User Reviews (11)

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  • Overall an "okay' show. I love to visit Denmark and have studied a little Danish so every 'dansk tv-serier' is on my radar.

    This show has great potential. But somehow it didn't work for me.

    It is extremely slow. It contains of 8 episodes but they could have filmed it in 4 or 5.
  • kendavey6 February 2023
    The storyline was well conceived and there were plenty of twists and turns, particularly for the protagonist, Adam. The characters were all believable, although I thought Tommy's wife would have been much harder.

    But... there were two many long close up shots and slow panning shots that added nothing to the plot and just made the pace of the story falter. There were also a lot of pregnant pauses and nearly every character had a problem answering simple questions, which was very frustrating. The screenplay therefore also meant the story kept losing pace and at times was boring.

    A shaper script and less prolonged shots would be a must for a second series.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Alfa presents very intensive and thrilling story. It puts the viewer at the edge of the seat only a few minutes into the first episode.

    There were times where the editing was subpar, and the acting lacked in some scenes.

    The story of Zabi that takes place in the past leaves the viewer wondering what comes next. However, it was never mentioned how Zab'is name and address ended up in Tommy's notebook, which I felt should not have been left out.

    All in all, a great first season which leaves me excited for the next to come.
  • I saw all eight episodes in two nights. It was exciting, good and well put together. It kept me away from my mobile phone for all eight episodes. That is a clear sign of quality, for me. The actors did a superb job and I think it's very cool that the two brothers are actually brothers in real life too. It had good bad guys, got me convinced all the way. The kinda shady crooks we all know are out there.

    The director did a superb job here too. I felt this show and it got me wanting to see more! I just need more. I love finding shows like this, playing the first episode and going "yeess, this is awesome" inside of my head. Being a former crook myself at a young age, doing time in different jails, I found the jail part VERY exciting in this.

    My final thoughts: You get what is promised here. Bravo to all involved. And thank you for making my two nights in this corona time exciting and for giving me a break from my own problems in life. 9/10
  • I've watched dozens of similar style series on Walter Presents, Netflix etc so think I generally have a good idea of what to expect and find it easy to follow the plot, but I have to say that after a really promising first 4 episodes this series loses its way through episodes 5-8 with the ending being frankly incomprehensible to me.

    A shame really, but perhaps the lack of a clear ending is down to the fact that they may be planning a second series.

    Have to agree with an earlier comment which said that the main character (the trader brother, not the cop brother) makes some very stupid decisions throughout.

    Lars Mikkelsson's character was underused as well.
  • nattkriger1 June 2021
    This is just a awesome show. Realy love the caracters, hope it get's renewed because i would love to see this story evolve.
  • mrrcave6 July 2023
    Having watched Belgian, Danish, Finnish, Dutch, Swedish and Icelandic series before and thoroughly enjoyed all I thought I'd give this a "go".

    Due diligence as always - I checked IMDB and read a few reviews; some were spot on and some a little unfair I think.

    The tale as a whole is told in the correct number of episodes and at the right pace. It's engrossing, but easy enough to follow whilst concentrating on the action, plot and the subtitles.

    The main characters are believable, and there are women in throughout - it's not all just men.

    It's essentially a power struggle between men and women, friends, groups of men and ultimately the police.

    It's worth watching, but I would say "binge" it so you don't loose momentum.

    I'd have given it a 7.5 if IMDB allowed half stars.
  • carldenton24 January 2023
    If you enjoy a slow burn that needs concentration and thought that's just the start. Excellent character building from great actors. Well put together and a story that is a little different from some of the predictable out there. In the UK its on the Channel 4 Walter Presents and with respect he very rarely recommends a duffer. I enjoyed it very much and the actors who play the two brothers, have been chosen so well. Quite brutal at times but so is life. Don't believe the negatives they are obviously those who can't think, don't like to think and those who prefer predictable mind numbing offerings.
  • This series is quite disappointing against other Scandi drama. I keep watching hoping it will pick up and start making sense but no - having passed the midway point if the series there are still random, barely connected jumps from Denmark to South America and from one poorly sketched character to another. Excruciatingly slow sequences with little point to them. As if the creators aspired to something quite profound but missed the mark due to their inability to engage the viewer in the characters' stories. Good at squeezing in dreadful gore once in a while though. Finally, there's a notable absence of female characters in their own right. Passable in terms of cinematography, but otherwise absolutely rubbish and an unpleasant surprise as I"ve come to expect a lot better from the content curated by Walter Presents.
  • I almost finished the fourth episode but I just can't deal with how infuriating and stupid the main character is. I'm not sure where the good reviews have come from. I could have watched a show just about Javi though!

    The cops story was slow and boring to watch too. I highly doubt they'd have him on the team.
  • I got to episode 4 and thought to myself, "why am I watching this." There is no point in watching something which is full of unlikeable characters who do nothing much more than throw obscenities at one another.

    It gets boorish after 100+ Fs and the odd C.

    The characters are dour and boring, and pretty clueless.

    The baddies are, guess what ... stereotypical dark skinned immigrants.

    We are brainwashed into political correctness, and all sorts of other absurdities, but the media promoting this are also the ones perpetuating prejudice by casting and portraying immigrants as nothing more than murderers, drug dealers, gangsters and pretty general psychopaths. This drama typified this.

    I turned it off and immediately felt better for it.