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  • jennfinn17 December 2021
    I guess I'm in the minority after glancing at a few reviews which all seem to be negative but I thought it was pretty funny.

    I'm excited to see Ana Gasteyer back on TV because I think she's funny as hell and underrated. I was pleasantly surprised to see Michael Benjamin who was one of my favorite parts of 30 Rock when he played Tracy's bastard son, Donald even though they were the same age.

    How can all these so called reviewers give one or two stars after only two episodes ??
  • American Auto begins as a car manufacturer welcomes a new CEO who comes from a drug company and doesn't like cars. So far, the series is a mix of incompetent and semi-competent people going from disaster to disaster created by the CEO (Anna Gasteyer, who beautifully captures the brash, unjustified self-confidence of an American executive). The series is from the folks behind "Superstore" and it's kind of like the flip side; instead of workers talking about orders from "corporate," we see the disaster that goes on in "corporate."

    The cast is good, the jokes are often hilarious, and the critics were pretty favorable, so I was shocked after watching a few episodes to come here and discover the users of imdb (and rotten tomatoes, which I also checked out) just hate this show.

    Which I'm very sad about, because if the reviews here are representative of the general attitude of the public then this show is doomed. And it's seriously one of the funniest and most likable sitcoms out now.
  • raphaelalex8418 December 2021
    I don't get why the other reviews are so negative.

    As a big fan of Superstore, I found the first two episodes to be pretty funny and enjoyable. They were pretty dumb, and the characters haven't grown on me yet, but it's a promising start.
  • lineart-1297322 December 2021
    2 episodes in. Quick, snappy lines, great diversity of characters and behaviour. Laughed out loud at the way Woke and political correctness is parodied. Obviously plenty of you don't get that, based on the other reviews. It's a comedy. A great comedy.
  • MovieMaiden2316 December 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    American Auto has good bones - a woman becoming CEO of a company in an industry that she is unfamiliar with and has little to no interest in, a man-child trust funder that is only kept around because of his lineage, and a crew of loveable misfits without the ability to self-reflect.

    The issue, however, lies with the writing. There are absolutely fantastic jokes that hit hard, (S1Ep2's "I want to donate his skin" bit had me both horrified and rollicking) but they are the exception and not the rule. Some of the comedic timing is off so lines intended as jokes don't land, and the conflict that needs to be resolved is a plot hole/poorly written or not well explained.

    Why could they not just introduce the self-driving car and work out the kinks afterwards? There's no way that the Bjork Blossom Franken-car would be viable. The show has potential, they just need to reign it in a little.
  • dresmiles21 December 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    I just finished the first episode and laughed out loud a few times and enjoyed this show so far. People in the reviews write about this show like it was preachy about race or "too politically correct" and I'm just wondering HOW? They made a self driving car that accidentally hits black people and Indians. That's absurd and hilarious because of how horrible it is, were the reviewers mad because they liked that kind of car and in the show it was (rightfully) a huge problem?

    Some people complained that they wanted it to be more like Superstore but I'm glad it's not. I tried to get into that show but it was so boring to me. This show has also had some quick funny one liners.
  • The reviews that are giving 1s and 2s are clearly from angry people that are unable to watch anything that even slightly differs from their own view points. This isn't an amazing show by any means and it is definitely weaker than the office and superstore, but it still provides entertainment and shows potential. I am currently 4 episodes in and find it enjoyable and for the most part has a very good cast. The show is obvious satire so anybody getting up in arms about it's content should really look deeper within as to why a random NBC sitcom fills them with such disdain after watching a pilot episode. I'd give the show between a 6-7 at this point but lean towards 7.
  • This has a great cast and a great premise and is very cleverly written.

    But, somehow, it just doesn't work.

    As the jokes rolled out, I remember thinking how smart and witty they are, but I didn't actually laugh once - despite some of the jokes being really, really clever.

    For some reason the parts of the episode just don't gel - it feels very procedurally generated.

    In something like The Office you get the feeling that the characters have life, that they have a reason for being in the photocopy room or hanging around the loading bay

    Here people have no real personality and just exist to set the next joke up, so you just don't care about anyone and after a while it feels like a sketch show stitched together with really weak thread.

    You could chop up the episodes into chunks and mix them up and it wouldn't feel too different.

    Nothing has any consequence or meaning - this sounds like I am taking this too seriously but it really does matter.

    There is a great (on paper) episode where the working Joe has to deal with his old workers across the management\labourer divide.

    There was so much to work with here but it was all over in a blink of an eye - sacrificing vital character development to squeeze in some dumb jokes from a disposable character.

