User Reviews (42)

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  • The movie starts with a good vibe, but only for the first 10 minutes. And after that, its a complete chaos. The movie is not finished and need more scenes to be explained.
  • jeroduptown1 December 2021
    Pretty awful. Bella Thorne is an unbelievable "Jesus freak" that uses the guise of a habit to run in the drug circles. Maddening and silly. Annoying and cringey.
  • ....if you want to continue with a good mental health. I've never seen such a many bad things together in a film: acting, script, cinematography, directing, editing....all of them extremely bad.
  • Habit Movie (2021) feels like "that person" at the party that name drops every 30 seconds to impress people, but nobody's impressed, but even worse than that. Really Annoying. Lacking substance. Beyond stupid. The dialogue is truly unbearable. Lack of character. Terrible acting. Pretentious. I could go on, but I think this probably sums it up pretty well.

    Honestly, the one star is too generous.

    Save your money and your time.

    Edit- it's not CAMP, it's CRAP. It is not a cult classic and never will be. I'm suspicious of the couple positive reviews on here, did you actually watch the movie?
  • I can almost guarantee that this concept was fueled by a weeklong coke binge party in the Hills by the group of friends who are in the movie, who wrote it themselves. The plot is idiotic, nothing is explained or even makes much sense and the actress playing the villain may be the worst acting I've ever seen. Good thing they got some CCP money to make it, probably because they were hot for Bella. Avoid like the plague.

    EDIT-I just realized that the CCP money probably came from a relative of the actress who is playing the villain, daddy (or whomever) bought her a movie woohoo! She is laughably terrible.
  • Me if I see Jesus: yo what up JC!

    Bella Thorne as a theosexual. This has to be one of the dumbest movie of this year. I tried very hard to see this movie as a satire, but it's actually just stupid and nonsensical. Most of the time it's Bella Thorne going around saying "I love you jc" pretending to have a thing for Jesus. Ew like what the hell man. It's like watching those ecosexual communities where people try to have sex with nature. It's so gross and most importantly pretentious.

    Since Thorne produced this movie, I guess she thought that she was being clever, but she was just being cringe. Her acting along with the rest of the cast were horrible throughout. The dialogues were unbearable to listen to.

    Also, the movie tried to create a surreal and sexual atmosphere with the blurry and pink looks of the movie. There were scenes of characters getting high, which added more to the surrealism. I guess this made sense, but it doesn't cover how dumb the movie was.

    Overall, it's cringe and annoying to hear Thorne screaming she wanted to do Jesus. Also, I said "I guess" a lot because I had no idea what I was watching. I'll never get in the habit of watching garbages like this. 0.5/10.
  • I wish there's an option for 'negative zero' on the rating board. Jesus Christ that was bad. No script, poor direction and pacing, impressively bad acting.... Absolutely no talent could be found in this movie. It has zero redeeming qualities. Nothing positive to say. It fails on every aspect.

    I had low expectations after seeing Bella Thorne and i thought at least she's fun to look at but damn I never expected this level of BAD. And the religion slander???!?!??? Damn.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Good day sir, so kind". Me, well I'm not gonna be so kind to 2021's Habit (my latest review). Habit is like a Gen X movie made with millennial-s (if that makes any sense). It's also over-stylized, over-directed, bible-thumped, full of itself, and pretty kitschy. It's as if rookie director Janell Shirtcliff dares you to hate it. Yeah I'm not joking here.

    So OK, Habit's plot is so murky I had to look it up on the flick's IMDb page. It's about a heroin addict who gets involved in a bad drug deal and poses as a nun to keep out of trouble (huh?). Habit paints helmer Shirtcliff as the poor man's Darren Aronofsky and/or the poor man's Terry Gilliam. The imagery here is striking and ornamented but the overall result is a hollow mess.

