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  • The wife and I tuned in to the first couple episodes after finding it by accident while scanning the cable offerings. It is definitely a tweens/teens kid show but we became addicted to it as it is good fun - no sex, no swearing, no murder, no mayhem, but lots of fun 'OMG!' moments for the kids to deal with.

    If you can offerings like The Goonies and Super 8 as a break from 'adult' movie fare, you'll enjoy this.
  • oazxe19 November 2020
    Nothing more nothing less. I expected to dislike it. I don't find it bad. (Minus the kids acting)

    Its ok. I can sit down and watch it and I certainly do "enjoy" it to some extent I guess.

    I don't mind it.

    But it isn't good either. I don't mind the plot but the kids acting is not the most believable. But between Side Hustle, Group Chat with Jayden & Brent (Formerly Jules and Jayden and before that Annie and Jayden), Danger Force, Top Elf, and other forgettable Nick stuff (e.g All That), I'd certainly watch this. The production isn't half bad. And I'm pretty sure these are the actors first times and you can sense that they're trying their hardest. The Astronauts is just meh but at least its something.

    Eh. To expand this review any longer would just be things to say for the purpose of absolutely nothing.

    I don't get that most of the reviews aren't clumped around 5-6 stars though.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    If you're a parent or adult, please do yourself a favor and read this review.

    It took me a pretty long time to figure out what the astronauts was, I didn't realize that it was TV show until nearly a year after because it wasn't playing on the nickelodeon channel during the time I would watch TV. I eventually looked it up on Google and immediately told my self that this could not be the work of nickelodeon, of course I was wrong but this show had a lot more detail than other nickelodeon TV shows.

    I watched the trailer and yep, it was the real deal, I had to watch this show. Now I'm 15 years old and I only watched it last year, in my honest opinion, it's not a huge Hollywood success but it is probably the best show that's been made by Nickelodeon in a long time. This is the kind kids TV shows that could have a positive impact on the future generations so I was seriously disappointed to find out that the show has been canceled, but why.

    One of my first thoughts was the adults that had been poorly rating this show because they believed that kids should not be put in the same field as adults... I'll get back to this latter

    I've always loved aviation and by the time I was ten years old, I realized that I wanted to become an astronaut but theres one big problem, I live in Africa. I'm not ashamed of being african, it's actually really nice here but I discovered that organizations like NASA or the USA don't employ foreigners (I can't blame them) so that nearly became a dream but soon I watched the astronauts and I was actually amazed at what Nickelodeon had accomplished, I was really intriguing to see how someone my age would handle such a situation that I have dreamed of and that spark helped me realize what I wanted to be again.

    You see, we as kids or teenagers are curious of what lies ahead and that's why most of us are forward in life, we either know what lies ahead or how we can handle a situation so why do some adults feel that this is a terrible kids TV show, it's not inspiring any bad habits, Would you rather have your children watch Danger Force, yeah I think not.

    We all have different taste which is alright but I find it hard to believe that a small majority of people could end something that a large majority loved so much, give it a chance, 1 year is to short.
  • I had no idea what i was getting into when i saw the title, "The Astronauts," but anything about space travel is going to catch my attention.When i saw it was a Nickelodeon show, I was very much prepared for possible over acting and maybe sickeningly too cute kids. That isn't what I got. What I got was an intriguing, but simple premise with a great twist. I was hooked from the first episode. I like that the kids are having to question their parents and not for just rebellious reasons. I can't wait for new episodes next week. Definitely worth your time. I'm in my 50's, btw.
  • This reminds me a lot for some reason of the really good Nickelodeon shows of the 90's that told a story like The Secret World of Alex Mack and AYAOTD for example. Maybe that's just me. But it's really a good show and one of the best that Nickelodeon has had in a while IMO. My entire family sits down to watch it.
  • You obviously can't be expecting much going in, you already know the premise isn't going to be realistic. But for an ongoing Nickelodeon series, the production values are rather impressive. Heck, for a one-off Nickelodeon movie it'd be a pretty impressive production.

