User Reviews (13)

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  • It's not as good as Ugly Americans, but 1° episode I watched was enough to bring me here to say I like it ... That means something? Maybe.

    The big problem is that is very very short... 12 minutes episode... rly? why?

    By lack of other things to watch that are good, or not, this feels like fresh air and its very enjoyable.
  • Balances out I guess. Hard to get excited about in general.

    I do like Devil's character design, at least, the receding hairline horns is a really nice touch. Well done whoever did that.
  • Jacks21126 April 2021
    Finally! Some unfiltered humor. Brings back memories of "REN AND STIMPY", "BEAVIS AND BUTTHEAD" and "SOUTH PARK". If you don't like these, this may not be your show.
  • I was trying to give it the benefit of the doubt since its the first episode but it was just painful to watch. Oh cats are evil that is so original (sarcasm)

    Social media commentary just isn't particularly funny especially in this case. Hell has old technology, must have taken seconds to think of that one as an idea.

    Some of the backgrounds in the scenes are OK is about the best I can say about it really, the voice actors turned up for work and read their lines. No special performances from anybody as far as I can tell.

    Shame Alan Tudyk is wasted in this really, he is much better in Resident Alien which also started recently.
  • Very breezy, funny take on New Hell, which is a lot better than New Coke. Great cast, Alan Tudyk knows how to bring it!!

    Is that ET I see in the background in Devil's office??
  • dw817722 February 2021
    I'm just not feeling it.

    This show barely squeaked by on its pilot episode which was SORTA funny. Now it's just pitiful. To see a show that has the devil and does a pretty job, that would be the, "Aaagh! It's The Mr. Hell Show."

    Familiar stories, likable characters, distinct personalities, and it's fun. Yes it is. Check it out.
  • I hope this series continues on. I found it funny and would like to see more!!
  • I actually loved Ugly Americans. I still watch it to this day.

    This new show, however, is terrible. It's low quality; it's littered with bad directing/writing/animation... no matter which angle you try to squint at it... it's just bad....
  • I hate all of thesen 2d ish type showes cioming out all just family guy clones.....

    big mouth .. f is for family... trhe shitty list goes on...

    i am a huge fan of adult swim and tgis show belongs there. Aside from your pretty face is going to hell, this is the best devine comedy parody in a long time.

    I crave moreee!!!!

    This show also gives me a futurama vibe for some reason.

    I can believe the norms not liking it but us culties can sink our teeth.

    Long live flip phones and droids.....
  • My favorite line from a great first episode. Excited to see more of this series. The humor is sharp, the little details make it rewatchable and the cast is amazing. It's a unique take on hell and I can't wait to see more!
  • lauradogas25 February 2021
    One of the best animated series for adults in a long time. Keep it up.
  • metri33314 February 2021
    I always welcome new animated shows. There is just more you can do with them in terms of stories.

    That being said, I just watched the Pilot on Youtube and it has my interest. I wanna see what crazy stuff they can do with this show. It's kind of hard to rate it with only one episode out... but from what I saw of the first episode it was pretty good.
  • While not the best animated American tv show out there (like Gravity Falls) the first episode was extremely enjoyable and the concept was quite fun as well. I am always a sucker for anti-heros and I fell it is an extremely underrated and underappreciated genre! Glad and hope to see more shows like this