User Reviews (1)

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  • This film is funny, insightful, and a joy to watch. The only thing it lacks is a surefire score/soundtrack. However, the vital and beautiful themes of tolerance, love, and unity, combined with some laugh out loud dialogue, still make this truly entertaining and refreshing.

    Even the movie's title is a creatively crafted one composed of rich, multiple meanings. The cast, writer, and crew are all deserving of applause for putting together this fine combination of witty humor and positive and relevant ideas.

    Surely, there are zealots, homophobes, and racists out there who will despise this film, because they have been taught to hate those different from them. Others may not like a couple of the montages filled with religious music (that's where the fast forward button comes in). In the end though, anyone rating this project poorly is just ridding off "Misconceptions!"