    I want to like this so much - but I am sure I will have forgotten about this in a few months.
  • Everyone seems to forget that Season 1 for both Parks & Rec AND the Office were very "meh." I think this show has a lot of potential and I love the characters (especially Ana Gasteyer).
  • I started watching this in Season 1 because it's created by the same person (Justin Spitz) who created Superstore and also worked on The Office. Season 1 was uneven at best. I was actually surprised it was picked up for season 2 but I'm glad it was. It's starting to find its footing now. This season it much tighter and the cast is starting to gel. Last year felt like I was watching a cocktail party where no one knew each other tried to share antidotes. There was a certain awkwardness to their chemistry. It felt like they were trying too hard. This season is much improved and the cast is tighter, more in tune with each other. There is some good writing and the jokes are pretty smart. I like watching Anna Gastyer as the fish out of water CEO and her subordinates navigate themselves out of quirky, though unrealistic, conflicts. Now this show is in my regular weekly rotation as I hope it continues with its upward trajectory. I recommend this show to those who are looking for an easy to digest sitcom.
  • Just imagine "The Office" being transplanted to an auto company and you have the show. Bur, unlike "The Office" none of the characters are likeable...I did not find myself for rooting for any of them...they were mostly all annoying. Combine all of this with quick fast cutting and an annoying shaky hand held camera you have a show that creates a very unpleasant experience.
  • If you are a fan of Ana Gasteyer, this is definitely a must watch. I had not seen her since "Lady Dynamite" and she does not disappoint in this. So happy to see her back on TV.
  • I know NBC has had a dry decade, so interesting to see them finally bounce back with a new show that's actually funny. Obviously a very diverse and modern sitcom, but a good cast.
  • This show is bad at best. The characters are incredibly dry and you kind of hate all of them. They aren't easy to laugh at and make stupid decisions constantly. Just watch Abbott Elementary. It is far better than this.
  • alasurvey17 January 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    There are a few funny parts. Many of the story lines seem to be taken from other shows. In Episode 1 the car can only see light skinned people which is a plot line from Better Off Ted. In episode 3 the CEO stalls to make a big announcement which is from The Office. Some parts are funny so I'll watch a few more episodes.
  • andetherunner18 December 2021
    Super cast. Irreverent. Sharp humor. Love it and can't wait to see direction this hilarious show goes! Sorry the other reviewers don't appreciate it. I read other reviews and wondered if we were watching the same show.
  • We tried to watch this show, good cast and some occasional good jokes but too few. What is wrong with the networks when good shows like The Unicorn and Life in Pieces get cancelled for crap like this.
  • This show is just a pale copycat of a lot of great NBC shows including "Superstore" which was criminally finished way before it's time. This is what we get as a replacement?

    Assuming they couldn't bring those writers across either.

    An ensemble like this needs a cast to pop. The cast here don't match or mix at all. None of them are really interesting either. Some are really annoying cliches (the British guy, the overweight black lady)

    Oh the horror! First episode has to be about diversity ... the scenes with them discussing BLM etc... Urgh. How many times do we need this storyline ?

    Idea was sound. Execution isn't great.
  • noladel24 December 2021
    I am sorry I cannot give it zero stars. This show tries way too hard to be funny, and it tragically fails. I could barely get through the pilot episode.
  • When your product is a comedy about an office, a bar, or a retail store, you have a huge chunk of your audience in on the jokes by default. There is a bit of an uphill climb when you decide to base your yuks in a less mass-experienced scenario.. no matter how common the bonds. The writers did quite well to tailor the many humorous tragedies of the modern auto industry (and auto consumerism) in a way to include most of us. That said... I have no idea why I want to watch more of this. Previous commenters were mostly on the mark that very few actors shine. The lead assistant blonde chick has OBVIOUSLY watched hundreds of hours of America Ferrera and ran with it. The head blonde CEO did the same with Glenn Sturgis but thankfully shunned the Kermit voice. You all know who the Mateo is in this show..duh. Marcus *is* Marcus. The British guy seriously must be there to confuse commenters.... a virtual speed bump which I refuse to fall for. Tye White has charisma. I expect great things from Tye. He may not save the show but if the powers that be figure out some way to stop the damn camera dizzy-over-the-shoulder-pingpong-wackiness *and* find a few more interesting plot lines then we may have a satisfying 6 seasons here.

    Retool the roles of the brit guy and Dori. They are fine with the acting but I seriously hope they are secret weapons for future episodes.
  • The script, acting and premise are good but it is ruined by a distracting bounce in the photography. It is as if the are filming it with a hand held phone. I find it difficult to watch.
  • chrismiller-1043616 January 2022
    I am always amazed that a show this bad gets approved. What makes a company decide to throw away money on a show like this. Watched multiple episodes to see if I would laugh one time or at least be amused once. Nope.
  • MapleSnow16 December 2021
    I usually don't like "off-the-wall" humor. To be quite honest I don't like most of the comedies on broadcast TV. This one made me laugh and I think it shows promise for the future.
  • Been waiting since the season 1 finale to see if this show would be renewed. Happy to find thatthe answer is yes. It reminds me of the dry humor of popular shows like The Office and 30 Rock, which I never really got into, but this show drew me in from day 1.

    It's not hilariously funny, but it does give me a good laugh once or twice each episode. The chemistry between the entire cast is great and I love the "relationship" between Jack and Sadie, who seem to be the only two characters who have a firm grip on reality while putting up with everyone else, who seems to have the mentality of elementary grade kids at times.

    Can't wait for season 2!!!
  • I know this is somewhat of a trend but the camera is never actually still in the close shots - it's as if it's in very unsteady hands. I can't watch as it makes me somewhat seasick.

    The show does somewhat remind me of The Office format but it's not worth watching with the bouncing camera work.
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