It's an unrelenting role. She does a good job although it's not so terrific that it elevates the movie into the stratosphere. The story is a meandering trip of personal growth to find her maternal side. Her tough outer shell has no easy answers. It's a solid indie.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I Have Worked as a Truck Driver and Being a Truck driver The Portrayal of the Part that Michelle does Is EXCELLENT.

    I mean the Film was So Accurate that they showed Portions of the Movie in a Flying J Truck stops that are in this Country I mean the TV Lounge and the Shower Scene were Probably Filmed on Location at 1 of the Flying J truck stops and if not filmed on Location they Did an EXCELLENT job of Recreating a Flying J.

    I do Have to Agree that this movie does BORROW (Not Rip-Off) Some elements of "Over the Top" (Namely the Estranged Parent Child Plot, and Parent Being a Trucker) But "Over the top" was Centered Entirely Around the World of Arm Wrestling, And Not the Real life Struggles of a Mother that Wanted Nothing to Do with her Own Child, In "Over the Top" He had tried to Be a Part of His sons Life But it was the Grandfather that Intervened.

    I would Recommend this Movie 100% to ANYBODY that wants an Accurate Portrayal of the Real life Struggles that ALL truck drivers Go through.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Diane Ford (Michelle Monaghan) is a female trucker. Like her male counterparts she gets paid by the mile, drinks, stays at cheap motels, has a tat, and pays for sex. Unlike her male counterparts she doesn't have spinal damage from being on the road or manages to secure a load for the return trip. When her ex-husband (Benjamin Bratt) gets "the big C" her 11 year old estranged son (Jimmy Bennett) is dumped on her doorstep....LET THE BONDING BEGIN!

    Anyone who has ever watched a movie knows that the son is going to start out being rebellious and trouble and eventually they will bond. Diane has a friend Runner (Nathan Fillion) who helps her along the way and wants to take their friendship of 4 years to the next level. Add some lame music, a few gut wrenching tense moments, a couple of heart warming tear-jerker scenes and you have the formula for a successful indie.

    F-bomb, sex, no nudity, attempted rape
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Trucker" is amazingly...bad. I had no plans to see this film at Tribeca, but when a kind soul 'gifted' me two tickets just prior to the sold-out screening...I could not resist as I am a big fan of Michelle M. (loved her in "Gone Baby Gone").

    Reading the director's comments in the program prior to the film, I suddenly became excited as he was apparently heavily influenced by great 70's films like "The Last Detail" and "Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore." Unfortunately, once the film began...all hope for anything remotely fresh or interesting ceased. What a boat load full of cliché after cliché. Michelle M. with all of her star power, can barely muster the strength to give this turkey any legs.

    When the film ended, I just sat in my seat and wondered how does this trite...been there done that 100 times over...sad wanna-be "auteur" film get made? Michelle's new rom-com opens next weekend with Patrick Dempsey...I have higher hopes for that one.
  • And it is her movie though her kid in this movie is impeccable and as convincing as she is. I wonder what his age is. Oh well. Michelle does not attempt to maintain her looks as Diane Ford. Trucking is not an easy career and it would take a special kind of woman to do it. Knowing that Michelle actually learned how to drive an 18-wheeler for this part proving she is that kind of woman. In fact, she told herself that if she didn't learn how to drive that truck, she would refuse the part.

    That's astounding when you consider how good she is as an actor. The thing about good looking women is, many of them don't seem to have a real mind working behind the smile. Michelle leaves no doubt there's a mind there, and a real personality to contend with too. It's sheer enjoyment to watch her and she's in almost every frame. The reason is obvious, she is capable of moving the story along almost by herself.

    The story is fairly straight forward, mom deserts husband and son to live a life on the road, free to do as she likes. Years later she has to take temporary care of that son and finds herself succumbing to her maternal instincts. You see her thrash about unwilling to give up her freedom, but mostly it's a gradual disillusionment with her fairly empty life, despite the same sort of resistance coming from her boy.

    I enjoyed the movie a lot and haven't seen any actress do a better job bringing a character to life in years. It was quite impressive how well this new director was able to capture and enhance Michelle's performance. The Academy would be shooting itself in the foot if it didn't recognize Michelle for the rare resource that she is.
  • june-sasser14 September 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    If the sexes were reversed, the plot would be simplified. The man would be in jail, and he would lose his CDL, so no Trucking would take place. But the scenery was nice. This was a very well-directed and acted film. The cinematography was excellent. I just can't get past the complete lack of accountability given to the protagonist just for having a vagina instead of a penis. This movie would never be made with a male lead because the audience would be throwing things at the screen. Other than that it's an okay film I'm trying desperately to come up with 600 characters for this review. Who decided this? Was this just arbitrary?
  • sfiver9 March 2011
    Warning: Spoilers
    The two times I've seen this movie I've missed the first ten or so minutes. Often those initial scenes can lay the entire foundation of what follows.

