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  • For Regency and Victorian era fans, it might be fun to see two dances performed from that era, the Quadrille, and the Waltz done with some extra pizazz.

    The bones of the story are pure formula. Claire lost her job as a ballerina and flees "home" to recoup before returning to seek a new spot somewhere else. Aunt Bridget is retiring. Together with Liam they work on a Christmas Eve ball to impress a committee to save the house. Liam and Claire spend a lot of time together. In this case, much of that is rehearsing the dance performances. The conflict is exactly what this situation requires. The outcome is exactly what you'd expect.

    There are no great highs or lows or surprises in the story. Even the tension doesn't appear until late. The only thing that sets this movie apart at all is the historical angle.

    I wish I could say there was great chemistry, but Nick Hendrix as Liam was too much the stoic English professor.
  • Have said many times about my love of Christmas and getting a lot of pleasure out of in particular watching films, cartoons and specials during this period, something that most years has been much needed. Wanted to see some more festive films that were more recent, lower in budget and were not childhood favourites, so in a way to broaden my horizons and have been doing so since November 2019. Watched 'The Christmas Ball' for completest sake, and also because of my love for dancing and seeing a few actors from 'Midsomer Murders' in the cast.

    'The Christmas Ball' didn't do very much for me. There are certainly far worse Christmas films overall from 2020 and overall, but also a lot better. Some things are good, but there is also too much bad in too many crucial areas for me to recommend it. There have actually been some good Christmas films out there seen in the past four years, including ones centered around dancing, so me not caring for 'The Christmas Ball' is not being said with bias in any way at all.

    Beginning with the good things, the supporting cast actually fare quite solidly with good work in particular coming from Caroline Langrishe, giving the film and her role much needed personality and energy, and remarkably nuanced Richard Lintern. The dancing is well choreographed and charmingly danced, loved seeing all the various dances and wouldn't have said no to more.

    Furthermore, the production values are quite nice to look at, particularly the scenery. The music is suitably varied and has a lot of charming character, fitting the dancing styles well.

    On the other hand, a lot does not come off well. Neither of the two leads give good performances, Deidre Mullins tries too hard and comes over as too neurotic. Nick Hendrix has a colourless role and injects very little charisma or personality, so very bland. The chemistry lacks spark and never really takes off, it wouldn't even be believable as a friendship let alone a romance.

    Writing too often is awkward and forced, with too many cheesy parts and out of place and less than sharp comedy that jars with some of the seriousness. The story is very predictable throughout and drags a lot as a result of overlong scenes (some of it padding) and the middle being quite thin. The last act is too contrived and convenient. The film is very bland, taking itself too seriously to be light hearted and the lack of interesting characters and underwritten storytelling stops it from having any charm or heart. The music is forgettable at best and could have been toned down and the direction is never above routine level.

    All in all, didn't do it for me despite the idea actually being a good one. 4/10.
  • A poor script and a poor lead actress, Deidre Mullin. Her American accent is bad, don't know why people think you just need to talk through your nose and speak loudly to impersonate Americans.

    Richard Lintern (Silent Witness) and Nick Hendrix (Midsomer Murders) are RADA trained actors, they just need a decent script. Low budget movie apparently filmed in Serbia., it doesn't have the production values of many holiday films.

    Along with poor direction, this comes off as another forgettable American Christmas movie even though it's supposed to be a British holiday film.
  • Every Christmas film i watch , you see them cutting down a big tree at least 7 feet and above and then when they get it home , it is 5 feet or less , i love these films , i am a sap for them ,
  • It's the usual Christmas fee and the characters are as likeable as can be. It's not a great performance by any of the actors and if you watched hoping for a bit of a British flavour to these films then you'll be very disappointed - from the stock cottage of London bearing no resemblance to current London, the house at the heart of the plot clearly being American - and new and not pre-Georgian and all references to the "preservation committee" instead of asking it to be listed by English Heritage makes it about as English as 4th July.
  • The Christmas Ball is a harmless piece of made-for-tv Seasonal fluff, presumably made with a mainly American market in mind. The premise of saving a ''centuries old'' historical house rather founders at the get-go as the building in question is a mock Tudor one built in the thirties by the look of it...the idea that it is centuries old is laughable - surely even Americans know what a castle or mansion looks like, compared with a large surburban home? Meanwhile the plot is utterly devoid of surprises from the moment the stuffed shirt professor meets the free-spirited dancer. I give it three stars as a film to wrap Christmas presents to....
  • If you like a film with a dance theme, particularly, Tchaikovsky's 'Nutcracker', you'll be charmed by this festive romantic Anglo/American drama.

    Normally this genre is invariably made in the USA/Canada but this one is mainly set in England with some scenes set in a dance studio in Boston, Mass - the unfamiliar setting for this story adding further to its charm.

    I found the story, characters and dialogue intriguing ie not clichéd or run-of-the-mill - and The Ball itself is a visual/audio delight.

    A bigger budget (to give the story premise more credence ie Aunt Bridget's house is being assessed for National Trust status as the Ball is taking place) and perhaps better casting of the leads may have given this a superior finish, but it is what it is; and given the Christmas Romance genre attracts a lot of mediocrity this feature is certainly not in that category.

    Which is why I score it a 7. The dance scenes really pull this one up above average fare.

    The performances are perfectly fine, but Caroline Langrishe as Aunt Bridget is delightful, and of course being a former ballerina she is a dream on the dancefloor as are the other three leads.

    If you love the 'Waltz of the Flowers' from the The Nutcracker it's a MUST SEE!
  • Predictable Hallmark style Christmas romp but no chemistry between Deirdre Mullins and Nick Hendrix, he's a charisma vacuum, she's great. Nice to see Richard Lintern getting off with the still foxy Caroline Langrishe.
  • Great to have a British movie for a change, although it's a bit weird when they use American phrases etc. Midsomer Murder fans will recognise three of the four lead actors, which is fun. I wish there were more all-age-friendly UK movies like this and not just for Christmas.
  • Christmas Ball

    I waited until the plot required that she got him out of his clothes, and he wasn't bad to ogle, but I just couldn't finish this film. Not the performance we've come to expect from Nick Hendrix from 'Midsomer Murders'.

    The acting overall was very exaggerated and the whole setup was very twee. That Yankee interpretation of us Limeys, so obviously an American film made in Britain, because they all think that we are bumbling posh blokes that wear suits all of the time or precious old ladies.

    Unscored as unfinished.
  • With a solid cast of great British and Irish actors (not the same thing), a sweet premise that adds things that are a little different, like a female lead aging out of her preferred profession and male lead who is an academic, and writing that is engaging, relatabe and funny without the contrivance so common in American projects, I am frankly baffled by the low ratings. They even capitulated to the American audience, despite being a Canadian-made film, by having the lead be from Boston (despite the performer being Irish). I guess the isolationist Americans just couldn't get their heads around the accents of the rest of the cast.