User Reviews (7)

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  • jeldonjam-114 November 2021
    About as exciting as watching a school play. A trip to nowhere. There is nothing engaging about the characters the dialogue is flat and there is no tension among the characters you find yourself not caring or able to identify with them. I think they wanted to make a movie like the Waltons but just didn't know how.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    What do you call a movie...

    ...Set in the 50's but due to MANY anachronisms and generally bad set direction, never fools you that it takes place then for a second?

    ...With one of the worst child actors I've ever seen, who was apparently bribed for the role with a Hershey's bar without a single audition?

    ...Where there's a lead actress who sounds about as French as my fish & chips, who can't even do 'drunk' effectively? I'm teetotal, and even I could fake it better than this no-hoper!

    ...Which has many long, meandering scenes where nothing happens but people riding around on bicycles, talking and we can't hear them, without even any background music? Weird.

    ...Full of moments of 'tragedy' which are so badly handled by the director they inspire spurts of laughter instead of the intended tears? Like slaps and punches that never make contact, or a 'stabbing' where the knife never goes in. Did I wander into amateur-hour instead?

    ...Chock-a-block with 'emotional' moments which never work because the dialogue is so bad, the cast's emotional range is so limited and we don't care about any of these facile people anyway.

    ...Is so frigging awesome in all of it's unintended hilarity that despite all the above, is essential viewing for So-Bad-It's-Good film nights?

    The answer to the first question is Angel Mountain, in case you hadn't figured it out yet.

    It's not Citizen Kane, or even the latest Fast & Furious flick, but I'm glad it exists.

    In a strangely masochistically endearing way. 2/10.
  • If you like Hallmark movies but find the acting to be too good, this might be the movie for you. Unbelievable and unlikeable characters are not helped by actors with limited abilities and experience. The scenery is not so bad, and the vintage boys, scattered throughout, help divert one's attention. The lighting is pretty bad, especially indoors. The scene early on in the bar looks like it was lit by a couple of flashlights shone directly on the actor's faces.
  • The story made no sense. Huh? The ending? So many questions. The only redeeming quality was Adam channeling John Coffee. Sort of. Almost.

    Watch it if you want to be left feeling miserable.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is sweet. But I see what people say about the dialogue. Starting after the incident behind the building, it gets a bit ridiculous. The opening portrayal of a small town is excellent. The movie is about human frailties and suffering when America wasn't a rich country and different types of people accepting each other. Even though it's darling the second attack is really stupid. A person gets chased off but the characters he was with just vanishes from the movie and he stays around a place that he's not known and is certainly not welcome and suddenly reappears. Oh well. It's just too good hearted. Now if you look at it another way, if this was the dialogue of a horror movie, it would be a darn good one. I think they just need to add a few slashers and it will be a perfect movie. I reported a few goofs but don't read them until the end of the movie. Unlike what someone said, I like the ending and it fits in as much as anything else in the movie and makes sense. But I have to agree that the dialogue and storyline really fall apart. Someone needs to come back and re-dub new dialogue into this movie. Maybe add a couple scenes to make it make sense.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I watched this on prime today.

    The part where he says go tell your grandma that you're staying here tonight because I don't want your family to get sick makes no sense whatsoever. Like come on, really? The acting is cringey as hell.

    Overall the movie is not horrible but it's not great either.

    Some parts weren't thoroughly thought out. I literally laughed because it was so bad. It's like watching a low budget Tubi production.

    The acting was so unrealistic it was unbelievable. No tears shed, no blood lol.

    For it to be the 50s a ton of things don't seem true to that era.

    Y'all could've done a better job honestly.
  • For a micro budget film, this drama is great. There isn't a filmmaker out there that can do a better job with a 1950's period feature film and make it look this good. All the actors are unknowns, but they all put their heart and souls into these characters. Story is inspired by true events of struggle and mental illness. Just watch and take it in.