    Produced by over 20 people and clocking in at 81 minutes (that's with credits), Habit is a cinematic acid trip, the worst kind of trip. There's nutrition-less flash cuts, bad filler low camera angles, and even a couple of freeze frames (ugh). Yeah that's fine and dandy if you knew what was going on, you actually cared what was going on, and the troupers didn't come off as so darn irksome.

    Honestly I'd like to know what went down at the meeting when Habit was formally green-lighted. Did the studio execs think it might turn into a cult film? Maybe. Did they owe the filmmakers a favor or were strong-armed? Probably.

    Actors/actresses featured in Habit are Bella Thorne, Gavin Rossdale, Josie Ho, and Ione Skye. Throughout the proceedings they think they are being witty but they come off as total dolts. The dialogue given to them by Libby Mintz and Shirtcliff is so rife with annoyance it suggests an inner circle sitcom a la the Disney Channel (with profanities added). Um, please make a "habit" of never watching movies like Habit ever again.
  • There are some things that you regret doing in life, and watching this was one of them.
  • lalalohan22 August 2021
    All the low ratings are proof that the wrong audience has been watching this. It's not going to win any awards, but if you're into trashy, dark, stylistic fun then you're in for a treat with this one. I mean, Bella Thorne in full nun gear screaming "god squad, b*tch!" before shooting someone is like the definition of camp.
  • levanshakulashvili20 August 2021
    This felt like some weird Bella Thorne sex fantasy. Very weird, very trash, cause it was. But little, little bit funny too.
  • I have only one question, who was Paris Jackson in this movie? The main character's mom? The female Jesus or the nurse? How can one person play 3 characters? I could go on and on about how pointless and utterly logic less this movie was but that would be a thesis so I just have this one single question which I hope will make people realise what a disaster this movie was.
  • A Hollywood crowd source to fund bellas addiction to attention and substances

    Maybe Gavin was in it for something else but come one

    What a mess.
  • Director & writer : We are sexy, we can make movie, yeeeeees !

    Result : Beyond S.

    Producers : Maybe Its terrible movie but we earned money from hidden adverts also showed half naked girls and we can sell to erotic TV channels.
  • This was just horrible. I saw it on the 17th but could not write a review until it released on IMBD. But I can see everyone felt the same way I did about it so no real loss there. Why anyone thought this would make for a good movie is beyond me! I liked the villain and her side kick cowboy but even they could not save this movie. Like I would really believe that everyone wants to jump Thorne's bones, even a priest was just laughable.
  • I'm still trying to find witty and sarcastic humor with this movie...and a purpose. But all I find is chaos with religious memorabilia and boredom. "More is more" is not shocking - it's silly. The only funny part about the movie is the pretentiousness in the act of making it.
  • ivantello7321 August 2021
    I dont know what i watched. I really cant describe, its like a mix match of scenes put together but in a bad way. I know Bella thorne is a good actress, but i cant find her here. Seems like all the people were not told when the cameras were shotting. The colors palette is quite nice though, and bella is strickingly gorgeous to watch, but not here.
  • irfan_virgo521 August 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Rubbish movie.. Rubbish script. Rubbish acting. I thought it would be a good movie while watching the trailer but its crap.
  • I checked this out being strangely aroused by this Bella girl as of late.

    She's getting better at self-degrading without the help of a third party.

    Unfortunately, Onlyfans now prohibits such content. She might need a hacker booster shot. To be continued.
  • nogodnomasters26 August 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    This is a cult film that is sacrilegious with a niche following, i.e. Not for everyone.

    Mads (Bella Thorne) has a unique personal relationship with Jesus (Paris Jackson). Mads has metallic green streaked hair and drives a 1972 Lincoln. She lives with two sisters Addy (Andreja Pejic) and Evie (Libby Mintz) who is not a crack addict but a coke addict. They deal drugs for movie has-been Eric Katz (Gavin Rossdale) who in turn works for "The Queen" (Josie Ho). When a man robs them of $20,000 in cash and drugs, The Queen goes on a killing spree similar to something Tarantino would direct.