    It's basically the movie Space Camp, re-made into a weekly series. If you liked that movie, you'll probably like this series, at least based on the first episode. The plot isn't novel, and the kid actors don't give mind-blowing performances. But it does what it's supposed to do, and does it quite well.
  • I thought might be something to watch on a cool winter day during the flu season. I was wrong. I made it about 5 minutes and the "woke" meter broke.
  • iiplaygames12 December 2020
    This Show is very entertaining that I have my Reminder set for every Friday to make sure I catch it Live😌
  • You know, that laugh you have when you're also surprised, eyes and mouth wide open, letting out a small "ho ho" every 5 seconds, like the dumbest person on earth. Well, I love a lot of nick's shows, but this one is something else. Let's start with EVERYBODY, with no exception, has the IQ of a rice grain, and the more you watch, the more you feel that actually a rice grain might be smarter just by doing nothing. It's not the usual tongue in cheek nick's show, this one tries to be serious, and oh god, how serious can you be when you act like an amebae. I watched 2 episodes so far, I don't think I'll give this crap another chance. I start to believe they hired very small children to write this, this can't be the result of a grown up's work, either that, or nick really has to cut off some people there, they're not doing a good/decent/mediocre/ job, just crap
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This show is something I was excited for, and I am glad to say that it really delivers. It is surprisingly suspenseful and keeps me on the edge of my seat. (Like, seriously. The latest episode was And it actually does a good job at being emotional. In the first episode, before the group blasted into space, the child actors did a great job sounding believable. And speaking of the actors, I like all the characters. Although, I do have a few things to say about some of the children. One character named Martin is someone who likes to be sarcastic and has some was, but he likes to do that by yelling. Now I'm not saying his voice acting is bad, I just don't think he should do it everytime. Then another character, Will either doesn't take some things too seriously, or is too much of a ditz. Like, in one episode, Elliot was telling a story to the gang about a kid's life that they didn't enjoy (you could probably guess who), and when he was done, Will didn't even realize what was happening, which almost ruined the moment. Also, I can't tell if the creators know that time moves faster in space and implement that, or if they have time move normally, because there aren't any signs showing which one it is. But overall, this is a really good show, and hopefully, we get more shows like this from Nick.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The commercials alone pushed my interest away already. You can't just keep shoving a show down someone's throat for so long. Just too many versions of the commercial. Plus, the premise is kinda overdone, but, they play the whole sympathetic card. I guess you can count these as spoilers, so I'm going to put them in spoiler.

    Basically, a group of kids listen to this one kid to board the spacecraft and that it'll be awesome. They sneak onto the craft and got launched into space. That's the main thing, they didn't want to be smart, and got what they deserved. Instead however, the show wants you to feel bad for these kids from the look of things. One Commercial shows a girl drawing a heart on the window, and the other has another girl saying that she's scared, and just wants to go home. These two commercials alone tries to play the sympathy card as if we should feel bad when it's clearly their fault in the first place. So why should I feel sympathy if they did something dumb? To put it into perspective, none of this is the kid actor's fault, it's the horrible script writing.

    Nickelodeon: stick with the cartoons, your live action things usually never go well. This I can say with confidence, is going to be one of them.(not as terrible as Young Dylan).

    Update: I decided to give it a try, and well, we already have a few problems.They got launched 1000 miles, no protective gear or anything, yet were perfectly fine after that? No injuries? Then, we have this one girl named Sammie I believe, who knows every single thing about the ships, how to fix it, and the other kids can do it perfectly in one go. We do get told she was around astronaut equipment when 5. However, what parent, or let alone, facility member, would let a 5 year old let them touch everything to know all of this. It just makes no sense. I thought they were untrained, but they aren't looking untrained. They're literally contradicting their premise(which wasn't a good one in the first place).

    Yeah, like I said, this is going to be another failure live com of Nickelodeon. Avoid it.
  • I saw this advertising for a while and had no interest as I thought it would be some small production kiddy show. It ended up premiering while I was cleaning and I started glancing at the show here and there.

    10 minutes into the show I was hooked! I didn't even realize I stopped cleaning and was sitting down watching the show until almost 30 mins later.

    The shows is amazing quality!!!!! HBO production quality. I was surprised. The acting and cast is really great so far. There is a great story line with a small twist I didn't see happening. It's definitely not a kiddy show. The only criticism I have is that the parents really under reacted when it came to their kids getting shot up into space. I made my 30 year old bf watch it and he enjoyed it as well! We can't wait for the other episodes!

    Nickelodeon's last great show was Avatar the last air bender. I hope this show gives Avatar a run for its money! So far so good!!
  • Zast2916 November 2020
    First, apologies to all who left reviews stating "I wish this was an old Nick show instead", or "Nick should stick to cartoons". Very sorry. This show is something else, so to me it seems pointless to criticize this for what it isn't, and was never intended to be.

    Second, it's important to understand that this is not what you're used to from Nickelodeon. This show is a joint effort with Ron Howard's Imagine Entertainment, and without a doubt, they know how to make quality storytelling in the realm of space (Apollo 13, Mars). So unsurprisingly, the production quality of the show is outstanding. Truth be told, you would not recognize it as a Nickelodeon show, nor any other kids' show.

