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  • The story arch left over from season 6 into 7 isn't fantastic but the real problem is this show needs to get its core of original cast members back to keep it from spinning off into oblivion. The stand out show of all the DC show is on the edge of jumping the shark trying to incorporate newer cast members that don't have the right kind of vibes That plus the current version of Wells isn't a patch on some of his previous incarnations

    I do hope it's not a repeat of the fate of legends of tomorrow where trying to be fresh and new all the time just turns into a merry-go-round of lesser parts
  • It seems like they are failing again and again to replicate seasons 1&2 touching and authentic drama, and there is too much repeating of the same issues, like empowering the woman and men can be emotional ect... this show need a real change or to be put down to stop the misery
  • Much better than S6 but still lacking for me. I did enjoy Barry's funny moments this ep, it was good to see a lighter version of him no matter the circumstances. (Redacted's) sacrifice got to me that moment was really emotional, I got teary not gonna lie. Iris still not back yet is boring I hope she gets saved soon. Hope this season is better than the last few.
  • Everyone knows that Season 6 was not a good season because of the story of the mirrorverse. Let's wait for the actual start of Season 7 in Episode 4. The story may change and we hope that the new season will become better than this season.
  • Even though this was supposed to be 6x20, it worked amazingly well as 7x01.

    I had a few small gripes with the episode, but overall, it was well done.

    A solid 9/10 for me
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I liked this episode. It started with a fun problem for the newest Team Flash members to solve, but this episode also had a surprise ending. A little bit of a sad ending.

    We lost another Wells, and as far as I know he was the last living Wells. I don't know if they have a plan to bring him back some way, but I hope they have/find a way. Nash Wells was not my favorite, but it's going to be a little weird without a Wells after 6 seasons. Unless they have a secret way to bring him back.

    With Caitlin and Cisco not there to help Barry in this episode, the newest team members (Chester and Allegra) had to step up. I liked both Chester and Allegra in this episode, and I liked seeing them working more with Barry, and helping him. And after this episode, I can't wait to see what happens to them next. I also can't wait to see Chester and Allegra work more with Caitlin and Cisco.

    Not only did I like this episode, but I liked it better than last season's premiere. I can't wait to see what else they have planned for this season. There is only one more thing to say. RUN BARRY, RUN!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This episode was good in my opinion, but there was a lot of unnecessary drama and the way they handled Cecile could've been better.
  • Great start of the season! And it will get better every episode and new villans aswell
  • wetmars9 March 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Here we are at the start of Season 7 of The Flash. Yet, we're not finished with the weird Mirrorverse Arc. I would say that it was a good idea for the writers to block out Cisco and Caitlin for a new fresh breath of air. I quite like the character Rosalind for some reason. I don't know why. Her performance is seriously done well. I have mixed feelings for Eva, of course, that the current seasons have been weird. I mostly enjoyed Season 5 due to new elements like Nora, Elseworlds, more of King Shark, and especially the backstory of Cicada.

    What I enjoyed about this episode was Gustin's phenomenal performances of all Wells. I loved the Sherlock one, lol.

    7/10, I wonder what this season will be now.
  • First of all, it has been over 10 months since we had the last flash episode, and it's been quite tough to live without the show for some of us. This premiere however, exceeds all the expectations I had and was so well done. Considering they had to change half of the episode to cut Ralph out and make it feel like a premiere, this episode did a great job. The action was awesome as usual, and Candice's acting was on point once more.

    Hope that the other members of Team Flash return soon. Besides that, this episode was one of the stronger premieres and definitely beats the quality of last season and the season before that. Hopefully, this means that Season 7 will be better than ever!

