User Reviews (208)

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  • This is honorably good considering the Romanian cinematography, meaning I could watch it from start to the end.

    The acting is almost good, there is a plot and there is a logic in the movie.

    The jokes are good and bad, some scenes are really corny and stupid but other are funny. I found myself laughing a few times.

    Surprisingly there is not so much bad language but there are a lot of language jokes that makes sense only for Romanians.

    Considering the budget this looks promising and can be considered a success.

    If you don't expect too much you might quite enjoy it, I can definitely say that I saw comedies worse than this a lot of times.
  • All I can say is that the director did a very poor job: the scene cuts are very badly done, the angles are all over the place. The dialogue is also quite bad. I gave it a 6 because I understand the jokes and some of them are quite funny.
  • Gave it 5/10 just because they tried something different. I mean the comedy in its essence was decent, I've seen worse comedy titles. But the movie is just bad overall. It feels rushed and I can understand that because of the budget and everything they had to take it out pretty fast. Kind of all the jokes were because they didn't speak good english or just translating from Romanian to English in a wrong but somehow funny way.

    Anyway, good initiative. Keep it up and next time please just take your time and go for some more quality.
  • Is very bad where we are in this moment with Romanian cinematography and culture of people that came on movie theaters
  • It's kinda cheesy and corny. Too much swearing, bad jokes and gipsy/ latino songs. I barely laughed. I bet you did the same, too.
  • The best Romanian comedy movie I have seen so far contains jokes as well as judgments so to be honest this makes a funny comedy film but you have to be familiar with the Romanian culture or the Romanian language to understand the movie, anyway. I recommend the film with confidence but let's not forget the main actors who were brilliant, congratulations Bromania and
  • I don't know why are there so many 1 star reviews. It's a comedy. It's not meant to be taken seriously. I personally really enjoyed the jokes in this movie, but i can see why it isn't everyone's cup of tea. The characters are corny, but funny. If you want to watch a plot heavy, realistic movie this is not the place to be, but if you can understand and get over the fact that this movie is made to be ridiculous you can get a good laughter out of it.
  • Maybe the worst movie in my life as a film buff. There are only two professional actors, but they also didn't play good. About amateurs? What should I say next? I'm ashamed of their shame. Amateur actors are fourth-hand, I think ... Embarrassing, painful, annoying ... How much feeling can Bromania and Maticiuc have when they claim to be actors and have made a movie? It's amazing how much it defies the definition of a movie. The scenery is awful and looks like it was made by an 11-year-old in the park while playing in the sand. For a comedy that theoretically should make you laugh most of the time, I only remembered two moments where I had a little fun. I had fun, I repeat. I didn't laugh with my mouth to my ears. Romanian cinematography has 100 times better publicity films than this embarrassing production, which nevertheless has a record of sales in Romania. Do you know why that is? Because Bromania and Maticiuc are well known and have aggressively promoted the product in all possible and impossible environments. I think they heard about their shameful work on Mars as well. In addition, the target audience (the one with no higher education and no film culture) responded presently. If they deserve to be congratulated for something, Bromania and Maticiuc deserve to be congratulated for marketing, not for the movie attempt. Repeat movie attempt. You can't call a movie such a shame for cinematography.
  • eugenaix22 February 2020
    The best romanian comedy movie! Congrats to Matei Dima and Codin Maticiuc!
  • liviugpopa9 April 2020
    It is a comedy that i haven't expected to laugh. It represents some poor people in Romania and making fun of the situation they live in. I started for the first time an account on imdb just to say: Good job guys!

    PS: First you have to be Romanian to understand this film, and second if there where other movies like this my rating was probably 5 max.
  • I would have given it a 2 but friends of the cast are giving it 10 and haters give 1 so I am trying to balance the score a bit. It is a sad, failed movie attempt, the scenario is really bad, the acting is horribly embarrassing. You people cannot act, stop torturing us with these shameful performances. 5gang and now this, just stop. The humor is lacking, jokes can maybe seem somewhat funny to a halfwitt, Dima and Maticiuc are imposibile to watch without feeling sorry for them. It's simply a really bad sketch, cause no one can call this a movie. I know Netflix is notorious for broadcasting a bunch of really bad movies but how desperate can one get?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Big like! Comedy to the NEXT level. Must see this movie!
  • I don't get the hate (mostly from romanians) this movie gets. It's not the an exceptional movie. But it's not that bad. it's ok. After the first half things kinda take an unexpected turn (as in some thing coulds use more explaining) but yet again, it's not that bad. I've seen many movies with worse plot holes. I must say, I not a clasic romanian movie watcher. I cannot compare it to the "old but gold". I can only say this movies is decent. And i have had a few laughs while watching it. For me. 7/10 is a decent note.( a bit more that what this movie would deserve, but I try to support the local movie makers )
  • BogdanCostia_2 April 2020
    There are some scenes where you smile, but that's it.
  • Worst movie with bad cast, bad acting. Nothing good about this one
  • queensoft3 March 2020
    Not great, not terrible. Pretty good movie, lots of laughs. One small problem, just like almost all Romanian movies: the voices are too low, drowned by the ambient sound & music.
  • I was so impressed that this comedy is made by romanians. Good work.
  • You can see the lack of experience in the field of cinema, but some jokes and scenes are funny, if you are Romanian you understand them better. it's kind of a satire that needs to be worked on.
  • If I could have voted minus a star, I would have definitely had it! It is an insult to one's intelligence and generally to Romanian comedy! Unimaginable stars for such a terrible script and horrible performances! Too vad for the scenery!
  • Yes, it's not a Hollywood movie, but it's the best one when we're talking about actual comedy in Romania. It's reflecting very well the Romanians dreams and aspirations about living the American dream.
  • It's not something you watch to discuss by a glass of wine later, it's a simple story of a pair of Romanians working for a US cartel. I'm a Slav, I liked many of the references, it was funnier for me than for most non-slavic people, so if you're like me you can spend a pleasant 1,5h with it.

    It's certainly not a 2star movie as some here would like to tell you.
  • ... and make a movie about nothing with nobodies. Except Florin Piersic Jr. which most likely needed money and also acted as good as a good actor can act in a movie like this.
  • marcudenis22 February 2020
    A really good romanian comedy . I laughed the whole movie
  • biancapopa-1466712 October 2020
    I think it is worth watching the movie on a relaxing evening!
  • balanescuanca16 April 2020
    Nu merita... bad acting, bad plot, bad evetything.
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