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  • Let's skip all the boring stuff, we all know what this show is. Here are my unqualified psycho assessments for all the girls:

    Jen Shah: Histrionic Disorder
    • categorized by exaggerated emotionality and attention seeking behaviours
    • Overwhelming desire to be noticed
    • sense of self-worth depends on the approval of others

    Mary Crosby: Psychopathy. (Or antisocial personality disorder at the least) -Disregarding or violating the rights of others -Inability to distinguish between right and wrong -tendency to lie often -Narcissism

    Heather: Mentally stable for the most part. "Religious trauma" and a bit of an inciting conflict problem.

    Lisa: Antisocial personality disorder -Lisa seems to display some pretty evident dark triad traits at the least (psychopathy, narcissism, Machiavellian) she's NOT a psychopath, but she's definitely manipulative and does show some pretty evident narcissism.

    Meredith: Anti-Social Personality disorder. Clearly she's very neurotic and often withdraws as a coping mechanism. It seems like she's often masking her emotions, and generally plays her cards pretty close to her chest. She unable to be vulnerable very often and displays some narcissistic tendencies.

    Whitney: I don't even know what to say. At first I thought she was just really stupid, but then I realized it's more that's she's just extremely naive. Lisa's not so far off with the Nancy drew comment. Maybe another histrionic.
  • Alright, so I think The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City might just be my favourite of all the Real Housewives franchises. I mean, these women are crazy or criminal or grifting or Mormon or cult-leading maniacs in designer clothes. What's not to like!?
  • Kaygee90625 August 2021
    I didn't care for season one. I thought it was too much bickering over redundant $hit, but so far season 2 is pretty good. Meaning, they aren't arguing about dumb stuff. It's actually stuff that matters. Looking forward to how everything plays out.
  • abbisaenz30 January 2021
    Are we all watching the same show?!? The SLC ladies have done their homework. They give the people what they want: Fabulous homes, fabulous clothes, ugly husbands. They hit the ground running with an incredible franchise opener "You smell like hospital?!" Brilliant! Three kinds of fast food for dinner because I'm a busy Mormon mom with an alcohol business?? Check! I hope the people who have rated this series 1/10 stars look at their lives and look at their choices. They're all "flappers with canckles!"
  • Being a SLC native, and living a life very outside the normal Mormon lifestyle, this show is fantastic! I am obsessed with the women, and the drama is so much fun too watch. The only one on this show I could do without is Mary. She drives me insane, and I don't understand why she's a part of this group. Meredith, Lisa, and Jen are my absolute favorites!!!
  • Soo fake. So boring. I still can't believe the real housewives producers did this. What a horrible reality show. If this doesn't get canceled I will be really surprised. Talk about their emotions and forgiving then look down on everyone in their community. But I don't care about that. I wanted to be entertained and this is definitely not doing anything for me. Still shocked same producer's made this. Maybe they the desperate housewives. This is a show that if I never watch or hear about then perfect.
  • Although I'd never rely on reality tv for any sort of intellectual stimulation, I couldn't stand any other real housewives series because they would melt my brain with their fakeness and stupidity but NOT THE CASE HERE!! I love this series!! The women are believable as people and seem quite smart!! They do activities that look like fun and their conversations don't come across as scripted or forced like so many other RH women do. I really like learning about the Mormon church through them because it's like an enigma unraveling for us non-Mormon viewers. I love this group, KEEP ALL OF THEM!! THIS IS THE SUPERIOR RH SERIES.
  • They are all so fake and trying too hard. It's not realistic and I couldn't get into it at all.. I like all the other real housewives shows but this one is like they are trying so hard to make drama🙄. They need to get rid of these women!
  • rachel0143013 January 2021
    I enjoy the new setting, the new girls, and the way they discuss real life problems. The religion twist is definitely interesting! I find myself waiting impatiently every week for the new episode. Highly recommend over the other affiliated shows. Give it a shot!
  • debbyzfr5 December 2020
    After watching this show one time, I'd rather watch Dora The Explorer reruns. Ugh. The time has come to end this series.
  • In any RH franchise there will be some good drama, but RHOSLC brings unique a backdrop of snowy mountains, religious elements and the most diverse cast of any RH show. Jen Shaw, Lisa Barlow, Meredith Marks, Mary Cosby, Heather Gay and Whitney Rose are each fascinating women on their own. From open to credits I watch every week.
  • I know theres allot bad reviews but I watch these for entertainment, and these ladies sure do that, when they don't dissing there religion, or looking down there noses at others, there telling taxi drivers to hurry them up to the for even though there only 3 shows in and think there already famous lmao. Not even the longer shows women speak like that to people. But no I like it, it's more refreshing than seeing a bunch of 50yrs+ rhony women trying it on with young men and think there gods gift..
  • llconsul6 January 2022
    These characters are so dumb they are laughing all the way to the bank. All the way to the bank with your $$$. Every episode a person watches creates a rating that translates to cash for them. Stop watching and pray they go away.
  • A perfect show of women of Salt Lake City. I can't wait till they come out with season 2.
  • Janie5676 December 2020
    Seriously, do they think we can't see straight through the scripted setups and horrible acting 😂 it's actually pretty sad that these women allow themselves to go along with this... But a great show to watch for funny examples of horrible plastic faces.
  • As somebody who previously lived several years in Salt Lake City, I think that the issues these women talk about and face are extremely relevant and entertaining. Those who have never lived in the city do not know how much the church has an impact on the community, and how people who are not apart of the church struggle to fit in. Although most critics find these women vapid socialites, I believe that their lifestyles are more upper middle class than other housewife casts, making it more interesting and realistic. People also have to remember that the point of reality TV is to entertain, and in order to do so you need to have controversial moments that reflect reality. These women are doing that, and they are sacrificing their own real life reputation in order to shed light on issues and altercations that happen consistently with everyday Americans. The audience should stop throwing rocks from glass houses and appreciate their candidness.
  • I have watched alot of shows from the Houswives series. I find SLC to be the most ridiculous, hypocritical, and embarrassing for the people they claim to be and represent.. I didn't enjoy the show like I did all the others.
  • What Bravo doesn't seem to understand is their viewers like when the housewives have admirable qualities and decent moments. You can't have too much over the top vapid fakeness or the audience loses interest i.e. Real housewives of Miami. One of the reasons real housewives of new york is the best one is because of the real friendships the women seem to have underneath all the glitz and pettiness. The reason rhobh is starting to do better is because now they have Kathy Hilton and you can see the real connection between her and Kyle. Rh of atlanta has a lot of fights and friction but underneath it you see they have a lot of fun together and have known each other for years. This show has none of the good and all of the bad. They are just trying way too hard.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Big fan of the series and hoping it gets a Season 3. I'm relatively new to the Real Housewives Franchise (have seen some of RHOBH) but my partner says this series is getting wilder faster than other entries. The Mormon touch is a great help in the series and I can't stop watching it. I'd rate it higher but wish they would focus less on Meredith and Jen Shah's disagreements it feels like its dragging the show down.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I am a real housewives fan and have been since the beginning. I know how silly the show is and i dont take it too seriously, but it's fun. It's fun to watch and chat about with others who love the show and dont take it too seriously either.