    Stay safe Flash Fans,

  • johnharrymad9 March 2021
    I really don't understand when this show became a bad comedy in the real life and a horror movie in the mirror world. The only part good about this episode was the ending. But seriously, don't drag this series out. It's already way too long, should have ended earlier or have A LOT LESS episodes. You are kinda ruining this, just saying.
  • The Flash even at it's worst got me at out of depression a few years back so I've stuck around since 2016 while Seasons 4 and 5 were mediocre I found S6 to Be fantastic and S7 is shaping up to be a good season after this episode. Eric Wallace clearly knows his characters and the show itself so I must congratulate him on this episode it was fantastic.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Episode 1: Good acting by some, certainly not by Iris, mix of boring and semi-interesting situations, good VFX involving the Flash, horrible storyline plots and a moment of sacrifice well felt and acted.
  • I mean this episode and the last season have not been climatic, or fun. It's getting tedious and I expected much better for this season's premiere.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Would have given it higher if Cisco and Caitlin had appeared 😅
  • Anonnamus5 November 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    In previous reviews I've made it no secret that Iris is my least favorite Flash character. My favorites are Wells, Caitlin, Cisco, Ralph, and for the most part, Barry. Their chemistry and banter makes even the worst storylines bearable.

    Now we have this episode, where 3 out of 5 are just somewhere wandering around the world and then the 4th is killed. They have two new characters who haven't really been established or had a chance to really mesh with Team Flash take their place. What should have been a major emotional moment just left me empty. I did cry when several key versions of Wells came out to say their goodbyes, but all I could think of was that Cisco, the man closest to most all versions of Wells was just somewhere else...retrieving the part that would have made Wells' sacrifice needless. That's not fair to anyone.

    But THANK GOD WE STILL HAVE IRIS EVERY EPISODE. I won't stop watching, I still do enjoy it for the most part, plus I don't quit something I've invested 6 seasons in already. I just wish they would get back to the original Team Flash. What's even worse is that this particular plot with the Mirrorverse is actually quite interesting, I just think that the writers are making choices that are ruining it. I truly hope they bring back Tom Cavanaugh in some form or fashion, he is a tremendous actor who has never failed to entertain me.

    But really, what do I know? I should just learn to love Iris since she gets more screen time than anyone else. Do better, The Flash.
  • marveller-663 March 2021
    I don't think this is a bad way to start the new season. Flash's "Nano-tech suit mask" (i made-up the name) was fantastic. This ep. had it's moments but also it's a bit frustrating without the main cast. First of all, Grant and Tom, no matter how bad the show is, these guys absolutely crushed it. They always did and they always will. I think that's the reason this show is still coming up with new seasons. I wanted more of Jesse's part in it, because he's just so great. I really miss Cisco and Caitlin. Wish there was Hartley Sawyer. So anyway, this episode is good to watch if you're a Flash show fan. Well's scene was emotional even though we've seen that "happening a lot of times before", if you know what i mean.
  • This episode was very entertaining and I definitely enjoyed it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It was great. One of the best episodes since season 2. I hope the other members of the team won't return anytime soon - I think that's the main reason why Flash was so boring because it was just all the same. Barry: oh I lost my speed etc and then Iris: We- not you Barry, we're the flash...
  • twpain3 March 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    I think this was a solid start to Season 7! You learn more about Eva and the mirror verse and this episode had a nice send off to the wells characters. Lots of people probably hate their deaths but I think it was necessary and handled well
  • davidcarroll-260163 March 2021
    Great start to the new season everything a show needs to be great
  • Warning: Spoilers
    They episode really started off strong with a fun and cool opening. Even though there are some things in the episode that aren't very fitting for a season premiere, it's really understandable considering that this was mostly filmed pre COVID shutdowns and was supposed to be the 20th episode of last season. Grant Gustin's impersonation of all of the Well's can feel a bit too over the top at times but it doesn't take much of the episode that it feels annoying. Really sad moment at the ending but can't wait to see how they'll wrap everything up, and what's to come in the new season's storyline.
  • Awesome loss of words, I feel like it's heading towards the right direction and hopefully it's a good season.
  • sheltonf3 March 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Ok ok Ok. So that happens right. They killed Nash. Is Tom Cavanagh done. I hope not
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