    Simply stated, I liked the film. The "belated" mother and "angry" pre-teen concept is rarely explored. It is normally the child/father reunification, which I suppose is more common. It is very rare for a mother to abandon her infant leaving the child's total care to the father.

    The film's overall synergy is the intimate portrait through the screenplay and extremely honest dialog between mother and son. Its downfall rests in the same place.

    Michelle Monagan's "Diane" is not fully believable as the runaway mother turned rig-driver. I place this malfunction on the director. Her seemingly instant acceptance as Peter's mother is hollow. However, when that bump (although it is apparent throughout the film) is overcome it becomes a bittersweet love story. Young Jimmy Bennett's "Peter" is relatively excellent. When the two characters are left alone, which is a great deal of the picture, the film works best.

    Dying father "Len Bonner" (very curious name) played by Benjamin Bratt offers nothing to the overall story and script. His screen time could not be more than 8 minutes. His importance to 11-year old Peter appears distant and unrealistic. It would've been justifiable to simply have buried him at the beginning of the picture.

    Overall "Trucker" is a worthwhile watch, if for nothing else than for Jimmy Bennett. I'm guessing from the IMDb stats that he was about 12 or 13 when this film was made. Further research shows he currently plays the nerdy, teen-age genius on TV's "No Ordinary Family." His career is one to watch.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie was made on a very modest budget, reportedly $2Million which by today's standards is chump change. One of the producers is Michelle Monaghan who also has the lead role as a trucker with a young son she deserted when he was only one. I suppose this was a work of passion for Monaghan and it comes across that way. It is a character study, and it works sometimes, at other times it comes across as trite.

    Michelle Monaghan is Diane Ford, and as the movie opens we see her having aimless sex on the road. When the young man offers to exchange phone numbers, or email addresses, she just looks at him with disbelief and leaves. That is how her life is, and has been.

    Jimmy Bennett who was the poor little brother in "Orphan" is Peter, almost an orphan in this story. When Diane left 10 years earlier, he was cared for by Benjamin Bratt as his dad Leonard Bonner. Leonard and Diane had met up when she was 18, she got pregnant quickly, found she could not be a "wife in a house" and that was when she left. But now Leonard is dying of cancer so Peter needs a new home.

    We wonder, will it work out with Diane, who only sees him as an obstacle? At least at first.

    I had some difficulty concentrating on this movie. I ended up watching it in pieces on 3 separate occasions. There was one, and only one, moment that made me really care, and really see a point in the story. Peter was asleep on Diane's couch when she came in. She looked at him for a few seconds, then went in closer, she smelled his head, then she put her nose close to his nose to smell his breath. It was the type of instinctive thing a mother might do, especially one like Diane who was more like an untamed animal. It showed she was finally beginning to care about him.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Trucker is a very, very good film that's only let down in the end by its pitiful lack of plot. Sterling performances, believable human relationships and an engrossing look at the lower rungs of the American success ladder grab your interest and make you care about what happens in this story. Then with its conclusion, it's as if writer/director James Mottern decided to go out of his way to remind the audience that there was really no structure or direction or design to anything they just watched. Now, you don't have to have a great plot to have a great movie. Michelle Monaghan and Nathan Fillion are so wonderfully relaxed and human here that more of plot might have only gotten in the way. What you cannot do, however, with a motion picture that's all about experiencing the emotion of human struggle and the slap on a finish that's dependent on unsupported, arbitrary and ridiculous-in-the-light-of-day conflicts.

    Diane Ford (Michelle Monaghan) is a truck driver, cruising through a life of casual isolation from the world and alienation from herself. Her existence is made up of long hauls, random one night stands and then returning home to adolescently flirt with a married man (Nathan Fillion), but she doesn't seem all that unhappy with it. Then the son she abandoned 10 years ago (Jimmy Bennett) is dropped on her doorstep because his father (Benjamin Bratt) is dying of cancer and Diane's life has to get a lot less casual.

    You may have heard of Monaghan's performance here and it is every bit as good as people say. She beautifully inhabits Diane Ford. From her sexual ease to her inability to refer to her 11 year old son with something other than "dude" to her growing awareness that contentment in being alone is breaking down, this is some award worthy acting. Nathan Fillion is just as good as a man so enthralled with Diane that he can't imagine life without her, even though he's not actually with her. Benjamin Bratt is also powerful in the small but crucial role of the father and Jimmy Bennett as the boy…well, he's not one of these freakish child actors who blow you away on screen, but that's probably good for him and the talent he does have is good enough.