    I didnt really like Salt Lake City, really, until this new season with Monica and Angie being new additions. Now I think it's one of the better series of the show and i enjoy it. Sometimes you just want to sit back and relax and watch crap about people you would never be friends with.

    Heather is my favorite, im beginning to like Lisa and Monica, for some reason, i like a lot.
  • miss_acastro16 November 2020
    I'm sorry but first thing first this show is based on women who reside most of their time in park city. So the show should be named real house wives of park city and not salt lake. Second please I repeat do not use this show to represent Latter Day Saints women. People who bash a religion where never really honest about being part of that religion. This show just makes these women look and seem petty, laughable, sad, ignorant, stupid and so forth. Instead of focusing on whatever success they may have accomplished in their lives it focuses on what comes out of their mouths and make you question their intelligence. It's funny how this show really wants to throw the Mormon church in the mix when more than half of these women aren't active/members and the ones who are aren't representing the church as they should. Like I named the title if you enjoy watching trash then by all means this show is for you. I'd rather sit in a room and watch re-runs 24/7 of the kardashians than this.
  • rkgy-8026122 November 2023
    It's so fun to watch. Jen was always cringe to me. The newest season though.... Monica is soooo beautiful, but she's annoying and overly dramatic. Talking about trauma is important, but she's made it her identity and used it as an excuse to mistreat others around her. It makes me want to not watch the show.

    It's so fun to watch. Jen was always cringe to me. The newest season though.... Monica is soooo beautiful, but she's annoying and overly dramatic. Talking about trauma is important, but she's made it her identity and used it as an excuse to mistreat others around her. It makes me want to not watch the show.
  • There's a "winning" formula in the RH series produced by A. C. Gaylord, which has led to it being duplicated in city after city.

    In order of importance:

    1. Attractive female cast (to start with, looks change and replacements happen) 2. Contrived relationships 3. Manipulated situations 4. Staged conflicts

    The resulting nonsense has drawn a decent share of vegetated viewers. But RHoSLS breaks with convention, and violates rule #1 from the start. The cast is harder on the eyes than a herd of Utah cattle, and not quite as bright. The lead housewife is saggy and sweaty, and the ranks are nearly as swollen as she. Only Whitney Rose managed to break the awful spell cast on these witches.

    It's one thing to change the racial, socioeconomic, religious or other makeups of the RH setting, but another thing entirely to cast mostly cringe-worthy leads. Tough watch.
  • cockezville11 October 2021
    These women are not entertaining, just amoral plastic bimbos. MaryM Crosby has got to be the dumbest woman in America, and Jen is a hardened criminal. Cancel this mess. I actually enjoy Potomac, OC, Beverly Hills- and used to like New York before Leah and. Eboni killed it.

    After 2 sessions of this mess, I killed it.
  • On the one occasion I stepped out of the house to go and visit someone, this dribble came on and I quietly sat and politely half-laughed. I've never been to much of a fan of these shows that attempt to turn celebs "private lives" into "real tv"; why can't someone do a show about a celeb family that's out doing helpful things, like feeding the poor or helping the homeless.. But someone thinks banking on a bunch of self obsessed, dribbling, clueless "socialites" is entertaining. {at one time it was} Frankly after 4 years of cluelessness on the global stage, I'm not inclined to watch anymore reality shows for quite some time. A waste of time...
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