    Lastly, to echo some others here, yes. The plot requires you to suspend some belief while going along for the ride. My retort to this is, what fictional space/sci-fi show doesn't require this to some extent? My recommendation is to take 1/2 hour out of your life, and watch the first episode with the whole family. I dare to predict that most or all will want to continue the journey.
  • Apart from a rare few of their comedies I am normally not very impressed with Nickelodeon productions. Too 'happy, colorful, perfect world stuff': children series lack some grit nowadays.

    Whit that mindset The Astronauts really surprised me: the kids are not all perfect, their relationships with each other and their parents are strained. The people on the ground have no better idea what to do then they have. The AI genius is a loose cannon and as much a danger as a help. There is real danger, real bravery. And it is not some 2 day trip but a serious deep space mission. Some very good visuals as well: the launch sequence was awesome.

    On the flip side: finding a scenario that gets kids launched into space will always a bit convoluted / tricky, but I think the script writers did as well as could be expected.

    Sammy reminds me a lot of 'April' in the book series of Mackey Chandler.

    All-in-all I thoroughly enjoyed it and will be watching it again. I hope it gets a second series as the story is far from finished.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is in no way the children actors fault. The script is disgustingly inaccurate, you can tell they are trying to represent what teenagers are like these days and it's absolutely wrong. Not only are the lines inaccurate the whole show is just impossible? They are taking off in a rocket ship that is going 1000+ mph, no protective suits, no helmets, no gear WHATSOEVER? Oh but they are perfectly fine, no concussions or injuries. One girl named Sammie, knows everything about the ship. Keep in mind she's 15, although she is the daughter of a woman that works in mission control, she shouldn't know every nook and cranny about this ship. Children should NOT be in an astronauts work space. There are multiple problems going on in the ship, oh but don't worry, Sammie knows exactly! how to fix it! She knows quite literally EVERYTHING. During a crisis, she knows EXACTLY how to fix it, and everyone can do it perfectly and follow her instructions and fix everything! It doesn't matter if Sammie has been doing this since she is 5, because she shouldnt have been able to be doing this since she was 5??? Why the heck is a 5 year old working and learning about a rocket ship? What nasa rip-offs are running this place? This series will suck and there is no doubt about it. I feel bad for these kids because their careers will be ruined because of horrible script and scene writing.
  • It is a kid's movie, and a very decent one. It was never meant to be a blockbuster but an entertainment show. It ticks all the boxes in my view, as long as you get your expectations straight. If you look at it as a space parody, it is one of the best.
  • And no one proof read the scripts before going into production. I would think that the director would somehow soon catch on, like this doesn't make any sense. But he doesn't and this complete nonsense continues. Perhaps he is just lucky to have a job. Fake it until you make it. I looked to find the writers, only to discover that they were an actor and visual effects guy. Makes sense now.
  • The Astronauts is novel and captivating for a Nickelodeon audience, say ages 6 to 12. Together with Mom and/or Dad it likely makes a bonding entertainment experience. But if watching solely as an adult, depending on your frame of mind it could be quite cheesy.

    Nonetheless, I feel this show gives Nickelodeon prime credit for helping bring kids into a more responsible age.
  • Properly because Production cost strains, the show is just stupid. If they had put the time timeline 100-200 years in the future, it Episode 01 could have work. But no, another fake SpaceX company today or near future.

    For it to have worked, you need Ship yard and port in Space orbit or a Lagrange point. So for a start, the Kids had to live in Space from the beginning.

    And the Problem in Episode 02 could be fixed with push of a button in seconds. To automatic adjust the distance of the pods in rotation. And by the way, to reach practical gravitational force, there have to spin a lot faster and/or need far more extended.

    And apparently they have a zero lag communication device. Properly based on Quantum entanglement. ;-) The Ship computer still uses Cloud services on Earth.
  • My kids had been excited to watch this and I have to admit that I almost couldn't believe that I was watching Nickelodeon. A realistically diverse and talented cast and obviously lots of money put into the special effects plus the fact that Ron Howard created it. Miya Cech is perfection as Sammy and the show represents LGBTQ+ families without making it weird. I love it.
  • At a time when climate change is ravaging Earth and real-life interest in space organizations from NASA to SpaceX has been renewed, there is no shortage of television shows delivering interesting and informative takes on such travel.
  • Renew the old shows they were so good, had so many fun adventures, laughs, and talented cast. Please save us from this boring show. They're gonna be stuck inside a spaceship all day long. Who cares?
  • grannycloward16 January 2021
    I watched this with my grand kids and we all loved it hope for lore
  • Watch you won't regret awesome. I really hope hope they make more
  • ncknnk16 November 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    It is a Nickelodeon show with a darker twist but humor balance it out. Also i never expected a pokemon x reference in a nickelodeon.
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