    And the awkward, difficult and ultimately rewarding relationships between these people carry Trucker along on a cloud of goodwill. You like these people, even when they're not trying to be likable, and that can take things a long way. These are the kind of characters where you actively want them to have a happy ending.

    What makes a very good film like this great are the obstacles put in the way of that happy ending and that's where Trucker breaks down on the side of the road. There are two interrelated issues that come to a head at the end of this story. Will Diane and her son stay together? Will Diane exchange her selfish and deleterious independence for some sense of belonging? With the first, there's never any question at all. I know there's supposed to be a suspension of disbelief, but you've got to be a massively credulous moron to think for a nanosecond that her son might wind up anywhere but with Diane. Monaghan and Bennett do everything they can to create and sustain some doubt, but Writer/director Mottern's plot doesn't do anything to establish and build up any possible alternative to Diane and her son staying together. There's only one other potential destination and Mottern does nothing to make it seem even vaguely credible.

    With the second, it's first dealt with when Diane and her married "friend" finally acknowledge their love for each other. But first we're told they've been doing this dance for 4 years. Now, Diane's independence explains why they're not married or together in some other way. But why haven't they boinked in 4 years when from their first moment we see them together they're practically drooling over each other? Again, the plot doesn't do the work to justify their chastity. And then there's the big moment at the end where Diane is confronted with the consequences of her aimless and self-centered ways. Well, aside from not matching the tone and feel of the rest of Trucker, that big moment turns on a character who hasn't been heard from or seen on screen for over an hour doing something that not only make no sense in general, it doesn't fit anything previously set up about the character or his agenda. When the big moment happened, I wasn't even sure it was the same character at first because his reappearance and actions are so out of the blue. Again, if that's how things were going to conclude, the plot needed to do a lot more work foreshadowing or at least rationalizing it.

    With a plot that competently introduced, sustained and exacerbating a series of conflicts to lead to a satisfying ending, Trucker would have been a great motion picture. Without one, this is still very, very good and more than worth your time and trouble. Give it a look.
  • I had the opportunity to see "Trucker" the other day and I loved the flick. The cast did a great job and the look and lighting of the film added to the tone.

    Michelle Monaghan plays Diane Ford, a long haul truck driver, who has her carefree and relationship free life style upended when a medical emergency forces her to take in the child she abandoned 11 years before. Peter's father, played by Benjamin Bratt, is sick with cancer and his girlfriend Jenny, played by the great Joey Lauren Adams is stuck with other obligations and has to leave the kid with Diane. Peter, played by Jimmy Bennett, is just as cross as his mother at the situation. The film deals mainly with Diane and Peter reconnecting and the change that happens in both their lives.

    Monaghan kills the part of Diane. She walks fast, talks fast, drives fast, and drinks hard. She refuses to let anyone get close to her including her best friend Runner, played by Nathan Fillion.

    In the days after Peter shows up you can see Diane struggling with it. It seems to bring back the memories from the time the kid was born and all the baggage she ran out on but she can't run away this time.

    Both Diane and Peter feel their away around each other since they don't know one another that well. We do see some sparks of maternal feelings from Diane and the kid begins to soften in his anger toward his mom.

    What got me was seeing Diane's raw emotions at times in her eyes. Kudos' to Monaghan for bring that out in the character. And her character arc is not cliché' or predictable in the least. The film kept my interest for the whole 90 minute running time.