    This was a different role for Bella and I loved her character who had pretty legs and a potty mouth but always seeks guidance from Jesus. She even looks to the ceiling while having sex.

    Guide: F-word. Sex. Brief nudity (?)
  • Habit is a visual mess of drugs, sex and psychedelia, spread allround in a very experimentally made film about an alternative lifestyle in the number one state of usa, california.its all about californication, where the path to a perfect life takes the easiest turn, namely the downturn spirraled direction. Its a film that loves to prvoce and deems to harras the social correct protocol of life, and religious impertinence is one of the methods to make this film become a commercial hit among the young and restless of the digitalized generation.

    Bella thorn, accompanied bytwo other sisters of the'' new age' generation of actresses, does fill this jive of earthbending harrasment with pretty bold and natural acting, and tries their best to make the provocing action look even better than the screenplay and direction does, so a small pluss for their efforts.

    Productionwise its a blended mix of films styles, reaching from kubricks a clockwork orange, to the crazy witchhunt of assassination nation, with colourshifts and psychedelic incitions of kaleidocsopical experimantation, filled with a score that will please only the chosen one( not me), using a self narrative way of telling the story, glued together by an editor without a leach, and the edition i viewed did not impress much on the sound quality...(yes, ive checked the sound settings of my system).

    So if youre a fainthearted religious person, take a halt before breaking the woes of never watching a silverscreen movie, because its provocative and graphic both physically and spiritually, for the rest its no more than ''you can try it'' movie. For a grumpy old man it becomes a bit to senseless, and i look forward to seeing ms thorne back in a sweet loved by all character in the near future. Snorting and going haywire aint that good for a long careere as an actress.
  • frozen-heart66620 August 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Love gavin but its a pretty bad movie....... Hope to see him in a better written movie.
  • I stumbled upon the 2021 movie "Habit" by random luck. I must admit that I had never even heard about this movie prior to getting to sit down and watch it. So I wasn't sure what I should be expecting from director Janell Shirtcliff's movie.

    The movie's synopsis did, however, seem interesting enough. And I have to say that I initially felt like there could be a potentially enjoyable comedy here.

    And while the movie definitely has a colorful and interesting character gallery to offer the audience, I must admit that the movie was just lacking phenomenally in the story department. So writers Libby Mintz and Janell Shirtcliff just didn't manage to deliver a wholesome movie.

    The acting in the movie was actually adequate, and especially actress Bella Thorne was standing out in the movie with her performance in the lead part. Just a shame that the actors and actresses that participated in "Habit" didn't have a properly written script to work with.

    I managed to endure about an hour of "Habit", then I just couldn't sit through any more of the nonsensical storyline, as writers Libby Mintz and Janell Shirtcliff had be progressively losing me along the way as the movie trotted on and on. And truth be told, then I have absolutely no interest in returning to finish watching the rest of the movie as the storyline just fell short of entertaining me. And while the characters in "Habit" certainly were colorful, I must say that I just don't really care enough about them to want to return and suffer through the rest of the movie.

    Ultimately then "Habit" was a movie that had potentially more to offer, but was cut short by an inferior and awkwardly written storyline.

    My rating of "Habit" lands on a mere three out of ten stars.
  • STEVE24BUS15 September 2021
    I thought this was going a fun movie. It wasn't. In fact it wasn't much of anything. It only got a look because I thought it was going to resemble a favourite film of my wife's. It's colourful, and that's as much good as I can say about it. One to seriously avoid.
  • jkt20069 September 2021
    Am not able to understand the hateful reviews and the very low ratings. Yes the story and characters are unique somewhat pretentious but make a statement of their own. What's wrong with that. The movie is entertaining and does not deserve the very low ratings it has been given. Yes, it could have been better, yes it could have had a better script but Bella totally delivers in the character she has been given. So I have given it a 5. Again, the movie is entertaining and not boring at all!!
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