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  • Warning: Spoilers
    When I watched this doc I had no expectations whatsoever. I expected to see a celebration of Mickey as a company mascot and cultural icon, and nothing else.

    I was actually surprised that it touched some subjects that would be considered "controversial" for Disney, like referencing Mickey as a punk and counterculture icon, his 80's-90's-early 00's corporate era and even Mickey in Vietnam. Its always good that a documentary that is made for higlighting the best moments of its subject also takes time to show some of its worst, for contrast.

    A good watch if you like to see what the little mouse has meant for people all around the world for almost 100 years now.
  • donna32819 November 2022
    Anyone who knows me knows I am obsessed with Mickey Mouse. I was so excited for this documentary. The trailers made me tear up. Unfortunately so did the actual movie but not for the same reason. I understand there is a dark side to Disney history (as there is to pretty much everything in the entertainment business) but did they have to focus so much on that? I was hoping for a celebration of Mickey on his 94th birthday but instead I got bummed out by terrible things that PEOPLE did using his image. I don't think we should shove the past under the carpet. We need to know these things so that we don't repeat them but I don't think this was the time or place for that kind of thing. How would you like it if someone brought up all of your past mistakes on your birthday?
  • The film provides a decent history of Mickey Mouse in film and also shows some other art forms that were inspired. It does not shy away from problematic aspects and even mentions Disney's obsession with copyright which have been quite problematic. However a great shortcoming is the complete lack of reference to comic strips and comic books. They have been just as important for the rise and popularity of Mickey Mouse and it is a great disappointment that its missing. Floyd Gottfredson's daily newspaper strip was iconic and spread the Mouse worldwide while Walt Disney's signature appeared on each and everyone suggesting that Disney was the actual artist. Later artists like Paul Murry or Romano Scarpa should also not be forgotten. There are still comic books named after Mickey Mouse that are published regularly in numerous countries worldwide. So this was a bit of a letdown. Instead, the interviews somewhat dragged down the documentary without adding more information, which made it a bit boring, especially at the end.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    As a birthday present to 94 years of Mickey Mouse in the spotlight, a brand new documentary has been released on Disney+. Entitled Mickey: The Story of a Mouse, Jeff Malmberg's incredible documentary details the ever changing history and filmography of the leader of the club that's made for you and me. Coming out at just the right time, this film includes interviews of Disney historians, cartoonists, animators, and even the voice actors behind the Mouse himself. Considering how Mickey tends to be viewed as a bland corporate mascot, this feature is a testament on how much of a historical landmark he really is.

    The best way to describe the documentary is a culmination of how Mickey became a worldwide symbol of joy and the innocence of childhood from the getgo. Derived from Walt Disney's early struggles in the film business, the character can also be seen as Walt's own avatar. From Mickey's breakthrough success in sound with Steamboat Willie to the decades onward, many different versions of the character evolved based on Walt's career changing throughout his studio run and the country going through difficult times like the Great Depression, WWII and even post war paranoia. Stemming through mainstream attraction and countercultural appeal, Mickey was a symbol of the American Dream so much as he was a representation of moral authority, a lot of which is detailed across the world through different countries and nationalities. It really is saying something how poignant this documentary is when it acknowledges the post 60s era in parody and commentary underground cartoonists would reflect the mouse with outside of Disney mandated organizations.

    In addition, the documentary is interwoven with an animated short detailing Mickey reminiscing of his own evolution. Created by veteran Disney animators Eric Goldberg, Mark Henn and Randy Haycock, one can see how much the mouse meant to these artists in bringing their love of animation to the Disney studio for decades, thus keeping the legacy of traditional hand-drawn alive and well. In showcasing the different periods of Mickey based on the decade alone, Goldberg and the rest knew just how to recapture the era while staying true to their strengths as long lived Disney animators. One would have to wonder for so long what the mouse went through in having to stay up with the times and America constantly going through economic and political change, and the crew behind the documentary manage to keep that all in place in just under 90 minutes. While it might mythicize some of uncle Walt's origins with Mickey a bit too much for some history snobs to take with a grain of salt, there's no denying that the feature is meant to examine the mouse and the mouse alone.

    No matter how corporatized Mickey Mouse has been over the years, works like these are healthy reminders as to how and why he is remembered and cherished as a historical and cultural icon. The fact that an optimistic kind hearted mouse would go from being a top seller at the box office to seeping into the American lifeblood shows just how much a little seed of a cartoon can change the world. Whether you're a die hard Disney fanatic or a casual animation goer, this story of a mouse is right up your alley. It might not change your mind on Mickey necessarily, but it will definitely leave a vast appreciation.
  • jtlloyd-8170418 November 2022
    I watched the entire thing and it was super enjoyable it was so fun learning about mickey in documentary form and seeing walt made me cry. And the beautiful hand drawn short mickey in a minute i really really loved it was nostalgic. Overall this documentary is a must watch for any mickey fan out there if there interested of course. This was also a good way to celebrate 94 years of this iconic mouse happy birthday you lucky boy and i cant wait to see where you are next you mean alot to me mickey you were my very first very friend as a child and just seeing you for a documentary made me smile see ya real soon.
  • ccard-3815513 February 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    I really liked the originality in approach for this documentary. Though created by Walt Disney, the film focused on a biographical approach to the character which I enjoyed. Yes, and it was made apparent the life-long link between creator Walt and creation Mickey. I liked the historical approach to the development of Mickey's shorts, and the effect the character had on the world. Plus ultimately the effect the world had on the mouse. Personally, I only had one detractor which was the choice in musical score. Given it was Mickey, and literally Walt's baby, I wanted something better for the mouse. At times I found it diminishing rather than enhancing, or at least invisibly accompanying, the subject matter.
  • I am into documentaries and I have watched several of them on Disney+, but this one felt all over the place. It was pretty boring and it seemed like it did not have a specific direction. They tried to show us the evolution of Mickey Mouse through time, but at the same time, they seemed lost about the true meaning of their character or the message they want Mickey to send. In the end, we feel like we have left out something, because the documentary does not show any moral o lessons learned in 100 years of history. I am sure this could have turned better. It did not do justice to the most beloved character of their company and it showed that not even Disney employees comprehend Mickey Mouse. Also, the animation at the end is medium quality at its best. How is it possible that the hand-drawn animation that made them famous isn't even their forte these days? This all just proves that Walt Disney Company is having an identity crisis, as we all have witnessed it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I really enjoyed the honesty that Disney acknowledges in this documentary that Mickey Mouse had a connection to minstrel shows, based on a racist "Jigaboo" character, who was made to mock black people in the early 20th century. It was interesting to find out that these racial stereotypes that white people created back when Mickey Mouse was originally created were acceptable then, rather than acknowledging African-Americans as complex and individual human beings. Mickey Mouse stands the test of time today surely contending that, despite his racist origins, he shows that we all have to open up old stereotypes and lay them out, superimpose them on top of today's world, in order to understand them, to have any chance at all of truly making them go away. Thanks Walt!
  • When i first watched it on Disney+, i thought that this documental would be cool it is all about Mickey Mouse over the previous years, that started from the first short called Steamboat Willie back on the Disney classic era, i called it the best documental i have ever seen and it is about the meaning of culture like almost 100 years of magic and wonder and in the cover i also saw the Mickey Mouse shorts (2013), The Wonderful World Of Mickey Mouse and even his sorcerer counterpart that appeared in both movies of Fantasia and Fantasia 2000 and his song called The Mickey Mouse March performed by Jimmie Dodd.