    I don't get to see to many great female characters in many films but it was great to have the opportunity to see Diane and get a taste of her long journey.
  • This is a very raw film. Trucker Diane who always lived by her own rules , rather selfishly not caring about anybody but herself get her life turned upside down when her son,Peter whom she have not seen since he was a baby needs to stay with her a couple of weeks while his father is in the hospital , sick, fighting for his life. Diane has no Motherly vibe in her body (Or she thinks) and she his not to please about having to take care of the boy. The kid hate having to stay with a woman who do not seem to care one bit for him. The two of them will have to figure out a common ground to at least "Tolerate each other" On the plus side Diane has the help of her friend played (And rather well at that) by Nathan Fillion to ease the long way ahead for this mother/son relationship to evolve into something ... well that looks like a mother/son relationship. Michelle Monaghan is outstanding , she his truly Oscar material in that movie. She his a very flawed woman who lived her life head on not caring for any one she might bump into along the way. Her truck is her home , her house is simply a rest stop so of course the arrival of her kid and all the responsibility that comes with it is not welcome. Monaghan performance is great because it literally turns an unlikeable person likable. She find the humanity in that broken woman , that little light that will eventually grow to help her create a relationship with her son.Diane is rude,vulgar,selfish but you still wants her to find her way and she his fascinating for all her flaws. If this film was more known I would have scream "Oscar nomination now!" Young Jimmy Bennett is quite impressive for his young age as the kid. He his not the typical kid you will find in these type of drama , he his raw , angry and he his not afraid to curse at his mother.Well , he feels real. We also see the more sensitive side of him in every scene with his father.Great Job all around. The mixture of Monaghan and young Bennett creates a wonderful dynamic, it is a train wreck of a relationship and to see it evolve into something remotely normal is quite a ride. All supporting actors does a good job but this film is really Monaghan show and you will not want to keep your eyes off her. This film is a hidden gen that should be seen by more people. It's a drama that drops all the sugar coating and it is so refreshing in these day of age. I give this film a 9 out of 10.
  • nannycat88810 September 2013
    As a Truck Driver for 23 years, I found this movie & the acting wonderful!!!! I am a little concerned that the "normal public" will not see the depth of these characters. I am also concerned that female drivers will be considered as less then the wonderful people they are. I would like to have seen more of the hard working and the very giving nature of the typical truck driver. Yes, life as a driver can harden a person, but there is usually a reason and I am not sure that this film has shown that. I wish that this film would have been promoted more than it has been. It truly deserves A lot more recognition for the superb acting done by all!!!!!
  • Impressive performance by Michelle Monaghan and Nathan Fillion is better than usual in this little drama. The story is simple, but very toching and the cinematography and soundtrack stand out as well.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    James Mottern wrote & directed,It is first theatrical effort.

    I feel he will be a force to be reckoned with over the next few decades.

    This is a drama of the first order,It is not a happy film.

    It is a simple story of sad lonely people. None of them are where they want to be. Due to the cleverness of the writer & the superb acting by a non big-name cast, we go along with it and are drawn into what is occurring.

    Michelle Monagham's performance is an award winning one. This is not a big studio release so thusly it has no big 'PUSH' for any awards.

    Eleven year old Jimmy Bennett is excellent as her son. Nathan Fillon (TV featured performer)is her caring neighbor. Benjamin Bratt as her ex husband & the lads father is equally great.

    The cinematography & song score are also first rate.

    THis is an art house low budget movie so as expected it did not have a decent theatrical release.

    I highly recommend this drama for all those who appreciate real good film.

    There is some violence towards the end,BUT this important & not just put in the film.

    Ratings: **** (out of 4) 97 points (out of 10) IMDb 10 (out of 10)
  • John-31023 June 2011
    Grossly under-rated film. True its theme is old stuff, but Michelle's performance should have garnered more attention. I just saw it on TV and didn't even know it existed. I hope the cable exposure gets it some more attention. Nathan had a great relaxed feeling to his acting and was pretty charming as the friend. Ben Bratt was surprisingly believable in the thankless role of the Dad... better writing could have elevated his role, but that would require more depth than the writer may have at this stage...

    I was riveted to Michelle and didn't know how it would end up decision-wise...

    I thought the set up for her decision was a bit over contrived to show her change.. could have been far more subtle . Her beautiful facial work could have handled it without the extra drama. Might have been more powerful.

    Still... she deserved at least an indie nomination..
  • bshaef24 February 2021
    Very good for a 12 year old offering. Actors acquitted themselves with honor. Wish there were more good movies like this.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie has so many political overtones.

    I wasn't able to get into it.The shirt on the kid, the president in blood and the immigration comment. Come on,what the does that have to do with a female trucker and her estranged kid.

    The movie's director needs to take a refresher course on staying true to a movie's plot and stop trying to making political statements.

    The actor ,Michelle Monaghan is a good actress, but Adam Sandler made better use of her in The Heartbreak Kid.

    This site is seriously in need of a make over, why do we have to have so many words in a post and then you won't allow an exclamation.Geez , the time I wasted on this site will make you shout.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The storyline could read like a role-reversal remake of the 1986 Sylvester Stallone film 'Over The Top'. On the surface it would appear to be just that, but this is a much deeper, more subtle treatise on the reunification of long-separated parent and child. There might have been high melodrama and histrionics in a such a piece as this. Instead, we are treated to a lean, spare script which spares the viewer from being talked down to and repetitively spoon-fed information that can be clearly seen quickly, and are presented with quickly but carefully and accurately sketched characters who are exquisitely portrayed by a truly talented cast. The pathos is definitely made more palatable by brief spates of levity between the characters. Michelle Monaghan and Jimmy Bennett, as the two central actors, are well matched.