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  • Warning: Spoilers
    From the fever-pitch edgy and fiercely independent mind and filmmaker that brought us THE CROW, DARK CITY, I, ROBOT, KNOWING and GODS OF EGYPT comes a mind-blowing and mind-bending short film - MASK OF THE EVIL APPARITION - an original made exclusively for Vidiverse.

    I probably should not have watched this at 2:15am just before going to bed...who knows what The Strangers will unveil in my dream life. Besides the homage to the iconic DARK CITY mythology and universe, there were moments that made me feel like I was in David Lynch's TWIN PEAKS' Black Lodge. The digital makeup dripping off the female lead, Olivia's face and the accompanying sound design are texturally encroaching, suffocating. As much as you want to shut your eyes, you can't help but be seduced to look forever more in case you miss a single frame. Strangely, watching this doppelganger, parallel universe, interdimensional interpretation of existence through the filter/lens of the human condition...after the pandemic lockdowns...almost make probabilities of its proposed hypothesis feel even stronger. I've always thought there are forces beyond our comprehension...that pull the puppet strings of humankind's existence... And if not so, then certainly the top powers that be are the engineers, architectural orchestrators manipulating masses for some end-purpose of their own making. The digital, virtual sets are astonishing! I LOVED the labyrinth of the mind (intro, end credits and sets) infinite "mise-en-abime" scope to it all...very Dali, Buñuel...Surrealist - that endless corridor of "doors" which houses quantum probabilities in which a dream could unfold. Multitudes upon multitudes of "chapters"/portals conjure the unnerving simultaneous sense of something being so alien and yet altogether a forgotten time. Are we slaves to our visual alphabets and conventions? Do our senses liberate or imprison the quantum probability of what there could be? Does an ant know who and what we are...and even if it doesn't...what if we're that ant to something else? Loved, LOVED the visual of Olivia being trapped in a glass jar like one might capture an insect...riveting! What do blind people dream of...what is the visual alphabet of an individual that is born into blindness? Do they see less, or more than those born into and experiencing this human incarnation of life through our given biological, cognitive and sensory lexicons? MASK OF THE EVIL APPARITION accomplishes what Alex Proyas does best, catapulting our minds and curiosity into high-octane overdrive...uncovering and diving down a rabbit hole that is 'thought-provoking on steroids'...synonymous with his incomparable narrative, structural and visual signature. This scintillating short is the tip of the iceberg, with lots more interdimensional doorways, portals into epiphanies and mind-bending experiences celebrated on Vidiverse...that leave you begging for more.

    Vidiverse is a groundbreaking streaming platform that specializes in gravity-shifting sci-fi and horror genres - and their one-of-a-kind hybrid blends. A top echelon curation of streaming films from around the world, its unique tone exploring kaleidoscopic perspectives is entertainment at its otherworldly best. The descriptive posts on Vidiverse's Facebook page are just as entertaining as they are piercingly informative: allowing you to sponge up its wanderlust lushness, or hone in on what you're in the mood for with target precision. I keep watching all the trailers.

    Thank you Vidiverse for creating a specialty niche streaming platform that is not to be watched, but to be experienced. Like MASK OF THE EVIL APPARITION, Vidiverse challenges our minds to forever expand through unquenchable originality.

    MASK OF THE EVIL APPARITION is a unique horror/sci-fi hybrid. Grotesque has never been more Beautiful, Poetic and Thought-Provoking!

    Alex Proyas - you don't blow my mind, but fry it (in a good way)!