User Reviews (56)

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  • This show was so refreshing, funny and well-written. The characters were completely relatable, especially to us "geriatric millennials." This show was very well cast. Eliza Coupe is one of my favs and I'm here for her any day. I've also always loved Maggie Q and Ginnifer Goodwin. Talk about some less than stellar marketing though, I only just now found out about the show and it was already cancelled. It may have done better on a streaming platform vs. Fox. I didn't see a single ad about it anywhere and we live in and around a lot of entertainment advertising. Such a loss and I'm so disappointed! Another Happy Endings. IYKYK.
  • After a long wait, finally watched the 1st episode and I thought it was good. Positives- Light comedy, no laughter track, great cast, likeable characters, cool concept. Negatives - They didn't introduce the characters properly, Chick flick (maybe), 1st episode wasn't that good.

    I think this show has potential and hope the next episode will be better.
  • cockezville17 January 2022
    I loved the first two episodes as it is fresh and funny. The actresses work well together. Fox needs to move the time because it will never make it following that dismal Call Me Kat show.
  • jmuqbv19 January 2022
    I just finished the second episode and so far I love it! I'm really looking forward to the rest of the season. The women have great chemistry and the storyline is cute.
  • I really wanted to like this because I do love all three of the main actresses, but this is just not good. The women all act like clueless and unlikeable idiots. I get that they're supposed to be "in crisis", but much of the episode plots just seem so over the top and unrealistic. Eliza Coupe's character in particular is just bizarre. She somehow has two kids and doesn't know how to be a mother. She works part-time and never sees her kids, but she frequently has time to hang out in a grocery store or coffee shop with her friends?? Oh and she can somehow afford a nanny despite only seeming to work part time? I feel like this show must have been written by men. It just seems so out of touch. It's a shame- all these ladies are so talented and yet I'd be extremely surprised if this gets renewed for a second season.
  • This is hands down the best sit com on TV at the moment... Which is why I fully expect it's being cancelled as I type.

    While a not a family friendly offering, Pivoting is smart, fast paced, perfectly cast, and extremely funny.

    It also has some very poignant moments woven in that tug at the heartstrings.

    For me, the character and plot development for this show are where it shines.

    The creators have fleshed out people who are imperfect, yet extremely likable.

    Moreover, the show is populated by characters who are not merely diverse on the surface, but instead represent a broad array of personalities.

    That is such a rare thing these days, it's sad that this show is not getting the attention it deserves.

    This is a rare gem in a sea of bad television and well worth watching.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I like Ginnifer Goodwin in other movies and was excited about this series, but she was talking so fast the first half of it I missed most of what she said. The acting was mediocre. Didn't care for so much emphasis on a poppy diaper or how the Mother went on and on about it, could have dealt with it in a more loving way. It's also not believable a Dr would go work in a grocery store. It was just okay, maybe second episode will be better.
  • cc007716 February 2022
    I honestly wasn't expecting myself to love this show when I first started it. I'm still waiting for the next few episodes but I've been loving the show until now. First of all, I LOVE the strong female cast, they just made the whole show so much better. Also, I wasn't expecting any of the characters to be queer, but I love the bi representation in this show as well. I actually found myself cracking up on some of the scenes so the storyline is pretty entertaining as well.
  • The concept will be picked up after a very short viewing time.

    Very typical female perspective comedy that has very few laugh moments but enough amusement to maintain interest.
  • I love TV shows like these, I love Friends, HIMYM, sitcoms, etc., but this is a wasted potential. The over saturated trope where the main characters change their lives after a friend dies is boring. Their stories and lives are different, because a group must have different people with different lives and nothing in common. Not to mention the fact that someone as average as Ginnifer is the fat woman of the group. Writers and casting director need glasses or to enter 2022 already. She's thin in comparison to the average American woman.

    This could have been great, but it is mediocre at best.
  • It's a funny look at how three friends respond to unexpected life changes. Ginnifer Goodwin, Maggie Q, and Eliza Coupe deliver a hilarious performance in this heart-warming comedy series. Every cast member in each scene offers a stimulating back and forth, leaving you with a desire to see what's next.

    The writers and directors did a great job creating funny stories that are also thought-provoking, which the ensemble delivers on, in each episode. Pivoting is one of the few shows this year that offers a brief escape because it does not depend on topical humor to be a good show.

    Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy the show as much as I did.

    Damian @TalkTeaV.
  • dianarrivera17 January 2022
    The incredibly talented Gennifer Goodwin as "The Fat One." I'm not sure who disappoints me more - Gennifer, the writers, the producers or anyone who would watch this offensive portrayal.

    It's 2022 and a lovely, funny and gorgeous main character is seen in various pathetic scenes trying to deal with her weight in desperate and pathetic ways. They even dress her in dowdy clothes to emphasize how unhappy she is in her own skin.

    Why does a woman's weight or perceived obesity have to be part of a sitcom about intelligent women and friendship?
  • ieohmingpeijj21 February 2022
    I am a sucker for Maggie Q and it is a nice change to watch her away from the usual action flicks. The three ladies work well together and although the humour is not gut-wrenching it is amusing. I thought it a 7/10 and added 1 for Maggie. I hope it continues to entertain and maybe a second series may result.
  • tomsdm10 January 2022
    I've been waiting for this show to premiere and it did not disappoint! Love Eliza Coupe! We've watched her on several shows over the years and she's great to say the least. The cast is really good too. So looking forward to this season.
  • I really did, because I like Ginnifer Goodwin and Maggie Q. But we watched two episodes and I realized I didn't like any of the characters. They're all irritating.
  • Just watched the first 2 episodes of this quirky comedy and i loved it, 1. I love the actresses that are playing the lead roles, i have seen them in other roles and really liked them, 2. I like the characters in Pivoting, they have depth and realness to them, which is something i look for in a good comedy, 3. I laughed out loud during this show, THIS is for me the mark of a wonderful comedy!! 4. the show also has a touch of dramedy in it, and for me the best funny shows are dramedies. I'm really looking forward to future episodes!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I wanted to love it because I love these actresses. First, seriously, Goodwin as fat? That's not a thing. Also, only the third episode and you already have to go to getting high? Isn't that for like, season 6 when you are SO out of story lines? Pull it together writers or most smart women will not stick to watching this show.
  • rosalesr-6320613 January 2022
    I love this show! I love Sarah, Amy, and Jodie. I really enjoys watching how they keep up with their friendship. Fyi, skinny jeans are out of style in 2020s decade. But seeing Jodie struggles to fit into her skinny jeans made me realized Im thankful for having straight jeans 90s/2000s Dad's jeans vibes.
  • I really love this show. I love the life long friendships and the support system. I really hope that the haters don't get this show canceled. I watch on Hulu and will continue to do so as long as it exists. Hopefully for years to come.
  • "You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting." How could this trio of actresses with so much talent and appeal settle for schlepping such lame scripts around a set?

    In a just world, there would be three teams of agents and managers applying for Unemployment. And career counseling. They're the ones who should be bagging groceries instead of Maggie. No offense intended to hard-working grocery clerks. Many of you could probably do better at their jobs than they would at yours.
  • mayayafi-6252010 January 2022
    Just watched the pilot, loved it! The show has started off in the right note. The ensemble cast is hilarious, the highlights being Maggie Q. All of the main characters are really likable. Each of the characters has its comedic niches, based upon its personality traits and neuroses. I definitely recommend it!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I really wanted to like this new show because I usually enjoy the work of Maggie Q and Ginnifer Goodwin, but I'm giving up after 5 cringe-worthy episodes. I can't relate to any of the three main characters and their various existential crises after the death of their close friend. The friendship between these women seems to be based more on long standing habit than any real feelings. Unless the writing improves soon to allow these characters more depth, I anticipate that this show won't be renewed for a second season.
  • Great effort with a super cast, well acted and decently written. Looking forward to see how the characters develop, it is a refreshing show amidst the landscape of reality driven tv.
  • tyrocker223 February 2022
    If you don't get it, that says a whole lot more about you than the show. It may not be roll on the floor laughter, but it's very funny. It IS a show for men and many young people DO think that 40 is old.
  • shalimarsubagja17 January 2022
    I still don't get the premise. The trigger is their friend's death, but the result are so weird. One of the character wants to start an affair with her trainer. What?! Based on the trigger? And the worst part is that the comedic ambience isn't ha ha funny. But very cringe. I hate to see the cast of great actresses like this end up cancelled.
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